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Wattle Club Number 4 for the Aussies and anyone wh

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Cow Girl

Cow Girl Report 19 Aug 2009 10:12

Hello Mary and Marie, and everyone else,

yes Mary i have been working hard, bit have had the dreaded lurgy for nearly a week, so not feeling the brightest..........

pretty quite here at the moment, getting ready for the babys 18, the last one to get there, finally got them all off our a manner of speaking.....

going to have an early night, see if that helps!!

nite all sleep well

love June xo


Zack Report 16 Aug 2009 12:09

Hello to everyone, I am back from Broken Hill and what a great time we had there were 15 of us all at the same Motel and we all got on like a house on fire lots of laughs and a happy crew we were.
So back to the cold ,however to-day was nice and I spent the day in the native garden with my daughters and the grandchildren it was very nice in the sun.
I see Tony has checked in He should be coming home soon.I have noticed that Badger has not posted for awhile he must be very busy in his garden, My Peas are looking good also the miniture spinach and beet root however I will have to plant more onions as only 1 has survived,I have also had a good strike of garlic chives.
Mary I saw on the news that you had a really warm day in Sydney, we have had rain to-night. Hello to JA,Tony if you are back,Gwenda Sandra Merle if you happen to look in on us, June Lewella Yvonne & The Border Reiver I hope you are all well.

((((((((((hugs ))))))))))))))to you all Marie from Bathurst


Aussiegirl Report 11 Aug 2009 06:51

Gosh its quiet on this thread..Where are you all..

Tony is slumming on holidays..June is working to hard and Marie is tramping around Broken Hill..Lara is oop north on holidays so its me to keep this place going..
I am off to Canberra on friday for the weekend to visit my lovely daughter and miss them ...wish we lived a bit closer..

Hope you are well Merle and everyone else..

Love Mary xxx


Aussiegirl Report 6 Aug 2009 12:26

Lovely to see you popping in Tony...Keep at those will get there eventually..hee hee hee..sorry no more money...I is broke...

Happy Birthday Merle.. Hope you had a lovely day and a little tlc..big hugs...

Happy Birthday also to Tassie..Did the kids spoil you..Have a lovely dinner out tonight.

Well I am tired also. John has lost his hearing due to wax buildup and I gotta shout to get him to hear putting drops in so it should clear up soon..

Love to all

Mary xxx


TonyOz Report 6 Aug 2009 05:24

Arvo to all in Oz.....aaaaand good morning from us here in down town Phuket.

We are 3hrs behind East coast of Ozzie

Just jumped on line ( in between Barbs on-line Leynton Hewitt.....Tennis games ) that she watches on her laptop.....:>)))
32 c here ( day & night )
Humidity rangeing between 70 & 80% ( Air con on chocka setting )

On Cocktail number 62 and only 250 variety's to go................but i just know i can fit them all in before we leave and head back to Oz...........:>)))

Happy hr is between 4 and 5pm Pool bar......and 7 & 8 pm in the Ze- bar
Karaoke from 8 to 11-30 pm and i never realised what a great voice i have after a few beers.....:>)))

Off for an Elephant ride to-morrow........for 3 hrs ( as ya do....hee hee )

Food is great at Resort, and have knocked down a few real Thai curries ( Green, Yellow, Red )....washed down with a few Thai Tiger that should give my liver a good clean out.

Best wishes to all.

Only request i have is...............SEND MORE MONEY "Help the Tony fund"........ c/o the girls are damaging my wallet ( sob )

Av a good un

Tony ....:>))))


JALimestonePlains Report 6 Aug 2009 03:31


Happy Birthday Tassie, may it be a good ME day!

And you too Merle the Pearl Happy Birthday to you and a good me day as well




Zack Report 5 Aug 2009 11:57

Hi All,
I just wanted to correct a mistake I made about Toowoomba re arrival date I will be arriving on the 18th of Feb. not the 15th.
I am too tired to write any more Night night all
Marie from oz Hugssssssssssss


Aussiegirl Report 4 Aug 2009 02:59

Hi everyone.. WE have a lovely day today..

Hope all are well and Merle is going along ok..
Glad you have got booked Marie,,that is the lot now..enjoy your trip away.. Broken hill is a nice place and lots of interesting places to visit..have been there twice and enjoyed it both times.
Poor Tony ,,is slumming it in Pooooket poor bunny...think he is going through the cocktails at happy hour one by loves the VB tablets he has to

June is Ann back yet,,and did she have a good is the job going..did you get lots of info for the tree after Anns visit to the different places..

Love to all

Mary xx


Zack Report 3 Aug 2009 04:45

Hello all, I just wanted to let you all know I have booked a cabin for myself for the Wattle Meet inToowoomba and I will be arriving on the 15thFeb.
If any Lady would like to share the cabin with me they are very welcome.I hope you are all well. I will be away from the 10th ofAugust to the 17th aug. I and 2friends are taking the train to Broken Hill and then a tour bus and visiting the reigon,we are sick of the wet windy weather we are having.I must go as I have a hair appointment,got to get sprused up for my trip. (((((((Hugs)))))))
Marie from Bathurst.


Zack Report 1 Aug 2009 12:49

Hi All , Mary thank you for letting me know about the T/woomba meet I got in touch with the convener whoes name escapes me for the moment, she is going to send me the information.
Hello JA, and ** Happy Birthday ** Lara ***Sorry to hear about your cousin I hope all goes well for her.
I am very tired must go another big day in the garden to-morrow
(((((((Hugs to you all )))))))))
Marie from Bathurst.


JALimestonePlains Report 31 Jul 2009 13:37

HZ thiking of you hard time with a friend, your driver and now your favourite cousin prayers for all and you too and your lveoly family




JALimestonePlains Report 31 Jul 2009 13:36

Happy Birthday dear Lara, Happy birthday to you - bit late to add in my thoughts



~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 30 Jul 2009 11:32

Marie, I thought of you this morning as we had freezing fog, this winter has definately been cold! Can't be too long till the days get longer and warmer can it? Lara you've got a better spot, no wonder you migrate north in the winter. Baz and I actually had an hour together at the garden centre the other day and bought a dozen ground cover grevillias to edge the lawn outside the garage - the word "lawn" being used to describe the clumping weeds we mow in that area lol ! Think we will let the ground cover encroach and then put down broad stepping stones and gravel in the middle pathway in due course - less mowing, and no water for lawns here any more anyway.
My dear cousin closest to me in age had a specialist appointment for Monday, she once had a small tumour on her aural nerve, and has been dizzy again, I'm really hoping her symptoms don't mean the growth has come back. We had just begun doing some FH together, I'm trying to plan a visit in the spring ( she's 5 hours away).
Can hear the garage door, hubby home so will dish up tea, keep in touch everyone! Happy days in Phuket, Sir Tones, have a nice holiday! Hz

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 30 Jul 2009 03:40

hello everyone its sunny and lovely here in Hervey Bay have been head down and bum up that's for sure as a rellie of the my Day relative in Gosford is writing a book on the Day Family History including my Wards and I am trying to help where I can with giving her what I have too its hard yakka sorting out my research as I am a messer I have two Ward families as ancestors one on my grandfathers side and one on my Nan's side they are not connected .
Tiger is playing lots of golf here at Hervey Bay Golf Club and is a happy fellah
June sad about you work mate its dreadful this swine flu is silently creeping thruout Australia they have just announce there are three people in Hervey Bay ICU with it really scary here as mostly seniors up her and lots of Victorians come here in winter to get away from Victoria's cold and hopefully the caravan parks are a bit isolated from the general population
but then if one person in here gets it we are in trouble all so close to each other, the only good news about it here is when the schools went back there was not a lot of cases presenting there .
We have been to the golf club for tea here and they have great steak nights where a steak you have 5 choices and five different sauce choices served with veges or salad for $12.50 and you can't beat that for a lovely meal.
We are off tomorrow night to the Boat Club where we have had a few meals when we were up here in 2007 and it has reasonable prices and decent food too
One of Mike's mates he met here in 2007 he's also a Vietnam Vet and they play golf together,his wife Angie invited me to go with her to Veterans Partners association meeting it was great they had a short business side of the meeting and then a speaker from Carers Queensland and she was terrific I learnt a lot of her re Wills and Enduring Power of Attorneys which we all should have for each other and also the Medical Power of Attorney and up here they have a form that you get your Dr to do for you re whether you want to be put on Life support or not I am going to check that out when we get home to see if we get that from our Drs in Victoria too as I don't know about you but I sure don't want to be kept on life support .
Nice subject sorry but was very interested as never heard about all things this lady told us about .

Hope you are all going along well and happy hello to Merle if she is reading
Great about Wattlewoomba in 2010 get there if you can we are booked in and now have another trip to look forward too .
Better go now and do some work on my elusive ancestors
~~~~~~~~~Love Lara

Cow Girl

Cow Girl Report 28 Jul 2009 13:54

evening all,

crappy day, went to a funeral of a work collegue/friend who died last week at the age of 56 from complications from pneaumonia/swine flu. Place was packed over 300 people there, standing room only.

tired now so going to bed


nite all sleep well.....

love June x


Aussiegirl Report 28 Jul 2009 10:46

Merle Big hugs and lotsa

Marie you have email ..

Life is a bit busy at the moment..but I hope it gets better by next week..

June you still getting paid..hope so..

Got a thumping headache so am having a early night..

Lotsa love
Mary xxx


JALimestonePlains Report 27 Jul 2009 00:30

Morning Wattlers all from a cold but sunny Limestone Plains
Seems we have all been heads down and b... up so no posts.

Marie hope the black dog has gone out the door, it seems to thrive on winter and little sunshine big hug for you

Quiet here. I have been doing FH, trying with my two cousins (our great, greats were siblings and we only found each other last year -up until then I did not know we had any relatives in the US) to go backwards and find the parents and family of great great great George as well as the wereabouts of one of my great s sibling s daughter. Work all that out id you can lol




Zack Report 24 Jul 2009 03:58

Hello to you all,Mary and Tony put me down for the meet especially if it is in Toowoomba.JA on the limestone plainsThank you letting us know about Merle Good on her keeping herself Busy.
I have been feeling down in the dumps lately I think it is the cold weather that is doing it .
We are having a sunny day to-day after several miserable days of rain and icey winds.
I am off now to do some potting up .
Love to you all
Marie from Bathurst.


JALimestonePlains Report 22 Jul 2009 13:27

Just a quick drop in to say hello and that I spoke with Merle today -she is doing OK and some great work with prisoners at a local high security jail. Health Ok apart form an eye prob and see shes specialist in mid Augsut, misses her beloved Derrick and her lovely dog but still our lovely Merle upbeat, and asks to be remembered to everyone.




TonyOz Report 20 Jul 2009 05:20


Very windy Monday in Melbin.
Sun is shining though, and the weekend just gone saw us out in the front garden doing some weeding.
We ordered 2metres of Mountain sandy loam to dress up the front lawns. They dumped it on the nature strip, and then i shoveled each load by wheelbarrow into the property.....That got my back into shape, and tested me
Took me nearly all day to move 2metres by wheelbarrow, but our spa bath got a good working out that night.......:>)))

Our 4 Camelia trees are in full bloom, and even the smaller one that was burnt to a crisp in Feb...with the Hot 47- 49c Victoria received last summer has kicked on. Its still showing signs of wear and tear it received last summer hot winds........but they are tough these camelia trees and have survived....:>))

I'm not really a garden person meself.........( Prefer my Vege patch ).. but do love our Camelias when they bloom in Winter. Two are higher than our house rooftop and about 7 - 8ft wide, and have hundreds of flowers about the size of a small saucer. Our Golden Bunny roses are full bloom also, and the perfume wafting around the back yard makes for a pleasant smell.

Only a few weeks to go, and we fly out to Thailand ( Bangkok and then transfer to Phuket ) for a bit of R&R.
I will be thinking of you all, as i lay back in the Bar pool and sip on a few Cocktails during happy hour......Well, i will try to think about you ......:>))))

Looks as though the Wattlers are in the process of planning the next big meet for Feb - Mar 2010........ in the Sunshine State....Q.L.D ( Toowoomba is on the cards )

Wishing all who are not 100% best wishes and positive thoughts.

Av a good un.
