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Has the heart gone from the message boards? update

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AnninGlos Report 9 May 2011 22:29

So, yes you need the passport. An interesting trip I'm sure.


Robin7 Report 10 May 2011 08:15

Yes but how to get there which way does everyone think would be cheapest by boat,euro train or plane ?.


Zack Report 12 May 2011 10:27

Hello all
I too like the changes , I havent found anything I like to put on my post.
I am feeling better but now I have cold sores on my lips %3A-%28 %3A-%28

I had a lovely day on wednesday my 72nd. Birthday I went out to lunch with my 2 best pals ,and then for Dinner Kathleen and Family cooked dinner and Barbara & girls ate with us. %3A-%29 lots of hugs from the grandchildren and some lovely present's with an OWL theme (I collect OWL'S).
A lovely umbrella with a wise old Owl and a story on the umbrella, A silver chain with and Owl very nice, and a beautiful trinket box with enamel and stones on it .
Just the thing to put on my bedside table for my hearing aid.

The Black boy that they gave me for Xmas is doing fine, so far the frost hasn't touched it as we have had it out since Xmas.
The new tree is on my enclosed Patio it wont go out untill the end of Spring .

To-morrow I have my singing Group for tutoring I will have 2 more ladies as they were unable to come last week.
The weather here to-day was very cold the wind is Icey I hope it is a little better to-morrow.
There was snow on all the mountians around us it fell last night, we had rain and sleet last night. %3B-%29I have been having lot's of problems trying to get on to the post's on Genes and even when I manage to get on the whole thing stops (I found the refresh button and used it but I had the same broblem it keeps freezing when the green band is coming across it stops half way. %3A-%28
it is so frustrating I was working on my tree and it stuffed up there also. Grrrr %3A-%28
Time to go Ladies, I need to do some tidying as I start lesson's at 10am.,and I must get an early night.

Please stay well %26lt%3B3 Marie %3A-%29


AnninGlos Report 12 May 2011 15:20

Robin, I would think boat would be cheapest but not sure once you add up the whole journey. Pur up a separate thread asking, you might find somebody who has done the trip who can advise.

Marie, pleased you are feeling better and hope the cold sores heal soon. Snow Brrr don't want any more of that stuff thanks.
Good luck with the singing class.


Cath2010 Report 12 May 2011 19:58

Just looking in to say hello and hope all are well. Must get on with some research, I am spending too long messing about with Avatars and Emoticons lol. :D


AnninGlos Report 12 May 2011 21:23

Is that you Cath? in your avatar.


moonbi Report 13 May 2011 04:09

Hello all from a very cold border city in Aus
Snow on mts Hotham, Buffalo, Bogong and Thredbo too. foggy morning and hasnt lifted yet at noon.
fire blazing but struggling to keep me warm. Thats the trouble with an open plan home in the winter; yet perfect for summer living.

Ive my woolly socks and coat on inside today. Ventured out to give the cat her walk, but we soon scooted back indoors again, and now she is under the blanket on the sofa.

Gson with his mum for 4 days, so Im resting and getting on top of my chores.

I am so embarrassed about what I wrote about my mother's day feelings. especially after saying son1 forgot me.

well he did forget, but phoned 2 days later to apologize.
He told me he wants to gift me his frequent flyer points before they expire and disappear.
he offered to use them on a trip for me to take a little holiday. It didnt take much for me to accept!
I wondered if he wanted me to visit him in Maine

Well no, I am not going to Maine to visit him, but I am so excited that I can take a trip to Adelaide to visit with my brother and his wife.
I think I will go in early August when the weather will be warmer and we can get out for drives etc.
Sil has so much in common with me, we both love quilting, and looking at fabrics etc and there are plenty of craft shops and markets in Adelaide.

Now I just have to arrange alternate care for young g'son.

Take care everyone, and happy gardening for you uk folk


SylviaInCanada Report 13 May 2011 05:33



do not be embarassed ... that's what you felt at the time, and we are here to lend a shoulder when things get a little too much.

But what a lovely gift he has given you! You will have a lovely time with your brother and s-i-l

Keep warm!



Cath2010 Report 13 May 2011 07:09

Good morning to you all,
a lovely sunny start to the day here. :D
Yes Ann that is me and my middle daughter. I dont like having my photo taken and that one is not too bad so I thought I,d put it up for a day. The witch will be back later, lol.
Moonbi, I hope you will enjoy your visit to Adelaide. It will be lovely for you and your SiL to mooch around craft shops.
Have a good day everyone,

Cath xx


AnninGlos Report 13 May 2011 09:25

good to see what you look like Cath.

Moonbi, what a great present from your son but don't be embarrassed, it was how you felt and he did forget. Hope you can keep warm today (or tomorrow!)


moonbi Report 13 May 2011 10:03


singing with %26lt%3B3

hic hic hooray


Robin7 Report 13 May 2011 18:26

Yeah ann think boat will be cheapest will have to look into it and happy birthday Zack. :D


AnninGlos Report 18 May 2011 17:43

Wow 5 days without a post, is everyone OK?


Cath2010 Report 18 May 2011 19:41

Hi Ann and all,
we got a bit slack didn't we? %3A-%28 Hangs head in shame.
I've had a touch of flu or something similar, sore throat, headaches, stiff joints and a fever but am fine now. :D
I've still been around but not posted much. Too lazy.
Hope everyone is well.

Cath xx %26lt%3B3


moonbi Report 19 May 2011 03:20

hi Ann
yes im ok
but been a bit busy with g'son, and when he is at school, I have been putting sources and citations on my records.

Its been so cold here that I spend most of my days indoors, except for the necessary pruning that I do about an hour a day. and then by 3.30 its time to pick g'son up from school.
Gets dark here now right on 5pm.

You might remember I installed FTM for mac in March I think, and since importing my GR gedcom have been adding to the data and trying to learn all the program's features.

When I wrote my previous book titled "A Thin Line but not Invisible" I typed all the sources in manually, but I never had a citation for each and every record.

Now I am thinking this is getting a bit much. But as the FTM manual says that its better to citate ? everything so future generations know that your research is valid and can check it.

well who is going to check my work. Dont think anyone in my lot will !! they are just happy to find out the bones of the story.

Then there is the adding media tasks. so I have been scouting family for their various old photos etc to add.

Best wishes to all


Cath2010 Report 20 May 2011 07:09

Good morning all from a sunny Guernsey.
Hope everyone is keeping well.
Been busy in the garden (tiny) planting out tomatoes, baby sweetcorn, cucumbers, garlic and beans all in pots and potatoes in a large dustbin.
Oh for a bigger garden !!
I do love the long, light days of summer and can't wait to get up in the mornings unlike winter when I'd be happy to stay curled up under a duvet.
Amazing how good the sun makes you feel :D


moonbi Report 21 May 2011 10:59

Yes Cath,
I always feel better in the summer, winter makes me

I hate winter. but I know what you're going to say

Winter in Australia is nothing, compared to the weather we get.

And you are so right.! :P


Robin7 Report 21 May 2011 13:00

Yes i work Weds,Thurs,Fri so dont always come on here hope everyone had a good week. %3A-%29


AnninGlos Report 21 May 2011 17:36

Good to see everyone is OK. Hello from what was a sunny Dorset but has now clouded over. We got down here yesterday and although there is a cold wind the weather has so far been great.

Went to a food fair up the road this morning and bought delicious pasties, lovely cheese, tasty looking olives, smoked mackrel fillets, cheese scone for me and eccles cake for OH, then we both had hot dogs with onions. Lots of things to taste on the way round, probably put on a pound just walking round the tent. We took the pasties down to West Bay to eat for lunch with a flask of coffee, lovely sitting in the sun watching the sea (and hiding the food from the seagulls). Drove back to Burton Bradstock and parked on the cliff in the NT car park, which is just down the lane from our accommodation, we then walked down to the Hive cafe and had a double ice cream each!!!


Robin7 Report 21 May 2011 19:16

Yes it was warm here in Yorkshire but also clouded over but you look as though you have had a really good day hope its nice for you tomorrow. :D