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Daff ( part 3)Page 97

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Mazfromnorf Report 19 May 2011 06:58

Morning made the effort BC
since the building work i have lost the routine here I have boxes still to sort through and walls to strip and paint lol
Hope all is well Daff , 6 working days to half term again lol


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 18 May 2011 22:20

Evening Daffers and Mr Daff:o)

How you doing Daffers??
l've just been watching The Apprentice, good innit??

Maz...thank you for the Congrats:o)

Nite nite everyone:o)
Seeing Auntie Jean (Monmouth) tomorrow morning:o)

love jude vic andmadoc xxxx

~~~~~~ to everyone x

X Lairy- Fairy

X Lairy- Fairy Report 18 May 2011 22:10

hellu daff . wooooooooooop nice to c u xxx
Rose xx


Cath2010 Report 18 May 2011 19:49

Evening Daff, Mr Daff and troops,
Hope everyone is well.
Daff I hope you are busy relaxing in the garden %3A-%29
Take care,

Cath xx


ButtercupFields Report 18 May 2011 14:27

Afternoo Daff (Maz are you and I getting up later or have your hours changed :D..we usually post early in the morning!)

Hope all is well with you and Mr D and you are spending some time in your lovely garden. I did the summer plants for the dragonlady today so am now putting my feet up %3A-%29

Lots of love and a huggy for the Troops %26lt%3B3


Mazfromnorf Report 18 May 2011 14:23

afternoon everyone am not good at gettin a routine going here theses days hope you are all ok


MarionfromScotland Report 18 May 2011 13:09

Hello Daff.

I hope you are still on the mend.
Whats the latest,I've been away.



'Emma' Report 18 May 2011 11:33

Morning all, Daff hope you are getting stronger every
day. %3A-%29



Barbra Report 18 May 2011 09:34

Morning Daff & Mr R hope you are well today x (((((((hugs)))))))) Barbra ~~~~~~~~~~All x


Mazfromnorf Report 17 May 2011 15:14

Hi well Congrats to Jude on her anniversary , hope you are all OK had a busy start so just resting while i have a chance


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 17 May 2011 13:18

Afternoon Daffers and Mr Daff:o)

Tadge grey but ok:o) have 2 loads of washing out, played footie with nextdoors dog, watched by Madoc looking out the window....aww bless him:o((

How are you today Daffers??

Oh BC thats soo much better, lovely photo:o)

Love jude vic and madoc xxxx

~~~~~~~~~~ to everyone :o) x


'Emma' Report 17 May 2011 11:28

Morning Daff very warm here today and long may it last.
have a lovely day and also MrD, take care %3A-%29


BC love your photo :D


ButtercupFields Report 17 May 2011 10:37

Good morning Daff %3A-%29 Have just managed to put my new bed together and am very proud of myself. I tucked my hernia in neatly before I attempted it :D :D So, now, Daff you and Mr D may come a visit me and you wont have to squash into the single bed I had there before. %3B-%29

Cloudy, nondescript kind of day here but hope the sun is shining on you Daff. BC XX %26lt%3B3

oops sorry Jude,I changed my poppy!


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 16 May 2011 13:07

Afternoon Daffers and Mr Daff:o))

Mmm bit dull here but ok:o)
Had a busy weekend as it was our Ruby Wedding Anniversary....l think my head has stopped spinning now, ooo it did in the early hours of Sunday

Congrats l see to Mummo & great grandchild on the way, wow:o)) and Ben:o)

BC....whats with the Poppy when you are a Buttercup???

Take care Daff and Mr Daff..hope you're well:o)

love jude vic and madoc xxxx


'Emma' Report 16 May 2011 12:16

hello Daff and MrD, hope you are both well. lolx



JustGinnie Report 16 May 2011 09:43

Morning all, hope your weekend was good. It is chilly here this morning but dry , hopefully it will get brighter and warmer as the day goes on.



StrayKitten Report 16 May 2011 09:31

morning daffers, and R, bit cooler here today too, :D xxx


Barbra Report 16 May 2011 09:27

Hello Daff & Mr R .how are you .a damp start here but not cold %3A-%29 hope you enjoyed your wk end .~~~~~~~~To All (((((((hugs)))))))) Barbra xx


Von Report 16 May 2011 09:25

Hi Daff and R
Hope you have a good day
Sending %26lt%3B3 and (((((hugs))))
Take care


AnninGlos Report 16 May 2011 08:01

Tess, No Lol!!! Cheeky!!! Do I seem THAT old????