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Wattle Club Number 4 for the Aussies and anyone wh

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·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:·

·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:· Report 18 Feb 2010 06:00

Howdy All,

I see some new faces here, been a bit busy in my part of the world lately. OH has had a hip replacement, and is well on the mend now. I laughed at Hissy Badger, cats certainly can make their feelings known can't they he he.
My poor vegie patch is looking very sad at the moment, only things left are the passion fruit vine up the chook fence, asparagus, parsnip ( yep had another go and they are great) and a few beetroots. I pulled the last of the red onions today.
We have a new addition to the clan, our son and dil had a baby girl on Tuesday, such a sweety.
I have a Wiltshire connection as well, my Marchments came from Upavon Wiltshire.
Cheers Wilson


badger Report 15 Feb 2010 10:01

Morning Tony,Mary Colin and all you other bods over in the warm lands he he.
Not too bad here either ,and i managed to get outback yesterday morning early on and pull some leeks,carrot,parsnips,cabbage,and potato's out before it started raining yet again.
All the veggie was to go with the special dinner for the missus ,a nice ,fresh chook,with a halved orange,stuffed where the sun don't shine he he,with lots of roast veggies and mash.
I didn't but the missus a card letting her think i had forgotten what day it was ,lol ,her face was a picture when she logged into her emails and found a card there
I even washed all the preperation dishes and cutlery as i went along to save time later ,finishing off after the meal by doing the plates ,tins and whatever [take note Tony] ,he he.
The missus was so chuffed that i got the rest of the day off so i had a good laze all afternoon and evening,luxury.
The other chicken breast is in the freezer for another day ,and the bird carcase is in a large pan ,now,with some herbs ,leeks making a nice soup for the tea ,Freddie boy wastes now't when cooking,usually the scrubbed tattie peelings go into a potato and leek soup lol.ya know peeps ,us pensioners learn to exist on a shoestring ,waste not ,want not as they say.
I spent the afternoon and evening doing a factory restore on the acer ,it was sooooo long since i had it out ,that i reckoned it would be quicker doing that than have days of updates coming through .lol,but this time ,i have backed everything up on two dvd discs ,a lot faster doing a restore that way.
It will teach me not to be so lazy too ,if i change to the acer once a month it will be easier to keep the updates more managable .
The wife and i will be going to the Metro,centre this morning where i hope to find a laptop stand qat a better price than the ones i found on Ebay ,nearly twenty £ for a piece of plastic ,cor ,the Mc Duck came though the scot's lineage and i nearly had a siezure,,i could make one out of wood cheaper if it wasn't so heavy.
Hope everyone had a good weekend,and is looking forward to the fall which is just round the corner.
Catch you later peeps ,off to finish the soup before i go out ,Fred.


TonyOz Report 14 Feb 2010 01:56


Much cooler over the last few days, and a bit of rain still about. Dont know how long it will last before heating up again, but at least at the moment we have green grass in the

Colin. It was well worth seeing ( Jersey Boys ) and they did a great job of acting out the parts they portrayed.
The sound ( singing & music ) alone felt very realistic.
There is a bit of swearing during the show, in their effort to make it as rough and ready as per the 60s era.

We are off to the Tennis center this evening again, to see Cliff R. and the Shadows, and on another thread on GR i was informed that Hank Marvin now lives in Western Australia....which i didnt know.

Eldest daughter rang last night to inform me they have now booked their annual leave holiday to Phuket ( Thailand ), and that i should get my A into G and book, before the special deals run out, so Barb is on the puter and phone and doing the i will leave it in her capable hands.....:>))
I just go where i'm told, and any holiday for a bit of R&R anywhere in the world is fine by me, as long as i dont have to wash the

Best wishes to all.



Yvette Report 13 Feb 2010 22:59

still raining here. its lovely taking the dogs out for a walk in it, but they aren't impressed when they get home coz they have to stay outside. nothing worse than a pair of wet sandy and smelly happy dogs jumping about.



Sydneybloke Report 12 Feb 2010 00:56

PS Tony, glad you enjoyed Jersey Boys. I'll see what She thinks about it. I dragged her along to Wicked. She was a bit reluctant at first but enjoyed it I think.
Cats is coming to Star City in a couple of months so we will see that. I missed it first time around.


Sydneybloke Report 12 Feb 2010 00:52

It hasn't rained in Sydney for a day or two, but more is coming.
It is all the fault of the new desalination plant (see note below). The day after they switched it on it started to rain.



[Note: it takes sea water from the ocean at Kurnell, purifies it to drinking water standard and pumps it into the reservoir supplying the southern and eastern suburbs.]


TonyOz Report 11 Feb 2010 09:52


Much needed rain has hit Melbourne and some parts of Country Victoria. Humidity has been high over the last week, and was nice to eventually get some wet stuff down south. Although, it did come with a vengence this afternoon, and caused flash flooding in the melbourne CBD to the extent it flooded out some rail services.

Dont think it bothered to many Melbournians, and the majority would have been pleased their much beloved gardens were getting watered. Temps dropped from 35c to 25 c in about 10 Humidity is still hanging around though.

Tuesday night saw us at the Jersey Boys concert at the Princess theatre. The life and era of Frankie Vali and the Four Seasons. It was well done, and told their story from teenagers to married men with kids. The music took me back to the days of the Crystal radio set i used to connect to my wire bed



Aussiegirl Report 11 Feb 2010 06:18

Hi everyone...Lovely to see the lovely Lara isTiger...oh he might not like that name now...hee.hee.hee.

Thank goodness for the rain..It has cooled things down and given the garden the drink it has been craving..hee hee...Even washed the car..Never mind its not long to winter...

June.. You are really getting ready for that trip..Sounds like you are going to have a good one. do you need anyone to carry your bags..

Marie..Sorry you will not be at the meet,,perhaps the next one..dont know where it will be but will let you know..hope you have had some good rain..Orange really needs it so presume Bathurst is in the same boat..

~~~~~~to Percy and Sydney Bloke..hope you are both keeping cool..

Better go and do some work so have a good weekend..

Love Mary


Sydneybloke Report 10 Feb 2010 09:50

Hello Fred (and Liz). Yes it can be hot. At least where I am gets a sea breeze (sometimes).
Air conditioning? We have it at work in the office. I have it in the car, but not in the house. Just a fan. February in Sydney is humid. Not particularly nice.
Still, I would rather be here than some other places in Australia.
I have never been a great fan of snow. I have experienced it a few times, but never very heavy. To see TV news of what hit parts of England and the US is scary, I shudder to think what it would be like further north, like Scotland.
I agree with you about cold, within reason. Trouble is, our homes are not really built to keep out the cold. But we can put more clothes on and extra blankets.
Early start tomorrow as I have to be on site 40 km away at 7.30. Or so.
See you another day.


badger Report 10 Feb 2010 09:12

Old pest Fred has been looking at the weather over there in oz,crikey ,you are in one hell of a mess arn't you ? here's us complaining about a couple of inches of snow ,while you have everything from record temperatures and fires ,through to cyclones ,floods ,storm force winds,and droughts shortage of some crops and livestock losses.
WE are the lucky ones ,so easy to keep oneself warm with the use of heavier clothing and turning the heating up a little ,a lot easier than trying to cool oneself down,this was brought home to me whilst on holiday last year ,some nights with the temperatures still up in the 30s c i had to sleep on the verandah,and i only had to put up with it for a few days ,not weeks.
Hope you are all making use of your pools and air conditioning all ,Liz and i are thinking of you and are hoping that relief will come soon.
Nothing much going on at the minute ,the washing in the machine and the clothes line ready,see ya later all .Fred & Liz.


Yvette Report 8 Feb 2010 05:33

yaaa 700


Yvette Report 8 Feb 2010 05:30

only popping in for a bit of me time,
we have electric bbq's in parks and reserves Badger. There used to be a lot of wood bbqs about , but the electric ones are safer and you can use them when there's a fire ban. Press the button and the heat generally lasts long enough to cook a meal. if it don't, well press it again. minimal mess, no smoke. Best practice as there is always an idiot who decides they are beyond the law and want that fire regardless..
The rain is good although I think some people might be getting a bit fed up with it by now.


badger Report 7 Feb 2010 10:24

Good morning to all ,and Marie ,i think you meant my grandson Marie ,he comes every weekend ,Hissy and him are great pals,and i get a rest while he is here because she follows him around instead of me .
The grandson also gets down on the floor to play with her ,something the wife and i can't do any more ,he he ,this old age isn't all it's cracked up to be
The weather here this morning isn't bad ,it is drizzling but very mild for the time of year.
I was looking out of the kitchen window an hour or so ago ,looking at the garden[if you can call it that] when something [maybe gardeners instinct ] made me glance at ,then pick up my little orange tree in it's pot. and look underneath ,three roots were showing ,telling me that it was time for a re pot..
Out to the greenhouse Fred goes ,pot in hand ,followed by Hissy because the bairn was still asleep,and i went in to the chalet [sorry Mary] followed by one very fussy feline,who then sat and watched me re pot the orange tree ,into it's new ,bigger home.I was sp wrapped up in what i was doing that ,when finished the job ,i left the greenhouse ,pot in hand and shut the door on my way out,forgetting about Hissy who was still inside,lol
It was when the wife came downstairs ,looked out of the kitchen window as she made the coffee and called through, you locked the cat in the chalet ,and she dosn't look too pleased [oooooops].
Let out ,she came into the house cobwebs all over her tail and bum,and flounced past me ,and sat ,back to me looking out of the patio door.
When i made a move towards her to remove the cobwebs ,she moved away from me and went to the missus ,hissing at me as she went .there is no doubt people ,i am in disgrace [sniff] it will be dinner time before i get forgiven i suppose ,lol
I do hope the heavy rain over there in N S W soon clears for you all,and hope all have had a decent weekend
Catch you later when i have had a look at the new Green site that Sydney has opened on the web ,lots,to look at ,and plenty for me to see on it,and read about.
Do you have any built in B B q pits near the parks? ,as i notice that they are banned in the parks itself ,maybe they have some on certain beaches near the sea like they have here ,we have three pits in the local park ,but they are in a line along the river side well away from the shrubs and trees,seems the thought of fires in the countryside are a concern here as well.
See ya later all.Fred [still in disgrace].


Zack Report 6 Feb 2010 23:28

Hello All, I have read the last 2 pages, lovely to see some names that have been missing for awhile.
We have had some lovely rain, thanks to the cyclone (from nth.Qld) which turned into a rain depression,& it is still with us ,says she looking out the window lovely thick clouds not raining at the present.
Peresphone loved the bit about us all had a good laugh,nice to see you on the posts. Lara good to see you back and congrats. on your success with the book. Cow girl June, would send you the rain if I could,but my wand has run out of Poof.
Bader your Spring is just around the corner and we have had a very hot summer so you had better be careful of what you wish for.It must be nice to have your Son back home,Has Hissy been introduced to your Son?
Hi Tony, did you enjoy the 20/20 game on Friday Night ?I did. Hello to Mary & Sydney Bloke I thought you might be Washed away with all the rain LOL
I must be Off lots to do in the garden.
Good Wishes to you all and Mary I hope you have a great time at WATTLEWOOMBA Marie from Bathurst.

Cow Girl

Cow Girl Report 6 Feb 2010 12:31

evening all

just popped in to say hello, been busy trolling the net for holiday cattages in various parts of ol Blighty and car hire and other stuff we can organise and pay for before we leave.

Persey lovely to meet a kiwi with such a sense of humor, lived in the land of the long white cloud for 3 years myself and my youngest is part kiwi.

It would be nice if some of you guys on the east coast would send some of your precipitation back this way desperate for a few days decent down pour.

Time for bed night all sleep well

love June (cowgirl in adeladie)


badger Report 5 Feb 2010 09:00

Hmmmmmmm,Lara the name Day made my ears prick up a little ,my Aunt Married a Day from Portsmouth england many years ago ,and i had many a happy holiday as a bairn ,fishing off the pier as the Russian fleet came into the harbour[showing my age now ,lol].
Hiya Mary he he ,yep Hissy milked the missus something rotten over her poor paws ,but darned soon got down when i rattled her food container ,lol
We made the tavva yesterday as planned and have to admit it tastes very nice ,one cypriot dish we will be making again,suitable for all you over the pond wanting to use some of your famous lamb .
What a to do over the Toyota fiasco,i hope none of you have one of these new models ,and i'm glad i stuck with my Nissan,i think it will be a few years before Toyota win back confidence in their products after this.
Hope all you peeps are starting to have more luck with your weather after all the flooding ,storms,anddrought,and hope the fire situation is much improved.for all.
Need to shove off for a while and get ready for our trip to the Metro centre,so ,i will catch you later.Fred.


TonyOz Report 5 Feb 2010 02:57


O'oooooh...... i see the prodical daughter ( Lara ) has returned to the fold....hee hee
O'w are ya mate!!.......Did you get my return email regarding your question about the Linksys router.

Some much needed rain in Melbin, and about time to.

Off to see the Jersey boys on tuesday night at the Princess theatre in Melb. Looking forward to going, then the week after off to see Cliff Richards and the Shadows, also playing in Melb. Not really a Cliff Richards fan myself, ( Barb is ) but the Shadows ( Apache, Man Of Mystery, Atlantis, Geronimo, Guitar Tango )... were my favourite group as a teenager, so looking forward to hearing them play.

Wishing all a great weekend.


~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 5 Feb 2010 02:11

Hi all its Lara back again well see if I can manage to be on here and do what I supposed to do around here, didn't know ALL the H/W was part of my job but it seems it is doing still as seem to have lot more to do or maybe getting older and slower LOL
In December a book I helped a tiny bit with was published about my Day Family and I seem to have lots of present day descendants of my Ward and Day families popping out of the woodwork.
I took my self down to Traralgon to visit a lady who is the great grandaughter of my 2xgreat grandparents and had a lovely talk to her she is over 90 and has lived a very full and happy life and is very with it all though it was hard for her understand the family tree program on the computer .
Nice to see some of the older wattlers popping back too I mean ones who have been wattlers for ever and great to see some new ones too thanks for those who have kept the thread going like Tone
better go lightning starting again '
Love Lara


Yvette Report 4 Feb 2010 10:43

Oh yes Persey~~~~~~~~~back, A wattler through and through. I stopped posting on the general boards for quite a while, but its nice to pop back in again.


Persephone Report 4 Feb 2010 04:40

Cheers All

~~~~~~~~~to Yvette - hello so this is where you get to when not looking for snow.
