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GinN Report 6 Jul 2013 20:53

Good evening, all!
Just eaten a curry made with a Sharwoods sauce made from a jar dated Sept 2008, and very good it was, too! Really must clear out my pantry more often, but - hey, don't throw out of of date stuff, try it first, you may be surprised!
Mo- the exercise plate is right here in our little village - a beautician has just started up a new business, and it's handy just to stroll down the road for a wobble, in fact, I'm thinking of buying a machine - I like easy exercise!
Nolls, there's advice on the net about using these plates after ops, so try goggling.
Mo - my grandson is quite lucky in that his stepfather's family have a successful business, so were able to give him a chance. It's not skilled work, but he's happy at the moment.
Hope you don't all melt in this heat, just turn on your fans, and get your OH's to barbecue your meals. Oh, and drink plenty of chilled white wine!
Lynda :-D <3

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 6 Jul 2013 20:37

It's true isn't it that when the sun shines we all feel much more cheerful fact I could sing....tra la la la ... tra la la la ok ok I know can't sing 3 yr old told me so put his wee hand over my mouth and said no sing grnma :-( but I don't care I will sing .....
Mo a trampoline is very good for you wish I could go on one but those days are long gone! it's shame you didn't give it a try !! Sweets haha the answer to all ... I have a stack of them and also keep gingerbread men in a tin don't keep them too long if kiddies don't come OH eats them can't let them go to waste he says!
Our eldest g/child James is 22 the youngest Poppy is 19mths they are all a delight to us esp Poppy she has 2 big brothers and bosses them around just charges through them if they are watching something but she has the most beautiful smile
Well what was on the agenda today? let me see 1st did some book work for son's business ugh! then out to the garden to read Dan Brown's new book it's good if you like his work. then about 3pm we both got a bit bored so went to our wee corner shop to see what plants he had in, .... still got to take out the Wallflower so there will be empty places..... got quite a few nice plants then saw a huge tomato plant with tiny tomatoes on it only £2 so got OH to carry back to car (told him to put it on floor of back but he knows best?) turned into drive and heard a thud..... broken in half :-| :-| But hey still got flowers to set but the toms the size of peas are all gone ...screeeeech........
Then we had a nice Chinese and a glass of lager outside ....oh this is the life is it not? now back in to talk to you all and watch the Americans tonight , anyone watching it?? missed part 2 so kind of got mixed up with the people in it but still enjoying it (I'm easily pleased lol) anyway must fly
Take Care don't Be Good Enjoy Tomorrow :-D

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 6 Jul 2013 20:04

Hi all,
Hasn't it been a glorious day, and now this evening is wonderful. The temperature has dropped just a little, and it was heavenly sitting in the garden reading my book, before I came indoors to catch up with you all.
Oh Nolls, you should have seen me amd Lilly in the garden this morning. She dragged me down to her trampoline, " come on Nanny, you do it" erm I don't think so sweetheart. It was me who got all the attention today, only coz I walked in with three bags of sweets mind you lol
I do hope the scan is right, and the new baby is a girl, will you be able to change the clothes to suit if the baby is off the opposite sex.
My eldest daughter will be 49 in October, and my eldest grandaughter has just reached 26, now that does make me feel old.
I hope the family get together goes well. It will be a lovely surprise for Pat.

Lynda,where did you go to go on the vibrating excerise plate, is it to the local gym?
Isn't it a blessing when our grandchildren finally find their path in life. Finding a job in itself is so hard on the youngsters. Companies want experienced people, but how are youngsters meant to get experience, if they are not prepared to give them a chance.
I know from when one of my grandaughters wanted to become a special needs teacher.
They would not entertain her till she got experience, working with children.
Fortunately, her mum's employers had a nursery as well as a fostering agency, and they gave her a job on the nursery side, and after working for them for a couple of years, she re-applied for the original job, and was taken on.
She now has enjoyed working with special needs children for about two years, and is very good at it. She has the patience of Job with all children, bless her.

Marilyn, I hope the BBQ went well, and you didn't burn to much.

Bye for now folks, take care. Mo

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 6 Jul 2013 17:41

Have a G'Day beautiful day for the bbq ..................Opps sorry thought I was in Australia it's so warm :-D


GRMarilyn Report 6 Jul 2013 09:22

Hi Everyone !!

Not got time to say much today .....I'm off to North Devon for a bbq.

Back tomorrow evening.....

All have a great weekend.... x

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 5 Jul 2013 22:23

It's true Lynda what a difference a year makes our g/son and girlfriend went off last year to do the "World Tour" you could hardly get word out of him just grunts etc now he is back what a lovely lad I'm so proud of him . :-)
The vibrating machine... is it the one you stand on and get shoogled about? If so I have one but got it just before I got both knees replaced and now scared to use it when the knees are put in there is cement at either end of the fitment and I feel if it is shaken about too much it could crack the cement ..... I would be pleased if someone could disagree with me as I really would like to use it :-(


GinN Report 5 Jul 2013 22:16

Evening, everyone!
Been a lovely warm day, and set to get warmer this weekend - summer at long last! Don't want it too hot, though, can't stand those sultry nights.
Had another session on that vibrating exercise plate today, and I'm starting to really feel the benefits - might even buy one. I do like the idea of fitness for little effort!
Had my two youngest grandchildren to tea after school, then a visit from the eldest a bit later. He proudly drove up in his first car (his mum's old one), driving on his own for the first time! Bless him, this time last year, he was overeating, overweight, lazy and not knowing what he wanted from life. Now, he's healthy, fit, has a job he likes, and a lovely girlfriend. What a difference a year has made!
Bye for now, take care, Lynda x :-)

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 5 Jul 2013 21:57

I am back phew! the sun it takes a lot out of you don't it just !
Well I'm glad to hear Mo you've at last done your windows can't let the street down you know or are you showing the neighbours up?? Oh your wee Lily is like my g/kiddies Grandad this Grandad that poor old me I'm there for a "whisper" chocy biscuit grandma please hmm!.....Oh go on then lol!
Well yes we are having a nice family get-together next Sat I can't believe it but our oldest Pat is 50 today OMG it can't be can it? Where has the time gone? I feel so old! anyway we couldn't all manage this w/end so off we go next but Pat doesn't know all the family will be there so a surprise for her.
Met a friend in town this morning had a nice coffee then went to B**ts shopping oh they have the loveliest baby clothes , did I say we are expecting our 13th g/daur in Nov? so went mad this morning they had a really good sale on and I got some really cute clothes for her (lets just hope the scan was right and it is a girl lol) .
Now I have been very busy with my tree, I'm sure you are all doing the same ;-) anyway 2 people have caught me on different lines which I did years ago and I am having to check a lot of it, this by the way is on sh! M* H*****ge oh dear they are putting me through the hoops but fun . Anyway am off hope you all had a good day.
Be Good Take Care Enjoy Tomorrow x :-D

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 5 Jul 2013 19:29

Coooe everyone, it's only me.
Well Nolls, the nets, windows inside and out are done. The sun can actually shine through the window pains now, without it looking like I am seeing things through a fog. lol
Anyone got something nice happening this weekend. We are going to see three of the grandchildren tomorrow.
Roly will get his cuddles from his favourite girl, Lilly, and perhaps eventually she will notice that I am there, bless her, she's a grandads girl all right.
I tried to sit in the garden for a while this afternoon, but it was much to warm out there. Don't get me wrong, I do love the sun, but can't sit out in it as I did when younger, not even with the parasol up to shade me. Poor old girl aint I. lol

Have a great weekend girls. Mo

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 5 Jul 2013 16:39

Good for you Shelly hope you've lost something...what diet are you on? I am seriously thinking of going on one Very Soon if I can just get some willpower from somewhere, when I think of how much willpower I had as a teen wouldn't touch anything sweet or fatty --- just wish I could find it again :-( :-( :-(


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 5 Jul 2013 00:47

hi all im still here
and still on my diet i have lost 2st in all
i dident loss nothink last week so hopeing i have this week

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 4 Jul 2013 22:38

Ah ah yes this site is a good excuse for avoiding h/wk shh! .... But do you ever have those really really mad ideas when you go to bed or just when you wake up and think "I WILL do this and that today" Yes? .... well I stupidly thought that this morning before I got up and even more stupidly told OH and said "I am going to clear out all the fitted cupboards today got up and thought "What on earth have I said , it's beautiful outside and I DO NOT feel like it" but alas OH is always so energetic to tidy up (not me) so no backing out otherwise he would have said "I'll do way , he would have everything in the bin ... oh! nooo ... so started about 10.30 and finished at 4 phew! Well I did it to clear out the rubbish , sorry not much went out !! my big fault can't part with things lol! Did big ironing then we went to the supermarket and did a big shop so not been on here till night time ....see what happens when you don't go on line no one to keep you from the very narrow disastrous downhill chasm to houseworkkk ...oh I do feel ill! :-(
Jeni you must be so proud of little Scarlett how long has she been riding I think my g/kids would be scared to go near a horse though as I said earlier some will be getting riding at school in Aus, actually we lived next to a field at one point just a fence between us and the horse would come down to see what was what, I wasn't to happy to go near it :-(
Lynda those muffins sound good could have done with some during the day do you know we never even had a cuppa until we stopped...a record for me I like my tea ...
Marilyn how was the school play did you cry? used to love going to see the g/kids but not been for a while as one DIL is ex so we don't get invited now :-| Still lots of wee ones coming up soon! ........Mo one of my wee g/daurs is called Poppy Mai ... love the name Mai
Right I'm off ...... Take Care Be Good Enjoy Tomorrow x


GRMarilyn Report 4 Jul 2013 11:16

Hi Lynda,

Cinnamon & Apple muffin ....YES PLEASE....pass it down the Cyber Hatch !

Glad to see you back .. :-D Just have to ignore nasty comments .....I'm sure GR regrets some of their comment too !!! as I don't think they are justified either.

So onwards & upwards ...LOL

Going to see my grand daughter in her School play today .....ooowh I mustn't look at her or I'll cry ..... :-0

The sun has promised to come out this afternoon , so I have down a load of washing ready to hand out .

Take care everyone..... :-D


GinN Report 4 Jul 2013 10:16

Morning, everybody!
No, I haven't left you, only taken a few days out. Well, why let an odd few spoil things for the other lovely 99%, and you were all so welcoming.
This site is great for avoiding housework : before you know it, it's Countdown time and too late to get the hoover out!
A new beautician has set up in our village, and has one of those vibrating exercise machines. Thought I'd give it a go yesterday - quite painless, and feel more toned already! The girl said that it causes gradual weight loss, but I'm a bit sceptical about that!
Well, I'm about to put the kettle on. Anyone fancy a cup and a cinnamon and apple muffin?
Lynda :-)


Jeniwren Report 4 Jul 2013 07:52

Good morning friendlies, hope you all enjoyed a restful night.
Not sure about the weather here today, a bit cloudy at the moment but the forecast is good for later in the day. Horses and ponies all turned out so hope it stays dry.
Marilyn I hope your heart scan results come back good, and good luck with your CT scan, take care.
Nolls we used to visit Harrogate very often when we lived in Yorkshire years ago, I loved it, such a lovely place to live. Will you be going to the Great Yorkshire show next week?
Yvonne, Scarlett will be on 3 ponies, her shetland 'in hand' then 2 in the lowest jumping class, this will be her second show, she is getting lots of practise every afternoon after nursery.
I do hope Geordie doesn't leave us, aalthough I must admit I can understand what she is saying, the Gen. chat board hasn't been very nice recently.
Mo how are your 3 lovely babies, Lilly, Gracie-Mai and Zoey? all ok I hope.
I am going to have a cuppa now while Scarlett has her breakfast before getting ready for nursery, only 4 more weeks then she will be on holiday for 6 weeks, that should be fun!!!
Bye for now, take are and stay safe. :-) :-) :-) <3


GRMarilyn Report 3 Jul 2013 14:37

For Nolls....LOL

(_)?...@ ............ down the cyber hatch .. :-D

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 3 Jul 2013 14:24

Ok Marilyn On my way sugar with the tea!
Good! buy! :-D


GRMarilyn Report 3 Jul 2013 14:21

Awh...Thanks Nolls

I always think the worst when I have to go for results .....that way it is easier for me to handle..

I have got my new glasses.....Wow I think they are fab, might have another pair as the assistant gave me a voucher for 50% off another pair...

Having my Cream tea now .......Pot of strawberry Jam, Pot of Clotted Cream & 6 Scones for £2 you cant beat that can you....Tesc@s.... on HOT DEALS !!!!!!!

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 3 Jul 2013 12:46

Marilyn Sending you loads and loads of positive thoughts for the results of your hospital visits . New glasses we won't know you if you come on here wearing them! I hate looking in the mirror when I get new ones ..all those wrinkles that suddenly appear ...not that I am suggesting you can't look in mirror!
Sorry about Geordie hopefully she might be back ... fingers crossed
Mo have gone mad with the washing 4 prs and 4 nets now I'm not into doing all this but we are getting new windows in a couple of weeks so thought really must have them clean can just take them down and put up right away (to be honest can't believe how clean they look!! ) and window cleaner came and did the outside yesterday but hey don't need to do the insides .... in second thoughts will probably have to clean the new ones ...ugh .
Yvonne how lucky your son is to have had a horse to ride bet he was the envy of his friends. My g/children (4 of them) emigrated a year ago to the Snowy Mts. in Aus and on the school curriculum in the summer is riding , winter - skiing and snowboarding think they are really going to love it there . They have only arrived at the Snowy's a couple of months ago so have been getting skiing lessons so they can at least know what they are doing when they go out with the rest of their classes!
Shelly my g/son also has dyspraxia and dyslexia he is double jointed! (ugh!) His parents sent him to a clinic? which was run by an Aus firm he was there for a couple of yrs I think and just as he was leaving they had to close as the Gov. stopped funding it but what a difference it made to him . DIL had a dreadful time convincing school he had dyslexia and had to do all the running about eventually hospital confirmed he had both D.&D. he then got help in exams to read the questions and came from the bottom of the class to near the top he is one of the boys that is now in Aus so hope he continues well there
At last the sun is out not sure if it is warm as I've been ironing all morning ... oh does that make you warm still finished now so I suppose I should start some h/work (shh) ...or will I stay on here for a bit ..guess ? :-D Be Good Take Care Enjoy your Day. :-D


GRMarilyn Report 3 Jul 2013 12:15

Morning All......Oops Afternoon now ..LOL

I have been two days on the trot at the hospital for checks !!

Jean..... I had a heart Scan last week and no results yet !!
CT Scan on SUNDAY ..Wow .....fancy going to an appointment on the Sabbath !! LOL

Mo...I haven't heard from Linda in a while .....maybe she's having time out as we all do now & again. or could well have left GR as I haven't seen her posting on any threads .

Nolls..... I see your friend Geordie has given up on GR as well....what a shame as she could have stayed with us without all the hassle on other threads....hope she comes back to us ............COME BACK GEORDIE !!... :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Going to get my new glasses this afternoon......I felt like I needed to change my Identities...LOL ;-)