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GRMarilyn Report 29 Apr 2013 21:37

Hello Huia...

No bugs ......all gone I hope !

Just getting my breathing exercise under control.

Funny thing sons cat has pneumonia now did I catch it from him or the other way around ...?????

The vet bills were nearly £300 , but daughter-in law challenge the Vet at that price and he knocked £80 OFF immediately !!

So hows that for a rip off........ :-S

Anyway Cat (PADDY) doing OK now.



Huia Report 29 Apr 2013 21:21

Yoo hoo, is everybody keeping off this thread so they dont catch anything from Marilyn? I just hope I am far enough away to miss out on any of the bugs.


GRMarilyn Report 27 Apr 2013 10:58

Show -off !!

I did lose weight in hospital.......but think I've put it back on again.

I'm not weighing myself as I might get depressed ...LOL

How everyone else ?

Its a really sunny day today, Pete has cut the grass again,but a different part of the garden......

I'm feeling good today......XXXX


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 26 Apr 2013 22:55

size 12 watch this space :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D


GRMarilyn Report 26 Apr 2013 13:06

Hi All ..

Its a beautiful day today......I'm feeling good but still have to get stronger.

I'm looking at Pete cutting the grass, its good when your watching ..LOL.

I have just put the washing machine on, so will soon have all my lovely washing on the line .
Shelly.......Well done IF you get to size who are you kidding ????? :-S

Only Jealous of course. :-P

Hope everyone is enjoying the sun today .....or is it just me that has it ?


Dermot Report 26 Apr 2013 12:04

'Other people should be banned. Just look at the mess & trouble they make. Look at how they behave. Notice what they fail to understand.

Where do these other people come from? What purpose do they serve? How much better the world would be without them?'

(From Saturday's Daily Mail).


Stephen2009 Report 26 Apr 2013 06:54

A Wee Chuckle for the day

Before I got through to Seaworld,

I had to say.......... "Jump through the hoop!........ Do a flip!"

They said my call may be recorded for training porpoises
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D


Stephen2009 Report 26 Apr 2013 06:48

Morning Folks,

Wall to Wall Sunshine here :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Welcome back Marilyn. :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

I'm ready for the off shortly......busy day ahead. ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

Have a good day ya all !

Keep well , keep safe , keep smiling. :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 25 Apr 2013 16:29

thank you every one im plodding along but will not give up till im a size 12 at least

good to no you are home again marilyn
now please take care and stay at home as we dont want you not well
and in the hospital


Yvonne Report 25 Apr 2013 15:27

Hello all

Marilyn pleased you're back home and on the mend

Shelly well done, keep up the good work

Weather has been lovely for a few days, pity my horse is back in her stable she now has an abcess on her foot and I've been putting on poultices to draw it out. A friend has let me ride her horse a couple of times a week, i rode Monday afternoon, it's lovely to be back in the saddle.

love to all


LindainBerkshire1736004 Report 24 Apr 2013 17:29

Great to see you back Marilyn
Steroids are lethal but they kept you going so not all bad eh!!!
Spent today washing and ironing while the weather is dry.

Linda xxx <3 <3 <3


GRMarilyn Report 24 Apr 2013 13:33

Hi All,

I'm home again.......Monday evening 7pm.

After having another CT scan and more blood tests .....all revealed good.

Sent me home too early, my GP sent me back in again, said I was too poorly to be at home.

Anyway the only Meds I'm on now are Steroids to open my airways to enable me to breath better, but I am being weaned of of them daily , thank god as they make me eat too much no hope for me Shelly of loosing weight

Thank for the E-Mail Stevey......nice to see you all are still thinking about me.

I'm sure now that I'm on the road to recovery ,as I feel very much like my own old self !! LOL.

I'm just taking it easy and watching TV ....missed so much whilst in Hospital.

Take care all least I'm around :-D XXXXXX


Stephen2009 Report 24 Apr 2013 06:58

Continuing the Weight Loss theme.........

A Wee Chuckle for the day........

Two strands of DNA were walking down the street.

One says to the other, "Do these genes make me look fat?

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D


Stephen2009 Report 24 Apr 2013 06:54

Morning Folks,

Wall-to-Wall rain again :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P

Weight loss ! I could do with shedding a bit of wife keeps telling me I'm to big for my boots :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Busy day ahead again keeps me young ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

Worrying time for Marilyn . Sure hope they find the problem soon. :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-

Nice to see you drop in Shelly, you'll be getting so thin we wont notice you. :-) :-) :-)

Have a good day ya all !

Keep well , keep safe , keep smiling :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D


LindainBerkshire1736004 Report 23 Apr 2013 23:24

Well done Shelly
Not sure what else I can do.
Think it is my health issues and age !!!

Marilyn if you look in hope you feel better

Linda xxx <3 <3 <3


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 23 Apr 2013 20:15

linda i have been watching what i eat and going gym
and makeing share i burn at least 500 cal every time it go


LindainBerkshire1736004 Report 23 Apr 2013 07:20

Well done Shelly. How are you loosing weight? I stayed the same this week, but that's OK as I was out too much last week.
Lovely morning again, sun is shinning.
Might get out into the garden and see what I can move and what is actually growing at last. The camellia is out, the flowering cherry is showing some colour. But I am sure everything is about a month behind.

Have a lovely day everyone.
Get well enough to go home Marilyn, Pete must be worried sick.

Linda xxx <3 <3 <3


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 23 Apr 2013 00:29

o dear marilyn what are we to do with you

you are serpost to be getting better not ill again

any way im no longer 13.10 stone lol
im now 12.13 so getting there :-D :-D :-D


Jeniwren Report 22 Apr 2013 12:53

Hello everyone, hope you all had a good weekend.

Marilyn love, sorry you are back in hospital, but you are obviously in the best place, do hope you will soon know what the problem is and be feeling better, and be back home.

A bit dull here today but at least it is dry, may even get some work done in the garden, if not think it will be knitting for me for a couple of hours.

Take care and stay safe. Have a good day.
Jean xx :-) :-) :-) <3


LindainBerkshire1736004 Report 22 Apr 2013 07:20

Morning all
Marilyn I hope you are being well looked after. And get back home very soon. Pete must be worried as this has been going on too long. Have you been told what is actually wrong?

Had a lovely weekend. Good weather certainly helps.

Have a good week everyone

Linda xxx <3 <3 <3