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Wattle Club Number 4 for the Aussies and anyone wh

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Aussiegirl Report 17 Apr 2009 07:08

Hi everyone..Been off with a bit of flu or a bad cold take ya pick..not feeling the best..Had my flu injection and it seems to have made it worse..

Managed to get John a disable parking sticker today so that will make my life a lot easier,,I nearly pass out pushing the shopping trolley up the hill in the car-park at the shops..heart goes haywire..and John is not able to help so this is a lot easier for me..

Merle How goes you girl.. When are they moving you .. Hope it is a nice place and you are happy there..and not to far from Noeline..How is the knee.. are you swinging a golf stick yet...

I am not having to cook dinner tonight as we have a dinner in the dining room tonight,,Greek Night so hope it is nice..I like anything that I don't have to cook,,,I not silly...

Hope all are well..

Love Mary xxxxx

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 22 Apr 2009 00:03

Hi everyone
Hi June from BB , Yvette and I had a lovely lunch with June on Saturdayand really enjoyed ourselves hope June did too.
we are at a horrible supposed resort its the pits but heads will rollover it I am telling you as its a blasted cheek that RCI the timeshare exchange people have it on their books getting off soap box now
We are on our way to Canberra for Mikes reunion for his battalion and we will be able to have mini meet with Gwenda and Dave, Vonny and John and Loz and TLR
Good on you Tony for your discovery of descendants but you might cause a family to be in shock when they discover your family secrets lol
Hello to all off for tat ta's Mike's actually taken me somewhere don't faint no golf till this arvo

so love to all Lara


badger Report 22 Apr 2009 08:31

Hiya peeps old Badger is back to wish you all a special Anzac day next week,and to say i still think of you all.
Mary ,if your doc' gave you a flu jab while you have a cold ,he want's shot with s***,no wonder the jab made it worse,the doc's over hear will not give the jag unless you are totally cold and sniffle free.
The wife has found a few piccies of Missy and Hissy together as kittens,so i will be having a close look at them as soon as i find out how to export them from the Hewlett Packard printer site.
Such a nice day here that i think i may very well go and get the dusting done ,then take the lappy onto the patio and soak up the sun.
This afternoon i have to go to the foot clinic ,and from there it's down to B&Q to find some of the bedding plants that are such a job to grow from seed.
Catch you later ,have a nice day ,Fred.


Aussiegirl Report 23 Apr 2009 03:14

Hi everyone ..seems like it was a good time had by all at the Minni meet down south..Haven'T heard of a crook one yet...

June BB Hope you will join us in the other place..Some great pics of the lunch..

Fred.. I don't think the doc knew that I had a cold when I had the jab,,It was only just coming on and just got worse a few days later..Still coughing a bit but it is slowly getting better..

It is our 49th wedding anniversary today and we are dining in the restaurant with the Residents Committee as it is our end of term , and just before the new elections, so we always have a nice dinner to celebrate.. It just happened to land on our anniversary so we are killing tow birds with one stone,,Got lots of champers to toast should be nicely nicely by tonight...hee hee hee...

Merle How are you lovely...busy moving I presume..Hope you are getting some help..hope the knee is improving ..

June CC I suppose that you are working hard..How is the house going...

Tony had a great find for his tree ..lucky butter,,, I have got so many brick walls I ended up ordering lots of certificates hoping that some would give me some clues..It was a good idea as one line I thought was mine now isn't,,a marriage I didn't know had happened,,and a person I thought was dead is now alive,,hee he it is so easy to make a mistake..Found a tree on Ancestry with one of my rellies in it and that is incorrect,,Proves he hasn't sourced his many names are the same it is easy to make a mistake..

Well got daughter from Canberra coming for the weekend so better go do some of the dreaded..

Have a nice Anzac Weekend all..

Love Mary xxxx


Lewella Report 23 Apr 2009 06:16

Happy Wedding Anniversary to Mare and John and Happy Wedding Day to Terry and Me :-)))


badger Report 23 Apr 2009 12:58

Hi everyone back to see how you all are,i hear you mary,just a different system over there i reckon,here ,the doc's and nurses ask you if you have a cold,they don't assume you are okay.
My missus is working her ticket this morning grrrrrr.
I came downstairs early to re water the front lawn to make sure that the feeder had gone in and took my cuppa outside with me so that i could sip it while using the hose[the oz laid back style you know ] lol,finished out front and went round to the back to continue the jobs ,putting the feeder on the back lawn.
By this time it was 7 am time for a refill ,and take the boss her cuppa up,turn the news on when i come back down and hear that it is supposed to rain,so i think ,bonzer,i can put the hose away which i do,and then have a quick check to make sure i havn't missed anything.
Great stuff ,i walk into the lounge to turn the lappy on to see the missus on the work station,and then i hear the dulcet tones[aways a sign of impending trouble] he he,,she says ,can you connect the puter to the printer please ,before you do anything else..
Fred groans ,because to do that i have to go into her harddrive and remove all of the programmes for the earlier printer ,before i can install the new hewlett packard all in one.sigh ,gonna be busy for an hour at least ,before i can get on line,after i have reinstalled for her ,and created an account .
Oh well,it's done now ,and she is as happy as Larry printing photos like they are going out of style,lol,next words i will hear are ,can you take me to get some more ink please ,i have run out.
I ask you fella's ,what us mere males have to put up with grrrrrr.
Catch you later all,Fred


JALimestonePlains Report 23 Apr 2009 15:35

Congrats to Mare and John wow 49 years
Lew and Tez many blessings wished for your wedding day from Moi and I know from Wattlers all and for much joy and happiness


Zack Report 26 Apr 2009 03:31

Marie from B/hurst, Hello everyone, how nice to hear you all had a great time at the meet i will be at the next one, ( God Willing) I have just read the last 2pages lots of news ,Pearl sorry to hear you have to move, I do hope your knee is better.
Mary congrats on your 49th anniversary. Lara,Gwenda ,HZ ,Shaz,Sandra,Lewella June and JA on the limestone plains also the Border Reiver, Tony last but not least Badger nice to see all your names on the posts I hope i havent missed anyone. HZ I have family in Castlemain I lived there for a number of years I used to play the Organ for the Catholic Church, my son was married in one of the churches at Maldon.I liked living in Castlemainand I especially loved Bendigo, it is all a bit sad now because of the Drought.
I must go as my daughter has arrived with my lovely grand daughters .~~~~~~~hugs to all~~~~~~~~~ Marie

Cow Girl

Cow Girl Report 26 Apr 2009 13:37

Evening all

from a gloriously wet wet wet Adelaide, we have had over 52mm in our backyard since thursday..... it bucketed down on Anzac of the best yet, no one minded.......

Congrats Mary, well done, do you get parole yet.......hehe

Well we have had round one with the council, its not an outright no.......however there are still many hurdles to jump through. We are being classed as category 2, which means (i think) that the neighbours all get a say as to what they think of our plans..... the cheques are in the mail hehe

Anne has been accepted to 'volunteer" at Iona for 6 weeks, she will be away for 8 weeks altogether, with a great opportunity to spend a few days in Wales researching her family......I get to stay home and go to work.......however we have booked to go on a tour next May to the Holy lands and Oberamagau and then to UK for up to 8 weeks......heavenly

Hope every one else are travelling well, (((((((hugs)))))))) to all....

June CG now known as duck feet hehe xox


Aussiegirl Report 27 Apr 2009 03:49

Hi everyone. We have a lovely mild day today..

June CG What a butter you cant go with Ann.. Never mind your planned trip sounds keep saving..Hope they come good about the house,,Make out the cheques a little bigger..hee hee hee...Fantastic about the rain..

Marie.. So sorry you missed the meet,, It was a really good one and we all had a great time.. Start saving for the next one..Don'T know for sure where it is going to be yet..No definite place picked but a few names banded around...

Fred.. What a lot of trouble for the printer.. My darling daughter in law just got mine so that I only have to unplug the printer from a port in the desktop and plug it into my lappy and I can use it on either probs..didn't have to register the printer on the lappy ,,,it just plugs into the port and away I I can print from either puta whenever I want. Try it...hee hee hee..

Lew Enjoy your time away...

Belated Birthday Greeting for the 24th June CG.. Hope it was a lovely day and you got lots of presssies..

Had a lovely weekend with daughter Terry from Canberra as her hubby had to come up to Sydney to march in the parade for Anzac Day.. We saw him on the TV and got a pic of him marching..It was lovely to have time with her as it doesn't happen often..We had a nice time shopping and I always buy better when she is around as she talks me into things I would hum and har about is a good tonic..

Well its back to some of the dreaded today so better get my A into G and do something..

Love to all Mary xxx


Alison Report 27 Apr 2009 04:57

So, does being in Oz mean I can be an automatic member of the Wattle Club or do I have to ask to join?



Zack Report 27 Apr 2009 07:20

Marie, Hi Alison, Welcome ,to the wattlers and no you dont have to ask to join.If you have read some of our posts you will have noticed we are a friendly bunch and love to chat. Call in any time and tell us something about yourself.
I live in Bathurst I have 6 children and have 11 grand children .I will be70yrs on the11 May I am very active and lead a very busy life My hobbies are Gardening,piano singing and Family History.I also love travelling and do as much as my budget will allow. Looking forward to seeing your posts Alison
Kindest regards Marie from Bathurst.


badger Report 27 Apr 2009 09:49

Welcome to our new member ,about time we had some new blood ain't it.
Hiya Mary ,i chose the hewlet packard all in one printer because it has an on line facility for help,a company base which stores and backs up all your pictures,and has the on line shop where you can buy inks ,paper,and all the other sundries without having to leave the house,handy for my old bones he he,easily worth the fifteen minutes of installing time,and when all said and done ,you gets what you pays for.
At the minute the missus is in the pilots seat ,lol,on the xp tower ,and she is having fun putting in her own version of yahoo messenger and whatever,looks like i have lost my mainframe ,huh,taken over by a rookie .
I may have to put a lock on my big lappy to keep it out of her hands ,she has already snaffled two of the puters in the house waaaaah ,lol ,should i put a lock on the vista tower too Mary old chum,?i reckon she should be content with two on the go
I never got my fifty bedding plants in yesterday because we got company and it would have been bad manners to leave them and go into the garden,but no matter,when the rain clears ,i have plenty of time on hand.
Talking about the weather,i hear that Victoria has seemingly gone straight to late fall with snow already in the ski resorts,hope this isn't a sign of a bad winter for you all.
I had a bad night three days ago ,and the following afternoon i kept dozing off on tjhis puter,and later in the afternoon i laid down on the settee and had forty winks ,lol, unbeknown to me ,Liz got the camera out and took some piccies of me with Hissy curled up on my hip ,and others of her watching me snore he he ,i must get them onto the puter but one of them i will be NOT showing because it shows my baldy bonce.
The greenhouse id coming on well ,all my brassica seedsare through ,and it will soon be time to thin them out into the cups to grow on for three weeks before going out into the garden.
I have reserved six buckets for asparagus ,three of which are already planted and growing well,so i will have to get three more when in the town next,six of the buckets will do,only Liz and i like it ,but it makes a lovely soup,and a few actual dishes that we both love,and of course ,we have an old bed over near the gate that i put in the year we moved in,which is still pushing up spears,which i nick while the boss isn't looking [they are ace when raw].
Are you out there under threat with the new porcine flu?,it looks as though it,s coming this way ,if it makes it to the smoke ,i hope Brown gets it ,he is the biggest swine in the country,and the home secretary coming a close second after stopping that ghurka coming into the country.
The sactimonius git gave the press a load of drivel a few hours down the line saying he had had second thoughts ,hogwash,the Government sight was innundated with emails DEMANDING he ,and the others be let in forthwith,and i reckon brown and his cronies got one heck of a fright.
I am pleased it happened though because now ,the general public here have realised what the ozzies have known for years the general public here HAVE got a voice and are waking up to the fact.
Our Government are running scared ,with an election looming next year they will have to watch what they do,and say.
Have to go now,looks like it's MY turn for the elevensies yet again grrrrrr,lol
Catch you all later,Fred.


Anne Report 27 Apr 2009 12:24

Welcome Alison, were a mad bunch but all welcome......

well we have had a bit more rain, not checked the rain gauge today...

middle grandie had her tonsils out today, a couple of hours later she was sitting up in bed eating jelly.....

Tone (or anyone else in Melb) was there a news itme about a person being knocked down outside St Vincent hosp? (sometime late last week) The driver was my brother in law and he was fairly shaken as the person jumped in front of the car.... actually not a good week for our family, my brother was knocked off his bike, travelling at 30 kph, by a labrador, if he was not wearing a helmet he would have been killed as his head hit the ground with such force his helmet was shattered...

have had contact from a "new" second couple, so its abit exciting...

good night all sleep well

love June xo


Slinky Report 27 Apr 2009 14:34

Hi all Wattlers... seems to have been such a long time since "Honeyrum" posted on here.... but here i am with a new name folks....i have rejoined GR for a little while to do some family research but my first stop nearly is your thread... I am so pleased to see the group still active and I wish you all luck and love to all my old friends on here. I am in the throws of saving to come over next year sometime but will keep you updated nearer the time... tc and speak soon xx...Anne xx


Alison Report 28 Apr 2009 01:32

Hi All,

I'm 43, married, one 12 yr old daughter, three stepkids (all adults), 3 grandkids. Live in Gloucester. Been on GR for just over 6 months to find more info on my husbands family, found heaps but not the line I was looking for. I'm sure I'll be in touch again,



Gwenda Report 28 Apr 2009 04:20

Welcome Alison and welcome back Slinky Honeyrum

Yes Slinky we are still active and would love to see you when you get here next year so keep us posted as you know we are always keen for a yakest meet.

Alison, I'm from Adelaide but now live in Canberra via Alice Springs. Left SA in 1978 and lived in Alice until early 1993 when husband and 2 kids now 26 (daughter) and 22 (son) moved to Canberra. I've been researching since 2004 when I joined GR and last year hubby and I did "Our Other Anzac Day tour" to Villers-Brettoneux then spent 3 weeks touring UK to see where some of my forebears lived before they migrated to South Australia.

Very cold in Cranberry today - done 3 loads of washing - first load got another rinse but looks like the sun might be out for a while now so that will help, although the dryer will finish them off.

Time to get some groceries, so I'd better make a move. Catch up later

Gwenda xx


Aussiegirl Report 28 Apr 2009 04:37

Hi Alison Welcome to the OZ and sods thread...hee he hee..sorry
Where abouts in OZ do you live..or is it Gloucester..NSW..We are a mad mob but all good friends..It stuck on anything just holla as there will be someone who can help I am sure,,We have the best researcher in OZ on the thread,,Tony,, and I volunteer him often to others,,he hasn't caught up with me yet to bash me for it..hee hee hee..but we love him..and I am lucky he lives in Melbourne..and cant reach to

Marie Has it snowed in Bathurst it is getting a bit cold..

June CC Sorry to hear about your he is devastated...and your brother must have 9 lives..or perhaps 8 left..hope he is recovering ok...

Slinky Ann, Lovely to hear from you .. Have you slunk down to a shadow of your former self,,hence the new be lovely to see you again next year if you come out ..time you had another trip...

Fred.. Glad the garden is started,, Soon you will be skiting about all those lovely fresh veges..Tell Liz I said she can sit on the puta as long as she likes...hee hee.. she my

Well I must away as I have a Resident meeting to go to and see if they want to re-elect me again for the next 12 months..all good fun..Be good and hope all are well..especially our Pearl Of the Orient..Merle..xxxx

Love Mary xxxxx


TonyOz Report 29 Apr 2009 00:54


Been head down and bum up deep in Family History lately.

Finding a few branches of the tree that i set out to find 37 years ago, and last week after all that time made contact ( through ) with a great grand daughter of my grandads brother.
May sound trivial to in all the years i have been researching, i have never had one single contact from anyone, that is/was decendant off my grandad siblings on my fathers side.........and last week purely by accident, "Bingo"......i found one with her tree on Ancestry U.K.
When my grandad sailed to India from the U.K...1900.........and then immigrated to Ozzie....in1915.......... he never bought one single photo of his parents or 9 siblings he left behind in the U.K to Aus. with him ( Typical bloke ) my dad b.1919 and his two siblings never saw whom there cousins or Aunts/Uncles were on there parents side from the U.K .
On the other hand, my grandmother bought many Photos of her family from India, so at least we got to see this side of the Family tree.

This contact is the great grandaughter of my grandads elder brother, who i had followed through the U.K census from Earls Colne 1881...then to Coggeshall 1891 .........and then into Colchester, Essex 1901 census......with wife and eventually 8 children. Some of his other siblings never married, or died, or moved away O/seas...but this one brother stayed in Essex......and i traced him through the U.K Kelly's directories to 1921 ( Beer Retailer ).........but it was 100-1 shot that someone ( a Decendant ) might be doing the Family Tree.

Only Photo we ever had was the one of my grandad, and he died in 1947 aged 72 leaving behind 3 children..............and now at 2009 many grandkids, heaps of Great grandkids and numerous G,G,Grandkids all over Oz

As he died two years before i was born, i never knew him, and my dad and his siblings new nothing about his family back in the U.K or at least my own father never mentioned them. When he himself died in 1961 i was 12............... and not interested in Family History ,so never asked questions, as in those days the saying was ( "Kids should be seen but not heard" ) ....some may remember that saying......:>)))

My new found 2nd cuz x1R.......mother is my 2nd cuz, and had a photo of her grandfather and grandmother ...which naturally is my grandads brother and sister in law.....and sent it to me via email "Attach"........i was U'mmmmmm ...Strewth!!!........( or in me best English lingo ) "Gobsmacked"

Now after 37 years of research....and a thousand plus Ancestors i can put the faces to two more people in my tree that were only ever a Census and a BDM..............for so many years.......although i must grand uncle is not as good looking as me......:>))))). They never smiled much back in those days, and looked like the grim reaper......but i s'pose if you had 9 kids upwards, there wasnt to much to smile about.

G'day to Slinky "Honeyrum"....nice to see you drop in mate.xx
Hope you can get over to Oz again, and come to one of these Ozzie meets ( which you started in 2004-5 ) and has now grown into massive proportians of laughter, B.B.Q, and much beer and wine drinking parties....hee hee
If all goes well and we dont overspend this year, Barb and i will be over there in June 2010..........This will be our 3rd trip now. Might as well buy a house over there, it would be cheaper in the long run!!

G'day...... and welcome AlisoninOz.
Everyone that post on this thread is an automatic Wattler.....Only qualifications you need....... are to be slighly mad or insane.....or both..... I'm both.......:>))

G'day to Fred....Hope you and Liz are both well.
Barb has entered a holiday competition here in Oz.....that takes us to the North - East of England.......and when they tell her she has won it .....( which should be next week or so )........Newcastle will be a must, as my SIL family are from Northumberland, and also some of my lot from Durham.

June. Sorry......but i never heard anything about an accident outside St.Vincents.

Hope everyone else is well...and giving the grin gear a good working out.

Best wishes to all who are not 100% a cold and chilly Melbin Vic......:>)))


Laurie Report 29 Apr 2009 07:02

Howdy doody . . long time no see

Great to hear from you Slinky Honey . . teehee . .
Wow !! It would be wonderful to see you again.
You dont know what a monster you started . . :)

Welcome Alison . . .

Dont be afraid to ask for help here, we have all helped one another along with our research . . . as Mare said . . Tones is a little ripper on the research.

I am in Sydney, (when not living out of a suitcase . .) but it will never be home - that's in Qld.
Bit chilly here, and I dont do cold weather very well.

Only little over 4 weeks till we go on holidays to Vietnam, as long as Piggy virus doesn't alter our plans.
However, till then we will be on the go a fair bit. The Honeymoon Printheth and Tez will be here on Saturday for a couple of days after the honeymoon in Darwin . . then the following weekend we're meeting up with youngest son for the weekend in Coffs. We have to be in Brisvegas on 20th, so will probably go a few days before to check on the house, and stay the weekend after to spend some time with the kids . . . I am sure I have missed something there seems to be a couple of days to spare . . teeheee

Great going with the gardening Fred . . nothing like homegrown
I have a HP littler ripper too . . cause Tones said they were the best (his brother works for them teehee) Got myself a nice supply of ink at a big sale a few weeks ago - massive office supply was closeing down.

Where is yah Merle . . hope all is well and that your not worrying too much about moving . . . new beginings . . and the memories will go with you lovely lady.

Best go do something to warm up . . thick vege soup filling the house with a lovely smell and making me feel a tad hungry - might have to do a taste test I think

Keep on Grinning . . . :)

luv Laurie xo