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GinN Report 27 Jun 2013 21:24

Hello, all. Back from a very enjoyable but tiring day at Norfolk Show. Rain held off until late afternoon, but then it was only light stuff. Really enjoyed looking at all the animals with my granddaughter: she's ten, and very into horses, and chickens 'cos her Mum keeps them. We all enjoyed the food tents - so many free samples, so lunch was a bit surplus!
Talking of Vesta meals, I remember having to put the chip pan on for the half a dozen crispy noodlas that came with them! Nolls, risotto is supposed to be pretty soft, with the rice just a bit al dente, with a creamy consistency. Are you using proper risotto rice? I've got to make cakes for a Village Hall do this weekend - haven't made any for years, so hopefully my new cooker will deliver!
Nice to seeit's still raining, so that solves the watering problem.
I do like this thread, so many of the other ones are argumentative or full of "witty" banter - which is OK for a while.
Hope you enjoyed the show, too, Lyndi - couldn't find a red helium balloon, so you won't have spotted me! :-D

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 27 Jun 2013 19:17

Nolls, I have seen the old V*sta meals still on sale in our £1.00 shops. We liked having the Chow Mein meals back in the day, but I bet they don't taste the same as they used to.
I think that with age, our tastes change. When I was a child, I loved to buy honeycombe bars, but when we were in Blackpool one year, I bought one from the sea front, and was nearly sick and bad with it, because it was to sweet for me now.
Those were the days, when a penny chew, ie fruit salad or black jacks, were a lot bigger, and tasted great, but now, I am frightened to get them, in case they pull me fillings out. Oooh memories, bluebird toffees in a tin, bought as christmas presents by Gran mmmm. We were given a lovely toffee bar with nuts in it last christmas, and it's still stuck in the fridge waiting to be eaten, and it will probably be there next christmas, unless the grandchildren eat it of course, I am surpised it's still there actually knowing my lot. lol
Got to go now, bye for the time being, speak to you tomorrow. Mo

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 27 Jun 2013 18:19

Hi Again Getting a bit fed up with this tennis can watch bits of it but on all day and now I see the footy is on 8pm so guess who is going to be banished to the b/room ... not me!! Thank you Mo I totally agree with you how could it be my fault if it wasn't there I wouldn't have moved it now would I? (Try telling him next door that haha) and as for talking to one's self yes you hit it on the nose as far as he is concerned I tell him nothing?? bah ! We have not had any roses out yet got a beautiful tree rose last year for our Golden and was covered in white roses ...nothing this year not even a bud?? have some buds on the other roses but still small perhaps it's because we are on the top of a hill and is the coldest part of H/gate that's the cause?
Marilyn if you want some more polishing please feel free to visit plenty here for you ;-)
Geordie lucky you can't make a risotto for the life of me always too mushy! ugh! used to like that Vest* one you could buy don't know if they are still sold ? must look next time I'm at shops, if so I might try it again and say I cooked it!
Lyndi We end up with plenty of left-overs when the g/kids arrive some of them are dreadful eaters but I now give up and let them have what they want they are only here for a short while so let their parents do the work!!
Now I'm off to feed the cat another one who is soooo fussy about her food :-S

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 27 Jun 2013 15:58

Afternoon all,
It's a good job I didn't bend me knees then, or you would have thought I was Jack Warner from Dixon of dock green.

Nolls, it was OH's fault not yours,he shouldn't have put it on the window ledge in the first place....come the girls, let's stick together on this. A woman wouldn't have put it there in the first place, we probably would have broken it before hand. lol
Like you, I talk to myself, and thats only because no one else listens to me, well he says he didn't hear me say anything, and I always check to see if he's got his hearing aid in, and nine out of ten times he has, crafty monkey that he is.
I didn't plant my Pansies till later this year, just in case the frost got to them, maybe thats why they are lasting so well.
I did have quite a few roses in bloom, but the high winds we had last week blew most of them to pieces. Aaah that was a shame wasn't it, and there they were in all their glory.

Shelly I noticed you were doing the early morning shift again, posting at about 12.55
Our little night owl, thats what you are.
Hows your electrics that you put right not so long ago? You are a girl of all trades arn't you.

Marilyn, will you stop that dusting and polishing please, the dust is getting up my nose.
I read about Dan in the paper last week, I think they are afraid he will talk about a case he has been on recently, but I thought they were putting a five minute delay on him just in case he let something slip that he shouldn't.
I thought Gina did well in last nights task, I ceratinly wouldn't have liked to have done it. I can't even swallow anything like Mil* of Mag*esia, let alone what she had to drink, yuk nasty.

Lets hope the others had a great day at the show today, and that it stayed dry for them.

Apparantly we are due for rain here in Kent, tonight and tomorrow. Just coz it's bed changing day, and I want to get it all dry, it would decide to tip it down. Still the garden does need it.

Where our Jeni got to today, I wonder. I bet she's busy at the stables with the horses.

Anyway. got to go now, darts tonight, and it's time I thought about what to do for dinner.
Bye for now, take care one and all. Mo


GRMarilyn Report 27 Jun 2013 12:08

Afternoon All,

Its a lovely sunny day here.....
I have been polishing !!!! must be better ..LOL

Hi Jean & Shelly & Mo....Glad to see things are getting back to normal Mo, lovely to see you posting, by the way that Dan in BB might be pulled out according to the Daily Star, that I don't buy ,but read on line !!.......he thinks he's still a policeman :-S had a row with Wolfey..

Hope the Girls are having a great day at the show in Norfolk at least its dry for them.

Going to make lunch now. :-D

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 27 Jun 2013 06:11

I'm new to the thread ......Good Morning Dame Shelly and All :-D


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 27 Jun 2013 00:54

hi all

now im a little confused have we got new members on friendly thread or have some of you had a name change

if not just like to day wecome to friendly thread xxxx

yes mo i have been building again willl send you a photo next time i log in to my emails xxx

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 26 Jun 2013 23:00

Had to laugh Geordie at the water butt springing a leak that sort of thing would happen to us and please let it rain during the night though I find that some of my plants are so heavy they cover the earth so have to hand water them too...what a bother :-)
Mo I had to pull the pansies out today they had outlived their usefulness in fact they were in from last year (maybe the year before!) so had our money's worth and they gave a nice bit of colour in between the daffs but were now straggly so out they went that's the worst of Pansies they do straggle.
The one silly thing I did today was move my favourite duck which OH had put on the window ledge (silly man the cat would knock it off) so was muttering this to myself (I do talk to myself sometimes , no one answers back and I'm always right)
well anyway to get back to what I was saying. decided to put it somewhere safe lifted it off ledge and it fell right through my fingers and guess what? it broke...Now I ask you was that my fault or OH's ...certainly not mine oh no oh no ;-)

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 26 Jun 2013 21:10

Hello again,
I love chrysanthemums (sp) but we wont plant them anymore, because every time we did, we moved and we don't want to move from this little house, so no tempting fate for us.
This morning I was out dead heading all the Pansies, it's unbelievable how they have really taken off this year, all the pots have done really well.
When I look at them, they seem to have such pretty faces to them. Mind you, as you say, we could do with some overnight rain. Since we have been on the water meter I am afraid to do to much watering with the hose, and our garden is much to small to have a water butt.
Night night god bless, Mo


GinN Report 26 Jun 2013 19:34

We've only put in a few plants this year, mainly geraniums and one or two tubs and baskets. It's going to be such a pain to water them, as we don't have an outside tap now, and the water but sprang a leak last month.We could do with some overnight rain. Please note, I did say overnight! :-D

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 26 Jun 2013 19:27

Hi All & Lyndi I am here I went off to do some gardening pulled out all the Daffs and Wallflower it is looking bare even though we put some other plants in recently so will have to go out and buy some more think we will get some miniature chrysanthemums (hope that's how to sp it) in white got some in pots and look really nice just hope they do all summer. :-D

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 26 Jun 2013 19:01

Hello friendlies, and how is everyone this fine day.
It's great to see some new faces, and as Marilyn has said, we are a friendly lot, and love to catch up with each others gossip and good news, so welcome ladies. Ooops I nearly forgot, we still have one gentleman friend, Dermot.
Unfortunately we lost our lovely Stephen, to other threads, but fingers crossed he will come back to us one day soon.

Marilyn, it's so good to hear you are feeling more like your old self now....sorry hun I shouldn't say that word should I, it should be young self.
Like you, I have been watching B.B, but have not added to your thread, as I thought as per norm I would chat to you and Shelly about it on here, but alas, I haven't been here have I. Stoopid me :-D :-D :-D
Cor luv a duck, hasn't there been some arguments in there this year. I cant say I have really taken a liking to any of them yet, but hope that either Dexter or Gina go Friday, mind you Jessica isn't up to much either is she.

Shelly,I see you are still building things yourself, you are a gal. Have you had the chance to use it yet?
How's the grandchildren doing now. I bet little man is not so little now is he, he must be about nearly four now.
Our grandaughter Lilly is now two and a half, and the two great grandchildren Gracie 2 yrs and Zoey 6months, how time flies they will all be at school before I know it.
Well folks I will make us a nice cuppa before I go, so enjoy one and all.
(_)? (_)? (_)? (_)? {_}/ {_}/ {_}/ {_}/ @@@@@ biscuits anyone.
Bye for now folks, Mo xxx

Ooops Hi Jeni my love, hope things are good with you, and that you are taking it easy. mwah


GinN Report 26 Jun 2013 17:11

Thanks, Jeniwren, I think we're sort of claiming sanctuary, refugees from the war zone! :-D


Jeniwren Report 26 Jun 2013 17:07

Hello everyone, so good to see some new people here,
hope you will all enjoy chatting and having a laugh.
and if needed we are always ready to offer help and support.
Take care and stay safe friends.
Jean xx :-) :-) <3


GinN Report 26 Jun 2013 17:04

My grandchildren never leave me with any leftovers, they can eat for England. Mind you, they are 10, 13 and 18!


Lyndi Report 26 Jun 2013 16:39

:-( I've got leftovers. Had 2 year old granddaughter over for two days and always end up with leftovers, so it's a ding dinner for me tonight lol


GinN Report 26 Jun 2013 16:24

Yes, Marilyn, I love the stalls which give you samples to try!
I love making fish pie, too, but we're having a risotto tonight. I like to put a bit of wine into it, so that's a good excuse to open a bottle. ;-)


Lyndi Report 26 Jun 2013 16:21

Thank you Marilyn - enjoy that glass of wine :-) Am hoping for a pimms or two tomorrow ;-)


GRMarilyn Report 26 Jun 2013 16:18

Hope you both have a great day tomorrow....I love those shows, love tasting all the home made cake & jams.

I live in Devon and we have some good shows here too.

I'm about to start getting my OH dinner fish pie home made of course :-)

I'm starting on the wine first .....helps to get the dinner correctly cooked ..LOL


Lyndi Report 26 Jun 2013 16:15

Nolls has gone quiet, hope she is ok :-(