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Just Jean

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JustJean Report 27 Nov 2015 21:14

theres good news and bad news ,the bad news is we never got the parcel and the good news we have a full refund, so now we have to go and buy some more stuff , but we are going to the store this time.....

Mo I am so sorry to hear about the littlies, I know how I would feel if it happened to us,
Your son is a lovely dad putting his childrens wefare first, takes some doing,
I wish you all the very best wishes and pray that it wont be too painful for you...

I also think it will be good for Lily to have a test it may be the answer lets hope so... take care my lovely friend, sending lots of love and many prayers to you all ,
love Jean xxx
%26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 27 Nov 2015 20:10

Walks into room,curtsey's to her Maj Jean, good evening maam, how's your day been today.
Oh Jean, wonderful news re your parcel. Now if it had happened in this area, a parcel could have ended up in Gillingham Dorset, rather than Gillingham Kent.
But thank goodness you have received it at long last.
How fortunate that you had a needle and thread to hand, the vision of the carer rushing around with her undies on show, goodness me not a pretty sight at our young ages.

Our Lilly has got to have a hearing test done on the 9th of December. The school have picked something up with her not taking any notice when she is spoken to.
Perhaps this may explain her misbehaviour at times.
It looks like we are going to lose two of our granchildren to the other side of the world.
Our ex daughter in law, is emigrating at the end of January to Australia, along with our grandchildren, her new husband and their daughter.
Our son has agreed to them being taken, as he believes they will stand better chances for their future.
We are both devastated, and our son is upset at the thought of not being able to see them on a regular basis, but theres always skype I suppose, but theres nothing like a good cuddle with them is there.

Well me dears, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, love to all, Mo xxx


JustJean Report 27 Nov 2015 07:03

Great news the missing parcel has been traced, miles away %3A-%7C :- should get it today.
but wont hold my breath %3B-%29 %3B-%29 %3B-%29
The doc is a petite blonde lady a real gem though, I had a phone call at 7 last night from her telling me she is putting through a perscription to hopefully help with a long term problem, how good is that, %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D

Nowt wrong with your mind old girl %3B-%29 %3B-%29 its a long time since we were fleeced by some low life, I had forgotten is approx 8 weeks since we came here, but I am already known, as the card lady, fame at last, and last night one of the carers came and asked if I had a needle and thread , she had split her pants, she said someone had told her if anyone has a needle it would be me as I have everything !!
so Mo, you have to curtsey when talking to me in the future. %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 26 Nov 2015 18:49

Oh Sylvia, I am so sorry to read of your sad news, it's never easy to accept I know my love, stay strong Sylvia, and know that we are here for you, should you need to vent your anger at any time.

Oi saucy minx Jean, I am no longer queen of the darts board,i'm afraid this arthritus is a real Bu**er, and my aim is longer true. If I hit the board, and not the person scoring, it's a miracle LOL but I still enjoy myself.
You really are unlucky with your online purchases arn't you, what with having your Paypal account robbed that time as well, it's really not good enough.
I do hope your doctor sends you a lovely christmas card, as by now, you should be on his mailing list with all these ere visits you make to him. Don't tell me, is he tall dark and handsome, if he is, can you arrange an appointment for me.

Love and hugs to all, Mo xxx


JustJean Report 26 Nov 2015 12:51

Sending some Hugs to you Sylvia, its ok to share your upset with us , It gets so much harder when we get older, were we are now there are two lots of friends from way back in, also both have partners with Dementia and we see the change in them especially the lady of one partners a lovely lady and now she doesnt recognise us, so very sad....

Because we have had to go to new doctors, my days seem to be filled with going for various tests, they are very thorough tho, so I am sure we will settle down one day...
and to top it all some goods I ordered from Range have gone missing, and we are down £50 and no goods %3A-S %3A-S %3A-S so now a investigation is ongoing....

I havent any thing done for christmas and as I cant get to the shops and now am loathe to order on line, until the matter is resolved. so who knows what will happen

Hope Sallie is doing well also Marie Huia,Ann and the other woman, tsk, forget her name I know she is well known in the darts arena

%3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D love to one and all keep smiling %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D

Jean and him xxxxx %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


SylviaInCanada Report 25 Nov 2015 20:27

sorry ...........

feeling a bit down

Last week, our friend told us she has a serious problem, and more tests are being done to find out how bad it is

On Sunday, I heard that my sis-i-l in England (brother's widow) is in her own little world, can't walk, can't speak, has 8 carers a day going in, and things are changing rapidly, so she may not last until Christmas. She's 85, and her daughter says "Mum is no longer there"

On Monday, I heard that the daughter of one of my cousins in Australia had died, age 59, of cancer.

I'm still trying to get my head around it all.


AnninGlos Report 25 Nov 2015 20:20

Let's hope you continue to not have problems Mo with the flu jab.

Yes where are the others, I bet our Jean is socialising with all those new friends at her new abode %3A-%29

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 25 Nov 2015 20:03

Oh Huia, good luck with the water tank, and please don't climb into it, knowing how your luck runs love, you would get stuck inside it, with no one around to rescue you.
Perhaps your son could check it out for you, next time he is over your way if it doesn't work.

Ann, no symptoms so far from the jab. This particular nurse who gave us the jabs, is very gentle, and I didn't even realise she had finished. The other nurse just shoved the needle in like she was doing some darning last time round. Nasty woman, I think she was having a bad day. LOL

Now what has happened to our Jean, Sallie,Sylvia and Marie, they are missed, we need to catch up on their gossip.
Take care all, hugs Mo xxx


Huia Report 24 Nov 2015 04:26

Problems with water? I am trying to drain a lot out of our concrete water tank as there is a leak in it since the thunder and torrential rain on Saturday night. There had been a slight, weeping crack in it for some time, but the downpour really put the pressure on it. It was spurting out (about a third of the way up the 8 or 9 ft high tank which holds 22,000 litres - 5000 gallons). I spent all Monday morning googling and phoning, trying to find somebody who repairs such things, but no luck, and I have learnt that there are 2 other people in the district who have the same problem. Today I went to town and bought a tube of Knead-it Aqua, which somebody told me I could apply from outside the tank - I certainly dont want to try to get a ladder into the tank and climb down into it, I would probably get stuck in the opening. Wish me luck for my goobying tomorrow, and hope and pray the rain will stay away for at least 24 hours, preferrably a week.


AnninGlos Report 23 Nov 2015 20:39

We had no side effects at all from the flu jabs Mo so hope you don't.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 23 Nov 2015 17:50

Goodness me Ann, am I some kind of witch or what LOL
I hope your journey home was trouble free. We had a very bad frost this morningm I had to go out into our shed for something, and didn't realise that the step was so icy, I nearly came a cropper when I slipped.
Oh my word, theres nothing worse than a cold house/bungalow, I bet your home feels nice and warm by comparison.

Oh lordy Sylvia, I hope the two of you weren't seasick, the conditions sounded awful on the trip over.
At least you had a bonus getting the water at a cheaper rate. I suppose we are very lucky here in the U.K, not having many problems where water is concerned.
But then like yourselves, when we have floods, we go for it big time.
How lovely of your friend, to pay for your hotel bill, she must really care for you both.

This morning I had to have a fasting blood test. When I saw our doctor last, I asked her if I could stop the statins, and depending on these results, she will see if I can, or at least reduce the dosage.
Considering she started me on a 40mg tablet, and only reduced the dosage when the muscles in my legs gave out on me, and I collapsed. Hopefully I can stop them, or at least go down to a 10mg tablet, I am fed up of having aching muscles.
Tomorrow we are having our flu jabs, so heres hoping we don't get the side effects we suffered the last time.

Well my lovelies,I will say cheerio for now, speak to you soon, hugs Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 21 Nov 2015 17:58

Mo, you were right actually, we are away as T is doing lots of jobs in daughter's new bungalow (new to here built 1934). So no central heating, only inefficient storage heaters, and being cold and off line was not amusing. Not so bad in the evening as we have a fire lit. Not looking forward to the journey home tomorrow, fingers crossed the roads are not bad. %3A-%28


SylviaInCanada Report 20 Nov 2015 20:24

Hi everyone

We're back!!

A mixed trip.

The ferry ride over was "interesting" ...... pouring rain and high winds meant we were under "heavy weather conditions". There was no access to the open decks for passengers, and we had to move around "with caution".

It wasn't actually as bad as we have seen, but bad enough!

The pouring rain lasted practically all day .......... the reservoirs were well-filled, to overflowing in fact. And that led to a Boil Water Advisory being instituted at midnight on Tuesday due to the high level of "turbidity" ............ ie, soil particles higher than allowed. That was still in effect when we left yesterday.

We went to a local supermarket to buy some bottled water, and the clerk directed us to a "special offer" ........ 1 litre bottles at a Buy One Get One Free deal ....... so we got 2 1 litre bottles for $2 (or less than £1).

Yesterday was a glorious day as we sailed home .............. chilly, but sunny and with blue skies. We now have an Arctic Front over us, which means sun, blue skies, and cold temperatures for the next few days.

We were with our friend every day, she invited one couple for dinner on Monday, another couple to join us at a restaurant on Wednesday night .............. both couples are friends of ours as well.

She was also extremely naughty ........ and paid most of the hotel bill for us. All I had to do was pay the meals. When I talked to her later, she said "I have no-one to spend my money on, except for on my friends. So why not?"

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 20 Nov 2015 20:10

Sorry I thought that you had gone on one of your trips Ann, not that you had lost connection.
It boring without it isn't it, not being able to chat to friends and family, how did we manage without it for all these years. Yes I know, face to face chat is best, but being stuck within four walls, especially when we are unwell, the net is a lifeline.
I don't blame you for not going out to B+Q's, it was far to cold outside. We went to get our weekly shopping, good grief, we have never done it that quickly in all our married life, and we couldn't wait to get back home in the warm.
I think it comes with age, we both feel the cold a lot quicker now, than we ever did before.

Oi saucy Jean,poor lickle old me has still not been out to do the weeding, what with the wind,rain, and now it's to bloomin cold outside, the blessed weeds can grow to their hearts content as far as I am concerned, I aint going to freeze me bum orft out there. LOL
Aaah bless littlie, he loves his G.Grandad.
I have not even thought about christmas cards yet, you are good getting going with yours love.

It's flippin cold here tonight,we have got the central heating going, and I am sat here in my jamas and dressing gown, and am still a chilly mortal.
Me thinks it's time for a hot drink to get the circulation going, so I will say nighty night, god bless, hugs Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 20 Nov 2015 14:02

Back on the intrrnet again, we had a man up s cherry picker replacing a wire this morning. It was very boring not being able to get on here for five dsys, unless we managed to get to a cafe with Wifi. Glad to see you are all ok anyway. It is very cold and very wet here, not nice at all and daughter and OH have gone to B&Q, a trip I declined.


JustJean Report 19 Nov 2015 19:00

Hello everyone, lousy weather here, wind and rain,at long last I have now got a craft room, and have been making christmas cards, feels good to be doing some ....

We had our Charlie and S call yesterday, what a chatterbox the littlie is, and so funny, he adores Gramps and the feeling is mutual, because we are at the end of a long corridor C ran like the wind down it, taking after his ggrandad who was very good at athletics and won many awards..... S did his usual saunter down %3B-%29 %3B-%29
they go to Disney world next weekend for two weeks, mostly for S I think who is a sucker for the big rides....I pray they will have a great time...and be safe.... %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3

Sylvia hope you enjoy your trip and that you continue to feel better each day...

Mo, be careful you dont overdo it with the gardening, we dont want you to get poorly again, not good for someone who is clocking on in years %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D

Sallie, me darling, hope you are continuing to improve all the time and are able to do some cards., how is Jennie doing also Alun and the rest of your family....

thinking of Marie and Huia, hoping all is well with you and your families %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3

off to watch the soaps, see you all soon, take care and keep safe Love Jean xxx %26lt%3B3

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 16 Nov 2015 17:38

Hi Sylvia, enjoy your time away.Thank goodness you are now feeling better. Being unwell at this time of year, especially here in the U.K, is very debilatating.
I have looked out into our garden since I was unwell, and watched the blessed weeds take over. If the wind and rain dies down a bit over the next few days, I shall have to get out and tackle them.
I can well imagine the noise from all the children watching the movie, and I bet little man enjoyed it, bless him.
Don't worry, I shall keep an eye on this rowdy lot whilst you are away. Have fun Sylvia, see you soon.
Hugs to all, Mo xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 16 Nov 2015 03:44

Hi everyone

Well, I'm finally feeling better, but it took over a week %3A-%28

Our grandson is enjoying Kindergarten, and is doing well, thankfully! His other grandparents looked after him last Friday ......... it was a PD day. They took him to see the Muppet Movie, along wth hundreds of other kids as every school in the city was on PD day %3A-D

We're going away for a few days tomorrow, to see our friend. We should be back on Thursday

Hope you all behave while I'm away %3A-D

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 15 Nov 2015 18:02

Good luck for Monday and Tuesday Sallie. Well done on making the cards my love, just a few at a time, and you will soon be back to it full time, as it's a relaxing hobby for you, and you put your heart into each one you make.

Your sister in law would understand if you felt unable to attend the funeral, she will know that you will be holding him, within your heart and thoughts.

How lovely of Jeff to give you Dolly's ring, and for them both to come to you for the meal.

Well, our Lilly has been a little naughty at school. She was taken out of class for hitting two boys, not good I know, but we were never told how it all started, wether the boys said or did something to her, and she retaliated, or if she just hit them for nothing.
She has been threatened that Father Christmas wont bring her any presents, if she continues being naughty.
Ava, is a beautiful happy baby, mind you, she's not so little now, she's about sixteen months old now.
We still haven't seen our latest grandaughter Esmee, and she is now nearly three weeks old.
Initially we didn't want to go, because of me and my germs. But now, it's a case of trying to catch them in.

Hi there Huia, it's good to hear from you love. Good luck with your photo book, you have so many to sort through.
Goodness me you are a very young looking nearly 80 year. And you are so fit, even though at times you may not feel it, good on you my love, stay young at heart.

Sending my love and hugs to one and all, Mo xxx


Huia Report 15 Nov 2015 05:44

Hello everyone.

I have been busy printing off some of my better photos so that I could decide which ones I will use in a photo book which is to be printed for my 80th birthday. I felt it was better to print them so that I can put them into categories and then try to decide which ones to use. I have already whittled them down a little. I still have 98 but need to get it down to 50 or 60, I think. I might take the sunset/sunrise/moonrise/stormy weather ones (21) to the Hospice shop tomorrow to see if the girls can help me choose about 8 of them. It is quite a big job.