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Wattle Club Number 4 for the Aussies and anyone wh

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Zack Report 3 Feb 2009 10:03

Hi Everyone,
We had a storm, just wonderful it has cooled down considerably,Mary I hope you got some rain today.I had the grand children and my daughter Barbara over for tea, by the time they left it looked like the storm had gone through my house, I love them coming here, really it doesnt take me long to clean up.
Tony and June I really feel for you it is terrible to see your garden burnt by the hot winds hopefully it will rain soon.
Mary so sorry to hear of the loss of your daughters Father-in -Law so sad for his son and the Grandchildren.
My Pumpkins have grown so quickly with the heat they seem to love it, looks like i will get a good crop.
Watched some Parliment to-day I do hope that the billions being poured into the economy does help, it worries me to hear of so many people losing their jobs, homes and business'.well on that sad note I guess i should go, if i had some wine I would have a large glass but alas alack I havent a drop boo hoo and fair thee well me hearties
((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))) TO ONE AND ALLLLLLLLLLL MARIE

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 4 Feb 2009 07:20

hello all
Marie hi we are roasting down here not doing any of the dreaded HW at all butter it will still be there when its not so hot,
I am not washing floors when wet people keep walking in dripping all over it and we are still being deluged in the dust from "The Black Bull" the new golf course just wish they would get on and finish it some one apparently messed up and moved a whole lot of dirt that was a boo boo duh just what we needed now they have to move it all back again house, garage and pool are full of it .

Mary is John ok now or still having probs with his legs ? please pass on our sympathy to you Sil and daughter and grandchildren re the loss of father FIL and Pop ,like I said to Mike all the nice people go to soon .

hello to June and Merle and Vonny Tony and anyone else I've missed ,got to clean up mess from Scrap Booking stuff everywhere Lol bye for now Love Lara

Cow Girl

Cow Girl Report 4 Feb 2009 10:14

hello again from the heat capital of hotstralia

although its was a cool day today only 34..........

its beginning to look like autumn at the moment as many of the trees are shedding leaves in an attempt to stay alive, particularly the plane trees, nearly all my hydrangeas are dead or dying, its not lack of water, secret bath water time, but just the persistent heat ...

speaking of secret bath water, time to empty the buckets before the next round of showers...........

nite all
sleep well

Love June (CG)


TonyOz Report 4 Feb 2009 11:44


Still warm and muggy around Melb. Temps have dropped somewhat, and now the last few days in the mid to low 30s.
Still no rain, except a bit of thunder and lightning we got a few days ago, with a cup full of rain. We raced outside and placed our pot plants around the front and back yard, but the time we got out the last pot plant it ( rain )

Having probs with my desk top puter, and the mother board has gone to god...and my spare lap top is also at the repair using daughters lap-top at the moment. Please could ask if no one sends me Emails till i get my desk top fixed, as i cant reply....thanks.

Like others .......we are using washing machine rinse water on our shrubs and bushes to keep them alive till we get a decent rain.
Our excess water tanks are empty, that we collected of the roofing downpipes over winter /spring.
Have been putting a plastic bucket in the shower, when each of us has one, to catch excess water, and stop it going down the drain. Its amazing to see just how quick it fills just taking the average shower, and then using it to pour on plants in garden.

Best wishes to all.



Zack Report 4 Feb 2009 12:08

Hi Everyone, another hot one to-day,we looked liked getting a storm but it just blew away.
I went and had my hair done to -day it was pleasent having it done. I just love it when they give your head a massage.
After I had that done I went and visited my newest grandchild Keera she had just woken up from her morning sleep she was sitting in a rocker watching the tv, she is only 3 months old and her eyes were glued to the screen she has grown so much she is now making noises when you talk to her, she is also losing her dark hair Nancy said it is all over her sheets .
Nancy has moved her into a cot she has grown so much.
Thanks HZ I thought you were probably by the Mighty Murray,I hope it isnt to long before it is a roaring torrent once more.
Hi Ann is it any cooler in Adelaide today,The weather forcast is very bleak.
Mary you are in for a bad weekend I hope it doesnt reach the Temp. that they are predicting.
Lara pleased to hear from you,yes I am not doing much HW either by the time I come in from the Garden ,then hang out the washing and tidy up,the perspiration is running down my back so I head for the fridge and the cold water then flop into a chair until I cool down.
I didnt sleep well last night so must away to bed and dreamland . Love to you all Marie.


***Shaz*** Report 5 Feb 2009 00:30

Good Morning All,
Been a while, very lazy lately, havent even ventured into FH, hence the reason for my visit

Mary, commisserations to daughter and SIL on passing of FIL, a sad time for all

Hi HZ, managing to ward off all that heat you are experiencing down there, few more weeks and we'll be heading down your way again, will great to catch up

Lara, hows the tiger these days, knee not giving him any trouble I hope, getting exciting isnt it, getting closer to our annual yearly get together, have to make sure Rob puts his clubs in so as to show Mike how to swing a golf club...Ha Ha Ha....HI Mike, heee heee

~~~~~~~CG, Marie, Loz, Vonny, and all else peeking in

Shaz xx


Aussiegirl Report 6 Feb 2009 00:30

Hi everyone We have around 33c today but the western suburbs are going up to near the 40c,,glad I live near the coast and get the sea breezes..

Well the funeral is over and it was very sad.. The poor grandies were very upset and in need of lots of cuddles..John just managed to get there as daughter from Cranberry came up with hubby and they very kindly drove us to the church..We couldn't make the afternoon tea as it would be to much for John,So the son and daughter came back to our place for lunch and then headed back to Cranberry and son to work.

Lara Johns legs are no better and I think they are slowly getting worse..Things he did a year ago he cant do now..I see a wheelchair in the future..but don't think about it enough to think about without that...glad Tigers on the up and up..Must be a relief for you..I bet that pool of yours is getting a the days you used to sit in the blow up one and drink champers...them were the good ole days...hee hee hee...

Tone Sorry to hear that your hard drive has blown a fooful valve,,,Is there a competition to win one somewhere..Get Barcode on to it..hee hee

Merle How are you me the knee on the improve..big hugs..

Marie Hope you are coping with the heat..sounds like all our gardens are suffering from the heat and lack of water..I know I am trying to save my pot plants, but it dont look to good..they look awful sick..

Well its a bit of washing as have to change the sheets as we have my brother and wife staying monday night so better get a move on..

Love and hugs to all

Mary xxxx

Sandra by the sea

Sandra by the sea Report 6 Feb 2009 04:55

hello to Eveyone,have you all melted yet lol
Mary comisirations at the loss in the family and with John's legs(fingers crossed he won't need that chair.

Hz they reckon albury to be in the 40's Sat I hope not for your sake.
We are using washing machine water and shower water to keep things going, our lawn is very brown at the mo.

I am really enjoying our new pc although the monitor had to be relaced by dell as it packed up after a couple of days.

~~~~~~~~to all looking in and try to stay cool this weekend,think of all the snow in UK the past week.

cheers sandra in the gong

~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 6 Feb 2009 10:19

Evening All,
I feel a bit like the puddy tat in front of me, she has taken to flopping all
over the house in different unusual spots, no energy. Hopefully the next few days will see a change, got to get through tomorrow first. No major news to report, the odd hoon doing donuts and getting caught ( go mobile phones with cameras!!), everyone else taking it easy near water if possible. I am going to take photos of our severely sunburnt garden early tomorrow to send to my UK contacts who are delighting in sending me photos of snowdrifts in their backyards lol Crazy world we have isn't it ! ~~ to all, nite nite, Hz


TonyOz Report 6 Feb 2009 13:37


Another warm one coming up for Melbounians for Saturday, 44c predicted.
I think the state of Victoria has moved
Country Victoria and lower N.S.W ( Boarder ) i think are in for a scorcher too on Sunday,and heard that they could get as high as 47-48c

Many heat related deaths accuring in Melbourne at the moment, and our news on tele tonight ,tells us the Melbourne city morgue is full ?.........and that the Morgue have requested that the hospitals around the city are being asked to help hold bodies. ............I think that says something in itself.

Most of England is under snow, and Australians are dying of heat exhuastion. They cant get out of there houses ( snowed in )..and we dont want to go outside ( heat stroke).........lolol
T'is a strange world we live in.

Have a great weekend, and stay cool.

Tony...:>)) *Who will be spending his weekend in his pool"

Pearl of the South

Pearl of the South Report 7 Feb 2009 07:07

Hi folkses, what a topsy turvy world we live in. Sincerely hope everyone is safe, thats the main thing.I'm hobbling again. A Large friendly dog decided to play with me last Saturday and launched himself at me ,turned in mid air and got me right across both knees. I hope your eyes watered because mine sure did. Pushed my knees backwards.Haven't done too much damage to the new knee but the doc says it's made a bit of a mess of the other one. To top this week off, I fell face first into the garden last evening. Go on, laugh, I did once I got over the fright and I'd managed to get myself upright again. I did say it was a topsy turvy world!! I keep asking him upstairs why I have to stay here and I think he needs a good laugh and I'm it.Oh well, someone has to provide the comic relief. Otherwise all is well.Life goes on as usual. Nothing too exciting.
Noeline and Chevaun are settled in to their new abode and I've got used to not seeing them quite so much. Shevaun is currently over in Thailand at the leper colony in Prasat. They'll be back about Tuesday I think.Rianna and her cat are still quite content in their little house. Kevin and Amanda's house is nearly finished. She's madly painting inside.won't be much longer now and they'll be able to move into it. GDno3 is living in Albany doing her nursing training and N4 is on her last year at school. in Mt Barker.There you have it. Not much else to tell you so bye for now. luv Me


badger Report 7 Feb 2009 12:37

Hi all,i thought it was about time i came onto this thread again ,if only to say that Liz and i are rather concerned about the conditions over there,that a lot of you are having to live with.
It seems strange to us still that your country is so vast, both in length and breadth trhat you can have such extreemes in weather.
Hea tand fires in some regions and floods ,loss of cropsand livestock ,in others ,and more to the point,loss of human lives all over the continent.
I note thatthe oz sence of humour is still evident ,thank goodness[reference to Tony in the pool lol]
I amsitting here lappy in use because my wife has nicked tother one,getting the first smell of the bread i am making,weeeeell,i have to keep my hand in don't i?
Stay safe all of you and bear up,the cooler weather is on the way. Fred.

~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 7 Feb 2009 23:33

Hi Badger,
Yes we having some alarming weather here in Oz. You takes your choice -
yards of water up north (can't flush the loo when it's under water) or
stifling heat, winds and fire threats down south (the outhouse burned down!)
Seriously, overnight there was a tragic loss of life north of Melbourne in the beautiful forested areas, plenty of spots still ablaze. A coolish change is passing through but the change of wind direction makes it difficult for the Country Fire Authority. So it's all hands on deck down there, with quite a few
Wattlers waiting for news from their loved ones in affected areas.
We are also seeing pictures of your deep freeze and the havoc on the roads especially in the south of England. Hmm, (Hz takes deep breath smelling in that delicious bread) - yummy !
Keep warm Badger and Liz, ~~ HZ

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 8 Feb 2009 01:06

hello all
Nice to hear from you Fred and Liz yes we are a country of droughts and flooding rain and sadly dreadful bush fires at the moment its hard to believe how bad it is but we live on a lake and it has lots of old rivergums in it well at the moment they can't be seen as the smoke is so thick pretty hard to get your breath.

A friend of Cassie and Jason's was in her house boat at the southern 80 and it was hit by a speed boat and she is badly injured and in serious condition in hospital ,her mothers and fathers (he is away in China) house was burnt down in Kilmore and her mother can't get to Bendigo hospital to see her so they are tranferring Melanie to Melbourne prayers needed for this family too
they are saying up to forty people may have perished omg please bring in the army Mr Rudd they are needed now

Tony are your girls all safe and Barbs sister too ?

Please anyone reading this say one for all those who have lost their homes and more importantly their Lives and for all the families who are now devastated in Victoria and in far north Queensland where they are trapped by flood waters
I know too as have seen the video of the snow in the UK we are thinking of you all too have to go and watch the news
bye for love and prayers


edith clace

edith clace Report 8 Feb 2009 02:58

Hello to all. I thought we had weird weather in Canada but you are

really being challenged. Good thoughts go out to all of you with

special wishes to Mary, J.A, Sylvia, cousin Ian , the Martins, Hensons

I will keep you all in my prayers. Please stay well.


Cow Girl

Cow Girl Report 8 Feb 2009 07:44

OMG sitting watching the news and I cant believe the devastation in the Victorian fires, I have family in Bendigo, we spoke to them earlier and while their houses are not in danger they are all volunteers so have been out and about for many hours. Even my 75 yo aunt has been out with the Red Cross making sandwiches etc for the CFA.

Our prayers and thoughts are will all of those who have lost their possessions and the families who have lost loved ones.

June (CG)


badger Report 8 Feb 2009 10:33

I have been watching the video'sof the fires over there this morning,god bless all of you,please stay safe and take care,wether you are caught up in the fires ,or floods.
If anyone hears anything from bill,last heard of in Bendingo,please let me know,i know we had a disagreement but i am worried as to his safety,as we both are concerning to all of you others.
Somehow the excitement of us two getting our tickets to Cyprus has paled into insignificance.
Cath up with you all later,hve to get the grandsons dinner though we neither feel hungry,just very upset at the conditions and suffering out there.Fred.

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 8 Feb 2009 20:50

hello all,

Not much to say - such a terrible, terrible toll in the fires and also some from the floods. As far as we know all Wattlers safe but many have family and even more friends affected.

Love to all,


Zack Report 9 Feb 2009 09:21

Hello my friends,Hz,Lara ,Edith ,BadgerJune,Yvoonie, I am so pleased to know you are all safe. i have just seen on the 7.30 report that the death toll is now 131 and rising and still the fires rage.Tony I hope your family are ok, I was worried about my son and his family as they live between Castlemaine and Hartcourt but they assured me they are fine.I thank God for this.

I am feeling so angry as most of the fires were deliberatly lit ,how could they do such a terrible thing, these people have lost so much their homes ,members of their family and neighbours they have known for years .
I can understand the police not allowing them to go back as they wish to catch the person or persons who have commited this terrible terrible crime.
I hope and pray that we do not lose any of our wonderful men and women in the CFA or the NSW firefighters.

God bless them all, we couldnt do with out them. My thoughts and prayers are with all of them.
Tony please let us know if your family are ok.
Kindest Regards Marie.


TonyOz Report 9 Feb 2009 13:32


Yes...Not good news for the State of Victoria.

Phones ringing hot here,( Back and Forth ) as Barbs sister and hubbie were evacuated a few days ago, as there farm and other properties were in the direct line of fires in the Bunyip State forest area. After opening gates to release there cattle/horses, they with other familys in this area were evacuted to local footy oval, and then convoyed to main township of Warragul. Here they slept in there cars with there family pets and whatever they had time to grab before evacuation. Barb had spoken with her by mobile phone, and her sis rang to say they were safe.

Was only yesterday that they were allowed back to there property, to find they had been spared. Her hubbie then jumped up on roof to check rain Water tanks,and found the water was black with ash and soot, so unuseable for drinking water. Most peeps in these smaller bush communities and smaller towns are all on tank water.They were given an allowance of $800 to have Water tank trucks come to fill there water supply, and any immeadiate needs. Total devistation all around them.

Had been a little concerned for daughter number three ( Melanie ) as she had only just moved further out from outer suburbian area, and now living in the Mount Everlyn community, which is heavily tree'd in a lower valley and not far from the Dandenong Ranges. A few smaller towns close by are on ember and evacuation alert, and now fires moving into the Healsville area, about 15 min drive from her. She had rung me this evening to tell me they had lost power supply ( Electricity ) and although not directly in any danger.......she had mentioned the township of Woori Yallock had been evacuated ( Two community towns away ) i had mentioned to her at the first sign of smoke and or floating embers, she
is to grab grankids and leave. The Dandenong Ranges are a tinder box waiting to explode, and it would only take one spark or one idiot fire bug, and it would go up quick as a flash.
We lived at Bayswater ( just below the Dandenongs )when the Ash Wednesday fires in Feb 1983 devastated this area, and my girls were small children. Its something i will never forget, as long as i live.......and the fires burning through at the moment surpass the Ash wednesday fires.
So naturally i am a little concerned re my daughter and family.

I'm sure they will be o'k......but as we as Aussie's only know to well, Fires can easily turn in any direction fanned on by strong winds at the drop of a hat. One minute you see smoke...then in a blink of an eye, its up over the ranges,valleys and ridges like a giant fireball sunami fueled by Gum tree, Pine tree, and Eucalypt..........and its upon you in an instant.

God bless all our Familes who have lost loved ones in this tragic display of mother nature, and may the long hand of the law deal with these fire bug arsonist, and i feel a good public flogging is way over due.

Best wishes to all.
