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Wattle Club Number 4 for the Aussies and anyone wh

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Zack Report 10 Oct 2009 04:54

Hi Mary,Pleased for you re other half, it is nice to hear you will be able to do some travelling. It is burry cold in Bathurst also.What has happened to all of our wattlers they must be all off travelling .
Badger seems to be having a lovely holiday in Greece .Where is Lewella? I havent seen a post from her in ages.
Hi HZ I am still on the job for you.
Hello to Starlight 7 welcome to our thread it has been a bit quiet around here for awhile. The Bathurst 1,000 Race is on to-day we live in the general area of Mt.Panorama we can hear the cars but it is not disturbing especially when inside the house.Hi Pearl that dog of yours sounds like a classic in his T shirt LOL. I must go as I have to go and collect my Grandson from work He is doing a lot of study as he has his HSC exams very soon .Best wishes to you all Marie ps. Where are you Sir Tones ??Marie


Aussiegirl Report 10 Oct 2009 04:06

Hi everyone.. Well believe it or not but we have just has a lovely 2 days holiday at my brothers.. Mainly to see how John went but he did so well we are planning a visit to my other brothers.. If that goes ok we will start working on a visit to Dunolly in Victoria to visit all our friends down there and I can do some gold fossicking..We will take out time getting down there but John has no after affects from the travel so things are looking up..whoooHoo...
Merle Did you get Lews address if not let me know and I will email it to you..Hope you are well and when do you move to the new place..big

Marie Its been blurry cold lately and after all that lovely warm weather its about time we got more warm again..The red dust is slowly getting washed away by the bit of rain we have had lately so let it come and do the

June Tell me about the new it better than the last one slope..hee hee hee...How are things on the job front..and when are you planning on the uk visit..

Fred.. You seem to be having a great time.. Hope Liz is ok and over the black and blue stage..Your description of the places reminds me of our trips to the Greek Islands.. so lovely and so relaxing and yummy food...We hae been to Greece 3 times so that will tell you how much we enjoyed it..

HI Starlight 7..WElcome to the thread..Do you have a name we can call you..Your tv sounds as bad as ours here in Sydney,,hee hee hee...

Well have a lovely weekend all and keep warm.

Love Mary xxx


Jane Report 7 Oct 2009 10:51

Hello Lara,
Just sat here in front of the fire on a chilly Melbourne evening with nothing decent on the telly and eyes going crossed from doing family tree!


badger Report 6 Oct 2009 14:07

Afternoon everyone ,from a lovely balmy sunny day with a nice breeze washing across the patio.
I am now sat here ,dinner of a light salad with a mint sauce made from Balsamic Vinegar ,and locally grown mint ,which has been in the fridge since last night,under my belt and all is right with the world.
We left on a little tour at 1000 this morning after repeated attempts to get onto the internet with out any luck,this being a pretty iffy place for connection it would seem.
We left the camp ,travelled down the road ,and then turned right as if to go to Pafos,went along a road lined with proper date palms [not the decorative ones you see in town] all laden with nearly ripe fruit .
I havn't seen dates on the palm since my Aden days and i was highly tempted to stop the car and shin up the nearest trunk to nick a few,but on reflection ,me being past my prime ,i decided against it.maybe thew thought of being chased by a greek landowner had some thing to do with it as well ,he he ,anyway i have decided to see if i can find some juicy fresh ones in a shop here ,not to be confused with the dessicated objects you buy in boxes at Christmas [ugh]
Liz was on camera watch in the car ,window fully open because it was pretty warm ,with the idea of taking some pics of the laanscape and hills as we passed ,the roads being pretty narrow and bendy.
The driver in this country on holiday ,need to keep their wits about them ,the natives taking no notice of speed limits ,road signs and traffic lights,not for the faint hearted i'm afraid ,i have already had two drivers in three days ,shoot a stop sign and come out in front of me .seen four drivers [two lorry] blatantly drive through a red light ignoring the waved fists and tooting horns,and every second road junction has a smattering of broken windscreen glass,lying at the roadside ,one would think all the drivers trained in Paris he he [anyone who has driven in France will know what i mean].
Anyway ,we landed up in a delightful village called Pisssourie, right next to the sea,with lots of little shops filled with tourist stuff ,foods for the half board tourists and backpackers, little supermarkets and the inevitable greek bakery.
The beach was really lovely ,mostly sand and full of sun loungers put out by the hotel for the guests,but plenty along the far end for the day trippers to use,
There wer loads of water sports for all ,surfing.water skiing. para gliding.scuba diving.snorkling ,and jet skiing all these sports with equipment to hire at very reasonable rates ,he he ,they even had pedalo's for us oldies he he.
the garden half way along the beach was astounding ,brilliantly coloured shrubs ,flowers and trees and a nice cool walk among the palms,loli even came across a pussy cat like our Hissy enjoying the shade under a palm ,rolling back and forth ,so i couldn't resist a couple of pics of her ,or him to take home.
i took some pics of liz in front of some of these shrubs ,and she did the same for me.
We even met a couple on their last days holiday from Shropshire , and got talking with the result that we borrowed their camera to take a pic of them together ,then they did the same for us using mine,so we now have ,so far at least one pic taken together.
To cap it all there was a cafe one end of the beach ,and a cafe ,bar ,bistro, at the other ,with a nice line in coffee's so we had one each before we came away.
This is one place i can recommend to anyone for a holiday the couple we spoke to said it lacked nothing and the staff were impaccable ,the temperature at this time of year is around 30c and the beutiful blue /green sea is a balmy 27c ,can't do better than that.
To round the day off ,we stopped at the bakery just outside camp and brought a nice loaf of bread fresh ,fresh ,not the camp idea of fresh ,aand no dearer so we will be going there in future,and the piece ,de resistance,three lovely slices [biiig slices] of raspberry cake cum cheesecake round off a decident tea of snags ,eggs ,beans ,and oven chips with two slices of brown bread.
Tomorrow ,who knows ,but we have a proper A to Z of the whole island now ,so we are well suited .
See ya later all ,hope every one is doing okay,Fred & Liz.xxxx


Zack Report 5 Oct 2009 01:59

Gosh Fred you do paint a bleak Picture some one needs to let the papers know how bad the troops are faring. I hope our lot are being treated Better especially in (Afganistan). I hope the rest of your working holiday is good.
#*#* RED DUST #*#*Cant Get Rid of it.WE GOT SOME MORE ON FRIDAY #*#*#*#*#*
Mary how are you I hope your weather is nicer than ours still cold especially the wind.HZ yes even the hose wont shift the dust I agree,but enough whinging.
I am off now into the garden things to plant and I must plant my Beans ,Just hope it doesnt snow for the Big Races next weekend
Love to you all especially MERLE Pear of the South also the SOUTH AUSSIES who so kindly sent us all their RED DUST no more Please WE HAVE ENOUGH.LOVE to you all Marie from BATHURST BRMMMM BRMMMM


badger Report 4 Oct 2009 10:44

Hi All,hope everyone is starting to get over the red dust horror .and like nasties,and that things are starting to warm up for you all.
We are suffering as little ourselves with demolition dust from over the back where the old fire risk bungalows are being knocked down ,making one hell of a mess.
I did all Seans cupboard tops in the kitchen for him this morningwhile he was sleeping off nightshift,and boy ,this stuff too ,takes some moving ,three big bowls of water for each sets plus cillet bang to get clear down to the wood,still .it's done now ,and the lad will be busy enough cleaning other things to be worried about cupboards.
I will clean the oven tonight when the bungalow cools down a little forwhich i have the Mr Muscles,so ,no sweat hopefully.
I have been watching the furore on the net ,and telle ,re the forces state in iran ,iraq ,and other theatres, some on a war footing ,some not ,but all the same ,i tell you peeps ,even here on a busy base that supplies the war zones ,the troops contrary to what a blase lying government tell you ,the troops ARE short of essential equipement and other gear that is needed.
Here ,these lads ,and Lassies are coming off shift ,having a rest for a couple of hours ,then going to second jobs to earn extra to pay for equipement that they themselves these days have to buy themselves,by Eck Brown ,you and your cronies should lose your perks and pensions to pay for the mess you have made.
These mp's should be given a rifle ,and the shoddy equipement and shoved onto the front line to see what it's all about,then we wou;ld see something being done.
It was just the same when i was out in the middle east 40 years ago ,nothing changes.
They are even stopping future forces pensions to save money,what a bloody disgrace,some of these people are having limbs blown off and having to join a queue for treatment at a N H S hospital,because the forces hospitals have been shut down..
Maybe it is time for the british public to refuse to vote any party in until we get the chance to leave the e e c,which is where all the money is wasted
Anyway ,enough of the upset ,it's just that i can't believe my eyes at what's going on in the forces today,i mean ,i knew it was bad ,but what i have found beggars belief.
We are having the day off today ,chilling out and drinking lots of cold juice to keep cool.
We did have a nice time yesterday looking through two markets ,one called a flea market ,but in reality more like an Arabian Souk ,with hundreds of stalls selling everything imaginable ,from radios ,electric gear to foods ,veggies ,and hardware through to,and including the kitchen sink.
The other market was all oriental.from Persian Carpets,drapery,ungents and spices [including Frankinsence ] and insence sticks, through to fresh figs ,dates ,oranges and Delight [which every one calls Turkish] but was on sale in Cyprus ,made in Cyprus a hundred years before the Turks invaded the island for the fist time.
Tomorrow ,i think we may go into Pafos town for a look see ,worth it i reckon because the tourists and holiday makers havn't really invaded it yet.
See ya later peeps ,if Browns internet snoopers havn't arrested me for treason .lol.Fred.& Liz.xxxxx

~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 3 Oct 2009 10:08

Oh Mary and Marie , Baz is in sympathy with you over the red dust ! His precious back deck is covered, he pressure hose cleaned it during the week but now it's dried there is still a red stain on the paving and the wooden deck - it sticks like glue! I haven't told him how much grit and dust is coating the front entrance on the other side of the house to the weather - I did a brush down with the broom but the tiles will need a total scrub, there is a film of red dust on everything even the silverbeet and lettuces LOL !
Badger, more travelogue please! Such history, and so refreshing to be in completely different surroundings to home. Do tell more about your adventures and the food!
Sir Tones, are the cuz's home safely? It will take them some time to digest their big trip, what an enormous adventure. Glad they liked Healesville Sanctuary, it's a real gem of a place, an excellent place to showcase the bush and wildlife of southern Australia.
I am having a very quiet weekend as DD18 is away with friends, Baz is tinkering in the garage and I am tinkering in the garden, kitchen and lounge - and even the spare room where the ironing and FH live ! Tonight though I'm going to give myself a tv night and write some overdue emails to friends. Clocks go back tonight, so tomorrow we plan to ride our bikes downtown and have breakfast out - unless it's too wet, but so far today only damp and mild temp, just lovely for spring. Have a lovely weekend everyone, Hz


badger Report 2 Oct 2009 13:33

Afternoon all you loverly people.,from sunny Cyprus [makes a change from cold wet Newcastle he he].
We went out this morning for our first jaunt in the Corsa,and i have to say she did us proud ,not too far today ,but the next trip out will be to Pafos where we have never been before ,apart from the airport.
Limassol today was quite busy ,but we have found a place where we can park the car at a good price for up to 6 hours at a time and have a leasurely amble around.Our fist port of call [pardon the pun] Limassol being the biggest port in Cyprus,was Limassol Castle, already old at the time of the crusades,where Richard The Lion Heart married his lady love after being shipwrecked in the Medditeranian on the way home from Palestine.
The castle still has some of the original prisoners cells in use in the times of the arab invaders who sacked the original Castle before the town was converted to a mix of muslim ,christian beliefs ,strange isn't it ,that they could exist side by side then with no trouble at all,and we can't manage it now.
I Knew i should have brought my rod with me grrrrrrr, there we were walking back to the car via the prominade ,and what do i see? locals lining both sides of the pier with rods ,and looking down into the water what do i see lots and lots of fish swimming among the rocks at the sea floor,thinks ,now ,where do i find a rod he he.
We did have a long sit down in the Prominade park ,under a tree for Liz to get her breath will be a few days before she gets used to the heat ,still 27c on average ,and by the time the end of the holiday comes round ,she won't wan't to go home because of the cold ,lol.
Looks like it needs to be a good lottery win to satisfy our needs ,where as i can cope with this climate after the middle east ,Liz will need the full monty ,air conditioning to be able to cope at all,so ,time to pray for a miracle i think lol.
We are both having a great time more so because we have our own transport with no mileage restrictions,and can take our time to do anything we fancy.
Catch you all later ,Fred,& Liz.


Zack Report 2 Oct 2009 11:37

Hi Pearl, Pleased to see you back, Hz, Badger Mary & Cow Girl June, Like Hz I am having trouble losing the posts I have written it gives methe S --ts if you know what I mean. Mary we got a lot of the dust and then the next day got some more it is still all over my pavers I am waiting for some heavy rain to wash it all off.
The wind has been atrocious here for weeks last weekend it was freezing we went to the open gardens at Oberone for the Daffodils we had Sago snow all day and the wind had damaged all the Daffys such a shame then 2 days later we had beautiful Sunshine so changeable, it has been trying to rain all day but it cant quite make it.. My grandson finished high school to-day he will be sitting his HSC in about 3 weeks.
I will sign off as any more than 10 pages it just dissapears.
LOVE to you all Marie


Aussiegirl Report 2 Oct 2009 03:25

Morning all... Gosh time flies..Cant believe it is so long since I was here..

Merle So lovely to see you and you sound reeeeealy good..glad you have a pet to keep you in line.hee hee hee,,and the extra exercise will be good for you...hee hee..

June CG. I like the sound of the other block.. You have had such a lot of trouble with this one..Did Ann have a good trip to England and did she get all the info you you cant wait for your trip..

Marie.. You must have got more dust than we did..hee hee,,cos it would have hit you first..I had our back patio cleaned on the monday and the dust landed on it on the tuesday..What a waste of money..Now waiting for it to rain to finish it

~~~~~to HZ and Tony..

Fred.. Was great chatting to you.. Hope all is going well and Liz is enjoying herself and the black and blue is disapearing....Bet Sean will be sorry when you go home as he will miss all that lovely

Have a lovely weekend all..

Love Mary xxx

~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 1 Oct 2009 12:20

Hello All,

I'm hoping not to lose my post again - having trubs on here I think due to the ads ?? but I have been reading back.

Badger, my sister has been to Corsica, she adored the blood oranges, rarely seen here outside markets I'm sad to say, I've only had them once or twice in my life. Sounds like you are set up for a beaut stay and Mary will love the better air. Enjoy your holiday.

Pearl, I am thrilled that you had such a lovely visit with the Canberrans, and that you are being taken for a walk every day lol, can I borrow him? Won't be long till my friend Deb starts wanting me to walk in the mornings, it's nearly light enough. But we usually wait until after the Melb Cup, she has a dress shop and is really really busy at this time of year getting all the ladies dressed for the Racing Carnival time.

I finished all last years tax paperwork today, so I'm having a night in front of the tv. Also got a good start on next years lol ! I put off cleaning out the pantry till tomorrow.

Time to feed the cat - and make a cuppa. Happy Days everyone, ~~Hz

Pearl of the South

Pearl of the South Report 1 Oct 2009 10:05

Hi to all. Well, I did have a lovely surprise this morning. Had morning coffee and a loooong chat with the Canberra two. It was so good to see someone from Wattlers. Photos will arrive eventually. They send all their love and headed off to Esperance on their leisurely way home,
I believe Bev from Perth is also coming to Albany soon. I don't know her but would love to meet up if anyone can let her know.
I've made a special card for Lew, if she's well enough to bother. Don't have mail address though so can any one help there please. Birthday wishes to all I've missed. Hope you had a great day.
I got a tomato plant yestiddy, can'y help it if I have to carry another pot to the new 'ouse when it comes.My freezias are about to burst open and the daffies have been ok but the tulips look like being a dead loss unless they can survive till we get some sun. We ARE going to get some someday. I think.
Dog and I are settling in well now. He has stopped pulling his fur out in big lumps so stress levels must be improving. Takes me for a walk every day. Groan.I boughtr him two new T shirts . He just won't go to bed without one on.He actually takes himself out into the back yard now too, though wouldn't go through the doggie door till I propped it open.Will have to find something to stop the flies when they visit..
Must tell you I got a letter this weekfrom Mental health to say I have improved enough to be taken off suicide watch and congratulations! News to me. They must have been spying from behind a tree or summat pmsl.
Mary and Lara, your letters are still in lala land but they will arrive. Love ya.
Much love to everyone else Badger, you're priceless. Along wit our Ser Tones of course. Luv Me


badger Report 28 Sep 2009 14:14

Well,hope everyone is okay what with the weather over in the colonies He He,seems everyone is getting a bit of stick one way or another .
Old Fred is sat here drink of coffee on the left ,mouse on the right while i laze in a balmy sun,lovely breeze rustling the orange and lime bushes in the back garden,where i am sat at the patio table under the awning /verandah,watching the world go by ,all laid back and happy ,warmth at last ,lol.
Must remember to take a pic' of next doors cactus before i come home ,a huge straight leaved variety that must be at least 14 feet tall with lots of young ones growing round the base.
There is one in the front garden too ,a different sort ,with the flower buds on ,i wish i could take a couple of the young ones home with me for the front garden ,but i don't reckon customs would be over pleased.
Sean has his new posting ,back to Brize for him ,but next time he may get to Germany where he will be a lot closer to his wife in Poland..
At least though he will be back before Christmas ,and the wife is coming home for the festive season half ,in the new house outside the camp,and half at our place in Newcastle,much easier to visit too ,with no customs to worry
We went to apply for our green passes this morning ,and they should be ready tomorrow ,by midday which means we can go on and off camp as we wish without having to rely on Sean to get through the gates.
I think we will be going to pick the Corsa up on Wednesday ,and then we are as free as the birds ,within reason.
The weekly shop has been done ,apart from the everyday stuff like bread and milk,everything else is in ,a good supply of veggies ,meat and sauces,that sort of thing.
Liz had a good night ,and even Sean has noticed a difference in her breathing in a few hours,a lot less coughing and wheezing,and a lot more colour in the cheeks,def' time for a good lottery win to enable me to get us both out of britain for good .the winters are no good to either of us anymore.
Once we get the corsa there is a lovely beach only two miles away [Lady Beach] with nice ,warm shallow water ,and a nice sandy beach ,to lie on.
There is also a lovely swimming pool on camp ,so we will be able to laze on either ,in the sun ,or ,in the case of the pool in the shade if wished
Shade is now fully grown ,a long slinky cat with huge ears and small head,typical of an Egyptian cat,not the fluffy balls of fur the Europeans are used to,But he is spoilt of course and very vociferous if he dosn't get his own way as soon as he asks,he he.
Liz had a misshap in the arrival lounge of the airport terminal due to some stupid woman who stepped back into her own baggage ,tripped over same ,and cannoned into the missus and sent her flying over a Welcome to Cyprus hoarding onto the floor.
When this woman came into the seating area after customs clearance that we had been cleared by customs straight after the misshap,i was waiting for her,telling her that her attempt to leave without even asking if Liz was alright ,was not on,and that i had all her details from the customs clerk as to who she was and where from,plus all the detail on cctv in case of come back , she had better hope Liz is alright or she would be hearing from me via a brief,she tried to argue ,but her hubby told her to shut up while she was ahead,and he said sorry for her ,the look she got off him didn't bode good for the evening.
Anyway ,Liz is fine ,apart from being a little sore from the impact on her padded areas at the rear he he,and a largish bruise on her left elbow And has enjoyed her first sashey into town shopping [ouch] and i feel a tad lighter in the pocket ,but no matter she brought a weeks groceries apart from bread and milk which we can get from the camp itself.
Time to get some tea on i think ,gonna spoil the grandsonthis evening with a nice beef casserole with new cyprus tatties,cabbage ,carrots and peas ,and ,nearly forgot ,a dumpling each by special request .
Catch you all later ,Fred,& Liz.xxxxxx


badger Report 26 Sep 2009 12:33

A very quick reply to you all before i go walkabout in Cyprus,lol'
Sorry to hear about your dog Marie,just think though,your pet had a wonderful time with you and was much loved,.something most pets long for and not all get.
Have a wonderful weekend all ,despite the rain,hail.snow.and dust you may be getting.
Hope to be back on line Monday. Fred.xxxxx


Zack Report 25 Sep 2009 10:58

Hello all, nice to catch up on the Posts, and yes what a bad few days we have had lots of rain but even more dust and if you want your dirt back Cow girl June you can come and get it because I am finding it terribly hard to get rid of, it wont sweep up you have to use the hose I swear my gardens have grown an inch in height from me hosing the dust into them. The winds have been so bad and they say we are in for more this weekend.
Feeling very sad as we had to have our beautiful dog Jakobie put down ,he suffered a seizure yesterday he had been with me all morning out and in to the clothes line then he got on his bed to have a nap ,I went in to fix myself some lunch but decided to check on the washing machine I found him in the doorway unconsciousness I rushed him to the vet,they were good but after much care we had to put him down so we took him home and buried him in my native garden where he spent happy hrs with me , many tears were shed as we said a prayer for our little boy.
He was 14yrs & 6 months old and had given us much love.
His mate Xavier has been looking for him all day, he fretted for him the last time he was ill and had to stay in the vet hospital.
HZ I will send you an e-mail later. BY BY to you all.


TonyOz Report 24 Sep 2009 06:32

Arvo.....Aussies, and good morning Fred.....:>))

Fred. I will keep that offer in mind when we "hopefully" ( pending finances ) come over in 2011.
My Ancestor rellies were from Chester le Street, and Waldridge in Durham. ( 1860s )

My cuz and hubbie are about 2hrs into there 13 hr flight on the 2nd leg of their journey homewards........ from Kuala Lumpur to Heathrowe. Then its an approx 3hr plus drive from the Airport to there home in Essex. They are laden with goodies .... Boomerangs, T-shirts, Clothes, A few toys, and Aussie nick-nacks for there children and grandies, who are missing there Gran and Pop.
Whilst in Australia my cuz kept in contact with her family and grandchildren via the internet ( web cam ) and her youngest grandson wanted to know if his Pop and Gran could bring a Kangaroo & Koala or even a Wombat home with them so he could play with them and keep them as pets.....LOL
Cuz said to her grandie, well we could....... but her neighbours might get upset to see a Kangaroo jump the fence and go hopping about all over there garden and clothes line......:>))

Dont ya love kids....they are so straightforward and innocent...hee hee...God bless e'm.

My Cuz loved her time at our Melbournes Healsville Sanctuary, where they were able to get up close to Red & Grey Kangaroo, Wallabies,Koala with baby, Echinda, Wombat, Eagle, Duck billed Platypus, White and Black Cockatoo, All the Parrot varities,Tasmanian Devil, Dingoes, Emu, Kookaburra,Frilled neck Lizard & Co....and from behind glass saw some of the most deadliest snakes in the world, to which she peered through clasped hands held to her face. I think she was happy to get out of that particular

So through all the Photos and Video taken, i'm sure they will have some stories to tell there grandies about the Land down under.

Hoping all are well.

Best make the other half a cuppa.



badger Report 23 Sep 2009 15:10

good afternoon all you tired red eyed [and red else where] people ,i had a look at your lele this morning .wow .ain't seen anything like it in years ,not since a gulf sand storm anyway ,hope it will die down soon for you all.
I noticed other states were in bother with flooding and yet otherswith coasal erosion ,crickey ,you are in the wars.
Mary ,we isssss NOT getting older ,it;s the others hurrying to catch us up ,that is causing problems .lol,so please stop giving the oldies secrets away before i set Edith loose on you he He.
Well ,there is one trip to town left to see to where i will be taking the money out to pay for the car ,sterling ,not euro's after Bill told me there was a better option than hiring from the car pool.
The car pool would cost me the same amount of money ,but Bill said there had to be a better way ,so i contacted the grandson via the net ,and within an hour i got a reply saying there was a lad ,due to go back this next weekend with a nice 6 year old Corsa 1300cc ,who was desperate to sell it, but with no takers .
I have brought it and will take the money out with me to give to the owner ,,he flys home Monday morning.
Sean can now sell his Subaro and pocket the money ,and will be keeping the Corsa after Liz and i come home ,hopefully selling it art the last minute.before he flys too.
It even looks as though he may be back by Christmas ,a hell of a bonus.,So Well thought Bill always a sensible person to talk to,and good luck for the move.
not long to go now ,,bags packed and laptop at the ready ,only i have decided to take the acer which is nearly as powerful as the H P but quite a bit lighter to hump around [no naughty words intended ] lol.
We even went the whole hog with the seats too ,back off the wing ,window seats ,and meals included ,going in style ,he he.
What a nice day it is today ,a real indian summer for us ,the ONLY summer for us when you look at it ,tomorrow supposedly being as nice.
Even off out tomorrow evening for a meal, with the son and partner ,back to the chinese in Stowell street [china town] where we have been frequently and never get a bad meal.
Have to start tea now [a stir fry] but will be back tomorrow ,hope all of you over there in oz and kiwi land have a much better week next week ,than you have had this ,take care all Fred & Liz xxxx.
P/S Just seen Tony mention Durham on his next trip to england ,would be great to see you mate ,keep me and liz updated please ,we have plenty of room ,that would be very handy for you ,right next to the roundabout ,a1 north, south /,a 69 east and west,cant get better than that lol.


TonyOz Report 23 Sep 2009 14:56


11:30 pm Wednesday evening and just arrived back home after dropping the two immigrants off at Melbournes Tullamarine
airport, to start their journey back home to the old dart ( Mother England ) They fly to Kuala Lumpur ( 7-8 hrs ) then exchange, to fly the next 13 -14 hrs arriving at Heathrowe at approx 4:30 pm Thursday arvo. Losing some 9hrs along the way ( time difference between Oz and England. When they reach Heathrowe Airport at 4:30 pm Thursday it will be 7:30 am Friday in Melbourne Vic......:>))

They have thouroughly enjoyed there 21 days in Oz, and did cover a reasonable ammount of mileage .....Well, really they saw only a very small part of Victoria, but as my Cuzzes hubbie says mileage wise we have covered most of England if we were back home. They totalled up 6,000 Ozzie kms in there hire car during there short stay, but never really left the state of

Places they visited in Victoria.
Melbourne CBD,and some of Melbournes coast line, Healsville, Dandenong ranges, Gippsland region, Phillip island, Geelong, Warrnambool, Bendigo, Ballarat, Kilmore, Heathcote, Castlemaine, Echuca, and many of Victoria's smaller country towns along their travels.

We will visit them next,( poss 2011 and our 3rd trip to the U.K ) as there is still so much of England that i need to see, and check out my Ancestors birth counties. Wiltshire, Lancashire, Kent, Sussex, Essex, Durham, Yorkshire.

Bring on 2011


Cow Girl

Cow Girl Report 23 Sep 2009 13:50

evening all,

listen whoever has large parts of SA could they end it back this way I reckon we lost several small hills and maybe a small town or 2 was blown away as well........ so smarty pants here reckoned if NSW wont share the water then we will send the parched land there way.....hehe

Mary, we have found another piece of land, it used to be part of a wild life sanctury called Warrawong, so very beautiful fed up with the other council and trying to work out how many trees to take down..... also the fellow who was my old boss is resurecting another company so might get some work but not really counting on it. .........

starting to plan in detail our big trip for next year........cant wait

hope every one else is keeping well

love June (CG) xx

~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 23 Sep 2009 13:50

Hello Mary. Marie, Badger, and everyone.
Well what a night, Baz and I were woken by the rolling thunder and lightening after midnight, and simply couldn't resist getting up and looking at the hail and rain for a few minutes. The sheets on the line had to be rewashed today as they had a lovely sheen of red dust, but we didn't get dust in the air like Sydney and Brisbane, the pictures on the tv news were incredible. No good for poor people with difficult lungs. Mary you did the right thing staying indoors today.
Marie that will be interesting to see if my Mirfields are on the electoral roles,thank you so much for being a sleuth!
DD18 has a formal dinner at school tomorrow night, farewell to year 12, so tonight she has had her hair done, she's delighted, it's a very funky cut like the girls all seems to have these days, lots of layers, and a discreet little patch of electric blue colouring which she can hide at school but allow to show when the social life kicks in! I was also walking past a sale rack and bought her a great cotton jacket to wear with jeans, very trendy cut, high fashion, it was her perfect size 3 (European?) and she loves it, boy am I popular today! On that note I'd better get us all to bed, Take care all, ~~ Hz