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Karen in the desert

Karen in the desert Report 3 Apr 2014 18:29

Well done!
Don't you just love it when the missing pieces of the puzzle start to come to light and finally make some sense. It often takes years to get through these brick walls but it's SO worth the wait!!
Talking of brick walls, mine (of about 30 years) will likely be solved when the 1921 census is released - and it won't be a day too soon ;-)


martynsue Report 3 Apr 2014 16:48

I have waited a long time to get this book,it was published in 1994,this one came up on ebay,he is on the photographs in the book but I have no idea which one is him,he died 10 years before my mum was born so no one can help me to try and pick him out,
still at least I can move on from the why question about mmn.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 3 Apr 2014 16:01


Aint it a gotcha moment when you unravel the web that some of them wove.

It was to do with face saving sometimes .

My dads mums sister had an illegitimate daughter in 1913 no dad named on the cert. For face saving she named her father with her grandads name without using his second christian name. It took some convincing to her grandson that his mum was in fact illegitimate AND her husband she married in the 1930,s wasnt his dad

She had two illegitimate children in the 1940.s no fathers named

Ita all a bit of a web sometimes to get to the truth :-(


martynsue Report 3 Apr 2014 15:17

my great grandparents?
I have a thread on here about my g grandmother,with no postings added since april 2012,this thread got to five hundred and seventy six postings.lots of help given by lots of members,it turns out they never married she was a widow and he was married to someone else.
I could not understand why the mmn on my grandfathers birth cert was completely different from the rest of his siblings,he was born 1915.
g grandfathers war records were destroyed so no way of cross referencing.

well I have got a book about his regiment and it lists his details along with his address,it is the same as the one on my gradfathers birth cert so he is the right father.

my great grandmother registered my grandfathers birth using his official wifes nameand why did she do this,,,,,,
so if anything happened to him while at war she would get his pension etc.

I worked this out for myself but this book has given me the link that ties them together,different mmn or not.

just wanted to share this with you,never give up something may turn up just as it has for me.
