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Wattle Club Number 4 for the Aussies and anyone wh

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Berona Report 2 Nov 2009 09:17

Hi everyone. Just popping in to say how sad it is to learn of Lewella's passing. She helped me with some of my Oz queries on behalf of others and will be missed, but not just for that, of course.


Allan Report 2 Nov 2009 09:13

Deepest sympathies to Lew's family

My prayers go with you



Alison Report 2 Nov 2009 09:04

So sorry to hear of Lew's passing. My best wishes to her family.



Joy Report 2 Nov 2009 08:55

Hello to all.

So very sorry to read about Lew. I have just read Jilly's lovely poem about Lew on face book.

And JA, I was sorry to miss seeing you when you went to the meet in London.

Pearl of the South

Pearl of the South Report 1 Nov 2009 01:54

Hi all, Love to all ,especially Terry on the loss of our beloved Lew.Theres not a lot to be said really except that every one of us will miss her so much. Even this relative newcomer. I'm so glad I was able to meet her in Tassie.The purple pills will always bring a smile to my face. Luv Me


JALimestonePlains Report 31 Oct 2009 07:29

Vale our Lew, wickedly wonderful person


Cow Girl

Cow Girl Report 28 Oct 2009 10:35

what a very sad day for all the wattlers and for Lews family, a wonderfully warm generous, caring woman who loved and lived life to the full.

sadly missed by all who knew her...

prayers for her family, in particular Terry,

a new star shines down on us all......


~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 28 Oct 2009 09:31

A very sad day today for those of us who knew Our Purple Printheth Lew who bravely suffered a dreadful illness. Special thoughts for her beloved husband Terry, and hugs to all the Wattlers, some of whom have put aside their normal lives for the past few weeks to spend time with Lew.
Rest in Peace beautiful lady, no more pain, ..Hz


badger Report 28 Oct 2009 05:08

Very sorry to get on the net at last ,to find that one of the main lights on the Wattlers thread has gone out.
Rest in peace Lew ,Fred,& Liz


Judy Report 28 Oct 2009 03:59

Sorry to hear the sad news of Lew.

May she rest in peace.



TonyOz Report 28 Oct 2009 03:06

Just to let those on the Wattle thread, and those who drop in to read it.

Our lovely Wattler Lew ( Lewella ) lost her battle with cancer.

Lew had helped so many people on GR to find loved and lost Ancestors over the years......and i'm sure those who knew her will be very saddened by the loss of this lovely lady.

Thoughts for her family.......God Bless..... and may she rest in Peace.



badger Report 24 Oct 2009 15:18

Hi Peeps ,well what a to do ,with windows ,despite reloading windows vista,and reloading windows messenger 8 i seemed to be getting nowhere,with this isp .and found everything dragging like hell.
Anyway yesterday morning after being booted off the internet yet again,i bit the bullet and ordered windows 7 ultimate.
This took me four hours to gather all the info needed ,and a further two hours to download ,but ,i have to say ,it seems far simpler and quicker than vista ,so ,i have high hopes fo rit once i get back home..We have been now to pick up the hire care,and i reckon i have found my new car for next year,the car they gave us is a Ford Focus ,nice and comfortable ,pretty nippy and supposedly very stingy with the petrol.
Great stuff ,because we can now get out and about again ,lol,plenty more sights to see over the next two weeks ,one being mount olympus and the Troodous mountains with all the valleys in between ,showing the little fields where everything is grown from potato's to grapes ,and from bananas to peaches ,oranges and dates .
We have fallen in love with the local green beans ,a much larger version of dwarf french that we get at home ,so ,i will be looking for them in our local markets.
The saga of the little bakery goes on ,we have had some lovely chocolate cake from there ,which is the tastiest we have had since the cake we had from there last week ,and the breads are out of this world..
Time to go and make the tea now,fish andchips with garden peas ,one thing you can't get out here that tastes right ,spoilt for choice we are. after the stuff we get served with on Tyneside lol.
We are out for dinner tomorrow ,we can't go home without sampling a bit more of the local fair ,can we?
The calgannon i made went down pretty well considering the locals here have never heard of Kale ,and the only way they have cabbage is raw on salads,and i def' enjoyed the dish that she made for me to taste ,another recipe going home folks he he.
I will try to get on here again tomorrow to see what this new windows is like ,it had better be ruddy good at the price ,i got it a bit cheaper than normal because i had brought my h p within the offer period ,but it still set me back £150 with the backup disc sent to my home address
See you tomorrow peeps ,take care and have a nice weekend.Fred.


Zack Report 23 Oct 2009 02:08

Hello Mary, Hz, JA on the Limestone Plains and last but not least Badger.

JR where are you, we havent heard from you in ages but it was nice to get your short post ,come back to us.
HZ still no time for the Library and I dont think next week will be any easier ,HSC and all.
Mary I hope all is well with you and John.
Badger I bet you got a shock when you stepped off the plane some of my friends in England have been saying how cold it is.
We are having the best week in months Just (((((Beaudyfull)))))) last night was the best evening, we had our Dinner out on the Veranda over looking the native garden the birds were singing and later the frogs gave us a lovely Chorus, we had a few wines with our dinner , all very nice.
I must be off it will soon be time to collect Sebastian.
Just one thing where is everybody, this post is the first since the 19 th of Oct. It is far too Quiet Cooee ------to all Wattlers Marie


badger Report 19 Oct 2009 09:49

Hello peeps ,after a longish fight with windows vista getting it to auto updATE AGAIN AT LONG LAst ,and reloading window messenger 8 ,i am back online without getting booted off every two minutes ,lol.
We have found a place that will give Shade a good home thankfully ,the cattery we got him from in January are stowed out and will take no more lodgers.We visited the Monestary first ,to find a huge three acre site all garden and fruit trees that the cats roam freely in ,so well fed andlooked after that although the cats flock round you in the grounds ,they will follow you as far as the gate but no further ,they know where they are better off i suppose.we have trogo backto KOURION YET AGAIN ,LOL,WE FORGOT TO TAKE IN THE EARTHQUAKE HOUSE THAT THE ROMANS BUILT ON SITE,ssems they were experts on these sort of buildings ,but after all the quakes and eruptions in their own country ,we shouldn't be too suprised after all.
They wer far seeing people ,building the town within easy reach of the river Kouris ,draining part of the flow through terracotta pipes down to a huge sink cut into stone that must have taken a year or more to build.and from there through culverts ,pipes and channels to the houses ,baths and swimming pools throughout the town
Off to make the dinner now ,but will be back later .Fred.


JALimestonePlains Report 17 Oct 2009 23:25

Waving lovely Wattlers from a chilly Wellington Somerset take care all and back later


~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 16 Oct 2009 09:47

Jolly cold week here but yes, the sun did come out today, might turn out OK for the weekend but the air is very cold!
No rush Marie, 150 year old documents can wait another month or so lol ! Like you I have to feed and water an HSC student. She is working nicely, but I took her out to see Mao's Last Dancer ( movie) yesterday, we enjoyed every moment of the film, it's gorgeous.
Tony that's marvellous that you can see the original documents online, what a thrill. My latest success is locating an apprentice doc but I have to go to Kendal, Cumbria to see it I think! Oh well, one day.
Fred you are having a fantastic time I can tell, all those food treats. You are a true traveller, getting down amongst the locals.
Our new neighbour has hired a skip for the weekend so we are sharing the cost and doing a clean-out of the shed and garage, will be a good job to get done. I see on the news they are really encouraging everyone to get bushfire ready for this summer. Those very high temperatures are scary, it will be a tense time if we have days like last summer.
Better do my dishes, then Collectors will be on, I'm an Andy Muirhead fan lol ! Have a nice weekend everyone, ~~ Hz


Aussiegirl Report 16 Oct 2009 07:18

HI everyone.. We have sun but it is a weeeeee bit cool..

Tony Just think,,all that puta work and you wont have time to go to Bunnings and spend money...Leave it to Barb to admit you are a fountain of info so you are called on by ussess a lot,,sorry if we are overloading you...but I know you love us...hee hee hee...

Marie We have 3 grandies doing the HSC this year so its a busy time for parents..and a stressful time..Many of the Wattlers are away so this is a quiet thread at the moment..should improve in a couple of months..

Fred.. When you go to that cafe ask for a Turkish Chai tea.. it comes in a little glass,,yes glass,,black ..and you add 1 cube of sugar to it and stir..Bloomin fantastic..I loved it while away in Turkey and dranks heaps of you are making me thursty...

Merle Hope you are well.. Have you moved yet...Great pickle of you and Vonny.. you look bl...dy hope you are well..big hugs..xxxxx

Well better go and cook some dinner,,Have a nice weekend all..

Love Mary xxx


TonyOz Report 16 Oct 2009 03:47

*pokes head in the door*


I'm still around...........but there dosent seem to be enough hours in the day/night to visit all the sites i belong

Had to start culling sites, as my family history research was suffering badly.

Doing lots of look-ups on the "Trying to find" board, and still searching for Badgers Riley family in Ozzie, but not having much success at the moment because of the time period they arrived. Unfortunatley,our Oz privacy laws restrict us from many references after mid 1900s.

Researching Essex ancestors of mine as well, from the late 1500s to 1700s Parish records from the Lexden Hundreds.
E.R.O ( Essex records office ) site ...S.E.A.X... is a gold mine of information to me, and have digital images on line of the Parish record BDM's and burials. These are the photograph images of the origional Parish Church Books BDM's and i am finding many of my missing Ancestors from Villages all over Essex during the 1600s. Found my 9x Great grandad Richard Hull bapt 1590 in Coggeshall Essex. I knew he had a great grandsonson John born 1710 in Earls Colne ( my 6x Great ) and John had married Ann UNKNOWN c.1748......going by their childrens births.
I could never find who this Ann was ( surname ), and could never find John Hull & Ann's marriage in the Colne Valley villages, but yesterday a break through while searching ..S.E.A.X... digital images on-line...and found he had married Ann BATEMAN in Coggeshall Jun 2nd 1747 and them moved to the Colne Valley where there first child Benjamin was born 1749.
This has taken me 25 years to find, sifting through thousands of BDM entries......soooo i am one happy little Genoholic at the moment, and opened a new bottle of Port last night to celebrate...lolol.....:>))))

I s'pose we shouldnt have favourites, but this particular 6x Great Grandad Benj Hull b.1710 was my favourite.
He fathered an elligitimate child in 1728 .....then married firstly in 1735 to a Elizabeth Bullard and they had 3 children, but all died and also his wife Elizabeth died shortly after. ( poss Small Pox, as it was rampant in the 1700s )
He them married a second time to a Sarah Edwards in 1744 but she also died within one year of their marriage.
He then married a 3rd time to Ann ( Bateman ) in 1747 and they went on to produce 7 children.
I call him my favourite because of his
He i assume... was not the type to just lay back and think....O'h well!!...... might as well blahdy give up, and stay Widowed after losing a second wife.
I'm glad he didnt give up....coz i wouldnt be here today if he didnt decide to marry a 3rd time to Ann Bateman in 1747........:>))))

Hope all are well.

Tony....:>))) * In sunny Melbourne *


Zack Report 15 Oct 2009 12:04

Hello Wattlers ,How the bloomin hell are you all,I can see Badger is having a great time Talk about a Chef In Gardeners Clothing LOL Hello Pearl also HZ I didnt get to the LIbrary this Week ,too busy with the HSC student, I am feeding as i have him shackled to the desk only let him off for a feed and a toilet. His exams start on Wednesday..
Starlight 7 I hope you add to our posts. LARA , TONY,and our west Aussies
WHERE ARE YOU ,we miss your contribution.
Mary and John How are you we are just about blown off the Map, we are still getting some of the red Dust sick of cleaning the window sill and screen doors also the fly screens.I hope Sydney is a little warmer than we are .
Hugs to you all Marie.


badger Report 10 Oct 2009 08:42

Hello peeps ,including the new member .lol. things are looking up ,fresh blood in the fold lol.
Liz and i are now having a well deserved day off ,in fact two ,no more sight seeing until Monday when we go to the castle up the road which looks very interesting,and has an unusual cafe next to it ,which sells smothies made out of the local fruit produce as well as different coffees ,tea and other beverages ,one of which is Turkish coffee which i fancy trying.
Seems the castle was some age when the Romans were here ,so i can only assume it was built by the turks ,or the original greeks,however ,i will find out Monday all being well.
The locals are amazing ,opening up like a flower if you take a little trouble to enquire about their local customs and way of life, i only asked about how some of the delightful sweets and dishes were prepared and the old lady whose cafe it was ,talked to me for an hour explaining how in the villages ,without gas ,and electric ,how they cooked and where they got the wood from to keep warm in winter.
I picked up a book on their cookery ,opened the first two pages to see if it was what i wanted before buying ,and was told it was half price for me ,and ,i also got a piece of locally made goats cheese tha twas out of this world that was supplied to us both on local crackers F o C with the coffee.
It was too hot to go on to the castle and we promised to go back on Monday morning before it gets too warm.
You know ,if people all over the world were as friendly as these greeks ,turks too ,the world would be a far better place,the only place so far ,other than the middle east where i would def' go back to.
They are a lot like you native oz crew ,friendly ,laid back ,and very generous given a little courtesy and consideration,hmmmmm ,seems the only people these islanders do not like at all are the americans ,wonder why ?
Maybe they have been telling the islanders that they have a bigger Greek island called Cyprus back home in Texas he he.
We have dinner planned for laddo when he comes in from morning shift ,home made stuffing ,roast and mash potato's cabbage cauli ,and green beans ,and a lovely piece of Nicosia pork[all the meat is produced in the north] and this joint will also provide a stir fry Sunday ,and the remainder put down in the freezer for a stir fry sometime next week.
We may even go for a pudding ,if we go back to that bakery off camp,he he ,the cake we got early in the week was outstanding ,lol.i could get used to this .
Have to go now ,battery power is almost gone ,so i need a recharge .
Good to here that John is so much better Mary , good on yer both.
See ya later all ,enjoy your weekend .Fred,& Liz.