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Wattle Club Number 4 for the Aussies and anyone wh

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Zack Report 19 Mar 2009 11:27

Hello to all, Sorry but I'm not going to make it to Bendigo, I have to be with my daughter in Tuncurry as she is having an operation on the 9th April and she is also packing as she is shifting so we have to get it all done before the operation,I am leaving on sunday morning .I am sure you will all have a lovely time, I will get their next year, when you decide on a date let me know and I will put the date down as a (must go to this)
Have a few wines for me ,Best wishes& Hugs to all .
Marie from Bathurst.


Lewella Report 19 Mar 2009 22:43

Greetings Wattlers. Haven't been in here for ages! Looking forward to Bendigo next weekend. Tez and I will be driving down on Friday and coming home Tuesday. Hz, you're staying at the same place as Flakes and me, so that should be fun. We've booked an apartment each :-)

Merle, I'm pleased to hear that that rotten knee is starting to behave itself. About time!

Sorry you can't make it to Bendigo, Marie. I must drop across one day to meet you. You're only about 1.5 hours from Mudgee :-))

Lew Lew xxx

PS. Here's some little yellow pills to keep you Wattling

Sandra by the sea

Sandra by the sea Report 21 Mar 2009 04:58

hello to all you Wattlers, I have been unable to get on GR for some days and just today I got in don't ask me why????
Well all you lucky people going to the meet have a great time (I know you will) lots of

I won't be going to WA until the end of April so will want to hear all your news and would love some pictures please.

our trip over there is shaping up to be very busy and interesting,apart from the nationals we are meeting some people contected to my Mother's tree back through her grandparents line. A lady I have met in nsw lives over there we share the same 3x &4x grandparents is arranging a get to gether.
if the children do well enough they could qualify for the
"Worlds" being held in Adelaide this year something to aim for.
Glad some are getting the rain it's much needed.

Am now doing a school run(yougest Grandson has to be picked up while daughter is at Taffe 2 days a week so keeps me busy.
have a great time in bendigo everyone who is going.
shall be thinking of you all.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~to all
Cheers Sandra in the Gong.
PS HZ that cake sounds so yum I had a mango cheese cake the other day just as a treat of course lol


June Report 21 Mar 2009 08:22

Hi everyone, Have a great time in Bendigo. Can't make it, will be in Wentworth Falls with all my children and grandchildren to celebrate my 70th, my husband's 63rd, and my youngest granddaughter's 5th. Good times to be had, lots of bush walking and gallery visiting.

Haven't been on for a while, lots of brick walls, and 'where do I go from here's'! Must get motivated again, and try a new tack. It always seems to help.

Cheers to all, June (in Batrmans Bay)


Gwenda Report 21 Mar 2009 10:02

Hi June (BB) - sorry you can't make Bendigo but have a great 70th birthday with all the family - sounds like a wonderful time will be had by all.

Do you need some fresh eyes to break down your brickwalls - always someone here that can maybe help - just let us know the details.

Not long to go now and everyone is getting excited - I have 2 more days at work then it will be getting down to the final stages of organising what I need to take - have even made a list cos I usually leave something behind - never happy until I work out what it is either so trying to not have to worry about things like that this time - but guess there will be something I haven't thought of that I will find I could have taken.

Sandra - how exciting for the grandies if they can make the "Worlds" - will you get a trip to Adelaide too. All the best to them and you and Mike - have a whale of a time in Perth. Family get-together will top it all off.

Back to organising our drive to Bendigo - have to download another set of instructions for an alternative route - can't have the driver getting lost - lol


Cow Girl

Cow Girl Report 22 Mar 2009 07:58

evening all

lovely to see you all back here chatting......

my back is only 65-70 % better, mostly because i have been at work all this time.......and then there is still the dreaded hw to do etc......

Mary, dont worry about the house, we wont go down without a fight........we spoke to the CFS again last week and they guy was a real idiot..............could'nt get it that we agreed we would be knocking down some of the trees in order to build the house .........oh doh!!! however we will prevail!!

so really sorry wont be able to get to Bendigo, even if i could get the time off, i don't think my back is going to be up to it.....butter would really love to have been there to meet everyone...........maybe a meet in SA next year......(looks skywood hopefully)

Love June xo (CG)

The Border Reiver

The Border Reiver Report 22 Mar 2009 12:01

G'Day All,
Best of luck for your Bendigo meeting.
Hi Merle I'm glad to see that your knee has improved even if the computer hasn't.
Just to lay your minds at rest Tony's rellies and mine come from different Essex hundreds so there is little chance of us being related (Ian wipes sweat from brow).

Good night All,



Aussiegirl Report 23 Mar 2009 05:55

Hi all.. Its getting close to going so I am starting to case I haven't done all I have to before I go..I got to organise John and make sure that he has all he needs before I go so that he doesn't have to go anywhere on his own..Am so looking forward to relaxing..

Don'T forget your togs everyone,,the parks got a pool...

June (CG) Look after that back..Don'T want you in a wheelchair trying to build the house..Sorry you cant make it to Bendi..But never mind, there will be other ones...

June BB Have a great time with the family..Sounds like it is gonna be a big gathering..If there is anything we can help you with re your tree just holla...Tony will find anything...(I love volunteering him for others..)...but we also have Ancestry so always willing to

Merle So sorry you cant make this meet...Get those knees done and you will be fine for the next one..We will have trouble keeping up with you..big hugs..

Well Got a lot to do so have a nice day..

Love Mary xxx


***Shaz*** Report 25 Mar 2009 12:01

Evening wattlers, well I is all packed and ready to go, just have to wait for the boy to finish work and then we will be on the road, hopefully by 5ish/5.30ish, see you guys in Bendigoooooo

Safe travelling to all



Aussiegirl Report 2 Apr 2009 10:20

Hi everyone We are all home by now I think...A fantastic time was had by all and we have to thank Wilson and her OH for looking after us so well..
The weather was perfect and all the food and wine just great..I ended up going down with Lozzy and TLR and had the bestest time I could have,,We made good use of the showroom of SPC and Ardmona at Shepperton for all the fruit and other wine and groceries they sold and came home with a good array of items..wish we lived a bit closer to it was so cheap...
The weather was perfect and it wasn't till we got back to Sydney we struck rain and blackouts and dreadful weather so I stayed another night with Lozzy and came home the next day when the rain stopped..

If anyone would like some pics of the meet let me know and I will send them..

All in all.. a fantastic weekend..

Lots love Mary xxxx

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 3 Apr 2009 07:51

hello all,

as Mary said - a wonderful time at Bendigo. Merle, so glad the knee is now behaving a bit better. it was so good to catch up with Lara and Hubby and see him finally being able to play golf :)

Wilson and hubby arranged such great venues at Bendigo. Most enjoyable.

June BB - hope it was a wonderful birthday bash for all concerned.

~~~~~~~~~~ to all


♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 6 Apr 2009 23:57

Good morning :)

just letting you all know that my subscription runs out in a couple of days and I am not renewing although I will stay as an ordinary member so will be able to read and accept messages.
I just won't be able to post.

So love and ((((HUGS)))) and send me a message if you need to ask anything

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vonny

Pearl of the South

Pearl of the South Report 7 Apr 2009 13:28

Hi people, I havent been able to get on here either. I've updated my windows so hope that helps. Hope you all had a great time in Bendigo all of you. Ser Tones, may I have a copy please?
Ahhh Vonnie, never to hear your dulcet tones again doesn't bear thinking about.
Hi Ian, the bleedin knee behaves for a day or two then gives me gyp again. No sleep last night and the darned thing has given me grief all day. I'm dreading going to bed.
Got me walking papers last week. I'm to be banished to a pensioners unit. Ah Me. Have to get a certificate from the doc to say I may need a carer in future so I can have a two bedroom one. I go a lighter shade of pale every time I start trying to sort out what I can and can't take with me. A lot of my materials will have to go. Also some furniture so finally took Himselfs clothes to the op shop. That was hard but its done now. I can't bear to leave here, its been 31trs kin this house but I keep telling myself it's just a houseand I'll make a home again in the next one.Sometime this yeari'll be on my way. Sandra, where will you be in WA and how long will you be here. Love to hear from you.To all you other beloved peeps my luv. I'll try to get on more regularly. Luv Me
Dammit, now I can't submit the bleedin thing.


Lewella Report 8 Apr 2009 00:22

G'day all. We had the most fantastic time in Bendigo, so a huge thank you to Wilson and her hubby Colin.

Pleased to hear that the knees are coming along, Merle. Don't worry about moving. I think our Mary thinks it was the best thing she did. Hugs to you and Watilda xxx


June Report 9 Apr 2009 10:23

Hi everyone, Happy Easter to you all. Glad to hear a good time was had by all in Bendigo. We had a great few days in the Blue Mountains-a lovely way to celebrate birthdays. Thank you all for the good wishes.

Thank you for the offers of help with my 'brick wall', but it is a problem with a g.grandfather who didn't want to be known, or found!

Weather has been wonderful here in Batemans Bay, hope it continues.

Cheers, June

~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 9 Apr 2009 11:06


We did come home from Bendigo, but I coulda stayed another week!

Grateful thanks to our hosts Heather and Colin for introducing us to the gracious city of Bendigo. We were charmed. OH will come to any Wattler meet I suggest in future, so I plan to attend many more!

We were impressed by how dry central Victoria is, driving down through Violet Town and back through Shepparton. We managed a side trip to Castlemaine (where the Arts Festival injected more than a bit of humour into the grim surrounds of the Prison on the Hill) and historic Maldon - a town not unlike our local Yackandandah for its gold mining connections. After returning home I reread some FH and re-learned that gggfather was a tailor in Maldon for 2 years between 1855 and 1865, I had forgotten. The view from Mt Tarrangower would be spectacular on a clear day, it was a bit smoky when we were there. We were also very impressed by the Chinese Museum in Central Bendigo. The pub tea at the Boundary Hotel on "meet and greet"night was excellent, and we more than catered for ourselves on Saturday at the Wilsons, and a great time was had by all. We hope we celebrated the upcoming marriage of Tez and Lew in a memorable enough fashion, how nice of the gnome family to attend! Bendigo's Sunday market was Really Big! And lots of Wattlers went!
When we met for a bbq tea at the Caravan Park on Sunday night, the most surprised person was the Country Fire Authority member from Eaglehawk who turned up to accept our fundraising cheque, the result of our raffle to which many wonderful Wattlers donated. When we handed over $1050, Barry the Firie got a bit emotional, later we learned that the Vic government will match our effort so the brigade gets $2100
towards their new command vehicle. Well Done US !!

~~ Vonny, was nice having you here!
mwah to Merle - yes I second Lew, Mary and John have found their lifestyle move to be a great boon and I'm sure you will also appreciate "simplifying". Good Luck !

June, Happy Birthday in retrospect, how did the celebrations go? Like you, we are having blissful weather, but Hume Weir is only 3 %, we HAVE to get rain this winter.

Also Sandra, how did your SA trip turn out?

Blessings to everyone for Easter, take care on the roads!
We will be having some half days off, nice to slow down a



Aussiegirl Report 10 Apr 2009 11:55

Hi everyone I think I have got back to normal...well as normal as can be..
Have got things organised for Easter so that I don't have to go near the shops again..Oh so crowded....
Merle what a bummer about having to move,,but think of it this way..less housework..I that should be a bonus if nothing else..Do hope the knee is improving.. it has been a long time so it should be getting a little batter each day..try not to play football with that leg...Love and Hugs...xxxx

June Glad you had a nice weekend also..a beautiful part of our country also..

Heather.. Looks like we cast the spell on Colin..He is a hooked Wattler now...hee hee hee...

Life is back to my quiet time again..Might see if the daughter in Cranberry is home for a weekend soon and might see if I can get John down there for a few days..Perhaps if I drive he might be would be lovely to see the grandies again...

Well wishing you all the Blessings of Easter and if travelling safe driving..Mind the idiots on the roads..there are lots of them..

Lots of love Mary xxxxx

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 10 Apr 2009 23:34

(((((HUGGLES))))) to you Merle,

Don't forget, I'm not disappearing - I can be found on other wattler threads and the sandpit!
And if you have already messaged me on here I can reply to you. (I think)


~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 10 Apr 2009 23:43

hello sorry for being awol just can't seem to catch up enough to have more time to post on two threads but will try harder .
Merle darlin lovely to hear from you thinking of you often I do hope that knee is getting better now it's sad to have to move but just think smaller place less work , you take your precious memories with you in your heart so you are not leaving them behind dear. Hope you do get to meet Sandra when she is there she is lovely lady .

We did all have lovely time in Bendigo and I did do some research while i was there too while Mike and Rob were golfing and caddying Shazz and I went to Buda House in Castlemaine it is alovely place sorry must go friend arriving to take me out not ready oh oh love to all Lara

The Border Reiver

The Border Reiver Report 11 Apr 2009 09:02

Good Day All,
I hope you all have a nice easter - I'm spending mine with the daughter and five grandchildren (the other three are supposed to arrive tomorrow).
Sorry to hear you're having to move Merle - I know you were dreading the possibility.

Best wishes to All