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Jeniwren Report 11 Jun 2013 17:03

Hi Yvonne, how is Ami? hope she is improving.
Yes that is me in the picture, unfortunately it was taken from
a long way away.
Good to hear you have been riding a friends horse, at least
you are keeping your riding up., it is awful when you cant
ride when you have always done it isn't it.
Take care and stay safe.
Jean xx :-) :-) :-)


Yvonne Report 11 Jun 2013 15:31

Hi everyone

It's like a ghost town on this thread. Where is everyone?

Mo how is Roly? Hope things are ok

Marilyn hope you are fully recovered now

Jean is that you going over the jump in your profile pic? I've been riding a friend's horse. She kooks after her grandson during the week so I've been chores for her when she can't get to the stable yard. It's been lovely to ride again.



Dermot Report 7 Jun 2013 07:50

Rearing children is the original way to turn us fifty shades of grey


Dermot Report 6 Jun 2013 23:21

This mother snake had three baby snakes living in a pit. She wanted to go out shopping one day & she didn’t want to take the baby snakes with her to the shops. So, she asked them if they wouldn’t mind hissing around their pit until she returned home.

Yes, hissing around the pit - well, they are snakes; snakes do hiss & they live in a pit. They agreed. She said if she were late returning from the shops, they were to go over to Mrs Pots’ pit & hiss there to await the mother’s arrival. Mrs Pots was a neighbouring snake widow with no baby snakes of her own. So, they said fair enough. This is what we will do like you said: “We’ll hiss around our pit till you get home & if you are late, we will go over to Mrs Pots’ pit & hiss there till you turn up”.

So, she went off to the shops & the baby snakes hissed around their own pit. And right enough, the mother snake was late home. So, the baby snakes decided to stop hissing around their own pit & went over to Mrs Pots’ pit to hiss, as instructed.

Now, they were hissing around Mrs Potts pit for a long time when Mrs Pots came out of her pit & let out a fierce roar. She frightened the baby snakes & they were upset. She scolded them for the noise they made. “You cannot hiss around here. Go back to your own pit & hiss there“. So, they stopped hissing around Mrs Pots’ pit & went back home to hiss around their own pit again. There they were hissing & crying at the same time when their mother snake arrived home. And she asked them why they were crying & they told her the full story.

The mother snake was enraged. “Mrs Pots has a nerve - she really has a bloody nerve. I remember Mrs Pots when she didn’t even have a pit to hiss in herself”.


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 6 Jun 2013 22:52

i think friendly thread is dieing


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 3 Jun 2013 23:48

Huia daughter is planing to make moonshine next year :-D

got up this mornig and a bloody bird as done a bloody big dollop on the roof
so dont think he thought much of it


Huia Report 3 Jun 2013 01:06

Does the shack have a still in it, for brewing moonshine whiskey? :-D


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 2 Jun 2013 23:16

no one has posted for 3 days

well i now have a moonshine shack
daughter and i have finnish the lean-to only took us 3 days :-D :-D
and now my boys are calling it a moonshine shack

can you beleve not one of my 4 boys help us to build it
not that we would of let them any way.
thick as 2 shoult blanks the lot of them


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 30 May 2013 22:42

evening all

marilyn im not skinny get lol

mo so glade to here roly is on the mend

what this space linda and me the next top modles :-D :-D :-D :-D

im whating for the sun to shine so me and daughter can build the leanto
i have all the wood and stuff in my kitchen and it is now getting in the bloody way

Dermot you only need reading glassies for this thread not an hearing aid


Yvonne Report 28 May 2013 15:32

Hello everyone

Pleased you are feeling better Marilyn

Mo glad Roly is on the mend

Sending (((hugs))) to Cath and Pauline

I've got this week off work and guess what.... it's raining :-(



GRMarilyn Report 26 May 2013 19:19

Hi Mo,

So pleased your Roly is seems to be getting better,,Poor you Mo what a worry.
things can only get better from now on.

Stevey seems to be around as I saw him post on another thread !! come back Stevey :-(

Pauline I think has had such a bad back ,she cant sit for so long ,but she was waiting for a operation but I'm not sure that is what she is 'willing to go through.

Shelly must be so thin that we may never see her again ...LOL

I'm feeling much better........never thought I would.... must be all the breathing exercises I'm doing :-D :-D

I have been gardening today .......well just re-potting some pots and making my Patio tidy.

Time for a nice cuppa......Hope all my lovely friendly friends are happy & well.
Marilyn xxxxx :-D

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 24 May 2013 15:06

Hi folks,
Sorry it's been such a long time since I last posted, but with one thing and another, life has been pretty hectic here.
Roly had a stroke a couple of weeks ago, but thank god he's on the mend now.
Life has evovled around hospitals and doctors, and there are more visits are schedualed for June and July.
It's good to see the same people posting, but sad to see that Stephen has gone, aahhhh we will miss him.
Has anyone heard from Pauline at all please, I hope she is o.k now.
Well done on the weight loss, Shelly and Linda, you both sound like you are preparing for the next Olympic games with all the excercise you are getting.
Cath, I am sorry to hear of your loss, and losing interest in hobbies is the norm, but it will come back soon love. Stay strong honey.
Marilyn, it's good to see you feeling a bit better now.
Got to go do my nursy bit, and make us a cuppa. Bye for now, Mo xxx


Dermot Report 24 May 2013 09:37

Foolishly, I let it slip out the other day that I was in the process of obtaining hearing aids. A bad error on my part. Like fire, the news spread amongst those who enjoy a joke at my expense.

So, to make a long story even longer, one colleague e-mailed the following:

'My mum reaches both hands to her head and announces she’s going to take off her hearing aids. I tell her I think that’s a stroke of pure genius. Placing the two tiny plastic gizmos on the table, she sits back and exhales with relief'.

“Oh, that’s so much better!” she laughs.


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 23 May 2013 11:23

o dear
no one has posted for 2 days
i think the friendly thread is becomeing a little sleepy thease days

come on you lot were not done here just yet


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 21 May 2013 23:40

evening all

Yvonne im on my own diet
plenty of fruit and veg
no cakes crisp fizzy drink and no choccy

and i have been going to the gym but not this week as i have been on the poorly list with a very aching side


Yvonne Report 20 May 2013 14:46

Afternoon everyone

Hope all are keeping well,

Well done with the wieght loss Shelly, keep at it. what diet are you on? I could do with losing a couple of stone.

Jean My horse is back out in the field now after being stabled for 4 weeks with an abces in her foot , took ages to clear up.



Dermot Report 19 May 2013 16:47

Cows have regional accents like humans, language specialists have suggested.

They decided to examine the issue after dairy farmers noticed their cows had slightly different moos, depending on which area they came from.

Just thought this might be of some interest to unemployed linguists.

Moo! Moo!


Jeniwren Report 17 May 2013 09:37

Hi Marilyn, glad to hear you are feeling better love, don't go over doing it in the garden, relax and enjoy the sun, .

~~~~~~~~~to everyone, hope you are all ok, enjoy your day.

Very sunny here at the moment, hope it lasts, maybe I can get some more work done in the garden between cups of coffee.

Take care everyone, stay safe and have a good day.
Jean xx : :-) :-) :-) <3


GRMarilyn Report 17 May 2013 08:40

Hi Everyone !!

Linda have been spending too much money ..LOL

Dentists are definitely over priced (my sister was in the chair for 4 mins so she tells me) for a check up .....£18.

Jean ....I'm much better I went to the Physio yesterday for breathing exercises and they are very pleased with me ....going on the treadmill next week to get myself walking !!

Its beautiful today, so might get some gardening done .

I expect Shelly has lost another stone by now ... :-D


LindainBerkshire1736004 Report 16 May 2013 15:57

Hiya everyone
Well not too bad a day.
Spent loads.
Dentists first stop, nearly £200 and that is NHS !! I need 4 fillings, ugh.
. On has to be either special white which can be bonded to what is left of my tooth , as I have a crown on lower jaw. Or it can be a toughened one on the nhs, but that comes into the next (highest) band of treatment and would cost £214 I think. The white filling is £90. Then I had a check up 2 x-rays and 3 silver fillings all nhs. I also have an appointment with the hygienist. Great morning
Into M&S got 3 tops, for me, trousers for hubby and a pair of trousers for me which are a different cut and don't fit !!! So have to go back again. Why didn't I queue to try them on?
Back home for lunch. Sun was shinning so we have been in the garden, hubby cut back and front lawns and I tidied borders and pots. Dug up some herbaceous daisy type plants to pass on to a neighbour too.

Been knitting and still making squares, while I can find odds and ends of wool.

Have a nice evening everyone

Linda xxx <3 <3 <3