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Wattle Club Number 4 for the Aussies and anyone wh

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Aussiegirl Report 3 Jun 2010 01:33

Hi everyone.. We have rain again but not heavy..yyyaaayy

Marie I am like HZ. I have a little tranny and with earphones I pop into my ear so it dosent wake John and listen to the radio when I cant sleep..Its amazing how many times I go off to sleep with it still
Life is quiet at the moment but have my brothers coming for lunch next week so that will be nice..I might get up to Orange in a couple of weeks for just the weekend,,up sat. home it as it is more relaxing..

Tony How many weeks to Pooooooket..hee hee hee...

Hope all are well..

Love MAry xx

~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 1 Jun 2010 11:20

Hello everyone,
What a nice autumn we are having........ even last weekend when there were some treacherous storms on the coast to the east, we didn't even have any wind, just steady rain for a couple of days, just what the doctor ordered !
The rain knocked down all the leaves though, so like Sir Tones, now we
have the sweeping up to do, but I have designated dumping spots for the
mulch, which will be so useful next summer. Love kicking through the scrummy leaf piles though (still a kid!).
Baz is recovering really well from his surgery. He had keyhole surgery
which is less invasive, but even so has a tender belly. He is going into the shop again early but I notice he is having a morning nap when he gets home each day. I am leaving a list of little jobs for him each day (eg please bring in the washing), so that he is distracted from bigger ideas like "I think I'd like to repaint all the guttering" ..... once he's brought in the washing and peeled some veg for tea, I'm home too and can keep him occupied gently !!
Hey Tone, I think you sent your possum up here to me ! When Baz was away in hospital, there was a possum killed by a car right out in front of the house.
Then I began to hear noises in the night, on the roof and out in the back
garden I even got up one night to see if I could see anything. Next I noticed that something had started eating one of my butternut pumpkins I had left out under the pergola to harden off.............My theory is that the lonely partner possum was foraging for a week or so. He/she now seems to have moved on, and my pumpkins are safely locked up inside!
Shazz, were you born in Lithgow? know anything about it's early
settlement history? - I have an interest mid 1850's - perhaps re mining
there, was it just coal or other minerals.
You are a good grandpa Fred, helping out the grandson with the freezer.
I have to admit to being pretty clueless myself re food and cooking until I was in my late twenties......... believe me in the long run he will really appreciate your help, remembering what you have suggested.
Marie I have started my broad beans and peas for this year and some are
up, this time I have just put in a few seeds each week ! At the same time,
I am still picking chilli peppers Fred ! and some have coloured up on the plant in the sunshine in the last two weeks !! And I still have green tomatoes to pick.
Love my veg patch ! When I can't sleep Marie I listen to the radio with
earphones, if you can get the BBC they are excellent and it stops me
over-thinking things. Funny though how I can't sleep from 1am to 4am, then by 6am I want to sleep for 5 hours but have to get up by 7 !!
I posted a 'care parcel" to DD today, she is about to sit exams, so I sent
chocolate, a packet mix for triple-choc fudge brownies, a lip gloss, a bath
bomb, and a mystery envelope from her Dad ( i think the stuff inside was
fairly green lol).
Time for a cuppa, then I might do some FH cos I did the household bills last night and am all up to date, blessings to all, Hz


badger Report 28 May 2010 08:16

Morning all you people over the pond,from Newcastle over the water ,where ,at last it is starting to warm up again ,lol,i had to turn the heating back on two days ago,after a stunning week of very warm sun for the time of year ,resulting in me getting the shorts out and starting to get the legs browned up again.
If your grandad was baptized shortly after birth Mary ,it's his parents you need to blame ,not the bairn ,he he ,i did wonder about that when i remembered a family member who was Born in Kent [Maidstone] and showed up on the cencus as being born in Bucks [HighWycombe] they got their knickers in a twist because they found her baptism in Wycombe and thought ,that will do me mate.instead of checking further back ,albeit only a few weeks...Any way ,you have him sorted now ,he he ,wait till you find another ,then you can start it all over again.
Well ,i have the new gas B B Q all set up and ready to go ,the old one is now packed in the back ofthe car and is going up to the daughters later today.
the new one is slightly smaller than 'tother which gives me a tad more room in the corner of the patio ,but the main reason i got it is because it has a raised lid ,on hinges for smoking fish and meat as it's cooked,and i can now cook on it even if it's raining ,something you lot don't have to plan for over there he he.
These sausage and burger mixes we found are great ,the same taste ,and texture as meat ,but no fat or sugar added all quorn and soya, ideal for you coliacs and vegeterians ,with the added bonus that you can add herbs or spices as you mix the ingredients up ,adding your own flavours.,and 87 p a packet to make 8 sausages or big burgers isn't at all expensive,all Asda products too ,so we can buy them locally.
The car has had it's M O T and is going back to Nissan on the 20th of June when we pick the new bus up,just in time for a trip to oxford to help the grandson out lol, seems his freezer needs filled up and he hasn't got a clue as to how much he needs to buy,or the varieties of stuff he needs to get in ,ruddy marvelous aint it? ,he has the knowledge to stuff a Hercules aircraft to the hilt with supplies and just manage to shut the doors,and manage to calculate it's full take off poundage so that the aircraft can lift off ,but can't manage to do a freezer ,drrrrrrrrrrr.
We are not complaining really ,he will expect us to stop a couple of weeks anyway ,which will be a holiday for us too,and a chance to check over the new motor .
The inbuilt sat nav ,Mary,turns out it is controlled by an S D card you just plug the card into the computer and get you upgrade off the net ,neat ,eh?.
I Am still keeping my Garmin Nuvi one though ,just in case i can't get on with thee one built in ,us old folk get a bit set in our ways don't we ,lol.
Hope everybody is enjoying the cooler weather,and to give you all an interest ,only 7 months to Christmas [Fred runs off page lower right ] he he ,
catch you all later ,Fred.


Aussiegirl Report 28 May 2010 01:24

Hi everyone.. We have lovely weather att he moment..rain and cool.. we need both..

Been busy with family history as I think I have found my elusive grandfather 3 times The only trouble is he might have been born where he said he was but he wasent baptised there.. everything else fits so dont know what he was up to..waiting for a death cert. for his father in case it has a clue to solve my mystery.I feel pretty sure its him..

Life here is very dull and nothing much has happened.. Had a lovely surprise visit from JA and Lozzy a while back and it was so good to see them..Daughter from Orange might be down next week to stay for a few days,,Hope she can make it,,Might go up to Orange for a day or two in a couple of weeks time for grandies confirmation..

Hope June is enjoying her trip and Merle is fit and well..

Marie Stay warm and hope you are well..

Love Mary xx


***Shaz*** Report 24 May 2010 04:26

Arvo all, nothing to report, very quiet here, weather a little nippy, certainly not like Bathurst, gladly I left that weather all of 44yrs ago, being a Lithgow girl, that is the only thing I dont miss,,brrrrr

Spoke to Loz the other day about Merle, she is ok, Loz soke to her by phone and said she is fine

Wish we could get some of that rain Sydney has been having, but alas, poor old Narellan doest get much of it at all, and we could certainly use it, all of 10mins last Friday, then, as quick as it came, was all gone again

Spent yesterday with Loz and Ray on a picnic, my that Loz certainly is the hostess with the mostess, food was delicious

Seem to be having posting on here, , is anybody else having problems. Can keep typing, but cant see what I am writing as the page doesnt go down while entering, very weird. will attempt again later


Zack Report 23 May 2010 11:48

Hello all , from lovely Autumn toned Bathurst,where the Sun is shining after the frosts and we are with out the southly busters that we have been having since Spring last year,no kidding folks, we should be the capital of the wind farms here, lol

Tony, so sad Collingwood lost to Geelong, I was hoping they would beat them, as I would love to see them win the Premiership this year, I think it might be between Geelong, Collingwood & Freemantle. Sydney hasn't a hope, SAD.

June , I hope you have a lovely trip to England and strike the Jackpot with your Family research.
I am looking forward to my trip to Italy,I wish that I had the money to include England & Ireland,when I win Lotto.LOL

Shaz nice to see your name on here don't leave it too long before you pop in again.
Has anyone heard from Merle? Cooeeeee Merle we miss you, I hope you havent fallen over any more dogs or slipped down the stairs.Keep well Merle.

Hello Mary,I hope that your nursing duties are all finished.
Sydney has certianly been awash with all the rain you seem to be having, I have had to slow down the last few weeks as I have been unable to fall asleep untill the wee hrs of the morning, I thing I have been overdoing it, so then I have too much running through my brain, when I do wake in the morning I feel exhausted.

I would love a break away by myself. Just to sit in the Sun and do nothing.Just Dreaming LOL
I must close, Love and Hugs to you all ,xxxxxoooooMarie.


***Shaz*** Report 18 May 2010 02:57

Wow, its been ages since Ive dropped by, months infact, I will have to go back and find out all the goss. Ive been very rude and not logged in for months

Sir Tones, was only mentioning you this morn on the other thread, been so long since we have seen you, glad you and Barcode are well, I see you will be jaunting away again very soon, lucky beggers, have heaps of fun and dont overdo the drinks now will you. Missed you at Toowoomba this year. Ooh Tone, guess what, its not the acorns falling onto your roof, its the leftovers from your huge

Hi Mary, Yvette and the lovely Hz, not long now before Bz is home with you, Rob says Hi to you both and glad for Bz


Aussiegirl Report 16 May 2010 07:33

Hi everyone ..Cant believe it is so long since I was here,,Been a busy time what with our 50th Wedding Aniversary and my brother staying here so that I could feed him up and get him well again , Then Anzac weekend when the family got to Sydney for a day or two. so now life is back to quiet again.. and quite better get back to some family history..

Marie Happy Birthday,,Sorry its a bit late..Hope you had a good one..

Colin..Sounds like you have been busy also..dont work to hard,,

Tony.. Not long now to Poooket..Whoes counting the days..LOL..

HZ Great news about Baz.. Bet you are glad he is back home again..Bet you are tired running everything while he was away..

June How many sleeps to your take off...lucky girl..xx

Merle How are you ,,Hope you are ok..xxxx

Did I see Yette drop in,,Whoo Hoo..

Have a nice weekend all

Love Mary xx


TonyOz Report 15 May 2010 01:38

Morning.... from a rather cooler outer Melbourne City....:>))

Autumn is definatley here, and the sounds of people in the streets raking the leaves off there nature strips, as well as footpaths and roads,that have fallen from the giant Pin Oak's.

My own nature strip appox 60metres in length and 8ft wide, one side of the house, and another 30 metres on the front side is 4 inches deep in orange, yellow, red & green leaves, and no matter how much i rake it, the very next day it 4inches deep
We rake it to the gutters ready for the council street sweeper truck that comes twice a week now, but with cars whizzing up and down the road it blows straight back onto your nature strip....:>((
But its great for the garden compost too....:>))

The Grey Possums that visit the trees at night eat the acorns, and around midnight you can hear them growling at each other as they fight over the biggest ones. The Possums we have here are a bit larger than a full grown adult cat

Every now and then the acorns drop onto my fibre glass decking roof and it sounds like someone has thrown a bag of marbles onto

Next morning down come the pink and grey Galah's, and the multi coloured Rosella's, along with a few White Cockatoo's to fight over the spoils on the ground, that were left by the possums.......Everyone gets their share..:>))

Our new moggy cat *Bourban* keeps bringing fallen acorns into the house and dropping them at my feet while i'm sitting at the puter.
He likes me to throw them, and then he chases it and bring it back to me.
I think, he thinks he's a dog...?????? lol

Our 4 large Camelia trees are in full blossom of dark and light Pink & White flowers and is a sight to behold, looking at them through our lounge windows

Not long now ( 2 months ) till we fly off to Thailand ( Phooket ) for a bit of R&R and a few green, red, yellow curries...Yummm!!

My Footy team ( Collingwood ) is on top of the A.F.L ladder, so all is well down this end......:>))
Hope all is well at your end of the planet.

Best i go look at the swimming pool, and take the 2 inches of leaves out of it to see if there is any water underneath....hee hee
Must be time to get out the chemicals and winterize it, and get the cover out and drape it across the pool....... me thinks!!

Av a good un

Tony ....:>))


Zack Report 12 May 2010 05:31

Hi HZ, Lovely to hear from you,WOW you were lucky that your husband got to a specialist in Mebourne, & good that they acted quickly, so pleased the outcome was good, you must have said a quick prayer of thanks.
It is good that DD is doing well ,Sebastian seems to be enjoying his time at University also.He is now part owner of a car( he owes his parents as they lent him some money to buy the car).
Colin it is good to hear from you, I had to work longer I was almost 64 before I could retire. Battling with the nasties are all part of the fun of Gardening.
I am sure Fred would agree.I will hold off with the Bok Choy I will put some more Brassicas in.I do like Brocolli.

I have work to do so must away to the garden.I could also do with some food see you all soon. Byeeeeeeeeeeeee Marie.

~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 11 May 2010 10:12

Oops I have also been away too long, hello everybody. Turning chilly here too, cabbage moths well and truly gone now but they did their share of damage finishing off my basil and bell pepper foliage. Like you Marie, I am in tidying up mode, it's time for the seed cattle-dogs to dream of what to concentrate on next spring ! How I love the Diggers Seed Catalogue, you can google it Fred !!
Well I have been having an interesting time of it. Hubby Barry has been having biopsies to investigate his raised PSA for three or so years, finally got sent to Melbourne for yet another biopsy and they found the nasty tumour, and before you could say Jack Robinson, he had surgery last weekend. The great news is that the pathology report says the whole (tiny but deadly) tumour was excised and no spread to the lymph glands or outside the prostate, the surgeon said he never expects to see him again. While he is away in Melbourne I am running the business, doing his job and mine, so far so good, but this is just the first week and I expect it will get tiring as time goes on. Meanwhile an old employee of many years has died so I have a funeral to go to on Thursday. So my plate is full.
I did enjoy your description of the mouse in the house Fred, you are quite a story teller, I hope you have out pen to paper for the grandchildren I bet you have some funny tales to tell about your life.
Hope to check back a bit more often - I get more family history done in the winter, and the days are closing in rapidly now. Cheers, Hz
Oh and my DD is going very well at Uni Marie, enjoying her classes and coping very well sharing a flat for the first time, I'm so proud of her.


Sydneybloke Report 11 May 2010 09:11

Hello, sorry to have neglected the thread. Been fairly busy. Happy birthday Marie.
I'm still working, and have just had a minor promotion. Our laboratory manager has left and while I didn't get his job (no company car etc) I have new responsibilities in looking after our re-accreditation. This should be in about May next year, by which time I was hoping to be among the leisured classes. Oh well. Not that I can really afford it according to the financial planners, who I think are mostly parasites, but I would like to enjoy my retirement before I cark it.Sorry, but I am not a gardener but reading about battles with thrips, aphids and other nasties I am rather glad.
Hi Yvette, nice to see a new name.
Have a good evening peeple. Colin.


badger Report 11 May 2010 08:28

Heeeello,all ,yet again ,we seem to be very short of visitors,a good job Yevette stuck her nose in he he .or we would be back to the bare bones again.
Everyone is either t busy getting ready for the winter ,proper ,or taking holidays in warmer climes ,lol,don't blame 'em at all ,we had another frost last night ,but after the son told me it was snowing as he came over the fields to our house ,i was sort of expecting it.
I did find my leek plants at the garden centre, two punnets worth ,that should do us well with the other winter veggies this coming Autumn.
I managed to cheer the missus up a little as i came in from the greenhouse by telling her that the Asparagus seedlings were doing very well ,and would be ready to transplant in a few weeks if they keep growing at the rate they are under glass.
she is well bruised but getting around a bit better now thank goodness,which is as well because i need to go to town tomorrow and complain about my glasses,which i had made last august ,and paying a lot extra for reactolites ,only to find they have stopped getting darker as the sun comes out [which ain't very often at the moment] ,lol.
Wait til the frosts are well finished before you plant out new pak choi,Marie,otherwise you will loose them ,they are hardy when they are growing on ,but tender when very young,i have my first sowings in the greenhouse ,and will only put them out when the weather becomes more clement..
Most of the other brassica are well used to the cold and should grow well even in the frost,your cauliflower are well renowned the world over as the best ,and i won't grow any other but ,Dok,Elgon, Barrier Reef, and Canberra, all the english strains are crap,not worth the effort of growing.
I won the best cauli of the show four years running at the allotments ,with Barrier Reef ,And Canberra.
Looking at the hedges ,i need that new cutting tool before i get started on them again ,groan,my aching back ,he he ,still ,i need them for privacy out front ,and by birds would complain if i did away with them,every year i have my blackbird and thrush family homes ,along with many hedge sparrows ,and my wren ,they give me a lot of the early spring and summer..
Wish someone would cook me a meal on my birthday Marie,but well done to the girls , i'm sure you deserve being spoiled once in a while ,that's what families are all about.
Time to go and sort something out for dinner,maybe Lasagna broccoli,and new potatoes for a change.i must admit that i don't make my Lasagnas though ,i buy big ones made by Chicago town from a freezer shop ,cook them ,cool them right down ,cut them into four and refreeze them.
This does us two meals ,all for the princely sum of Two pounds ,not at all bad at the price ,but i think i may buy some of that meat free mince i mentioned ,and have a go,it can't be that hard ,can it ?
Catch you all later Fred.


Zack Report 11 May 2010 06:16

Hi Yevette, This Is Marie , in what part of the country do you live, I am in Barhurst,NSW, pleased you popped in, Badger & I have been feeling lonely,Fred is a real character I always get a laugh reading his post I hope you had a great Mothers Day , I did and now to-day is my 71st Birthday the girls are going to cook a very nice dinner for me.
Fred I hope your Oh is a little better I bet she is very bruised,
We have had several frosts it has hit some of the Veggies but they are still fruiting, I am going to put some bok choy in and see if they survive.
Fred you love your cat and it sounds like she had a lovely time.
I must go I am feeling cold and need some Grub and a nice hot cuppa.
Cheers to you all Marie.


badger Report 9 May 2010 08:48

Morning all ,we had a good day yesterday apart from the pest bringing in a playmate [mouse] and letting it go in the kitchen,where it promptly shot off under the washing machine.
Ignoring it for the time being,i went out into the greenhouse and got myself organised for planting out ,[at last] putting into the buckets ,the winter cabbage,Calabrese.Brussels,and then putting in the 60 beetroot plants.
Going back into the greenhouse i put in the broad bean seeds ,the runner bean seeds ,leaving just the dwarf french beans for Sunday morning ,[today].
I went out front later on and put in the six hardy Fushia into the big tubs ,replacing the ones that had died over the winter,and put in two lovely 'Mum plants i got from Morrisons while shopping.
I also called in at the hardware shop on the way home ,and got a mouse trap.
The trap ,i set last night before going to bed,leaving the cat to watch out for ,and hopefully catch the critter if it ignored the trap and bait.

Getting up this morning i found the useless ball of fur crouched down by the shoe rack ,so i tipped it forward to find the mouse at the back of it ,and i chased it out with the wifes brolley,where upon the cat grabbed it and shot off to the kitchen.
The cat was playing with it when i goot there ,letting it go and chasing it only to catch it again .
She let it go yet again and it shot underneath the washing machine,so i had to drag the washer out ,,only to find that it was now under the cupboards and i had to take out the kickboards to remove it.
The cat grabbed it yet again and took it under the table where it started playing with it again ,letting go of it to play with her little ball ,and then when the mouse tried to get away ,left the ball and chased after it.
By this time i had had enough,took my slipper off ,batted the mouse ,batted the cat ,and took said mouse out to the dustbin.
If that ruddy cat brings one more playmate home ,i will keep the mouse ,and put the cat out ,lol.
The son came yesterday afternoon to borrow a dvd [Avitar] to watch last evening and as the missus walked him to the gate ,she tripped on the step and hit the ground catching herself on the side of the step.right in the upper ribs,and bruising her left wrist as well .
The son got her up before i could get there ,but she didn't half give herself some big bruises ,must have hurt a lot too ,the first time i have seen her in tears ,since her mum died.
She is okay this morning but is sitting next to her computer in her dressing gown,too sore to attempt dressing.
Oh the joys of getting old ,we will be falling over matchsticks next.or sheets of paper ,lol.
Must be off now ,i am going to make the wife a drink ,and will then go into the garden to put the last of the brassica out ,a row of Primo ,spring cabbage before hopefully cutting the lawns.
I have only got to buy some big leeks now and all the planting is finished apart from the bean crop,way to gohe he ,caught up pretty well havn't i?
The only bad mistake i made was forgetting to put the leek seed in in January [B****r] but at least i have the seeds already for next season.
Hope everyone has had a good weekend,catch you later ,Fred.


Yvette Report 8 May 2010 23:34

OK, I'm sticking my nose in.

Its Happy Mothers Day and I've decided that,apart from breakfast and cups of tea, I'm not doing anything until the eldest comes and takes me to lunch.

Just realised what a hilarious statement that is.

Al of the veges that have survived snail attack are doing well,, and I also noticed a patch of jonquils coming up.

My intermittent internet is working OK at the moment , so I might be able to indulge in some family history.

have a great day, Yvette


Zack Report 6 May 2010 10:31

Hi Fred and all you vacant lot.
It looks like it is just you and me Fred they are slack everyone must be on holidays.
We have had more rain, our block was only just starting to dry out when down it came again,mind you the veggies love it .My jonquils are up and some of the daffodils are poking their noses through, the last lot of rain has made the Chrisanthemuns a tad sick.
Last weekend, our Barhurst Bushrangers Aussie Rules football had a home game it was a great day ,we lost only one game and our Seniors thrashed the other team by a record 243 points, I actually felt sorry for the other team and to their credit they tried very hard for the 2 hrs of the game. I am now off to the comfort of my bed mind you Fred if we didn't mow every 6 days I would be able to say off to the wild green jungle go I.
you may have to poke your nose in a bit more often, or I will be talking to myself.
Kindest regards Marie.


badger Report 2 May 2010 08:18

Good morning all you people over the big ponds,some coming into spring and others into winter.
We are now settled back in again ,and the furry pest is ignoring us again ,he he ,the honeymoon seems to be over again ,until the next time.
I can't do much outside today ,it is theatening rain ,so by the time i get the lawns done ,that will be about the lot ,apart from replacing the seedlings we lost over the weeks holiday through lack of water.
Not to worry ,it was only the Calabrese, and there is plenty of time to replace it because it has a long cropping period.
I noticed too ,that Liz's pet project is showing signs of life ,the Asparagus is showing at last ,and as soon as she sees it ,she will be on her knees praying in the direction of Mecca.or getting the broomstick out,he he.
The weather here for the start of May is awful,andi was so hoping for good weather on the 4th so that i could take the wife out for the day for her birthday,still ,i can still get her down to the Astley Arms in Seaton Sluice for a nice dinner.
We will be going down to Blackpool again for Blackberry week in October,along with Chris so that he can see the illuminations,he is the only grandchild who hasn't seen them yet ,his dad being a bit of a grouch at times,but no matter ,we will have him down there for a week so that he can explore Blackpool ,and the other towns in the area.
Hope everyone is okay ,alive and kicking and Mary is enjoying her cooler weather,and bro's company.
See ya later peeps ,off to the wild green yonder.Fred.


Zack Report 30 Apr 2010 07:00

Hello to all, this thread has been very neglected lately , Cooeeeeeeeee Where are you all, you cant all be that busy or are we just TOO boring .
Well I went on a wine tour yesterday with our Uni of the 3rd age & we had a great time trying all the wines & it was capped off with a luncheon at the last vineyard, it was a delicious meal followed by a scrumptious dessert, I had to go to the gym this morning to work off the Calories that were in the dessert & of course dont forget the Wine.I came home with 3 bottles.
Badger I hope your weather is inproving and the weather for your holiday is Sunny.
How are you Mary I hope your brother is on the mend also your Oh.
Hello to Merle if you are looking in, Also HZ.I hope you enjoyed seeing your Daughter.I have been having trouble with thrips on my chrysanthimums,and of course still problems with the cabbage moth.
All is well with my family no winter bugs ------yet.
Tony and Barbara I hope your holiday is great.
Alun what are you up too other than work, our local Aussie Rules started last Saturday the boys went to Cowra and played in the pouring rain they lost by 7 points, it will be different next game, we were short as some of our better players were out, one had caught chicken pox ,another had done a hamstring at training the usual things, I am hoping we are at home to-morrow.
Time for a cuppa.
Regards to you all


Aussiegirl Report 30 Apr 2010 06:37

Hi everyone..Well life is slowly getting back to normal.. My brother had a relaps and enede back in hospital for 10 more days and then he came and stayed with me for 10 days so that I could get him back to as near normal as I could.. He could hardly walk when he came to stay with me and when he went home he was 100% better and could walk without his walking stick and felt a lot more his normal self.. It was also good having him here as he came to the dinner to celebrate out 50th wedding anniversary and that in itself was a blessing..
Life now is slowly getting back to normal and I am recovering from being a mite tired with 2 old crocks to look after..that was what I told my to Johns anywhay..LOL..
June Not long now..Do have a great trip and see lots of cemetarys and parish

Marie When are you off.. Its this year isnt it..Boy all these people travelling..wish it was me...never mind cant have everthing..

Merle How are you my lovely Do hope you are

Fred. Are you back from your holiday yet..

Have a lovely weekend all

Love Mary xxx