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Wattle Club Number 4 for the Aussies and anyone wh

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June Report 24 Jan 2009 08:47

Hi everyone -Happy Aus. day for Monday. All this talk about tennis -isn't anyone a cricket fan? I would spend all day and night glued to the screen if I could. Love the South Africans -such a breath of fresh air- and taking our'Heroes' down a peg or two!
This weather is awful -find it very hard to sleep, when it is so hot and humid. Glad I left the north coast -wouldn't be able to stand it anymore -seems to get worse as you get older.
Anyway, enough whingeing, all the best to everyone.
Cheers, June in Batemans Bay

Cow Girl

Cow Girl Report 25 Jan 2009 03:31

afternoon all,

Happy Australia day to all us Aussies............ (and those who are'nt.......)

BBQ tumura with aboout 15 friends comming, should be fun

Daughter (s) and famnily arrive back form 2 weeks away tumura as well so quite busy.

I'm with June about the cricket, just get a crick in me neck watchihg tennis......left, right.,right , left, left , right.......and I agree its good to see the team being taken down a peg or 2 makes for a more interesting SIL saw the match in Hobart and they had a great day out.

more stinkin hot weather on the way, the so called showers did not eventuate on sat morning so up early to do my watering this morning.....back yard is such a dust bowl the clean clothes come in dirtier then they went out...........

time for a nanna nap................hehe

see ya later

:ove June (CG)

The Border Reiver

The Border Reiver Report 25 Jan 2009 14:28

Hi Merle - I'm glad to see that you're getting better.
I hope everyone has a nice Australia Day tomorrow - best wishes to all


edith clace

edith clace Report 25 Jan 2009 20:41

Happy Australia Day to you all.

Enjoy all the hot weather as here in Canada we are "enjoying" the

same temps only with a - sign in front..

Love to Mary, J.A, Ian and all.



TonyOz Report 25 Jan 2009 21:41


Happy Australia day to all my fellow Aussie's.

Family coming down for a traditional family B.B.Q today.

Wishing all a great day........and dont forget to chuck a lamb chop on the Bar-bie.....:>))

Best wishes to all who are not 100%

Tony....:>)) * In a sunburnt country *


Zack Report 26 Jan 2009 01:39

Hello to every one and a Happy Australia Day to one and all .
Stinking hot in good old bathurst and to top it all off my son -in -law Brian who I love to death put a post hole digger through a water pipe late last evening and we had to turn the water off,he started to fix it but received an urgent call from my daughter to say that her ceiling was leaking so off on his white charger to see if he could fix that problem,that was hrs.ago poor Brian he is so generous with his time to all of us females with out partners.

About the tennis I was very pleased to see Helaine Dockich ( probably not the right spelling ) Get into the qtr. finals.
Now bring on the Cricket, Yaah


Zack Report 26 Jan 2009 01:51

I dont know what happened their, but I wanted to say hello to Tony and poof the post was gone and on the board Strangeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.any way,

Hello Tony how are you coping being a tennis widower
Hello to Merle I have been following your progress i am happy to hear you are getting better. Hello Edith in Canada lovely rto hear from you.
Mary I hope your Hubby is feeling better.To all those I havent mentioned have a great Aust. Day,
best wishes Mariexxxxx

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 26 Jan 2009 03:21

Hello All , Happy Australia Day very hot up here and no rain in sight , Hope you are coping Tony without Barcode tell her was looking for her at Leyton's match , watching Serena now , we are barracking for Elana hope she goes well against Safina .
Cassie opened her business on Saturday as she said she would and had no customers until about 11:30 am then she sent the workers out onto the median strip and the nature strip and had them hold up signs saying we are open come on try us on our opening day then she was so busy she had to call them all in to wash the cars , she ended up washing 36 cars and doing lots of coffee and drinks etc in the cafe so for the first day she was thrilled as she hadn't advertised at all yet , it's a Car Wash Cafe and they wash the cars as they say by hand and vac inside and do the tyres and all of the customers said they were happy and one fellow who was there a little longer than Cassie said he would be when she said I'm sorry it was bit longer than it should have been so here is a discount voucher for you and he said" No I don't want that I am thrilled with the job you have done and I will be back "and also recommending you to all my friends , I am so happy for her I just hope it stays busy for her she has worked so hard and I mean physically and mentally to do this all on her own.
Josh is doing really well and is really well the same with him just hope he succeeds with his goals , you all know the problems he has had and he is now recovering and doing it on his own .
My grandson Ryan is 21 on the 8th of Feb, and he is having a rage part with his mates in other words Nan isn't invited "Boy I said hey I can rage like the best of them and he said' Sure Nan sure " .So I going down to drop of his pressie and hopefully get to see him , he lives away from home now and works at some night club making cocktails and recently came second in an Australian wide competition.
No more news for now guess you will know where Tiger is no prize for this one lol love to all and especially peeps we don't see much anymore thinking of you all Lara

~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 26 Jan 2009 10:39

~~~~ 's madly to all for Aussie Day, which is almost over! Nice hot one here too, and a hot week ahead. We had a restful day, short morning at the shop and a bbq tonight. DD17 went to the park for all the delights with her friends, but is home early for an early night, as she went to the all-night pics on Saturday with same pack of friends. I'm off to bed too, one of my gals has a very sick f-in-law rushed to the Alfred and I suspect she could be away tomorrow, so I'll get in early. Plus I gotta WASH MY HAIR - you know how it goes, put it off one day too long lol........ Happy Oz Day everyone, gobless, Hz


Aussiegirl Report 26 Jan 2009 23:16

Morning all,,yyaayyy we had some rain overnight,,,
Lovely to see our Lara is home safe and sound,,and good new about Josh..hope things work out..Glad to see Tiger is back at golf you are pleased also..hee hee hee...

Ian..Hope you are well and coping with the heat..

June,,, Hope you don't have to work in that heat.. drink lots of water..

Looks like we all had a great Australia day..Thank God for such a lovely country..

Been having a few puta probs but all sorted now,,So lucky to have such a intelligent son who gets me out of trouble all the time as I am not the most intelligent when it comes to putas..

Don'T envy the tennis players in the OZ Open having to play in 40c heat for the next 4 days..bad enough now when it is in the mid 30c's..
Tony Hope Barb takes lots of water with her and a hat..

Well better get some of the dreaded done..butter,,Merle Hope you are still improving...xx

Love Mary xxxxx


Aussiegirl Report 30 Jan 2009 00:27

Hi everyone is it hot enough for you all...cant wait for winter as I don't like this heat..I think I am now a winter girl..

How are you all..I hope You are keeping cool Merle and Ron..and poor Tony is virtually melting away..

Just have my daughter from Orange down with family as her husbands father is dying.. Very sad as he is one of the kindest men I have met, and she is lucky to have him for a father in law. All very sad..

Went out to dinner last night with them as it was eldest grandsons birthday..First time I have been out to a restaurant at night for dinner in ages and it was so nice..We had Chinese and it was yummy to,,Best Chinese I have had for a long while..

Hope everyone is well and Merle how is the knee..Hope you are getting along ok with it and no pain..

June Are you working in this heat.. Really feel for you..

Lara I bet you are in the pool ...hee hee hee..

Having a me day today with a bit of washing done..Might do some a lot of brick walls to try and break down..

Hugs for all

Love Mary xxxx

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 30 Jan 2009 00:40

hello all,

days going by in a hot haze at the moment!!
Finally got a message through to GR (I hope). Have been having error messages all round at the moment.

Lovely to hear your news, Lara and so glad Tiger is back where he is happiest. :)

lovely to see our visitors also. Sorry to hear such sad news, Mary. Could do with some of your sea breeze here, June in BB :)

hooroo for now,


Anne Report 30 Jan 2009 13:26

evening all from the melted capitol of Australia.......................

nothing like trying to set a new one asked me if i wanted to participate.....hmhmhmhmhmhmhm

well the aircon has done us proud, its been running flat chat for the last 4 days, although its evaporative and does'nt do so well in the extreme heat, however......its certainly better then nothing at all...........

yes Mary i have been at work and driving in the car all day is'nt so bad, at least the aircon in the car works better than the system at the office,

sleeping has been the biggest issue as it has been sooooooooo hot at night, we just came out of the pictures at 11 pm at it is still 34, its hard to function without a good nights sleep....

just went and saw "slum dog millionaire", well worth seeing although quite confronting at times about "real" life in India.......

time for another cold shower........then bed

nite all
sleep well

love June (CG)


Zack Report 31 Jan 2009 01:11

Hello Ann,Lara,Vonny,June, Merl, Hz By the River,Tony If he hasnt melted,Edith In lovely cold Canada, Ian ,Wilson are you there and last but not least Mary from Sydney, Well then "Hows your Bloomin lot".?I feel for you all in Vic with the heat and dreadful Fires thank God for our wonderful giving Volunteers and the Rural Fire Brigade, God Bless them all and I pray that there is no loss of life.
We are doing fine in Bathurst our highest temp has been 37 dgs. I am off on a weeks Bus trip to Victoria on the 18th Feb I hope it is cooler by then. We are going down the Great Ocean Road I havent been back there for at least 20 years, I am looking forward to it, when we lived in Colac I did a lot of day trips in that area it is such a lovely area but very cold in winter that was the only thing i didnt like too many fogs.
Where is Lewella? we miss you Doc. Must be off on my Broom feeling hot and need to do some d.hw Hugs to you all.
Marie from Bathurst.


Laurie Report 31 Jan 2009 10:13

Hiya all, just popping in to see what you all been up to . . .
Personally I think the world is spinning faster than ever before . . just can't catch up to myself . . teehee

Glad to see your all surviving in the heat. I dont have any complaints . . hasn't been as hot here as some places, and I love the heat.

Glad to hear things going good for Cassie . . she deserves a break.

TLR is stuck to the tele . . The Bill is on and he has missed it for months, so I am keeping out of his way. I'm just not into any tellie at all.

Keep the grin gear working and stay well . . . and cool

luv Laurie xo


TonyOz Report 31 Jan 2009 12:14


Yes...been a scorcher for Melbourne.Think they are trying to B.B.Q us down
Broke some kind of 150 year record so we are told. Over 43c for 3-4 consecutive days, and in my neck of the woods it got as high as 45.6c and at one stage my Temp gauge under the outside decking was reading 48.9c and my temp gauge only goes up to 50c.....pmsl........Very unusual for us southerners to get this pattern of heat. Some nights not dropping below 33c at 3am in the morning. Air-cons are on overdrive for Melb and suburbs, and because of excessive power use, over 20 thousand homes were without power, as the power supplys were cut off because of overload on electricity grids. Cant imagine people lighting candles ( on a 45c day ) to see in the dark. Might as well just go to the beach, or visit family living out of Power restriction zone.

Our neighbour isle Tasmania, also copping it big time, and breaking an all time record of 34c during there night time. So very draining weather for us down south..............I love the heat myself, but i also enjoy the cool breeze us Melbournians down south get at night after the heat during the day, and not used to the high humidity that the Queenslanders .....Thats why we live down here, and they live up there.....hee hee

What we really need is rain more than anything, and lots of it. ( Water catchment at 20% )
Have not seen one single drop of wet stuff since before Xmas around our area, and hot winds and dry dusty swirling dirt all over our cars and windows and inside the house. Being on severe water restriction dosent help the situation either, and we lost my two bewdiful pride and joy Camelia trees, burnt to a crisp with heat and hot winds......Veggie garden is cactus ( dead ) burnt to a crisp............but it could be worse, and is for some living in the latrobe Valley and Gippsland area ( Bush fires ) Victoria on high fire alert............. Barbs sister ( on Dairy farm in Gippsland ) rang me to say they were on bush fire evacuation alert pending wind direction change, and had removed her horses from paddocks, as they had got a sniff of the fires and were bolting around the fence lines.
We could smell the smoke from a hundred kms away.

Tonight ( Saturday ) we have had a small cool change come through, and temp dropped down to a comfortable 28c...but back up to 36 -38c tomorrow with no rain in sight till next Saturday.

A few years ago i was reading a book about our Victoria Pioneer gold diggers and their familes, during our gold rush era living around hot country Victoria. The book went onto say that for our pioneers finding water in these regions ,was more precious than finding gold. How true.

Think we might move to New Zealand.......where its :>)))



Zack Report 1 Feb 2009 07:49

Hi Everyone, its stinking hot here to-day
I feell for all who live in Vic and Sth. Aust, and all in Gippsland especially those who have lost their homes, to me it would be heart breaking to lose ones home and all one possessed, very sad.
Hello Lara, Tony,Ann, HZ by the River, which river?June and Hi to Mary in Sydney I hope its not to hot for you to-day.
There are only 2 seasons I like Autumn and Spring if it isnt too Windy.Despite the heat I am feeling a little better and my sleep pattern is inproving.
My native garden is surviving despite the hot winds and high temps it should be compleated by the end of Feb. fingers crossed.The retaining wall for the Azaleas and Rhododendrons should be completed by next weekend then I will add some nice compost to the soil, and in they all will go, luvely.Then I will start prayering that everything survives our harsh winter.
I heard you Mary saying Bring it on, you and hubby might have to locate to Orange its lovely and cold there in winter, I wouldnt advise you to come here as we have many more frosts in winter than Orange,I'm sure your Daughter would love to have you near.
well folks i'm off to find some food then into the watering must do all the pot plants. God Bless , Marie from Bathurst.


Aussiegirl Report 1 Feb 2009 09:37

Hi everyone...Well we have survived the HOT and it is to continue for the rest of the week..With no rain in sight.. butter...

Been very busy this week with the grandies here due to the fact our daughter from Orange is down as her father in law has been in hospital and died this afternoon..A nicer man would be hard to find and he was a gentle generous man..They don't know if to go back to Orange and return later in the week for the funeral or stay..It was mainly the kids missing so much school that was worring them as one is in his last year of school so they don't want him to miss to much..A very sad time for all..The children will miss their Pop as he was a much loved Grandad..

Been watching the tennis and don't know how they all survived playing in that heat..I know I wouldn't be able to..The men's final is on at the moment and I am watching it with one eye..

Marie Our kids have wanted us to move nearer them but hubby cant stand the cold.. He even sleeps with a blanket on in the heat we have had lately, while I sleep on top of the covers..I think his condition has a lot to do with it..I would love to live in the country and both daughters ,one in Orange and one in Canberra , think we should move nearer them..hee hee hee..I love the country and hate the city,,but hubby is the reverse..I dont think I could get him out of the city with a barge pole..hee hee hee...

June Glad you are surviving and stay cool..

Tony Thinking of your garden and how it has got burnt in the heat,,Just had a look at my pot plants and they are just surviving,,I am hoping they make it..

Well better go and see who is winning the tennis..Stay cool all, and hope all are well..Merle How is the knee..Do hope it is on the mend..big hugs...

Love Mary xxxxx


Anne Report 2 Feb 2009 09:49

evening all

well it was somewhat cooler today.........only 38,!!! its amazing how much difference 7 degrees can have......although its nearly 8 pm and still 34.

desperately trying to keep the trees alive, the showers have 3 buckets each and we bucket the bath and any other spare water goes onto the trees. have lost at least 2 lavenders and 3 of my biggest hydrangeas and the garden is dotted with all the umbrellas to protect what i can.....abit heart breaking as the garden was just beginning to come together.............

like Tony says we have not had rain since before christmas.....and in Adelaide soil many houses are really beginning to crack open......

maybe you guys up in "sunny" queensland could send alittle our post please.......

time to wash the dishes (in a bucket!)

nite all
sleep well
love June (CG)

~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 3 Feb 2009 09:57

Hello everybody,
Well last week was perty Hot Stuff all round! As you have all mentioned,
44 degrees is a whole lot of fun and incompatable with gardens, pets and the occasional husband lol ! I can report that the late evenings and early mornings are quite pleasant - I think everybody in town wIth a pool was in it at 1am various mornings last week!! And of course school has gone back, complete with bookpacks, un-air/c'd classrooms and the frustrations of stifling welcoming assemblies and ceremonies.......

Marie I am in Albury on the mighty Murray river......we still have a river at this end, but as I occasionally report, Dartmouth is 20% and Hume Weir at 18%, nothing to crow about. We are on water restrictions but not too bad, both areas south (Wangaratta) and north (Wagga) have had more rain than us in the past six months, but as Tony says we could all do with a big deluge. When OH talks to his sister in Invercargill NZ all he can hear in the background is Torrential Rain!!

Time to have a shower ( one foot in a bucket - lol - ), night all ~~ Hz