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Wattle Club Number 4 for the Aussies and anyone wh

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Aussiegirl Report 2 Nov 2010 00:20

Morning all we have had some lovely rain..

Hi Joy.. Nice to see you.. hope you are well..

Marie Sounds like you had a nice holiday..good for you..I loved Asissi the best.. So old and quaint..

Fred.. Time you make me tired just reading your post..LOL

Tony Hope you have a nice Melb. Cup day and win a bit of moola..and it dont rain on the race...LOL

Hope all are well

Love MAry xx


Joy Report 1 Nov 2010 11:03

Hello :-)

Still enjoying reading across the miles.

One day, hopefully, cousin Tony, we shall find positive records showing that we do connect - until that time, I feel 99% certain that we are cousins :-)


badger Report 1 Nov 2010 09:18

Morning everyone ,from over the big pond ,in the frozen north.
I have had a pretty busy Sunday ,clearing out the greenhouse ,the veggie patch ,of all the haulms an dead plants,and got the lawn edges done ,the garden recycle bin is so full it'screaking on it's wheels,lol,the bin men are going to love me tomorrow morning ,He He.
Please Father Christmas ,can i have one of those incinerators for Christmas?,i could then have loads of lovely potash for my veggie patch.
My parsnips are looking good and are a decent size ,the brussels are coming on a treat ,and my red onions are now ready to hang in the greenhouse once i have bombed it to kill all the pest that may be lurking around.
Looks like i will want for little around the festive season,apart from a cauli' that i will have to buy.
A sign of the times perhaps ,with so many perv's around maybe ,or maybe too cold ,but we had no little visitors last night asking for trick or treat,or saying the old fashioned rhymes of England on Halloween and we were disappointed to say the least ,this is the first time in over forty years of marriage this has happened ,looks like the grand kids are going to score for a few pounds of sweets and biscuits when they come next ,lol.
I can't make up my mind what to do for dinner tomorrow ,wether to try out the new halogen oven ,after i go to the post office to pick up the cook book and crisping tray i ordered last week ,or to go for a slow cooker ,hotpot sort of dish,i will ask second cook what she thinks.
Well ,time to hang the washing out to give it a chance to dry ,before the weather closes in again ,later this week when the dryer comes ,this will become a thing of the past ,making it easier to stop the damp in the house caused by washing hung indoors,i could do with a glassed ,long lean to like the bro- in law has ,he bangs his in there ,so dosn't have these problems,with his dryer and big freezers,and tomato plants in the summer too [sniff] some people have all the luck,but,we don't do too badly considering .
Time to go ,shopping to do and then get on with the second bedrooms window ,which still wants sorting ,if it's anything like the others were ,with over half inch gaps between the plaster and frame in places,grrrrr ,tradesmen these days ,it is a good job i wasn't living here when they were put in ,i would have condemned the lot ,and told them to remeasure,better still ,i would have measured them myself ,some craftsman measured the frames from the inside ,instead of out ,probably to save climbing ladders in the cold ,.
Still they are secure ,and i have brought some expanding foam ,and tubes of mastic silicone sealant ,which should cure the howling gales we get when the wind picks up.
Catch you later all ,have a good week,Fred.


Zack Report 31 Oct 2010 21:35

Hi All,
I have just popped in for a Quick look and their you are Tony, yes I had a great time, and I am now busy with the reunion.
You will have to tell me about your mate, as he could be one of the many Haywards that belong to our lot, especially if his Ancestors come from West Coker.
Your Daughters Husband must be a good man, my Husband would not even let me go to the Centenary of the arrival of my fathers Family in Australia (The Zackeresen family from Sweden)Dad's mother was Danish.she was a Nielsen. I hope your Daughter has a great trip.
I must close,as I go to Gym this morning,
Hugs to you all,
ps.I hope you are nowhere near the flooding.M


TonyOz Report 30 Oct 2010 08:22


Thought i best pop my head in and say G'day.
Working 6 days a week as we head towards the festive season and summer, so only get the oppotunity to get on-line occasionally, and normally there are pm's waiting for me to do look ups. Keeps me busy.

Marie. Nice to hear you had a great holiday, and welcome back home to the sunburnt country......although, it aint to sunburnt at the moment. Well....not down south More rain happening in the far south east over the last few weeks( Melbourne ) than Noah's ark. At 6pm its pouring down. But this can only be a good thing for our water catchment, because somehow i feel we are going to need it come Dec ( summer )

Have planted out my summer Vegie seedlings ( twice now ) as the first lot were destroyed by a freak hail storm two weeks ago. Planted a new lot to-day, and now they are getting a good drenching. Hopefully my garden bed dosent turn into a small running river...( sob ) else it will be 3rd time lucky.

Hi Cousin Joy~~~~~~~ Hope all is well with you.
For those who may not know, Joy and myself share a common ( or not so common ) surname in our tree ( SADD ) and possibly connected a way back by county boarders, but cannot at the moment prove a blood link. My lot being in Essex and Joy's in Suffolk ( i think ) There were surnames seen as "SAD" but ours were SADD "Double D" its a SAD state of affairs we cant find that relo connection without
Perhaps one day?

G'day to Fred also, and hope you and Liz are well.
Safe journey home.

3rd eldest daughter tels me she is booked and paid for her European holiday coming up in June next year. London,Amsterdam,Paris,Switzerland,Italy,Spain, and back to London for some more touring ( 4 weeks in all)
At 33 now, and her first trip out of Australia........i can only wish i was going too.....hee hee
Hubbie is looking after the kids, and daughter and her childhood girlfreind ( who lives in London ) are off on the trip of a life time.

Making up my favourite curried suasages & mash for her n' me for tea better get on with it as the stomach is telling me i'm hungry......again....:>))

ps. best mate is a Hayward
Born in Melbourne late 1940s, and we grew up to-gether remaining good mates, and still are. Best man at my wedding in the 70s
pps. Hire a Hall......Only the best for the Hayward clan....;>))


Zack Report 30 Oct 2010 07:22

Hi Fred, so pleased to hear from you and you sound as if you are having a great holiday, I have a lovely piece of salmon in the freezer I am saving it for a special day I dont know when but it will just come to me one day.

I had a lovely trip to Italy, we saw all the wonderful sights of Italy tasted a lot of very nice wines we had some very nice meals, one at a vineyard which was delicious + music and singing and we had a strawberry wine ,it smelt and tasted like strawberry but it was from grapes superb, I would have liked to buy a bottle of the wine however we had to leave before we had a chance to ask if they were selling that particular wine.
I am busy in my garden getting all my vegies in, rain is predicted for tonight & to-morrow.I will close but imust say hello to Joy (AKA Maid Marion & Joy Kentish Maid ) thank you for looking in.
God Bless you all, Marie from OZ.


Joy Report 29 Oct 2010 14:45

Still reading, and enjoying reading :-)


badger Report 29 Oct 2010 08:26

hi Marie ,yep Fred & the missus,plus the grandson Chris are indeed on holiday ,until Saturday,in sunny [not ] Blackpool,where ,despite Liz not being too well [but getting better] we are enjoying ourselves..We managed to get Chris out for a while yesterday ,and got him on his tram ride round the system and then onto Fleetwood where we got off and transferred to a bus back to the holiday park..By three oclock Liz had had enough and was very sore across the back ,so poor Chris never got to see the lights he was looking forward too .
This lad is wise beyond his age ,lol,despite being part autistic,,he took one look at the prices to enter ,and go up the tower ,turned to his Nana and said ,no Nana ,i will wait until next year when entry to the tower is going to be free.
We got to meet Brenda from Manchester while we were here,by going to the famous Bury Market to have a look around there.
What a lovely lady she is ,taking time to show us around ,at a snails pace ,to make sure we saw all the important stalls ,like the cheese stall,really a small shop set in the wall,i have never seen so many cheeses ,from so many countries in one place in my life ,lol,by the time i walked away ,i was drooling he he.
The fish /meat market was a revelation so many meats,from beef skirt ,for the pasties ,to salmon cuts for the Sunday roast all a lot cheaper than up home.
Ditto with the fish ,from Swordfish steak at £7 a kilo ,less than half price than i have ever seen it in Newcastle,though to whole Salmon at £ 8,cor, ,these mancunians and lancastrians are spoilt for choice.
Have to go now,and take the boss her morning cuppa, i will catch you all after getting home as i will be packing for the return trip.
the car gets better by the week ,it took all of three gallons of diesel to get down here ,oh the expense ,lol.
Catch you all later Fred.


Zack Report 29 Oct 2010 06:20

Hello one & all, I am wondering where everyone is
,Hi Tony, Fred ,Mary ,Hz by the river,Mel75, June, Merle,and Amazing Grace 08.
This is very boring you cant all be away on holidays, Please come back.

The organizing of the Hayward Family is going ahead we have set a time The first week in October 2011.

As I have never done this before or even been to a reunion, I could do with some suggestions as to the procedure on the day.
Should we hire a hall??
I am going to ask all to bring Photos & Charts on their own branch.
I hope to have a large chart with the earilest Hayward names on it so that they then can add their branch to the tree.

Sorry I have to go as the phone is ringing

Regards Marie


Zack Report 22 Oct 2010 13:27

Hello,Bon Journo, How are you mates,and where the hell is everyone , I come back after 4 weeks away are you are still on the same page.

First cab off the rank Mary I will have you know I am a Queenslander and proud of it we may be a bit behind but our footballers can beat the blues ( he he Most years)How are you and your Oh I hope you are well
Tony I was pleased to hear Collingwood won in the decider Yahoo!

I had a wonderful holiday in Italy the company was great also the food and the Hotels.
I saw some wonderful sights, walked miles, took lots of pic's drank lots of wine never had a bad glass and we sampled many, thats why we did a lot of walking, trying to keep the weight off.

My favorite cities were Milan,Florence, Assis.,and Capri.

I will tell you more later.
Bye for now, bed time .


Aussiegirl Report 5 Oct 2010 02:26

Hi everyone.. We have had some lovely rain..

Hi... Mel. Hope you are garden was very happy for the rain..saved me watering..LOL..

Tony wont be on here for a weee while as he has done his mother board in..told him not to throw things at the puta..poor thing he has to use Barbs lappy and she might not like it..LOL

He was very pleased with the results of the footy ..smiling like a Cheshire cat...hee hee hee...

Hope you all had a nice loong weekend, and now we are 1 hour ahead of Queensland which makes me think we were always ahead of Queensland....LOL

Love Mary xx


MeJoy75 Report 3 Oct 2010 04:16

Hi all,

Hope everyone is o.k. and your gardens are looking good after the rains we have had lately.

Tony, we probably wont hear from you for a while - you had to wait two weeks for your football team to win the G.F. They just played too good on the day. Enjoy the celebrations. Just glad I don't have to see any 'mad' supporters around me!!


Aussiegirl Report 23 Sep 2010 06:38

Hi everyone.. We have lovely weather...

Tony If you visit Fred. you have my permission to stay in my Chalet if you are good,,It now has a fridge in it to so its getting well furnished,,Just waiting for the bed...LOL

Marie Have a lovely trip and as Fred said have your handbag around your neck and shoulders so that it cant be snatched off..photocopy details of your passport also cos if it is stolen it speeds up getting another..take empty suitcases so that you have room for all that retail therapy you can get..LOL

ME175..Gosh you are lucky to be in the goldfields.. I wont sell my detector as I hope that one day I can get back to Dunolly..We spent 10 years visiting the Dunolly Caravan park with our van and hours in the forests.. We know just about all the people in the park and had some great times there..I cried when I had to sell my van,,

Well Tony I hope your team wins the GF..I will be barracking for it..

Love to

Love Mary xxxx


TonyOz Report 22 Sep 2010 11:34

Evening....and good morning to Fred.

Well its Football fever pitch in Victoria AFL ( Australian Football League )....and my team ( Collingwood, Magpies ) just happened to be playing in the grand final this coming saturday...:>))
Should be a great game,( Collingwood V's St.Kilda ) and i will sit on the couch Sat arvo draped in my team colors ( Black & White ) with a meat Pie and sauce, and few bottles of amber fluid. The phone will be off the hook, and the doors locked from

Fred. If whenever i get back over to England, i will definatley take you up on that offer ( Fishing ) as it is a favourite past time of mine ( Trout fishing )
Other half Barb is chaffing at the bit to get to Wimbleton, to watch her beloved that is when i would take my leave and head north, as watching tennis to me is like watching paint dry.....hee hee

Speaking of Barb, i must remember its her birthday coming up on the 30th Sept, as it would be the end of me if i

Plenty of work at the moment, and doing quite a bit of work in Vic. Country side.

Best wishes to all...and Av a good un.



badger Report 14 Sep 2010 08:48

Morning to all ,from over the bigpond ,where we are on the slippery slope towards Winter ,yet again,he he ,not that we have had a summer this year ,just a wishy washy sort of extended spring ,cum autumn.
You can't be on about another holiday yet Sir Tones? you needs to get out in the garden mate ,and get on with the spring chores while the weather is mild.
I would have thought you water levels would have been higher after the winter you have had ,so ,i suppose your country is like ours in a way ,too much water all at once ,and not enough pipework to manage the collection of said precious liquid.into the catchment areas.
Would you believe that Yorkshire is still short of water after the spring and summer floods we have had ,bloody pitiful ,so it is ,too much of the water companies profits [which are humungous] going into shareholders back pockets instead of into new piping and water diversion,into the dams and lakes.
Reckon we ,and others could take a leaf out of Scotlands book ,with the forward thinking of thirty years ago ,and the building of the dam,hydro power plant and the biggest man made water catchment in europe.
The scots now make a packet out of the country park ,the boating marinas , fishing ,and transporting water overseas,canny scots for you.
sounds like daughters friend has it well sussed Tony ,time for you to hide in someone's suitcase i think ,that sounds like one heck of a planned trip.
If you do get over here again mate ,fancy a days trip to Keilder and a spot of fishing ,complete with some tinnies,he he,you could do with having a look at our roman wall and some beutiful countryside,though ,compared to yours,it is a bit small.
I see one of my young countrymen has got himself banned from going to the states ,after sending Obama an email calling him a pratt .lol .way to go lad he he ,,there was no need for all the swearing ,but Obama needs putting into his place with his spouting off at all and sundry to save his hide and political career,The yanks would do well to shed him A S A P.the fella is a liability.
Have a great holiday Marie,keep a hand on your bag at all times,and watch those scooter riding bag snatchers as well ,they are worse than the pick pockets.
Hope you are taking a good camera ,the county is amazing ,along with the majority of the people,and the cooking ,wow ,you have some treats in store ,enjoy it all ,you lucky person.
Time for me to get on with some work now ,still plenty to do even if we are now winding down a tad ,and looking forward to the trip next week..
The little 10" notebook is all loaded with programmes and ready to go ,far easier to carry than my acer laptop,and so compact it is unbelievable.
Catch you all later, Fred [ in holiday mode].


TonyOz Report 14 Sep 2010 02:52


Beautiful spring sunny Tuesday, in and around Melbourne. ( its about )

Water catchment is at they tell us.

Welcome to Mel175 and AmazingGrace08
Do please drop in and say G'day anytme.

G'day to Ian over in West Aussie, and welcome back Cowgirl.

Marie. Wishing you a happy and safe holiday to Italy, and i'm sure you will have a great time.

Third youngest daughter ( Melanie ) tells me on fathers day , she and a childhood girlfriend from Primary school in Melbourne in the late 70s ( who now lives in London ) are in the midst of booking a European holiday ( tour ) for next June 2011
Mel's girlfriend Linda lives between London and Melbourne Vic., and wants Mel to come over, and they are arranging a tour that takes in London,Paris,Amsterdam,Germany,Switzerland, Spain, and back to London. Mel is leaving the two boys with hubbie who will dip into his long service leave to take care of them while Mums away, so Mel is free to go.
She asked me if she was doing the right thing by leaving the boys with hubbie, and going off and enjoying herself!!!!
Go for it,i says....because when the two boys get to secondary school, you wont be able to afford a European Holiday....Trust
A trip of a lifetime for her, and at 33 years of age she has never been O/seas before. Plus....if she dosent go, i will be first to put my hand up to take her place...hee hee
I'm overdue for another U.K holiday....:>))

Spring is here, and time to start selecting what summer vegies are going in this year

Wishing all a great day.



Zack Report 14 Sep 2010 01:03

Hello to you all, this will probably be my last post for awhile as I am trying to get things sorted out before I go away. We have had 3 days of beautiful sunshine, It cant make up its mind to-day no sun yet, a light shower as well.
The bag is packed only an extra pair of shoes to put in.I am off to town later to get the euro's and the mobile phone to international roaming,
Fred I hope you have a great holiday,
Mary I hope you and family are all well.

The ball is rolling for the Hayward Reunion we have settled on a place now just the date to settle on, I will try to get it done when I come home in October.
Hz, How was the weekend with your dad
& your sister I hope it went well, did you have much water in Albury?

Mel75 nice to hear from you the children and I often went fossicking we had our special shovel and the gold pans, the children often went down to the creek which was very close to us and would often come home with a little speck of gold, it was exciting for them and for me.
Tony I hope you and Barb are well and there have not been anymore bad storms,Melbourne must be looking green once more.
June are you over your Jet lag ?I am looking for to hearing about your trip did you find the information you were looking for?
Merle like Mary I am wondering if you are in your new Place.
I must away LOVE & Hugs


MeJoy75 Report 13 Sep 2010 07:47


Thanks for your welcome.

Just popped in quickly, been out in the garden pulling out weeds, can't believe how quickly they grow!!

Mary, we have probably crossed paths on the goldfields, we have been detecting for years. We live on old gold mining land, where the Chinese first came to in the 1850s.

Marie, have a great holiday to Italy, are you doing a bus tour? We went in 2000, hiring a car, (very scary, they do not know what road rules are), we travelled through northern Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Germany and Czech Republic, staying with local families along the way. We would love to do it again.

Until next time, hope everyone is well


badger Report 11 Sep 2010 13:17

Hi to all the newbys ,and the oldies he he,hi Mary old buddy ,yep i have indeed started eating all the gear out of my buckets.
My runner beans went in two to a bucket ,nine buckets in total ,and have been watered throughout using the water from food preperation ,and the occasional bowl of none greasy washing up water ,and so far i have put down 30 lbs of chopped .blanched beans,and the plants are still throwing flower .
My cabbages are massive this year ,and i am getting about four meals per head..the dwarf french didn't do too well ,but i have a climbing variety for next year which should do far better.
The new freezer comes the week we get back from cornwall ,and i think the old one should stand at the back of your chalet as a stand by in case of a breakdown.
The new feeezer is only two trays shorter than the one we have ,but has a large fridge on the top,so we can shut the old fridge off and use it for the festive seasons for overspill ,and guess what? ,he he ,no more doing of the old geordie style corned beef in the chalet ,yeay ,we now have a fridge fit for the job ,lol.
The new fire is in ,fully fitted and commisioned ,so ,no matter what i can keep the missus warm and snug,no matter what transpires .
Get yourself a few buckets lass ,drill a few holes in the bottoms and get some seeds in ,great fun,you can eat what you grow,and it can't escape ,he he.
I found a lonely carrot in with the parsnips ,and left it to fend for itself so i may be in for a treat when i get to dig it out ,soup here we come .lol,the red onion came up great ,but they are cheap enough to buy ,so i will revert to caarrot next year ,you can't beat going out back in the frost and picking a couple ,along with a cabbage and parsnip to make a meal from,no need to even go to the corner shop,lol.
Found the link between the oz Rowans and my lot on Tyneside too ,which i will follow up over the winter,they left England on a ship out of Glasgow ,and turned up in Sydney,the Dad ,son and his wife the mother having died just before the turn of the century..
Looking forward to cornwall now ,two weeks to go ,yippee ,and back a week and off to Blackpool ,lol dirty stop aways ,that's us he he.
Time to go for another mooch around the boards,hope all you over there are enjoying what's left of your weekend,Fred.


Aussiegirl Report 11 Sep 2010 12:39

Hi everyone...We have had some lovely weather..

June Welcome home..Glad you had a good time..Did you manage to find any bricks holding up your brick walls...hope all was ok when you got home..

Marie Not long now..lucky thing..I am getting reeeealy green with envy ..all you peeps going OS..My grandson in in Norway at the moment..He then goes to London to meet up with a friend and then to Munich, and tour around..

Welcome all the newys.. You are very welcome to the Wattle thread..We spent a lot of time in Dunolly.. and Maryborough..Just love the little towns..My hobby is gold fossicking..but now my husband cant travel I am restricted to Genealogy..If you need any help just holla as we have some of the best genies on this thread..Hope you are all high and dry and not in any trouble with the rain..

Fred.. How goes things mate..Sorry havent had time to read back..Are you reaping your harvest..Started on my front garden and when that is finished I will start on my back one..

Well I better get to bed..Early rise tomorrow,,

Merle Hope you are well.. are you in the new place yet..xxxxx

Have a nice weekend all..

Love Mary xxxx