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Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 14 Jul 2013 20:03

Evening All at last it's a wee bit cooler goodness just realised it's after 7 pm actually did some gardening but not much I may add far too hot.
Yvonne - Bet your son's over the moon with a new car is this his first car ?

Huia hope you get a good price for your lampshade we had a clear-out recently intending to go to auction but youngest son came down from Morpeth and was horrified we would sell anything and took the lot away has now removed another lot (we hope to move house sometime) so methinks he has got my bug of hoarding! :-D
Hope the rats get shooed away not nice are they?

We got the b/cake all right Mo plus a box of 20 little cream pastries they were lovely
and I thought really cheap from M&S thankfully nothing melted . Think the pastries would have been good for your cream tea Marilyn hope you had a nice time with your Dad & Step-Mum?? did you manage to eat out in the garden think it's so nice to eat out just like being on holiday though you have to watch the bees at the moment I got stung this morning... Ouch poor thing died afterwards and there's not many around either felt dreadful at killing off one of our necessary insects! :-D

Lynda where have you been hiding I told you sun not good for wrinkles so take heed :-0

Now then had our meal out last night a bit of a disappointment on one hand great on other We have been twice before for a meal to this pub/restaurant and had a lovely time very well looked after food good...But last night well!
Booked for 6pm (for kiddies) we arrived at five to six half family there already sitting outside so asked DIL if they knew we were there and were we in the conservatory Yes so had a look. Now last time we had a long table to seat 18 of us the entrance was cordoned off and we had the French doors open so kids could go out ... great.
This time there were 4 round tables in each corner could seat 6 OK so had to push 2 tables each side together so had half family on each side of room but they didn't cordon off so public were coming and going so couldn't talk to other side!! :-| Then we were waiting outside but at 5 past 6 no one came so we went in and were given 2 grubby menus plus 2 cheaper menus each side 8 people to look at them?? so it took ages for us to decide no one came so had to go to counter to order, ... the tables by the way was bare apart from a few silvery B/day things and Reserve notices cutlery/napkins/glasses?? No customer service ... when ordered we were told it would take 45 mins daur checked saying we were in for 6pm "well if customers come in before you they have to be served first"? OK? This was 6.15 got the starter at 7.15 Starters were OK main meal came at 9.20 and to be fair most of it was good 2 of the family said what they got wasn't up to much. OH! waiter?? came in with 4 starters called out what they were at end of room and with people coming through no one could hear so he "Dumped them on tables at other side and said to one son "sort it out yourselves" ???? no one came to see if we wanted wine which if they had we would have had a few bottles so they lost an order there we all had lager/coke then he came to clear away plates never asked if we wanted dessert so no one ordered so they missed out there with an order ?? We went into garden and found a long table (we should have had our meal there) and had our cake and pastries no one came near us at all. The only thing which I had to smile about was when we were ordering drinks again I took the menu and as it was so grubby I wrote the drinks order on it making sure they wouldn't use it again...Oh dear son got into trouble for writing on menu (remember it was just a photocopy) and he told them if there had been customer service we wouldn't have had to. :-P so meal food OK and in the garden we did enjoy ourselves so yes had a lovely time :-D
ps just wondered if I should write a letter to manager , who is actually on holiday at the moment, he was so good last time we were there and spoiled us .... what do you lot think??? :-S Am I being fussy? :-S


Yvonne Report 14 Jul 2013 15:56

hello everyone

Another hot day, It's a bit too hot for me.

On my own today, son has gone to work with his dad, he sometimes does volunteer work, he's helping out at a 'fun run'
Son got the car we looked at a couple of weeks ago, it's a nice car, been looked after by previous owner.

Jean how did Scarlett get on at her show with her ponies?

Shelly you're doing well on your diet, keep it up.

Best Wishes to your daughter, Nolls, hope you all have a lovely time.

see you all later



Huia Report 13 Jul 2013 22:22

Mo, I will probably never be free of the rats, but now Chloe is gone I can lay lots of rat poison without worrying about her. I hope I don't get any fleas next summer. I think they came from when the rats were coming in.

Must go, I am going to an Antique Fair in Drury today. Lots of stalls with all sorts of old things on, and there is a specialist who will look at anything we take along ($5 per item). I am taking a very old glass lampshade which was my grandmother's. No, it is not Lalique, or at least I cannot see anything to say it is. :-(

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 13 Jul 2013 18:59

Oh boy, what a day to decide to paint the outside of the house, phew absolutely cream crackered now. It took me ages, and I only had the window sills, and around the door frame to paint,but good grief was it hot, or was it ot, no it was flippin baking.

I cant understand it, I managed to get on this thread staright away, but tried to get onto Just Jeans thread, and was unsuccessful, it kept asking me to log in again.

Oh oh, I hope Marilyn is keeping her sanity in tact, with having her step mum there today, she drives her mad, as much as she luvs her, she's hard work bless her.
I hope dad is keeping well now Maz.

Cooee George, good to see ya matey. Where have you been hiding all these months? Hows the romance going, are you still together? or perhaps I shouldn't ask that.
Have you heard from Foggy lately, he is another we haven't heard from in a while. I hope he is well, please give him my regards.

What date is your birthday Nolls? I hope you have managed to get the cake for your daughters birthday. I bet you have had to keep it in the fridge to stop it melting in this heat.
Unlike you, I was unable to even write a post, so I didn't waste my time writing loads for it to just vanish into cyber space.

Hi Huia, hows you my love? I hope Phil is still o.k.
Have you got rid of your little visitors now, or have they come back to pay you a visit again lately.

Right, I am orft to sit in the garden in the cool, speak to you as soon as I can. Mo


GRMarilyn Report 13 Jul 2013 10:58

Hi Everyone.......George great to see you again.. :-D

Hi to Huia also.. :-D

Mo, Jean,Nolls, Shelly, Lynda ,Yvonne.......hello to you all, pity Stevey has gone from Friendy.....miss him x

I have been a busy bee entertaining friends....but phew its too hot !!!

Got my Dad coming today & (Step Mouther ughh !! ) doing a cream tea & salad for dinner too hot to cook ... :-S :

Anyone know where our Linda went ? I miss her too . :-(


Huia Report 13 Jul 2013 05:54

Although it still takes a while to post, but at least I don't get the Error notice. :-)


Huia Report 13 Jul 2013 05:52

When I hit the Submit button, I start counting the seconds and when I get to 8 or 9 I then hit the refresh button. That seems to help.

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 12 Jul 2013 22:47

Hello Everyone Hi George not spoken to you before I've slipped in here to the quiet and peaceful haven that it is ;-)
Well like you Mo last night I had a really long post and did it 3 times to no avail it just kept disappearing ugh! :-P but not got to the stage of giving up yet however now can't remember what I wrote haha. Now what's been happening today ... wow it was hot again but had to run into town this morning with son (to help me) to pick up a beautiful choc b/day cake from M&S for daurs 50th b/d we are having a family meal in a really nice wee place tomorrow so looking forward to it 11 adults and 6 kids we have been before and where we sit is beside the French doors and they open on to a garden with play area thank goodness for that! .

Dame Shelly I'm sure your tan will be going with your lovely svelte self I think sometimes it's best to do your own diet I lost 3st on my own 1000 cal years ago I ate what I enjoyed only weighed it out , wish I had the stamina to do it day!! :-D Still not got the Kindle as it's my b/day next month but think I will get one though .

Jeniwren lets hope GR can sort out their problems they seem to have quite a lot other times when I answer, a page comes up with error cannot see this page or something like it then you think your post has gone but when I go back into the thread there's my post oh dear things aint like they used to be :-D

Think Lynda and Marilyn are still out sunbathing remember the suntan lotion now girls don't want any more wrinkles now do we. Off to cause trouble on other posts hehehe :-D

Take Care / don't be Good / Enjoy Tomorrow / Nite All x


George Report 12 Jul 2013 20:20

Evening all,
haven't been on here for ages, always had blinking problems getting on, so gave up.

How is everyone enjoying this brilliant sunny weather :-D

George :-)

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 12 Jul 2013 19:25

Oooh look I have managed to get onto the thread at long last.
Nolls, I was able to get onto GR, but I couldn't post, it kept asking me to log in, even though I already was.
It's so frustrating, and I feel like I have been going round in circles.
I have reported it to GR, but goodness knows when they will get back to me and get it sorted.
Enjoy the weekend everyone. Love Mo


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 12 Jul 2013 08:27

morning every one

been siting in the garden getting my suntan
i look all nice a taned now

my diet seems to be going a little slow the last 2 weeks
not loosing much but still carnt moan as i was 11st 5 this moring
think i have to put a little more effert in to get rid of the other stone i need to loss

Nolls from Harrogate
i do my own diet but i have been going to the gym at least 2/3 times a week
i dont come home till i have burntup 500cals

i put the old man on a diet as well dont no how long he will last
but he has lost 11.ld

good news is i can now get into a size 12/14 bottoms
and 14/16 tops

Nolls from Harrogate
have you got your new kindle yet
i have read 72 books since christmas and always scanning amazon for fee and cheep books this year when it was my birthday my 2 girl put money on my amazon accant so i was well away in getting some new books


Jeniwren Report 12 Jul 2013 07:29

Morning all, hope everyone is enjoying the lovely weather.
Nolls, several people who used to add to this thread have given up because of the problems of posting, despite several requests to GR to sort it out I still find that my posts dont appear or sometimes are repeated 2/3/4 times, so have to go back and delete them. I do hope you have more success when you try again.
Did you go to the Yorkshire Show? at least the weather was good this year for it.
Have a good day everone, take care and stay safe. :-) :-) :-) :-)


Jeniwren Report 12 Jul 2013 07:26

Morning all, hope everyone is enjoying the lovely weather.
Nolls, several people who used to add to this thread have given up because of the problems of posting, despite several requests to GR to sort it out I still find that my posts dont appear or sometimes are repeated 2/3/4 times, so have to go back and delete them. I do hope you have more success when you try again.
Did you go to the Yorkshire Show? at least the weather was good this year for it.
Have a good day everone, take care and stay safe. :-) :-) :-) :-)

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 11 Jul 2013 22:10

This is ridiculous 4 times I have tried to post 3 long posts and they have all disappeared so will do so tomorrow Hope your all OK
Take Care Be (almost) Good Enjoy Tomorrow :-(

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 8 Jul 2013 16:17

Marilyn, I hope the funeral went off o.k. It's so sad to lose close family, especially when they are not what I class as old (ie 100 plus these days) as I know both Marilyn and myself are not far apart in ages, she is just a tad older :-D :-D :-D.luv ya hun <3 <3 <3
When I was at work in the pharmacy, anything that came on special offer, I bought in bulk.
We have only just started to have to buy things like shampoo, T/Paste, soap ,smellies, deodorants, you name it, I bought it, and I have been retired now for five years. The airing cupboard was bulging at the seems with stuff.

Lynda, you are so lucky having a BBQ done for you. I could starve to death before im indoors cooked anything. lol Beans on toast is his speciality, he can even burn soup without any effort ;-)

Don't laugh girls, but at lunch time, I made rolls for OH and his friend, who is here helping Roly to replace our shed door.
On the menu was ham, with whatever they wanted.....Roly chose pickle, Roy chose mustard buuuut the mustard was out of date....(she titters to herself) oops sorry Roy the mustards out of date, that dont matter says he, just slap it on, oooh you should have seen OH's face it was a picture. There would have been no way he would have eaten it himself, and he has been watching to see if Roy turns green and runs to the loo. LOL

Hi Nolls, hope you are still enjoying the good weather up where you are. It's been another scorcher here today.
I have not done much, just had a slow walk up to town, got a couple of things I needed then came home again.

Well thats it from me for now, take care all. Mo

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 7 Jul 2013 21:59

Mo I didn't mean to eat it out of date ate it before I saw the date but still here to be honest what did we do when there were no dates on the foods I know my g/ma would look at fresh food and if there was no mould on it then it was fine and if just a little bit just knock it off!!!!!!!!! OMG how did we survive?
Marilyn you should start a shop mind you when we were living in Hexham in abt 1976 Boots was the first shop that I had seen selling BOGOF all they sold in that range was their own shampoo/bubble bath/ toothpaste/soap and sugarless orange juice they changed the items every Tues and as that was the day I got my family allowance I would go in and buy what was on offer I was so pleased to see a years supply of everything and buy gum it was a godsend when you have 6 kids.
Lynda I have the 10.5 still on the bed it ends up in a hep between us really must get the summer one down though sometimes we just have a blanket and sheet over think that's what will be on tonight it's still so hot here just now and it's 10pm oh roll on the snow !! ;-)
Not really done anything except sit outside today then went out to neighbours garden to watch her little ones playing under a big yellow flower water spray oh how I wished I could join in it was such fun the littlest one has a broken arm and she was trying to keep it out of the water even though she had polythene over it but did she have fun
toodle-oo the noo

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D


GinN Report 7 Jul 2013 20:41

Hello, everybody, hasn't it been hot!
Well we're still alive after eating the curry - no ill effects! I'm getting better about hoarding packets, tins and jars, but when you go out shopping, you see all these interesting new products, and you have to give them a go - but maybe not 5 years later!
Mo, don't worry about trying vibration plates, they are ideal exercise for anyone unfit or overweight, they can't hurt you if you are careful- well, they aren't hurting me!
Hasn't it been a gorgeous day! Doubly nice, as OH has cooked a barbecue tea, so I've had a day off. Hopefully, he'll do another one this week!
Down to a 3 tog quilt now, nights are getting a bit warm. I sometimes defect to the spare room, as it has blackout curtains, and stays nice and cool.
Hope your CT scan will be OK, Marilyn, the waiting is the worst time.
Take care, all - don't get sunburnt! Lynda x :-) <3


GRMarilyn Report 7 Jul 2013 19:37

Evening All,

I had to laugh at Lynda.....we have a garage full of out of date goods .!! WHY ?

Well every time my Pete sees a bargain or buy one get one free , he buys not one lot but a basket full ..LOL So clogging up the shelves, there will always be out of date jars .....we are still alive !! :-D sometimes tins may look a bit shabby ,but always use them.....My Boys were horrified when I gave the grand kids a drink from a can of orange last summer as it was 3yrs old .....but tasted perfect !! needless to say they always check the date now.

I must admit I do go out and sort out really out of date products and chuck em away.

In one of my bedrooms I have two big Plastic boxes of Soap & Toothpaste Talc anything for your body !! all buy one get one free.....all under the bed in plastic boxes ..LOL

See not far off Hoarding really !!!!!!!.

Mo .....tell Roly not to look at the dates its all in the mind ...LOL

Now we have had a super day .....been for a CT scan today, don't know the results until I see the consultant in two weeks time.

Yes Mo I saw the tennis ...although I don't understand it I do watch the finals of Everything !

I'm going to my cousins funeral tomorrow morning only 69yrs .....sad ....not looking forward to that. :-S

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 Jul 2013 19:13

Oooh Lynda and Nolls, you are brave eating stuff so out of date. Flippin eck, my Roly would have a fit, if something was just a few days out of the eat by date.
He had to do a course when he was at work, on health and hygene. You would never believe the change in him. Prior to the course he would eat a dustbin if he was hungry, but not after what he was taught
When meat is cooked,ie a joint, I used to leave it to cool down completely, then put it in the fridge.....well not now, I have to leave it for a very short while, then refridgerate before it's completely cold. Oh boy, it was very hard to change the habits of a lifetime at first.
When I think back to when he was a boy at home, his mum would open a tin of baked beans, use half and put the rest in the fridge still in the tin....that changed after his course off course.
Oh Nolls, I had to laugh at the escapade with the tomato plant, it sounds just like something my OH would do.
Lynda, I would be afraid to go on the excercise plate, coz if I start my fat a wobbling, it would take a month of sundays for it to stop.
Did anyone watch the tennis this afternoon. What a match, Andy Murray played an excellent game, but he should have won a lot sooner than he did. lol

Going to get myself a nice cuppa tea now, so will speak to you tomorrow. Mo

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 6 Jul 2013 23:34

Thanks for that Lynda will do. I'm like you opened a tin of something the other week 2007 but still here but on the other hand had to laugh at you saying "try it first you might be surprised" ........ before what? you keel over hahaha :-D :-D