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Has the heart gone from the message boards? update

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SylviaInCanada Report 10 Jan 2012 04:18

Hi Ann

yes indeed, one very important link gone.

OH and his sister only had 2 cousins .................. and the one who has died was the only biological one.

Her parents couldn't conceive, so decided to adopt a boy ........ M was then born 11 months later. A not uncommon story!



AnninGlos Report 9 Jan 2012 18:00

Not cold here either, very strange for January, still quite dull most of the time though.

Annette, you will miss your son when he goes back. You will have to get stuck into your quilting again.

Sylvia, even if not unexpected, still sad isn't it, one more link gone? <3


SylviaInCanada Report 8 Jan 2012 01:37

Hi Ann

Thank you for your condolences

it's warmish and wet here :-D

Thank you, Annette

Cousin's death was not unexpected ............... but we did not expect it so soon. She deteriorated very rapidly over the last 10 days to 2 weeks.



moonbi Report 7 Jan 2012 22:58

Sending my best wishes to everyone this week.
Its been very hot last few days. Today its wet and drizzly. I haven't been doing very much in this weather until later in the evening. watering my plants until the mosquitoes get too annoying.

G'son has been with me 3 days this week and goes home tomorrow.
I have paid for his swim lessons which start on Monday afternoon, so next week will be going to the pool each day.

Navy son is still here and returns to base in 7 days, for the big push to graduation from recruit school on 27th Jan. He has been keeping up with aerobic exercises and does his 25 minutes run around the village most evenings when it is cooler.

I cooked a nice batch of biscuits for New Year and Iced them with the new writing icing tubes. looked very nice. and the new biscuit recipe tasted good too. it didnt take long and the lads polished the off.

Best wishes to all
and condolences to Sylvia and her oh on the passing of a cousin. Very sad to hear of that; being unexpected ? do hope his travels go well in the winter weather.


AnninGlos Report 7 Jan 2012 09:03

Yes life (sometimes the alternative) gets in the way Sylvia.

I was sorry to hear about your OH's cousin. Hope he has a safe journey here, shame it is in such sad circumstances.


SylviaInCanada Report 7 Jan 2012 05:00

Hi Ann

I think we must all be concerned with other things at the moment

you have your worry, and we've had the bad news about OH's cousin.

He's got his ticket now ....... leaves on Jan 12th, funeral service on the 17th, and he returns home on the 19th.

He'll stay with his cousin's husband .............. will be good for them both I think.

take care.



AnninGlos Report 6 Jan 2012 11:31

No, very slow on here lately.


SylviaInCanada Report 1 Jan 2012 22:41

Hi Ann ......

Thank you

We slept in until 10:15 am this morning, which would be about 6:15 pm your time :-0

We never sleep that late!!

I admit that I didn't go to bed until about 2:45 am (got involved in a tricky genealogical question on GR), but we had not drunk a lot. I had nothing 'cos alcohol doesn't like me, and OH had 2 glasses of wine.

It is quite a pleasant day here ......... sunny and cloudy, but chilly.

hope everyone is well ....... I notice that no-one else has appeared?!



AnninGlos Report 1 Jan 2012 10:47

You shoul dbe in 2012 with the rest of us now Sylvia I think so a very happy new year to you (although no doubt youa re now asleep. Happy New Year Annette, I hope it will be a good quilt making one for you.


SylviaInCanada Report 31 Dec 2011 22:55

Annette ............... you are the first on the thread to celebrate New Year, and I will be the last one!

I still have almost 9 hours to go before midnight here

but still ........................


May 2012 be a very good year for all of us

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3



moonbi Report 31 Dec 2011 22:35

So 2012 has begun.
Happy New Year to all you lovely ladies.

"may it be a good one - without any fear." (John Lennon)

Its very quiet here, last nights fireworks were loud and smokey. but very pretty.
I had my g'son with me as daughter was on late shift, so we watched a couple of kiddies movies, had some crisps and a solo, a couple of chocolates and went to bed later than normal.
PussyCat slept with me last night, because I think the fireworks un-nerved her a bit. this morning se was her hungry self again.
Today is supposed to be hot 34C but the overnight is to be 14C so that is good for sleeping. I find it hard to sleep when the temp doesnt drop.


SylviaInCanada Report 16 Dec 2011 05:01


safe trip to see your daughter and sister.



AnninGlos Report 15 Dec 2011 12:49

November was dry but December is making up for it. It has been very cold and extremely windy, in fact Scotland had near hurricane winds apparently and damage was done. We had strong winds here but not as bad. We have had some heavy storms but not really long lasting. However, tomorrow we are going down to our daughters to deliver the presents and also visiting my sister on the way. Snow is forecast for early morning which, as we have to cross part of the higher Cotswolds is a bit of a pain. Hope it is only light. It is very cold today here but the sun is shining at the moment and the birds are frantically feeding.

Moonbi have a lovely time with your family and Sylvia, pleanty of time to boob shop after Christmas!


SylviaInCanada Report 15 Dec 2011 03:47

Hi all

Ann ..... I haven't been down to the shop to check out boobs. I keep putting it off or doing other things!

It's been very dry here, although chilly. We've also had a lot of sunny clear chilly days. November and December are our very wettest months .............. often get rain on most days. This year, November had about one-third of the usual rainfall. Only about 0.2 mm of rain fell from December 1 to 12 ...... the usual average is between 70 and 75 mm.

Not good for filling the reservoirs!

Enjoy having your sons with you, Annette

Take care everyone



moonbi Report 14 Dec 2011 23:26

Its not very hot here the last few days about 23C; so just nice weather. Perfect for Son1 and his wife, as they have been doing a run around the village each morning, visiting with his old friends, and shopping.
Navy Son2 will arrive tomorrow on 3 weeks leave.
I am wrapping my gifts today, doing a wash, and general tidy up.
Later today Gson is coming over and we will all put up the tree.
On Friday night our village has Carols by Candlelight on the village green.
Should be a nice night out.

I have asked for a subs to fmp uk for my gift. do hope I get that because There are quite a few wills that I want to get a close look at.

How are you all doing with your weather, and Christmas planning ?
I cant imagine what it would be like to have Christmas in winter and I would like to experience it one day if possible.


AnninGlos Report 14 Dec 2011 16:08

Everybody OK? Deep in the throes of Christmas planning no doubt.


AnninGlos Report 9 Dec 2011 09:32

Wonderful Annette, I do hope that you have a lovely time with all the family.


moonbi Report 8 Dec 2011 23:42

Yes Ann
My 3 adult children will all be together for Christmas.

I have decided to make Tasmanian salmon with baked potatoes etc.
and pavlova for dessert.
I do the salmon in little packets of alfoil with the lemon and herbs, and it only takes 15 minutes .
I dint want to be slaving over a hot oven, especially if its going to be very hot weather that week.

Son from usa will return on the 29th Dec, to a very frosty Maine, Im sure!


AnninGlos Report 8 Dec 2011 22:09

Hi Annette, I am sure it was very exciting and emotional to see your son. A long journey for them.

Well done to your Grandson and I hope he gets his tonsils sorted out soon. And you've seen your sister too so lots of reunions all round for you.

Is your son with you for Christmas?


moonbi Report 8 Dec 2011 22:04

Hi all

its been very busy this last week or so.
Thank you for your kind thoughts toward my daughter; she will be fine. her procedure showed a fissure. treatment is being followed. so she should come right soon.

My sister and her family were here the last 3 days. they flew from Qld to Melbourne, then hired an Apollo van, and came up to me. they are on 4 weeks holiday, traveling along the Murray river.
they left me yesterday and ended up at Euchuca last night. where they will stay 3 nights, hoping to experience a paddle steamer ride today and tomorrow.
Son1 and his wife arrived in Melbourne yesterday after 2 flights from the USA. flight from Boston to LA. and then LA to Sydney for 18 hours, then Sydney to Melbourne. Son's father is going down to pick them up today. they slept overnight at a friends place.
I am excited that they have finally arrived and will be home here tonight.

Young Gson had his last day of the school year yesterday. Came home with a very good report and the Deputy Principal's Award. so we are all thrilled he did so well after a very mixed year for him. We are hoping he can be bumped up on the waiting list for his tonsil/adenoids op. He struggles to sleep well at night even though I have the bed propt (Spelling?) up.

I have my list for Christmas, and told the family I want a subs to FMP.
Weather has been changing every day from cool and windy, to getting hot during the day at 28C yesterday.
Tomorrow the forecast is for thunderstorms.

take care everyone, and Best wishes always to my internet friends.