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Wattle Club Number 4 for the Aussies and anyone wh

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Ronald Report 3 Mar 2009 11:33

I keep forgetting we are in here too. only here because i finally have a direct link to someone in Scotland to do with a twig in my family tree.

Cya at Bendigo.


TonyOz Report 3 Mar 2009 13:22


Rain has finally arrived in Melb after a long spell of hot dry weather.

News reports on Tele to-night saying rain in Victoria's south region is easing the threat of fires.

23 days till the big migration from the north and west heading to the south ( Victoria ) for whats becoming a regular yearly all in Wattler meet, and this year will be the largest with approx 40 people plus, the majority coming down from the south Q.L.D and N.S.W ...A.C.T ....and from the west S.A......and also our Tassie Sue from the Apple Island the lovely City of Bendigo in Victoria. Some arriving as from the 25th Mar and all arriving by Friday the 27th March.....for a Wattler get together of Family History, Sight seeing, Cemetery crawling, and general chit chat.

Looking forward to catching up with everyone again at Bendigo.

This meet was planned early last year, after the Tasmania meet......and If anyone else is interested in meeting up with our group in Bendigo...let me know.


Cow Girl

Cow Girl Report 4 Mar 2009 04:08

afternoon all

rain rain lovely wet stuff falling from the sky.................

trying to type lying down, leaned across a desk at work yesterday to pick up a file and my back went into spasm, could not move, pain was so intnese could'nt speak!!! eventually my coworkers helped me into the gar and down to the doctors...................I have strained muscles in my lower back, came home, took the drugs and slept for 14 hours......still sore today and not at typing lying down......

had a bit of a set back with the house the CFS report recommending that the council not allow us to build on the now round 2 ...............

still trying to work out if i can get over for the meet, waiting for the roster to be organised.

time to sleep now ............drugs.........!!!!!!!

loe June (CG) xo


Zack Report 4 Mar 2009 04:30

Hi All,Tony,HZ,Vonny,Ian ,Ronald and Mary,Nice to read your posts, Yes Mary I known what you mean I think My John O'Brien may have changed his name so that he couldnt be found.
Tony I do hope that rain keeps coming down,we got up to light rain and a gale,the rain petered out early and now the sun is shining winds still high.
I would love to join you all in Bendigo but not this year maybe next year.It would be nice to meet you all.

What a wonderful job all the firefighters have done , 3 cheers for them hip hip hurrah,hip hip hurrah hip hip hurrah.
Love to all Marie from Bathurst.


Aussiegirl Report 7 Mar 2009 04:07

Hi everyone..Didn'T realise it was so long since I had been here..How time flies...

Marie What a pity you cant get to Bendigo..You would have had a ball...Perhaps next years meet..

June What a butter about your back...and about the land also...crikey were you really meant to build on that block have had so many obstacles put in your way...hope the back is better soon..keep resting...

Merle. How are you my is very quiet lately...hope you are ok..and that pesky knee also..big hugs xxx

Haven'T done much FH.. but hope to get back into it soon..have to get back to the FHC and order more films...

Have a nice weekend all..

Love Mary xxxxxx

Sandra by the sea

Sandra by the sea Report 7 Mar 2009 07:58

Hi to everyone that comes on here now. Have had lots of pc problems got a new one a couple of weeks ago and 2 weeks down the track they had to replace the hard drive, what a pain.

have been busy with all sorts,hurt the old back so no gym for a few days but seems ok now.

We are of the Perth in late April got some good deals on the net with accour,so am going to Grandies bmx national titles and also meet up with a 2nd cousin.
Sorry can't make the bendigo meet but its all about dollars and cents,so had to make some choices.

Have to have a tooth out Monday not looking foward to that it ,hurts the old pocket as well.
Well time to veg out a bit
~~~~~~~~~ to all looking in.

cheersSandra in the Gong


Zack Report 8 Mar 2009 05:33

Hi June,Gosh you are having some bad luck,especially with the house and now your back it sounds like you could with a holiday.
Nice to hear from you Mary,My brick wall is still there, Tony tried to bulldoze it for me but was unable to get any further than I have.
I got a nice suprise in the snail mail last week 10mths ago i wrote to the Warwick Historical Society asking if they could find the graves of my ancestors in Yangan which is a very small town near Warwick QLD.and yippee they managed to find some of the graves also sending me copies of the Grave Stones Plus a page from the School centenary Book on the Zackeresen Family, I was chuffed it was so nice to receive the information.
Hi also to Sandra in the Gong, Hope your back is better .
I managed to get to the Rehab Exercise class last thursday, I will be going back on Mon, to do some more i am hoping to get back to the jym in a few weeks.
My son-in-law Brian is getting the retaining walls up so it wont be long before I will be able to plant my English Garden, I have been keeping the girls in tomatoes and I have a no.of pumpkins on my vines,I will leave them till the 1st frost.then out come the vines. My native Garden is looking very nice I hope it will survive our winter frosts.
I hope both June and Sandra your backs are better.
Mary how is your husband? I must go Hugs to you all Marie from Bathurst.

~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 10 Mar 2009 08:59

Hello everyone,
Things here are a bit quiet, mainly because we are so dry, I seem to drive home to the full weather report from the Meteorological department on the local radio at 2.55pm each afternoon and they ALWAYS seem to say cloud build-up, possible wind change, trough coming, change
on the horizon, winds building, temperature dropping, thunderstorms imminent............ I'm sick of it, nothing has happened in four months, we have had fantastically beautiful, hot, sunshiney weather day after day for far too long !! Local Hume Weir 10% ( maybe less by now), lowest
since I've lived here 25 years now. OH and I are thinking we will retire to the wettest place on the planet, wherever that is, just to hear the rain fall. RANT OVER ! LOL !

Marie well done getting some hard-to-get information, sometimes the good old pen and paper yields . In due course you will get to meet the Wattlers one by one, it can be surprising how often our paths cross.

Hi Mary, so glad you can get away to the Bendigo meet, you are a good soul getting the freezer filled for John! So sorry he can't make it, but you will have tales to tell on your return!

Sandra, what a thrill to be going to Perth to see the grandies, easy to choose where to be in my opinion, they won't be this age again. It is a wonderful chance for them to travel at this age, they learn so much that can't be taught by books getting out into the real world, serves them well
in later life even if they don't keep up the sport. Good Luck for their endeavours

June, hope you are over the worst of your back crisis, hope you've had some lovely rest and recouperation, of course that's not easy when you have to work for a living. All the best with the house permit too.

Mwah to all, Hz by the shrinking river !


Aussiegirl Report 11 Mar 2009 01:05

Hi everyone..We had a bit of rain this morning..rrrraaaayyyyy...

Been to my water jerks this morning and now feel like I need a rest..I am so out of condition,,due to a very quiet life..I led a very active life before John stroke and now it is the reverse..I will have to get out and walk more,,
Am so looking forward to Bendigo..That is my annual holidays and am in need of it...Sorry you cant make it Sandra..and Marie.. It is a great time to catch up on the Wattlers and have a lovely relaxing weekend..We stay in Cabins in a nice caravan park which makes for a very social atmosphere..some have their own caravans and so take them which is like taking your home with you...hee hee hee...

Merle Where are you...Speak up girl...hope you are not in hospital having the other knee done..without telling us....??????????????

June How is your back,, Hope it is better...don't work to hard...

Have a lovely day all...

Love Mary xxx


Zack Report 11 Mar 2009 01:31

Hi June I hope your back is better,Mary nice to hear from you Hz by the river I had a trip on the river a few weeks ago from Echua it wasnt as high as it was the last time I was down their.
ON another subject, The Wattles gathering in Bendigo could someone send me the date time and place please you never know I just might make it as i have a son in Castlemaine and I may be able to tack it on to a visit to him.
I have been talking to my brother Neville in Rockhampton He tells me that they got very little rain from the Cyclone they were hoping for more.
I am wondering where Merle is also Badger and Les, Merle i dont know you that well but i hope you are ok .
I dont ferry children to sport any more but my services are needed for taking my grand son to work and as a licenced driver for Practice which I will have to do very soon, so must away
Hugs to all Marie from Bathurst.


TonyOz Report 11 Mar 2009 04:55


Lovely sunny Autumn day in Melb. Mornings start off with a touch of condensation, but the days are sunny and warm.
Leaves from our big Pin Oak's on the nature strips will start to drop soon, and cover the footpaths and roads.

Have been making many contacts on Ancestry au. with my relo's, and relo's of Barbs also. Many people adding photos of grandparents, great aunts/uncles, family pics, along with their F.H Trees. Its a bonus being able to put faces to people in your tree that you might have been researching for years.

Only a couple of weeks to go till Bendigo meet. Will be nice to catch up again with familiar faces and just chill out with a few cold V.B sherberts over a few B.B.Q's.

Marie. I will pm you the dates and address of Caravan park just in case you wanna go walkabout down south in country Vic......:>)))

Thoughts for all those not 100%


~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 12 Mar 2009 04:20

It's RAINING at last !
I'm gunna sleep well tonight!
((((hugs)))) to EVERYBODY !


***Shaz*** Report 13 Mar 2009 03:48

Hello Wattlers, long time, no write, I know, I know, Im slack, just to let you all know that Im still around

Been that long since Ive written on here, dont want prying eyes to see what I write...heee heee, forgot that you dont have to log into to read these threads, unlike other sites, that you have to log in before being able to reply to any such things

Yipee Hz, you have rain, you all ready for the meet??

Nothing much happening in my neck of the woods, same old, same old

Sandra, happy holidaying in Perth, shame about not getting to Bendigo

Have a great weekend and dont work too hard all...Byeee



Gwenda Report 14 Mar 2009 06:53

Hi everyone

We have rain and thunder - no wonder the shops were busy today.

Can't remember the last time it rained most of the day in Canberra so it has certainly been most welcome.

Not much happening in my neck of the woods either but getting ready for big trip to Bendigo so trying to get house in order for the kids. Of course they won't do any tidying until the night before we get back - lol

Hope everyone who hasn't been 100% are now on the mend.

Marie - glad you had a nice time away. Would be lovely if you make it to Bendigo - you will be made most welcome.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend - hope there's more rain around for everyone - we could all sure do with it.


♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 14 Mar 2009 23:44

~~~~~~~~~~ to all,

Gwenda - you had much more rain than us, we just had a late storm in the evening, that is all. - just hope that it rained on the catchment area.

Also getting ready for Bendigo. We will be camping! Must remember to pack for Chilly weather!!

Nice if we could meet you Marie. Hope everyone else is ok.
*shouts MERLE - where are you? ((((HUGGLES)))) in case you need them.*



TonyOz Report 15 Mar 2009 03:33

Arvo from a much cooler Melbin.....:>))

Had some nice downpours on Saturday, and it washed away the cobwebs around the house.

Vonny. Yes.......Might be a good idea to pack a few warm things for Victoria.
Our weather is a bit like them Pollies up in

No luck in the Lotto last night..:>((
Guess... i will just have to keep working for a while longer yet.

Sandra. Have a great time in Perth.
Last time i was over there was in 2001......We were sitting down for tea at a restaurant....and my mobile phone rang!!
It was my son-in- law from home in Melbourne telling me i was a grandfather to a healthy bouncing boy. Daughter went into labour two weeks early. I remember singing out at the top of my voice in the restaurant........He'y!!!!....I'm a
But i did get a free glass of beer from the managment to celebrate.....hee hee
Which reminds me......its his birthday next month, so it must have been April we were in Perth.

Wishing all a great day.

Rain starting to pelt down again now......:>))

Av a good un

Tony ...:>)))

Pearl of the South

Pearl of the South Report 17 Mar 2009 17:14

Hello darling peeps, I'm back on line for the time being. Thought the darned thing was fixed but still turns itself off at odd moments.Knee is feeling much more like a knee should be thank heavens, and am feeling well otherwise too.
Do hope you are all well, and I look forward to hearing all the news again. Its a no sleep night tonight so putting this on for you all to wake up to.
Am trying to get rid of emails etc Thats a long term project believe me. Its 2:10 here . Might go find an old movie to watch. that usually does the trick eventually. Loves ya all Me


Gwenda Report 18 Mar 2009 02:42

Hi Merle - lovely to hear from you. So glad the knee feels a whole heap better. Bad luck about the lack of sleep though. Do you like bananas cos they are supposed to be good for helping you to sleep. Look after yourself and keep in touch.

Another glorious autumn day in Cranberry - but going back to summer by the weekend.

Sandra - you'll have a great time in Perth and good for the grandies to have you involved in their sport. Bad luck the money tree doesn't allow for you to get to Bendigo but we'll catch up again sometime.

I'm into planting flowers and vegies so had better get back and do some more - hoping the brown thumb doesn't strike though - lol



Aussiegirl Report 18 Mar 2009 03:54

Hi everyone..

Merle So good to see you back on here...Is the knee functioning normally at last..pity you are not coming to the meet,,We will miss you..Perhaps the next one..Hope that puta is now fixed and you are sparking on all fours at last..Big hugs.xxxx

Marie It will be great if you can get to the meet,,Even just for a day..Do wont be sorry..This is the best mob of peeps in OZ...all nutty .....

Sandra Have a great time in Perth..sorry you cant make the meet but I know you will have a lovely time with the family..

Having a quiet life here so am looking forward to getting out a bit down in Bendi..

Hope all are well..hugs for them that are not 100%

Love Mary xxx

~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 19 Mar 2009 05:35

Hello there,
It's Thursday after school and DD and I stopped in at the Cheesecake shop for our afternoon tea treat - only do this occasionally, so very yummy - mudcake for one and a caramel-based cheesecake slice for the other, I expect to taste BOTH in a min when the kettle boils.
Yes, Shaz I am just beginning to think about Bendigo, have brought the sportsbags up from the storeroom. Since it's going to be a fine weekend I will make sure all the right things get washed and dried. We will be drving down on Friday morning, but in no rush. I have printed off my Wattler list, some of the numbers will work I'm sure lol. I got a replacement phone by the way, same number, all I have to do is learn how the new one works.... could take a while ! I just know my original one will show up now I've got the newby.
OK, I'm in paperwork filing mode for the next hour, got a mountain to reduce to a pile of rubble here! Some of it's FH, but most isn't - oh well, it all has to get done.
Have a great trip out west Sandra.
Lovely to hear from you Merle, glad the knee is getting better and better every day in every way lol!
Not long now till we meet again Shaz, Gwenda,Tony, Mary, Vonny et al, et al....
~~ Hz