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trying to find Henry Etherington

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Albert Report 21 May 2013 02:31

Hi Anncardiff
Thanks for that, William was one of Henry's brothers, again many thanks


Albert Report 21 May 2013 02:25

Hi Kucinta
Yes I have Albert's info and his MN papers, which I found through several MN sites, with the help of a lot of old salts, thank you for your help. Because of how they helped me find his papers, I now help them volunteering in a project of transcribing 1914-15 ships logs for them
Best regards



Kucinta Report 21 May 2013 01:04

Wandering off topic slightly, you probably have this for Henry's brother Albert already?

Births Sep 1912 Etherington Albert H Davies Oldham 8d 1226


Name: ETHERINGTON, Albert Hugh
Date of death: 23 March 1934
Age: 21
Place of death: At Sea
Place of birth: British,Oldham
Belonging to service:
Ship's name: Paris City
Series: BT334 - Registers and Indexes of Births, Marriages and Deaths of Passengers and Seamen at Sea
Box: 0092
Page: 82


Kucinta Report 21 May 2013 00:42

You've almost certainly done this already, but if you look under 'Search all trees', two other people have Henry Etherington 1908 Oldham in their trees. have you tried contacting them?


Kucinta Report 21 May 2013 00:22

Albert pmed and said the birthdate on the death ref I posted tallies with what information he has, the July 1st birthdate from the Ancestry tree doesn't .

I have asked Albert to respond on thread :-)

Given Henry was (almost) an adult when the amendment/whatever to the birth reg was made, I assume it was something he was happy with - at least at the time.


ErikaH Report 20 May 2013 23:43

He may have reverted to his birth name..............


Kucinta Report 20 May 2013 21:03


No middle name but birthdate given would tally with Oldham birth reg, (but not with July 1st birthdate on ancestry tree,)

Name: Henry Etherington
Birth Date: 27 Aug 1908
Date of Registration: Apr-May-Jun 1983
Age at Death: 74
Registration District: Petersfield
Inferred County: Hampshire
Volume: 20
Page: 0527

I can't find another Henry Etherington born 1908, but there are some born 1907 and 1909, depends how accurate the information on the death cert is. As we know it's only as good as the knowledge of the informant.


Kucinta Report 20 May 2013 21:00

As Albert said:

Births Sep 1928
Etherington Henry Davies Oldham 8d 1146

"The above transcription represents what is in the GRO index but it is referred to by the following entry

Births 1908 Sep: Etherington,Henry,Oldham,?,S/28
which implies that this is a late entry, that is an entry that has been registered in a quarter later than the event"


Kucinta Report 20 May 2013 20:59

Births Sep 1908 Etherington Henry Oldham ? S/28

Births Sep 1908 Davies Henry Oldham 8d 666


AnnCardiff Report 20 May 2013 20:58

Name: Fredrick William Etherington
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 1911
Gender: Male
Age: 0
Birthplace: Oldham, Lancashire
Schedule Type: Household
Registration District: Oldham
Sub-District: Oldham South
Parish: Oldham
County: Lancashire

Mike *

Mike * Report 20 May 2013 20:53

So he wasn't born Etherington.

Lancashire Birth indexes for the years: 1908
DAVIES Henry -Oldham Central Oldham -Mother DAVIES

If he was Henry's natural son why would he list him as step-son ?
(1911 census was filled in by the householder themself)

Mike *

Mike * Report 20 May 2013 20:46

Trees on ancestry appear to have same info

Henry Etherington

Birth- 1 JUL 1908 in Oldham, Lancashire, England

Henry Etherington 1887 – 1963
Jane Davies 1883 – 1947


Albert Report 20 May 2013 20:39

I am trying to find information on my Uncle Henry Etherington born in Oldham c1908, his mother was Jane Etherington (my grandmother) His fathers name could/maybe be Henry Etherington who married Jane Davies in 1909. on the 1911 census he is listed as step-son, and name listed as Henry Davies Etherington. Henry had three brothers, Frederick, Albert and George Etherington (my father), in the free BMD files he is as born 1908 with notation registered in 1928? All what remains of my family know about him is that he left home, to go in the army or get married and never returned, it is believed that he moved to Skegness after the war, and worked in a holiday camp there? can anyone help? thanks
Albert Etherington------------Canada