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Any way to identify a godparent?

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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 22 Nov 2014 14:56

Contact link for St Michaels

Other churches in or close to Urmston

In repy to Kay??? it probably depends on the style of the printed register - I *have' seen ones were the Godparents have been recorded ;-)


Kay???? Report 22 Nov 2014 14:54

RCatholic baptisms carry named people,usually these are the godparents,

I havnt seen a godparent named in Cof E PRbaptisms that I have viewed ,our local parish church has been microfilmed up to 1965.

You could contact St Michaels and ask if they will look for at least your bapt........

6 weeks to 3/4 months is when parents usually get their off spring bapt.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 22 Nov 2014 14:50

Welcome to the boards, and yes, you are in the right place!

If you were Baptised, there is a good chance that your Godparents are named on the Parish Record entry. Archives have differing rules to cut off dates for online records - some take it as 50 years, others longer. If a dob was recorded, they would be a starting point if someone wanted to steal your idenity!

To start with, contact the churches nearest to your usual home address at the time of your birth, and if different, St Michaels. As it's your own record, they are more likely to assist you either by searching amongst their PR or by telling you if the books have been deposited elsewhere.

If your father was in the Forces, its possible that you were baptised sometime after your birth when he was on leave- keep an open mind with the time frame


Hilary Report 22 Nov 2014 13:25

I hope this is the right forum?

I know I had a godmother, but not her name. (I can't remember if I also had a godfather). It's just possible she's still alive, and if so it would be nice to write to her. It might also help me and another member with finding out whether our families knew each other.

My birth record's there all right (and I have the original certificate), but I don't know if I was baptised. I'm not in the baptism records via this website, so does that mean I wasn't?
I don't even know if godparents are named in baptism records? Or if having a godparent means having been baptised?

My mother died before I'd heard many of her anecdotes etc. (I was 24 and had lived away from home for several years). My father died in 1986, when I was only just thinking of exploring family history. So I'm doing as much as I can via the web, especially as I now live in Ireland. I'm able to get over to the UK once or twice a year, but primarily to London, and I don't know when (or if) I'll be able to spend any time in the Manchester area where I was born (I've passed near it it occasionally, when crossing by car via Liverpool , but had to whizz on down to London).

My only older relations still alive are an uncle and an aunt by marriage, and I was a teenager by the time they joined my family. My mother's letters & papers would have been a great resource, and my father kept them, but I never saw them (only the photos were kept; the rest were destroyed after his death, and I only have a few that slipped through the net). So I'm now trying to find any family friends who may still be alive.

A few details in case they're elevant;
My parents were married in 1944 at St Michael's church, Flixton, near my mother's parents' home in Urmston, Manchester, where my parents lived for a bit after their marriage. I was born 30th April 1945 (my mother being in St Joseph's hospital, Moss Side for 2 weeks).
If I was christened, and if still living in Urmston, it seems likely it was at the above church (my grandmother was a regular churchgoer). However, by the time I was about 1 year old we'd moved to my paternal grandmother's home in Dunstable, and then to London (I don't know the moving dates, though my parents might well have travelled back to family for special occasions anyway).