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Wattle Club Number 4 for the Aussies and anyone wh

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JALimestonePlains Report 23 May 2009 09:28

Will see if I can locate Edwrd's death and marriage to Lilian Dale
and hello to all


JALimestonePlains Report 23 May 2009 11:51

June, as far as I am able to find deaths - a bit blurred
Edward Loosemore aged 81 March qrt 1969 Pontypridd 11b 656
Looks as if there could be a Lilian aged 70, march qrt pontypridd 11b 667

As i said a bit blurred


JALimestonePlains Report 24 May 2009 05:35

Hi Jume lastones - I trust all the entries are correct :)
Let me know if there are any problems
Annie M Looseman nee Jones Death Sept Qrt 1940 Pontypridd 11a 745
Edward Looseman married Dale March qrt 1945 Pontypridd 11a 1082
Trifley wishes Anne a good trip and sends her regards to you. Lewgoogled the tree which confirmed my findingsd -so a Wattler effort

Hope thejob and money works outs for you

~~~~~to anyone looking in


Cow Girl

Cow Girl Report 24 May 2009 07:52

Trifley, you are an absolute angel, thank you so very much for all this, and to all the others who have helped.

i can now make the list Anne will need to take to the BDM registery to get certificates, espically when she is in Cardiff, we have managed to squeeze in 3 days in Wales and found on line the local cemeteries she can visit to find the headstones etc. We know so little about her family so all of this will assist greatly.

On the job front, the SOB paid us one lot of pay on friday, some of it in actual cash.......and the rest transfered into our accounts. however we had to push the issue, so why he could'nt just pay us in the first place GOK's. So we will continue to work till tuesday when he is suppossed to pay the we will see what happens.............

had a lovely weekend away.........spent most of it asleep.......must have been what I needed.....

once again thanks for all your help and encouragement......

love June xoxox


JALimestonePlains Report 24 May 2009 13:14

Glad it is what you wanted June I really enjoyed doing it hugs to Anne



Aussiegirl Report 25 May 2009 02:43

Morning all.. We have dull...

June What a sod your boss is,, Do hope you manage to keep your job,,Glad JA managed to find out all you needed for Ann to take to the Uk with her..would have been a tragedy if she had gone without it..
Am still waiting to win lotto so that I can get to Kew..and the archives in I am having prob with my dad..he is a mystery..

Merle Do hope you are ok and enjoying the new hobby of painting..You and Tony are a pair of artist we are lucky to have..wish I had a bit of talent in that field..Hope the knee is ok still..

Been doing some FH but am frustrated with all my brick walls...Got to the stage of going around in

Hope all are well..
Love Mary xxxx

~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 25 May 2009 12:47

Evening All, we have damp, a small shower even !! Yipee !!
Just to explain to Badger who must think I'm bonkers wanting water after seeing the massive floods up north, my little corner of the planet is very very dry lol. We would like perhaps one third of a downpour, enough to fill some dams and rivers, but not enough to sweep away roads, bridges and livestock.
Nice to hear from you Merle, you'll be giving Sir Tones a run for his money in the painting game soon. Good on you having a go. I'd like to do watercolours after I've retired, I reckon I could manage some nice washes and call them all "Somewhere in a fog". Can't draw anything recognisable for quids tee hee.
I have finally begun to do another of the ggfathers trees about which I know very little. I will have to venture onto scotlandspeople soon I think, so must put aside some dollars. I have enjoyed googling some names though, its amazing what comes up, I get so side-tracked! In this case I have to follow Scotland to NZ, so I'm a bit out of my depth, being so used to Aussie and English records.
June all the best in your job situation especially if tomorrow (Tuesday) is D-Day, is this a situation that will continue or are you facing unemployment? Looks as though Ann has heaps to do in Wales - how exciting! All the best for her trip.
Time for a cuppa with DD17, who is researching Elizabeth Barrett Browning sonnets in order to make a podcast for English (Year 12). A subject I know very little about, so I may get edumicated !
Keep Well everybody,


Aussiegirl Report 3 Jun 2009 03:26

Hi everyone.. We have rain again..butter..getting a bit fed up with it..some sun would be nice,,,,,some people are never satisfied..hee hee hee..

Been busy with family here for the weekend and more again next during the week..this being a long weekend it seems everyone is leaving Have daughter fromOrange here for the weekend also and all the family..It will be lovely to see them as we dont get to Orange much any more...John has not had many good days where he can manage to do we dont go far any more..

Waiting on a cert. from the UK to check up on a distant Aunt,,hopeing she can give me some clues to my brick walls...

Hope all are well and June still has a job,, and Merle is sorting things ready to move and paining her little heart out and selling some to make some money..our new Celeb Artist..

Love to all
Mary xxxx


Alison Report 5 Jun 2009 09:26


Today for the first time in over three weeks it was not raining and not even overcast, the sun was out. All day! Did four loads of washing that actually went outside on the line in the sun plus one that was under the deck roof and was wet with fog. All five lots dried! It seems amazing. Even planted some lettuce seeds. What a day, but it's supposed to be raining in our area again tomorrow. Hope not, a bit more sun would be good.


Pearl of the South

Pearl of the South Report 5 Jun 2009 12:05

Hello peeps, don't hold your breath over the painting bit, it's not going at all well. Haven't been able to use the puter for a couple of weeks. First of all, had a fall up the stairs of the Dome coffee lounge right in front of the lunch crowd. Drama Queen to the bitter end!!! Then woke one morning to find I was bleeding from one ear. Seems there's a growth in the ear canal and have to see the specialist when he visits here. Then I got a very sore right eye and it turned out to be a return bout of Dendritic ulcer. First for about three years so very fortunate I'm told. Its on the mend now but wasn't able to use puter, tv,or books. Then in the process of treatment for that it was discovered that I had a tear in the retina of the left eye. Had that lasered on Wednesday evening and pleased to report it has settled down but not sure if it was a tear or the beginning of a detachment. Have to see next month.All that little lot has cost me about $500 .what the hell did I do to that chinaman?Never mind I'm back on deck and theknee has survived the rough treatment and so have I.
Sad to report my dear little casey is to go to the happy hunting ground next week. She's in pain at times and very miserable. She's 161/2 so I can't hold on to her. I'm to meet a lve'n on Monday. Fourth cousin I think. Quite excited about it. Brings the old FH a bit closer. I'll report on the meet later. Had better go aND WADE THROUGH A FEW MOREEMAILS SO CATCHYA LATER lUV mE


Anne Report 5 Jun 2009 15:19

evening all

just a quick note to say that JA's great work as been so helpful. Anne only has 3 days in Aberdare, and as that included the weekend it left very little time to get to offical records etc, however she spent her time today at 2 of the cemetries and with the help of a local managed to identify all 3 grave sites of her grandfathers wives, not bad for not evan really knowing the true identify of no3.

funny story, we have been communicating with a distant cousin Vivian for a approx a year (lives in swansea) and anne was finally able to talk to them yesterday, we assumed Vivian was female..........wrong!!! she is meeting and them and the family tomorow. she has also met soem local people in the little village where the family lived, Mountain Ash, who remember Edward and the wives and children and Annes mum, and they are desperatly tracking down the living relatives from wife no 1, before she leaves...................its so exciting when it suddenly all falls into place......again thanks to Ja, wouldnt have hppened without her......

Mary, still have a job, he has finally caught up with our pays and is talking again of selling the business by the end of the financial year, keep your fingers crossed he does, its what we want him to do, rather take my chances with someone unknown......

nite all

love June (CG) xo


JALimestonePlains Report 7 Jun 2009 09:21

Merle which Chinaman was that I wonder. Big hugs for you, take care
~~~~~~~~~~to everyone else


JALimestonePlains Report 8 Jun 2009 07:36

June you have mail

~~~~~~~~~~to everyone else - freezing here
Take care


Anne Report 8 Jun 2009 07:47

thanks JA, will print them at work tomorrow and cross reference with what i have

Love June


Alison Report 8 Jun 2009 10:36

Isn't it always the way? I told my husband a few weeks back that we should hitch up the van and go over to Forster or Manning Point for the long weekend. The weather report last week though said that it would be fine on Friday and raining for the weekend. Don't need to sit in the van for three days when it's raining so so decided not to go. Saturday it was fine all day, Sunday it turned out to be fine, today after a couple of showers was fine all day too. Can't win.



Zack Report 9 Jun 2009 05:30

Hello All, I arrived home on Sunday night Got out of the plane to rain and a temp of 6 degrees and to-day we are having snow showers it is freezing.

The 14 days away in Rockhampton was Lovely it didnt get any lower than 22 degrees. It was so nice seeing my Brother and his wife also my sister.

I went walking each morning with Neville and his dog up at 5.45am each morning it was still dark, gosh it was a shock to the system.I slept like a log every night with the help of a few brandies &pepsi.
I am sure I have put on weight Glennes is a good cook and they have dessert every night, HO HUM back to the diet.
Cow girl hope things work out for you Job wise it must be a worry good luck and nice to hear your daughter found some graves and also some relatives.

Alison ,My dau Kerry tells me they have had constant rain for the last 3 weeks, when I flew into Brisbane several weeks ago it had been pouring and there was water everywhere and it was blowing a gale, that was when they had all that rain and lost all there beach fronts, which they are still repairing.

Mary did your family visit you on the weekend? My friend Barbara and I are going to Sydney on a bus trip on Saturday we are going to some factory outlets I hope it is a bit warmer by then.

Merle I am pleased to hear your knee is much better, when do you have to move?

I must be off I need a cuppa as I am feeling cold
By to you all Marie from Bathurst.


Aussiegirl Report 12 Jun 2009 06:49

Well I am back to normal now I think...We have had some cool weather and Daughter from Orange said it was a lot warmer her than Orange..Since she got home they have has snow..would love to be there as it looks so lovely ...
Marie Sounds like you had a nice time..Good for you...

Merle Are you trying to get on the stage..What is your next act...or should I say...what had you to drink walking up those stairs.....glad you didnt damage that blurry knee...last thing you take it easy and slow down...xxxxxx

John has been sick with man flu, but is on the mend,,Just waiting for me to come down with it as he did nothing but cough all over me in bed when he was at his worst..told him off but I dont think it will make much difference..Would have slept in the other room but we had my brother and sister in law here so couldnt..butter.......

June CG Glad Ann managed to get all that info and to meet rellies as well is so good...what a lucky genie...hope she has a good time with them..pity you couldnt go with her...perhaps next time ...

Hope all are well and big hugs for them who are not...

Lotsa love Mary xxxx


JALimestonePlains Report 14 Jun 2009 13:48

Happy birthday -specail one to specail Tony of OZ lol - a great FH researcher:))



Zack Report 17 Jun 2009 09:23

Hello all, a special belated Happy Birthday to Tony, I hope you had a great day.

I have a couple of sick grandchildren down with vomiting and diarrhoea Abigail is 2 on friday and is to have a small party on Sunday I hope she is better by then.

I went to Sydney to the Factory outlets on Sat. and ttttttttttttt Drum Roll ttttttttttttt I didnt buy a thing.I cant believe I didnt Spend.
I went to the Library in Rockhampton while I was there, went through the Buriels thought I just might find a grave for that John O'Brien but no luck. I havent found how he got into this country either,its a puzzel.
Mary I hope you and hubby are well .time for dinner and some News on TV. Cheers to you all Marie from Bathurst.

Pearl of the South

Pearl of the South Report 17 Jun 2009 10:03

Hi lovely peeps, Seems I only get on here when I want support but I do love you all and I know you'll give me lots of good thoughts for tomorrow. I've really upset the chinaman this month. On top of all the other stuff I've had asthma for three weeks and it won't shift so finally trotted along to the doc yesterday and he decided to put me through all the tests and the upshot is that I have to have a cat scan of my lungs tomorrow morning because The breath test says no asthma but the other one says there' an obstruction.The doc and I have a bet on. I reckon it's asthma and he reckons no. I just think I'm being true to my normal difficult self and don't quite conform to the general public. So we'll see.
Hope to God I'm right.Nothing else bears thinking about.
Had to put our darling little casey down on Saturday. It was like losing Derek all over again.It's very quiet and lonely here now but I guess I'll get used to it.16 1/2 wasn't a bad innings.
My knee I'm pleased to report is faring much better than its owner just now!!! We're having some pretty cold nights but quite lovely if cool days and my bulbs are just starting to peep up above the soil. I've put them in tubs so I can take them with me when I go. The word is still 4to6months or two weeks so your guess is as good as mine. Am struggling a bit ti keep the black dog down in his well so keep me in your thoughts won't you.
Ser Tones I think I might have missed a special day. You have my best love and good wishes. Ditto to any others I've missed. Very special love to Lewella.Luv Me