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Wattle Club Number 4 for the Aussies and anyone wh

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Cow Girl

Cow Girl Report 13 May 2009 12:57

Evening all,

Well done Tone, thanks a million, if you managed that on a day off how much would you produce in a week................hehe

Mary, I know it probably is better not working for this sod, however jobs are harder to come by and .................having a job is better then no job at all.....

feeling really flat so not much to say..................have to go back and pick up a patient and take them back to work at some point tonight so might go and have a coffee and raid the chocolate stash....

nite all
sleep well

Love june (CG)


Alison Report 13 May 2009 13:14

Thankyou Tony. I believe she has most of the info you gave describing William, although I will send her the links anyway. (May even use one myself). I'll also give her the number of the certificate I think is closet and she can decide what to do from there.

Thanks again, you really are a gem.



Zack Report 15 May 2009 15:06

Hi All, Tony you have been busy.

Hello Cow Girl June , sorry to hear you are feeling low ,I hope things start looking up for you I do know how you feel, I am feeling the same way at the moment Family problems

I am off to see my brother and also my sister in Rockhampton and I am hoping by the time I get back things will be sorted out.

So hold your head high as I,m sure everyone will say a prayer for you I know I will ,HUGS Marie from Bathurst.


badger Report 16 May 2009 10:29

Good morning all you lovely people ,and a very good morning it is.
I opened the blinds a good while ago ,and looking south to Durham,and north to Northumberland i could see the moors and hills with the gorse and heather though the mist [i could almost smell the clean air,enough to bring a lump to the throat of any miss placed scot.
We had a load of rain yesterday which has done the ground a lot of good,and refilled my water butts.
More rain is expected today clearing this afternoon which may open the window to the first b B Q of the season.Freds ghast has been well and truly flabbered this mornin', he opens up the puter lid,turns on and boots up,what's the first thing that comes up? bet you can't guess,and that will teach me to open explorer with all the adverts instead of chrome.there it is ,in all it's glory grrrrrrr,the fist advert for Christmas,in May?lol,i had to look twice ,i couldn't belieeeeeeeve it[victor Meldrew impression ].
Hiya Mary me old mucker,just in case you do decide to visit your holiday chalet ,AND fancy a few days on the moors in the van,we have made arrangements to have it updated,one new toilet fitted that you access through a hatch in the outside wall of the van to clean out ,so ,no more taking it out through the van itself ,and much more hygenic methinks.
We are having the whole floor injected with resin too ,which will stop it ever going soft a couple of years down the line
We found a fella that works in a caravan place who will do it on the side for us,all in plus parts and fitting for £500 not at all bad for the new luxury van he he.
We even found a waste water container on wheels at a boot sale for a fiver,so we will have all mod cons ,for a laid back holiday,with a 14" by 10" barrel b b q that folds up and goes into the gas cupboard on the front ,froe al fresco nosh he he.
Talkin' of the B B Qs,if the weather breaks this afternoon i may well fire up the one on the patio and do a chop ,and some snags to go with a salad .
Hope you are all having a great weekend where ever you are,Fred.


Aussiegirl Report 18 May 2009 07:09

Hi everyone.. We have cool again so its looovly..

Tony I see you have transferred your OZ genie sites to here ..Well done..Bet you dont get bored on days off specially when you are supposed to be up ya mum roof..hee he heheh...

Alison..He is our resident well as genie...

Fred. Glad it is warming up and great about the improvements to the van,,Liz will like that a lot..makes for home away from home...all you have to do now is catch a

June CG. Do hope your job improves,, Not nice working in a tense situation..Big Hugs..

Marie. Enjoy your trip up north,,good time to go weather wise...

Tried out the 1911 census,,Thought I had found the family as all the names matched,,but butter ,,it was the wrong people...back to the drawing board...

Leading a very quiet life and nothing much happening..starting to get cabin fever...

Merle How are you lovely..Sorting and organising things,,Hope the knee is still ok and improving..big hugs..

Well better go and try and find that family in the 1911 census again..It is not easy...

Love to all
Mary xxx


June Report 18 May 2009 11:11

Hi Everyone. Tony, you are indeed a genius. I am completely confused with all those sites. I have a convict ancestor, arrived Sydney 1820 on 'Coramandel' -his name was Thomas Wenny or Wenner. Where do I go to find details of his trial and sentencing, and maybe some more details of where he was born etc. Hope you can help.
Cheers, June in Batemans Bay


TonyOz Report 18 May 2009 15:06


Beautiful sunny Autumn day in Melbin today.

Hi June.

Just checking through what links i have, for your Thomas WENNER.
It appears his surname ( or Spelling of ) was tossed around a bit through the years on the Aussie record index's.


Regarding your question about where do you go to find details of his trial ect,........Because he appears to have done his time in N.S.W ( rather than Tasmania )........your best bet would be to contact the N.S.W State Archive office.

Most Convict ships arriving in Ozzie had an on-board Surgeon. These surgeons ( apart from medical ) also wrote up the reports on convicts arriving and behavioral/conduct patterns on board, or on arrival to the Colony ( Surgeons Report )
These reports are kept at the various State Archives...if they were written and archived. Tasmania Penal Colony kept very good convict records/reports and journal convict log books.

Many of these surgeons reports have vital information regarding, where and when the convict was tried/convicted and sentenced. Some have relatives names on them ( Parents, Siblings ) as did Barbs G, G, Convict grandfather....1842 .It supplied his sisters and mothers names as next of Kin he was only a 14 year old lad on arrival to Tas..

As for where your Thomas WENNER was tried and convicted you would possibly need to visit the N.S.W Archives, as it appears this is where he did his time ( N.S.W ) and see if a arrival or conduct report was made out.
It may hold many clues.?...or none.

Not sure how much information you have on your Thomas WENNEY, but i have found these browzing the State Archives and checking it against my 1828 cd Census. and N.S.W.bdm's on-line.
There seems to be a bit of info there....and quite possible the actual Fiche or Micro Reels hold extra info.

WENNEY, Thomas. Per "Coromandel", 1820

1821 Sep 8
Wheelwright. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.113)

1825 Sep 5 ,8
Re permission to marry Harriet Scott at Parramatta; listed as Wenner & Wennox (Reel 6064, 4/1787 p.127; Reel 6015, 4/3515 p.314)

1825 Nov 7,19
Re permission to marry Mary Ann Smith at Parramatta (Reel 6064, 4/1788 p.105; Reel 6016, 4/3516 p.4)


My 1828 Census cd. shows.......... living in household of Thomas WENNER in Parramatta...N.S.W

Approx 3 Acres......Cleared.......Cultd......Horses...Cattle x 15....Sheep....Other

WENNER Thomas aged 28
Arrived: 1820.....Ship: COROMANDEL
Sentence: 7 years
Free/Bond: Free by Servitude
Religion: Protestant
Ocupation: Wheelwright

WENNER Mary Ann aged 22 ( Nee.. most likely "SMITH" as above Re - Permission to marry....and below )
Arrived: 1824 ......Ship: BROTHERS
Sentence: Life
Free/Bond: Government Servant
Religion: Protestant

HEALY Robert aged 15 ....Came free
LEONARD Richard aged 55, Blacksmith, Sentence 7 years
LYGOW Richard aged 50, Servant, Sentence Life
SLATER Thomas aged 45, Carpenter, Sentence 14 years


N.S.W on-line Marriage shows 1825 .....

V18253700 3B/1825 WENNY THOMAS.......... SMITH MARY A ......District: CB


Certificate of Freedom:

WENNY Thomas "Coromandel" Arrived:..1820.... CFNo: 130/5647 .......Date:..... 31 Aug 1826.... Item: 4/4424... Reel: 602 Remarks: TL 521/1455


Pearl of the South

Pearl of the South Report 19 May 2009 07:22

Hi folks, me again.Just got on to that other site and after all that there wasny anyone to talk to.
Puter still misbehaving and can't afford to get it seen to so we plod stoically on.
Hope you are all well.My knee is doing well now. tired and grouchy by evening but you get that. Still trying to clean things out here. and just to add to the general confusion I got talked into attending the local craft group and would you believe it we are painting in acrylic. ME.Got the pattern on and the background first coat. What have I done? It's a challenge I tell myself.!My old art teacher will be turning over in her grave.Looks like we may get some rain tonight at last. Very late this year.Cuppa time so catcha lata Luv Me


June Report 19 May 2009 10:58

Hi Tony, Thanks for all that info. Most of it I had, marr to Mary ann at St.John's Church, Parramatta -Mary ann was from Parramatta Factory.
also had info from 1828 census. Thomas is my gggg.grandfather, and his 4 daughters don't have Mary Ann as mother - she disappeared off the face of the earth, and the girls mother is listed as Eliza in 1831 for my ancestor, Louisa, and as Elizabeth for the other 3 girls -twins Rachel and Mary Ann and Lavinia.
I will get onto the nat.archives site and see what I can find. Thanks again,. Cheers, June (BB)


badger Report 21 May 2009 10:19

Good morrow everyone from Newcastle O T,where old Fred is wondering where everyone is these last three days,on this thread,and two others ,lol.
Has everyone started their holidays early i ask myself ,or is every one digging themselves in and pulling the soil back over themselves before the young'uns are let off the leash he he.
Us lot in the old country must be getting ready for it too ,i smelt at least two B B Q fires last evening as i shut the chalet for the night ,but we had a nice stir fry anyway,more healthy ,and besides ,i prefer to wait until we get a nice warm day ,cor ,you lot over the pond ,in your fall ,are getting better weather than we are in blighty [sniff ,not fair] it's only 14c over here ,windy and veeeery wet ,and if this keeps up ,we will be going back into the winter before we get a summer ,mutters under
Bu**** it .if we wins the lottery ,fred isn't coming over on holiday ,hes'e moving over there [that's it ,all run for cover humph].
Just renewed mine and Liz's train passes for another year ,£24 for us both ,and we can use the train,or metro as many times as we like between Sunderland and Newcastle for the next year,including the weekends.
What with that ,and the free bus passes ,travel wise ,we are pretty much sorted.
I think i will take the missus to town later on today,and use two of the vouchers for mcdonalds while we are there,i rather fancy a chicken burger and large fries for £1-99, and saves me cooking too ,all i need to worry about is a stir fry for tonight.
Nowt i can do in the garden owing to the weather ,so ,i am off to sulk,and wait for the weekend
Hope everyone has had a good day ,Fred.

Cow Girl

Cow Girl Report 21 May 2009 23:01

morning all,

well today is D day, if the boss has not paid by lunch time we down tools and walk of the job, probably never to see our money again, so not a good day, feeling quite sick actually...........

anyway enough of the miseries........

I actually need some help please....yesterday our computior crashed and as it si going to cost nearly a $1000. to retrieve the data we have made the decision to let it all go......including all my family history stuff.......and do you think I can find the hard copies of anything..................nnnnnnnnnnoooooooooo they will be in a box somehwere,,,,though never actually discovered where somewhere is, not marked on any map I have hehe..........

anyway I was hoping one of you kind people wold look up a couple of enteries for me as Anne leaves for England in 9 days and she is going to go to Wales for a couple of days to try and find some family info ect before she journys up to Iona. What I am looking for are the enteries in the BDM register, page/entery no etc which will help her identify the correct certificates etc

Edward Loosemore B c 1886 Pontypridd Glamorgan Wales
married (no 1) Elizabeth Bridgeman b c 1891/ d c 1926d Glamorgan
they had 4 children
then married (no 2) Annie M Jones b c 1988/ d c 1940 Pontypridd Glamorgan
they had 1 child Eileen b 11 FEb 1928 (Annes mum)
then married (no 3) Lillian Dale (or Passmore) b c ??/ d 1969 this is our mystery woman....... (although I actually did find the marriage of Edward to Lillian Dale listed in the BDM register) (we think Dale may be her first husbands surname)

so any help that you might be able to give me would be greatly appreciated...

Hope you all have a lovely day

cheers for now

June (CG)


badger Report 22 May 2009 08:05

Morning all i hope all our members in N S W are all okay and keeping dry ,got one hell of a shock after reading about the flooding,and all the damage it has done,along with the high winds.
Us brits never think of these things happening over there always looking at Oz being a dry arid country,more so ,as other parts of that fair land are in desperate drought.
I think i will go to the superstore this next week and get my wine in early,as a lot of our wine comes from coffs harbours vineyards,looks as there may be a shortage this coming autumn,i only hope that this situation dosn't last long ,seems you poor peeps are getting hit with one thing after another.
I have a while today with nothing to do while i wait for this washing machine to arrive ,so Cow Girl,i will have a look for you and see what i can dig up with the limited resources i have on hand[our local library and all the records are out of reach until next month]
Enjoy this next week all you lucky people ,NEXT weekend ,when the school term ends you will all be hiding in the outback while your kids invade the towns , he he ,bet some of them will still head for the beaches and rivers for a plodge or two.
Catch you later,Fred.


JALimestonePlains Report 22 May 2009 13:50

June send me email addy and I will try


JALimestonePlains Report 22 May 2009 14:05

Marriage Looseman to Bridgeman
march 1913 Llandilofawr 11a 1968
Silly me if you puter is dead how can you
Thinking of you and the job hugs


JALimestonePlains Report 22 May 2009 14:28

Marriage Looseman Edward to Jones Oct/Nov/dec 1927 Pontypridd 11a 1160


JALimestonePlains Report 22 May 2009 14:34

Eileen Loosemore mother Jones -Jan/Feb/Mar 1928 Pontypridd 11a .940


JALimestonePlains Report 22 May 2009 14:50

June will look again tomorrow



JALimestonePlains Report 23 May 2009 09:20

June here is some more
I found an Edward Lusimore Dec qtr 1886 Pontypridd 11a 395.

Lew Goggled Loosemore and found a tree which matches your people
She also found this
England & Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915
about Edward Lusimore
Name: Edward Lusimore
Year of Registration: 1886
Quarter of Registration: Oct-Nov-Dec
District: Pontypridd
County: Glamorgan, Mid Glamorgan
Volume: 11a
Page: 395

England & Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915
about Caroline Lusimore
Name: Caroline Lusimore
Year of Registration: 1886
Quarter of Registration: Oct-Nov-Dec
District: Pontypridd
County: Glamorgan, Mid Glamorgan
Volume: 11a
Page: 395

Looks like he was a twin. The tree also has Caroline on itoline


JALimestonePlains Report 23 May 2009 09:22

Here is an extract from the tree

Person Sheet

Name Edward Loosemore, 2391
Birth 1886, Pontypridd RD
Baptism 21 Dec 1886, Penrhiwceiber GLA
Death 1969, Pontypridd RD
Father George Loosmore, 2371 (1840-1899)

Mother Ann Long, 2380 (1845-)

1 Elizabeth J Bridgeman, 2523

Birth ca 1891
Death 1926, Pontypridd RD
Father Charles Bridgeman, 2524

Marriage 4 Mar 1913, Llandilofawr Reg. Office

Children: Annie M, 2525 (1914-)

Bessie C L, 2526 (1917-)

Oliver E C, 2527 (1921-1922)

Kate R, 2528 (1923-)

2 Annie M Jones, 2529

Birth ca 1899
Death 1940, Pontypridd RD

Marriage 1927, Pontypridd RD

Children: Eileen, 2530 (1928-)

3 Lilian Dale, 2537

Birth ca 1867
Death 1969, Pontypridd RD

Marriage 1945, Pontypridd RD


JALimestonePlains Report 23 May 2009 09:26

Annie W march qrt Llandilofawr 11a 2732
Bessie C L June Qrt 1917 Llandilofawr 11a 2243
Oliver E O March qrt 1921 Pontypridd 11a 1157
Kate R march qrt 1923 Pontypridd 11a 1143