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Mazfromnorf Report 12 Dec 2011 09:03

morning all

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 12 Dec 2011 12:08

Puter OK today, hubby's home later so he will have a look at it cos there is an intermittent fault.
Done all my cards.. well just 2 special ones to go.
Stamps cost more than the cards !
Be careful if you send special ones, they charge more for large , width, weight. size.
Hubby's auntie ( She is just a few yrs older than him)' sent ' a Xmas card to her grandson from Santa', she didn't realize the size and her son had to pay £I.50 to collect it from the sorting office!
Going to stick my stamps on now, hope they pass the test !!
Have to go to PO to send my sister's in US so will get them checked..

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 13 Dec 2011 09:33

Good Morning~~~~

I spoke too soon ! PC was OK when I got it started yesterday....but is having none of it today :((((((((
So it has to be this lappy..ugh. It doesn't like me or GR !
It's been snowing..side roads are slippy but main roads OK. Just a dusting far.


*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 13 Dec 2011 12:57

I'm back on MY PC now....phew !!
I was trying to send a e B'day card to BIL it would go from mine, so had to resort back the laptop.
Fed up with this %3A-%7C
Going to have some food now %3A-%29


Mazfromnorf Report 13 Dec 2011 22:16

hello busy here at the moment lol

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 14 Dec 2011 14:35

Got in in the second attempt...hubby will have to do something with this, !!!!! else I'll be having a new one for Xmas... plus my phone contract runs out tomorrow.

Hail and snow here !!! tho it is only sticking on the fields and lawns thank goodness.

Edit at 4 pm..Our road is now quite white..only about an inch of snow .. I think, I guess it from putting my index finger into it !!!


Mazfromnorf Report 15 Dec 2011 07:06

morning all we have been lucky weatherwise just high winds ,our work looks out on to a large park and gets quite eery when its very windy .
have been dping a lot of long shifts due to a memeber of staff being ill

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 15 Dec 2011 11:48

My PC is not coming on today yet....three attemps so far....ugh.
Hubby will have to look at it tonight soon or I will have to have to a new one.
Also my phone contract runs out,and the bill is on there ,obviiously I can get the bill bill off this laptop (they don't send out paper bills and I need it to redeem the £20 contract ) if he can't get it sorted soon I'll have to do it from this laptop.
GR seems to be playing up..again!
The GR symbol is not appearing the green ring is still spinning !
This may post, Hope so!


Mazfromnorf Report 15 Dec 2011 20:20

poor you sandie it gets silly sometimes

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 15 Dec 2011 20:28

Hubby has looked at my PC :))))
It's not been my PC at fault it's the electric plug at the back at the back, it's running fine now....but off a different power connection.... on an extension
Glad I don't have to use his , all the time.
He will have to change the box, the router is OK cos everyone else's are working fine.
%3A-%29 %3A-%29


Mazfromnorf Report 16 Dec 2011 09:52

glad its all sorted I am just revving up to get the house sorted lol got a day off to get my act together lol

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 16 Dec 2011 10:59

Morning peeps~~~

Put the PC on first thing to check the weather , everything OK with it ...still running on the extension cable tho, went to into GR and key board wouldn't work !
Hubby has spares ...but I don't know how to plug them in, this one is cordless so I thought it maybe the batteries. Turned it upside down to see where to put them , gave it a good shake ....lo and behold it's working now.
Shaun on the Welsh thread told me to give the PC a good slapping , it worked with the keyboard.

Few inches of snow by 4.30 am, had quite a few showers since then.
Hubby, working for Social Services always gets an internal e.mail if there is severe weather forecast. Main roads are OK but our road is iffy and so are the 2 side roads(both on a steep gradient) to get to the main road %3A-%7C
Oh Happy days !!!



Mazfromnorf Report 17 Dec 2011 10:51

morning all am off to work soon lol

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 17 Dec 2011 16:17

Had a dusting of snow overnight..
BIL is taking his OH to see her father in West Wales before Xmas, he said he'd pop in for a cuppa on the way back. Hubby said it was too far out his way, but I hope he does cos I luv him to bits.
He is used to driving miles, he was an electrical engineer with Scottish P. and had to go to Scotland from Anglesey most weeks, he's retired now.
Hope everyone is well %3A-%29 %3A-%29


Mazfromnorf Report 18 Dec 2011 18:53

evening all its very cold here tonight again so far no snow just done my 10% check and got £9.11p back lol

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 18 Dec 2011 20:41

10 % check on what Maz ? You don't seem like a gambler to me.
Son put some money my dad left him into premium bonds, he recently had a win... only a small amount, which was reinvested.
Dad bought a block for myself and sister many yrs ago..we haven't had a win for yrs. %3A-%7C
I still get mail for her tho she has no account in the UK now, that was why I had a prob with her BT divi..again which dad had bought. She thought she had sold the shares !! It's sorted now, after a lot of hassle.
Must iron some shirts .%3A-%7C


Mazfromnorf Report 19 Dec 2011 09:32

AS@@ price check lol ,
morning all have been trying to get some floors washed here before work Son is off for two weeks so it gets complicated lol its easier to clean a house that has only me during the day lol

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 19 Dec 2011 15:55

I have a discount card for Asd* ...10% off cos son is still classed as a seasonal worker, tho he is in full time work elsewhere .so I can't do the price comparison .
They are cheaper anyway. Went to T*sco today ... much more expensive, had to cos I went to the dentist... different town.

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 20 Dec 2011 09:44

Good morning~~~

Snow's gone cos of the rain !
It's just cloudy at the mo.

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 21 Dec 2011 11:17

Morning ~~~

Fine but grey here.Son a nasty cold and cough, Dau couldn't most of the night with a raging sore throat , she says most of peeps in work have it 2...2 of them have lost their voices. She works for Social Services and there is a lot of telephone work...great ( not ) when you've lost your voice !!

I used to work for DWP and Job Centre, my job entailed a lot of phone work,and writing at the same time,being right handed I always held the tel receiver to my left ear ...became second nature now and was a dab hand at tilting my head to the left holding phone between ear and shoulder using the keyboard with both hands.
Not that I need to now but I can't with these small handsets, especially with the buttons,get it in the place and knock another function button !

Hope my lot keep their germs to themselves !!!!

Where is Paula ? Will have to put out a tannoy message for her, hope you are OK.
Take care