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Auntie Motie a Genteel Tale of Everyday Life.

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CherryCrumbles Report 6 Dec 2012 18:03

Petunia dear I am NOT moaning, about anything. I am simply making comments and observations. As do you.

No I dont listen to Dickie Valentine or Malcolm Roberts any more, Or Edmund Hockridge, or Donald Peers because he needs glasses. But I have found something to tear me away from the Phantom. It's called Robert & Elizabeth. Now all I need, is something to tear me away from Robert & Elizabeth.
*trills* no one gets in the family way, in the family Moulton Barrett.

*boxes up CD collection to hide in a safe place*



CherryCrumbles Report 6 Dec 2012 18:03

Ohhhhh Lesley I could have done with your team of huskies yesterday morning. There are little patches of white ice everywhere, and some black ice too. I went out this afternoon to do the banking and it was one slightly warm old lady who left the house, and one Ice Queen who entered the bank. I stood in the queue and by the time I had thawed out, it was time to pound the cold icy pavement again.

I am pleased to see you are still knitting away. The orange sparks off your needles light up the evening beautifully, and I may turn the lights off. May I please suggest you knit outfits in red white and blue, because there is the possibility that Catherine may be expecting twins. If this is indeed the case, the First Child Out will be the heir to the throne, and the second child can live a Prince Harry lifestyle. What larks! No doubt a life of picnics galore with lashings of ginger beer.

Now, do not encourage Teresa to lose her rope. It was bad enough when she lost her marbles and went on to lose her cool.



CherryCrumbles Report 6 Dec 2012 18:04

oh my goodness Susan this is the first I've heard of the tornado and I am so sorry to learn of the loss of life and damage to property. At the same time, I am very relieved to know that you and your family are safe. Yes you are quite right, to lose loved ones so close to Christmas is very cruel, although its bad enough at any time of the year.

If this is of any help - I have bought myself the new Rod Stewart Christmas CD. It is a pleasure to listen to. Rod performed one of the songs from this album on the Royal Variety Show.

Yes our media are making much of the DJ stunt that got a poor nurse giving out confidential patient information. I bet she's been hauled over the coals. And, dare I say it - the Queen is not amused.



Cooper Report 6 Dec 2012 18:33

Susan I am just watching Monti the dog who can drive a car in NZ it's on the BBC news. Ah bless them all at the rescue centre %3A-D. I doodled the Buzzy Bees, they look very sweet. I'm sure baby Wales will have one as a gift %3A-D
When FTY was a baby it was all Bob The Builder and when he was a toddler all he wanted was to listen and learn off by heart was Hairy McClarey from Donnaldsons Dairy. Hairy and his pals come from your part of the world as well
%3A-D %3A-D %3A-D



Cooper Report 6 Dec 2012 18:40

Hallo Cherry dear, I too got a little frozen today out on errands. The warmest I got was when my dear Sisters two very large and soppy Alsatians came to lol all over me %3A-D
I'm very interested to know what happened to the fireman and the chicken %3B-%29q

I do not knit but can cross stitch so I can fashion a sampler %3A-D. I was just reading this new Royal baby Fruit will be born of a real commoner %3A-S Kate is the first Queen to be, in 1000 years, to have no royal blood running through her veins. I thought there was a link. I'm just orffff to doodle. Back later

Teresa %3A-D


CherryCrumbles Report 6 Dec 2012 19:33

I couldnt possibly repeat what I was told, Teresa, but I was quaite disgusted. Apparently the victim ate the chicken, with the "additive", and all the firemen thought it was funny because they didnt like him.

I thought Anne Boleyn was a commoner, although she had a bit of royal blood in her veins because she and Henry 8th shared a common ancestor, an earlier king. Angus Ogilvy is classed as a commoner because he's a younger son so there was no title for him to inherit. Well, I like Catherine of Cambridge. She conducts herself impeccably. Perhaps if we wait long enough, an amateur genealogist will discover that Catherine is descended from one of the Fitz's of that King Edward wot spread his favours around very generously.



Cooper Report 6 Dec 2012 20:05

I like Catherine as well, she is very ladylike. I have doodled and their is no extended family tree on the Middleton side however...... There is an implication that the Middletons are descended from Elizabeth Knowles who is a relative of Ann Boleyn I think and it's said that ELizabeth may have been Henry's offspring %3A-S. I think that is what it said %3A-%29

Mind you I bet there are many many descendants of Henry the 8th, some who know and many who don't %3A-D

The mind boggles about the chicken additives %3A-0



Susan-nz Report 7 Dec 2012 05:58

Cor blimey,

Who the heck are Dickey, Malcolm, Edmund and Donald?..... Sorry Ladies, but I is showing me yoof %3A-D.

I caught a bit on the tv news about our driving dog. Must say, I always knew dogs were intelligent %3B-%29. Why my own grand puppy has quite an extensive repetoire of words she understands, honest, she does. Mention 'shower' and she gives you the evils %3A-D. I am 100% convinced a way to a dogs heart is through its stomach
%3B-%29, our puppy had a carrott, some frozen blueberries and some orange pieces of me this morning, we were out of apples %3A-D.

CC, I discreetly %3A-S asked my fruit if she was going to get me the CD I am drooling over, "yes" she said and would I like it before Christmas..... "no" I said - a half truth indeed.......

Oooh, Oh has just walked in the door and I haven't even started our dinner, must dash, have a safe and happy weekend. We are off out of town for the night tomorrow, staff Christmas 'do' %3A-%29.

Toodle pip,

Susan %3A-%29


CherryCrumbles Report 7 Dec 2012 15:08

Henry 8th had a few Fitz's, Teresa, but of course he didnt have much success producing legit offspring, probably because Katharine of Aragon had a nasty infection (allegedly) causing many miscarriages and resulting in just Mary Tudor; and because after Elizabeth Tudor was born, the shock of seeing Henry entwined with Jane Seymour (his third wife) caused Anne Boleyn to have a miscarriage, and its said she lost a son. Naturally, this was not Henry's fault. As we all know, not long after that a lot of trumped up charges were brought against Anne, leading to her execution on Tower Green.

It didnt help the Tudor dynasty's chances of survival that many of their closest relatives were executed, as these people thought they too had a claim to the throne of England, and the monarchs felt very insecure. As a result, by the time Elizabeth Tudor died, there were no suitable legitimate English Protestant claimants to the throne left alive, and the closest was Elizabeth's distant cousin James 6th of Scotland/1st of England, the only son of Mary Queen of Scots.

I think Elizabeth Tudor and Mary Stuart were second cousins once removed. Mary was the granddaughter of Margaret Tudor, Henry 8ths sister who'd been married off to James 4th of Scotland .... I think ..... wasnt it James 5th married to Mary of Guise who were Mary Stuarts parents? Or have I missed a generation?



CherryCrumbles Report 7 Dec 2012 15:13

Susan they are all singers who I grew up listening to, on Two Way (and sometimes Three Way) Family Favourites, who played records on behalf of all the BFPO employees and their families.

I also remember Joan Regan. And more. Sigh.

We woke to rain first thing this morning, followed by the arrival of a bitter cold East Wind. When I saw the rain I cheered from the rooftops, did you hear me? Its washed all the snow and ice away, and a dry cold wind is better than snow and ice. Mind you - it cut through my coat when I went outside to wipe the window and door sills and the patio furniture. We are promised an Eastern blast very soon, coming down from Siberia I think, so I wont be putting my winter warmers away just yet.

Dogs understand quite a wide range of vocabulary, dont they. Especially WALKIES, CHOCOLATE, DINNER, GARDEN, CATS, BATH ......... I had to spell some words out, in front of the dog.

Cats also understand a lot of our words. They just choose to ignore us.

Staff Christmas do?? I will be over in a jiffy - I can carry your handbag!! %3A-D %3A-D



CherryCrumbles Report 7 Dec 2012 15:14

I forgot ....


no not you Pat rish aaaaah - I was just explaining to Susan-nz .... oh why do I bother?? %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D


Susan-nz Report 7 Dec 2012 18:50

Laughs at CC %3A-%29


MotownGal Report 7 Dec 2012 21:53

Good evening Ladies.

Cherry dear you forgot Alma Cogan and Ruby Murray. She of Softly, Solftly Turn the Key.................turn what key? Where?

Ah dear Jean Metcalfe. She had a lovely voice, and her hubby Cliff Michelmore. I did espy him once, going down Sandown High Street, in his open-topped sports car.

Back to business................I have been missing as I am distraught. I have also been mortified.

I have been bragging to you all about singing at the Albert Hall have I not? Remind me not to listen to anyone that is slightly hard of hearing. Georgianna step forward!

We are singing for Albert Hall. A local resident who is 100 years old in a couple of weeks time. Never have I been so embarrassed in all my born days. Never!

So, if you will excuse me dears, I think I shall lock myself in my room, until this flame goes from my cheeks.

Albert Hall indeed! Tut, tut and then tut a bit more!

I hope everyone is well and warm. I am a little flushed around the gills!!!!!

Pip Pip
Auntie Petunia


CherryCrumbles Report 8 Dec 2012 10:40

a chilly good morning to everyone. at least there is no snow and ice outside, but its only a matter of time before the Beast From The East hits us.

*peers around Petunia's bedroom door*. Are you all right dear? shall I bring you a tray of tea with some of Mrs Berry's best biscuits?

Oh yes Petunia dear I remember both Alma Cogan and Ruby Murray very well. I have an Alma Cogan CD of all her hits; and have a CD track on a compilation album of Ruby Murray singing "Softly Softly". Ruby was much admired by my late Papa.

I've met Joan Regan a couple of times, because she stops to talk to her fans after her shows. I dont know if she is performing at the moment, but she was still performing up to about three years ago when she appeared at local theatres. Lovely lady, and she wears some beautiful gowns. I say gowns, because they are too resplendent to be called dresses. She isnt forced to make her clothes out of binbags, because the state pension doesnt allow enough funding for a Clothing Allowance .... *has a grump* %3B-%29

I believe the key in question is the one that is stuck in everybody's backs (makes a change from knives) when people are feeling a little wound up.

Oh - so it wasnt "singing at" the Royal Albert Hall, but "singing for" Albert Hall. He lives in Lower Docks Street, at the wrong end of town, so I expect the SingSong will be held at the Lower Docks public house? No doubt Old Mother Brown will be there, lifting her knees under the table. Dear me. Ah well, pride does come before a fall. We shall say no more about it dear, so there is no need to hide yourself in your room. I must comment that the embarrassed flush on your cheeks rather suits you, as you have been looking a little peaky lately. You should perhaps eat more cabbage to put some colour in your cheeks ... whats that dear? You dont want green cheeks? Very well dear.

Speaking of Alma Cogan leads me to Frankie Vaughan, because they were very good friends, he was like a sort of show biz surrogate father to Alma, and she often went to the Vaughan household for dinner. I missed meeting Frankie Vaughan. The record shop that used to be in Stoke Newington Church Street announced on posters that Frankie would be there, signing autographs for anyone who turned up to buy his latest single. Oooh, thinks Oi, I shall go. Unfortunately, I got the time wrong, and turned up about five minutes after he'd gorn.

Which leads me to Neil Diamond, who I believe is a very distant cousin of Frankie Vaughan. There was a row between two members of the family way back in the day, and one person flounced off to the USA and Neil Diamond is a descendant of that person. I remember reading about that in a newspaper, but can I find anything about it on the Web now? No I cannot. It seems to have disappeared into the mists of Ether, just like the newspaper account I once read about a Viking ship that reached Harlow in Essex.

Speaking of Essex, David Essex's father allegedly lived in an apartment in Waltham Abbey, where there is an Abbey with outbuildings which once formed a monastery, until Henry 8th activated his Dissolution of the Monasteries. King Harold (he of the arrow in the eye) is reputed to be buried in the grounds of the Abbey.

David Essex is apparently of Romany descent; and so is (allegedly) Ian McShane, he of the Lovejoy series, where the actress who played Lady wossit .. Phyllis? .... is currently employed as the Housekeeper in Downton Abbey.

Now, isnt it highly amusing how one thing can lead to another .... we end up with Downton Abbey when it wasnt even the topic of conversation to start with.

But, hopefully it has taken your mind of your embarrassment Petunia dear.



CherryCrumbles Report 8 Dec 2012 10:42

or was it Phyllis Bentley who used to play Lady Jane.


MotownGal Report 8 Dec 2012 16:20

Breezes onto thread. Quickety spit.

It was Phyllis Logan who played Lady Jane indeed. She is married to Kevin Wotisface who is one of the pirates in the Pirates of Carribean with with the divine Johnny Depp. They are one of the showbiz couples who keep a low profile.

Likewise dear Carson who is married to Imelda Staunton of Vera Drake fame. Imelda went to a convent school, which incidentally a young female relative of mine did, and whose History text book was she issued with. The same Imelda, with her name written in a childish hand. Small world.

I am very well thank you Cherry, everyone is entitled to a mistake. Nevertheless my solo of Happy Birthday will be deee-booom. As is my want.

We went to a perambule around Camden Town in the tuk-tuk this morning. What a riot of sound and colour there was. Carol singers, a steel band, and of course the usual array of colourful people. All without coats in this biting wind. Little cotton dresses and great big boots. Maybe they were all suffering from cold feet.

I used to so love David Essex. He was a little wild in his younger days. He had an edge of danger about him. Ditto Ian McShane.

I must admit I saw a racy fillum the other evening called Sexy Beast. I could not condone the swearing in it. But it had Ian and his pal Raymondo in it.

I must admit I was a little surprised how young they were in it. How old was it? I cannot tell, but they were both without a grey hair in their heads.

The fire has been banked sufficiently so that I will not have to touch it for a few hours.

Yawns................................I may even drop off in front of it.

Moves fireguard so that I do not have a Miss Haversham moment.

Oooooh this is lovely dears, so cosy in here..............................Zzzzzzzzzzzzz



CherryCrumbles Report 8 Dec 2012 17:52

Petunia ...........Petunia ... PETUNIA !!! wake up dear, your toes are smoking !!

Pat rish aaaah quickly bring a bucket of water !!


MotownGal Report 8 Dec 2012 21:41

Sitting here in A and E with badly toasted tootsies. The triage nurse has told me that I was to be put to the head of the queue for the doctor to look at me, when apparently a motorbike has gawn into the back of the tuk-tuk and Pat-trish-aaaaah has whiplash!

So the silly creature is sitting on the bed next to me!

The doctor is coming around now, and quite a dishy doctor he is too. The last time I saw Dr Kilmore, but this is not he. He is walking my way, and I espy his little badge............oooooh Dr D'eath Amour. I am not sure what to make of that to be honest.

Ooooh crikey the nurse is telling me to turn off the Blooooooberry, so I must go.

Ooooooh, he has cold hands..........................warm heart I hope!



CherryCrumbles Report 8 Dec 2012 22:23

a quick garbled message from dear Petunia, then the Bloooberrie was switched off. I think she said something about Pat rish aaaaah dressing up as Madame Whiplash, but my hearing aid batteries need replacing.

I hope when she gets back home, she will think twice about hogging the coal fire so that no one else can feel the warmth. And the fire has gone out because Pat rish aaaah isnt here to stoke it and add more coals. Motie Towers is now so cold I have had to put a vest on, and a thick cardigan, and a shawl, and a fur coat, and a Russian hat. All I need now is a Samovar, and a team of huskies. Forget the huskies - I can harness Tricki Woo.



Cooper Report 9 Dec 2012 15:00

Never fear Auntie, I am quizzing up the A12 as we speak to tend to the sick and ailing. I will also bring a tiny hearing aid and a syringe as I fear you are either full of wax or worse. A good dose of Lemmy or ACDC will clear your lugoles as well. It's all very well listening to Alma Cogan but the decibels do not clear ear wax!

Tutting down the A12

Teresa %3A-S