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Cath2010 Report 27 May 2011 06:47

Morning Daff, Mr Daff and troops,
sunny blue skies down here this morning but breezy as well.
Hope all is well with you Daff, have a lovely weekend.
Take care,

Cath xx


Mazfromnorf Report 27 May 2011 05:54

lol morning its still raining here i have a basket of washing here but am not putting it out today lol


Mauatthecoast Report 26 May 2011 18:59

Still thinking of you and yours Daff %26lt%3B3.

.....good news is's watered %3A-%29

Mau (XX)


Mazfromnorf Report 26 May 2011 15:58

afternoon all very wet here just had to spin all my washing again its cold here too


'Emma' Report 26 May 2011 12:04

damp out and cold here today Daff, hope it's warmer
with you.~~~~~~~~~~to allx



LindainBerkshire1736004 Report 26 May 2011 11:26

Morning Daff Mr Daff and troops

Well another blustry day here, been raining through the night, sun coming and going. Gone at the moment................. looks like rain again.

Had hoped to get into the garden now I am not working, but have sat and done some knitting instead. Made a beaney hat for a baby, to complete a set for my daugters friend who leaves work today ready for her baby to be born.

Hope everyone has a good day

Linda %3A-%29 %26lt%3B3


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 26 May 2011 11:16

Morning Daffers and Mr Daff:o)

Not too bad here, still in me pj's as

Did an empty/v-hot wash in the dishwasher as it was smelly, nice and and fresh now:o)
A nice pile of ironing waiting....grrr
Did'nt need to water the flowers this morning as the rain did it:o))
l have a flower that grandson picked for me a few weeks ago, its been sat under loads of books and should be ready to laminate....l told him l would make it last forever, and so it will:o)))..its a beautiful pansy:o)

Hope you're having a good day??

Loads of love to you both
~~~~~~~~ to everyone else:o)

jude vic and madoc xx


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 26 May 2011 09:41

Daff and Mr R I hope that you both enjoyed your Magical Mysrery Tour, and that a good giggle was had by all.



ButtercupFields Report 25 May 2011 12:13

Afternoon Daff. Have just had my threaded and look like Googie Withers :D Beautiful day here,have so many plans and so little inclination! Hope all is well in your world. Lots of love BCXX *munches more chocolate.....


'Emma' Report 25 May 2011 11:29

Morning Daff and all, nothing much happening in
my neck of the woods, just as well as am not up
to it today after a visit to physio yesterday. Stay
well Daff and look forward to seeing you on the boards
at some point.



Mazfromnorf Report 25 May 2011 05:49

morning troops
what chocolate where is mine then ?
My little kitty is going for his second jab tonight he will be safe then from illnesses .he is not quite as bright as Gizmo but he is very cuddly and loves to be near me


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 24 May 2011 23:19

Evening Daffers and Mr Daff:o)

Bit nippy today, had grandson for the day,, and had a lovely day:o)

Hope your day went well the other day?

Take care

love jude vic and madoc xxxx


Mauatthecoast Report 24 May 2011 23:08

Peeping in to wish you a peaceful night Daff and Mr.D (XX)

~~~~ to the Troops.........okay who has made all the mess in here? I've just emptied the waste bin and I can't believe the amount of chocolate wrappers :O

Good night All
Mau XX


'Emma' Report 24 May 2011 11:18

Morning Daff and all, have a great day and take care.



Barbra Report 24 May 2011 09:24

Morning Daff & Mr R .hope you are ok today ((((((((hugs)))))))) Take care ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~All Barbra x r


StrayKitten Report 24 May 2011 09:10

morningggggggggg, well its blowing a gale here mam lost a litter tray out of the garden, but i found it all the way near the school lol, luckily t was clean :D

hope your well r daff n R xxx


MaryinSpain Report 24 May 2011 09:09

Sorry not been on this thread for a while - hope you enjoyed your day out Daff.

Hope everything went ok for you Mummo

Love Mary xx


Mazfromnorf Report 24 May 2011 05:51

morning a lot more peaceful after a very stormy night


ButtercupFields Report 23 May 2011 23:05

Evening all %3A-%29 Just popping in to tidy up thread and turn the lights off..tsk tsk...who's been flinging peanuts around.. :O :O Hope your day went well dear Daff...nighty night to you ad Mr D. BCXX %26lt%3B3


MarionfromScotland Report 23 May 2011 15:28

Good to see you Daff. I hope you have a nice day %3A-%29