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Jeniwren Report 16 May 2013 08:50

Hello, is anyone there???
Marilyn I hope you are starting to feel better, take good care of yourself, <3 .
Mo I hope Roly is feeling a little better each day, I'm sure he must be happy to be home again. Look after yourself as well as Roly, <3
Yvonne, how is Ami now, is she able to be turned out daily now?
Linda and Shelly, hope all is going well at the gym, I think you are both very brave going there.
Stephen I do hope you change your mind about leaving, maybe a break will be enough for you then come back to us refreshed and ready to make us laugh again.
~~~~~~~~~to everyone, hope you are all well/
Take care and stay safe and keep smiling.
Jean xx :-) :-) :-)


GRMarilyn Report 14 May 2013 13:16

Hi everyone !!!!!!!

Not a nice day today...........guess what ??????????

ITS RAINING .... :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S

So helping on research for some members. :-D


LindainBerkshire1736004 Report 14 May 2013 08:29

Morning everyone
No posts again
Hope all is OK
Mo hopefully Roly is getting better at home, but take care of yourself too, hard as it will be.
Off to see my Mum this morning, then Sebastian afterwards before he goes away.

I have a waistcoat to take with me but not sure he will need it Hopefully it will be warm in Spain.

Have a lovely day everyone

Linda xxx


LindainBerkshire1736004 Report 12 May 2013 10:47

Belated Anniversary wishes to Marilyn. Glad you had a nice day, even without the wine !!
Well done Shelly. I wish I could shift some more of my weight. Off for blood tests tomorrow, maybe things have changed and meds need adjusting? who knows.
Hope Mo and Roly are OK and he is getting better in hospital. Try to have a break for yourself Mo or you won't be able to help hubby.
Blowy here again , but dry at present. Rain forecast for later.
Just done the ironing.
Finished a jumper for Sebastian on Friday and just made a waistcoat too, need to put buttons on it.

Off to see my Mum this week, she's not been so good and memory is bad according to my brothers.

Have a nice Sunday everyone

Linda xxx <3 <3 <3


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 11 May 2013 23:25

marilyn Friday i was 12 st.8
so im getting there as i need to at least get down to 10 st
im going disny land paris at the end of july for 5 days and i want to look nice and skinny :-D :-D :-D :-D

marilyn you keeping taps on me lol


GRMarilyn Report 11 May 2013 16:20

Hi to all my friendlies ...

Awh thanks for wishing me & Pete a good anniversary, we have just come back from a kind of different meal in the new River Cottage restaurant owned by Hugh Fearnley -Whittingstall that's opened here in Plymouth Dockyard..........all very different food Organic ,but very expensive.

Pity I couldn't drink the wine ......water for me Ughh ...

We went with one of my sons & grandchildren......they loved it.

We are grandchildren sitting tonight so that's why we went lunch time.

I'm still a little bit weak but gaining streagh every day.

Mo I'm ever so sorry to hear about Roly, he's in the best place, but that doesn't help you worrying does it ! (((((( big hugs from me )))))) <3

Shelly ....well what did you weigh on Friday ?


Yvonne Report 11 May 2013 14:49

Happy Anniversary to Marilyn and Pete, hope you have a lovely day <3

Sending best wishes for a speedy recovery to Roly <3

one of my nieces is in hospital, was taken in yesterday, she has Nephrotic Syndrome which is a kidney disorder, her kidneys take too much protiein
from her body, she has medication but it sometimes flares up and needs treatment in hospital, hopefully she will be home in a few days.



Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 11 May 2013 13:06

thank you Jean for letting us know
o dear poor mo hopeing roly will be better soon
mo think of you <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy Wedding Anniversary marilyn
hope you have a lovey day <3 <3 <3

now im hopeing it dont rain as i have just put the oil stuff on my nice new decking
i have half a tin left for a cecond coat
now daughter tell me i should have enuth left for 3 more coat
ooops think i use to much them :-D :-D :-D :-D


Jeniwren Report 10 May 2013 22:33

Hello everyone, just to let you know that Mo may not be on here for a while, Roly is in hospital, he has had a brain bleed, Mo will be visiting him every day so will not have much time for her computer.
Mo, I hope Roly is soon able to come home to you and will be feeling better when you see him tomorrow.
Love and hugs to you and Roly.
Jean xx :-( :-(


Jeniwren Report 10 May 2013 21:33

Saturday 11th May.

Sending warmest congratulations to our
Marilyn and her husband on their
47th Wedding Anniversary tomorrow,
11th May.
Hope you both have a great day and
enjoy whatever you do to celebrate.
Love to you from all the friendlies.

Jean xx
:-) :-) :-) <3 <3


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 10 May 2013 20:50

linda i was up and out by 7.30 and was back at 10.15

marilyn i have lost another 2 bl im now 12.8
so you have a long way to catch up with me lol

and yes linda im still working but only 2 day a week will not pick up now till sepember

hi cath sorry to here about you m.i.l


GRMarilyn Report 10 May 2013 15:35

Hi My Lovelies.....

Shelly......don't go skinny, I don't think it will suit you.....hmm says me jealous :-P

I did loose half a stone in hospital but afraid I'm gaining it .. :-(

But I will not let Shelly be thinner than me watch out SHELLY !!!!! :-P'll never loose weight with all those scrummy meals you go to, another reason I'm jealous is I cant drink wine at the moment so no meals out :-S

Cath ...Lovely to see you pop sorry to hear of your loss, its always sad when you are fond of a passing relative, never mind time heals....X ((((Hugs))))

I have been shopping today for little bolero tops for 3 sun dresses and I bought in USA.... 2 are the wrong colour ,I mean the wrong colour Green & going back next week, I should have taken the dresses in with me.

Hope our Stevey......comes back...SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON <3


Cath2010 Report 10 May 2013 15:16

Hi all,
just popping in to say hello. Have had a rotten year so far and sadly lost my wonderful mother in law on 1st April. I feel devastated, even though she had been in poor health for some time it was somewhat unexpected. I miss her so much.

Have tried to pop in a few times but kept getting the error message again, some things don't change :-P
Hope the friendlies are all keeping well, I will try and get back more often to check up on everyone and all the news but at the moment I have lost heart in all my hobbies.

<3 <3 <3

Cath xx


LindainBerkshire1736004 Report 10 May 2013 10:39

Hi Shelly
Just back from the gym We only do about 80 mins. Takes too much out of our day otherwise.
Well I stayed the same this week. I did have a friends birthday meal out on Tuesday and we went to our daughters on Saturday, had friends over on Sunday and the youngest came on Monday. Probably ate more than I would normally so I am OK with that.
Tonight is yet another meal out, our eldest daughters birthday, never ending isn't it.

Still back at the drs next week blood tests for thyroid and diabetes. I'll see what they say in 2 weeks.

Are you still working in the school Shelly? And I guess no sign of you moving as you are doing up your garden?

Have a great day everyone

Linda xxx <3 <3 <3


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 9 May 2013 22:26

linda when i go i like to burn at least 500 to 700 cal
this take me about 2 to 2 1/2 hours
i like the rowing and the one were your arms and legs go at the same time
i can do about 300 to 400 cal on that now and rowing about 150 to 200
i do 50 cal on the tred mill and 50 on the bike riding one
i dont like the skiying looking one were your legs go out to the side
carnt seem to get on with that one

i have a very small bowl of cereal in the moning and i like to have a samwich at lunch time or beans on toast dinner i have veg carrets cabbige ect 1 small boild spud with ether fish or meat
and if i have paster i only have 100g and that is about 300 or more cal

and in between i have fruit or saled some times i do have one of them little frog choc bars or kelloggs biscuits 2 for 98 cal LOL

i dont count how meany cal i have per day i just guss and i dont think i even have
2000 per day

this week though i do think i have been a little pig as we had a BBQ at the week end

will see in the moring as friday is my day to jump on the scalls


LindainBerkshire1736004 Report 9 May 2013 19:59

Hi Shelly
Like you once to the gym, on Tuesday but hope to get there tomorrow morning.
Oh it has been miserable for the last 2 days. Wet yesterday then waiting in for the gas man. Need a new cylinder. On order for 2 weeks time !! And fitting the next day. If it leaks rather than seeps then the gas insurance will be getting a call for repairing and putting right any wet mess that might happen.
Today had been so windy, we went for a drive but ended up not being able to even get out for a walk, ugh. And now it has been raining for a couple of hours too. Well I suppose the garden needed it.
Hope everyone is OK

Linda xxx <3 <3 <3


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 9 May 2013 15:36

marilyn the gazebo is off at the moment as i have to send it back
as it is damige and i already had big problens with the delivery
so now thay can stick it were the sun dont shine

but thinking that me and daughter can build i lean to instead
well i no we can build one but just woundering if it is to windy here were i live
as it will be left up all year round

we use palets for the base of the decking and saved a lot of money
will have to take a photo and show you

linda how you getting on with the gym i have only been once this week but hopeing to get there in the morning

Stephen marilyn is right just have a little breack post once a week
i dont post as much as i use to as some days i dont even turn on the computer
but i still like to pop in and check that every one is keeping well and still with us
:-) :-) :-)


GRMarilyn Report 8 May 2013 14:39

Hi to Linda Yvonne & Huia & Hazel & Jean

Shelly....What a clever girl you are ....I bet that decking will look great with a gazebo , that's just what I want , but Pete wont have none of it. :-S

Going to have to look for a new Avatar as al the Daffs are dead now and spring will soon be over........



GRMarilyn Report 8 May 2013 14:33

Hi All...

Oh my goodness.....Whats wrong with our Stevey ????????? :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S

You cant bail out on us just like THAT .. :-0 :-S :-0 :-S :-0 :-S :-0 :-S :-0 :-S :-0 :-S :-0 :-S

Take a few weeks off, then compose yerself and COME BACK HERE . :-D

Did you have a good weekend with your friends ???????


Yvonne Report 8 May 2013 14:05

Afternoon everyone

Stephen don't leave us, I will miss your daily chuckles.

Hope everyone is keeping well, pleased you are feeling better Marilyn.

I had a nice Bank Holiday Monday, went to a Point to Point meeting with a few friends, first time I've been, had a couple of bets and won enough to buy the coffees from the burger van lol, all the horses were lovely to look at.

I'm off to work in a little bit, just having a little bit to eat
