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ATOS (one day this could be you)

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Gee Report 29 Sep 2012 15:06

If its not been in The Sun...........I dont believe it

................Hayley You fill up my senses %3B-%29


Eeyore13 Report 29 Sep 2012 15:10

Usually on Council Estates????????????

& that is based on what information exactly?????

I think you should get back into the real world Sir John...society has changed a great deal since the olden days & you're ill informed,your opinions outdated & your tone is offensive.

You cannot judge areas of Society because of where they live-Pathetic.

Wake up & smell the coffee in your castle-I presume you live in one?

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 29 Sep 2012 15:10

Your doing it again John I am born and breed and come from a council estate so are my children I have worked all my working life, and so have my children none have every claimed a benefit and by the way when my son was 18yrs old he was fighting a war in Iraq so NO you dont have the right to genralise on people that live on councils estates.... all you are proving is you are a pompus know all that actually knows jack shit. %3A-D


supercrutch Report 29 Sep 2012 15:15

FGS we have acknowledged there are people defrauding the Government by claiming benefits they are not entitled to! Where have we said we don't?

ATOS are influenced by the DWP and their targets to deny applicants' benefit as a means to achieving this end. Where have we said we don't agree?

We DO contact Government Ministers, MPs and sign petitions. We all get the bog standard reply which amounts to 'we understand your concern but you have to appreciate that cuts have to be made because of fiscal restrictions and we are not able to comment on individual cases' Where have we said that we don't?

As for your comment about council estates, I can't comment. However I'm pretty sure that home owners aren't excluded from 'pulling a fast one'.


You are trying to put words into our mouths and that's just damn insulting when we have put our views on here based on experience.


JustJohn Report 29 Sep 2012 15:19

At least you are polite, Hayley %3A-D %3A-D

I would like to know what ATOS are behaving like they appear to be. Is their brief really to move everyone off DLA? Or a certain percentage?

And it would be nice to hear the other side. ATOS people must be human beings. Why do they act in the way that they do? I have formed an opinion that they are behaving like the gestapo. But nothing on this thread to balance my view at all. %3A-%28


TheBlackKnight Report 29 Sep 2012 15:20

Hi John I do find you interesting. You mention your friend with MS who has climbed mountains, chaired meetings etc. I would like to point out that if he had a job today he would most likely be pushed out of his job as things stand. I have good knowledge of both MS & Epilepsy as my wife has MS & I have Epilepsy. To see how my wife suffers day in day out is sometimes enough to make you cry. She depends on me to help her but sometimes even I am limited as to what I can do.

You also say (I flipping see it almost every day of the week) There is a big difference between seeing it almost every day & living it every day. That is what DWP & ATOS Fail to see every day.

In my view it would be far better, cheaper & less troublesome for most people, for the DWP to do a medical census, contacting GP’s with a smaller questionnaire asking them to provide information on patients that are on benefits, & in their professional opinion should they be on benefits & why, & could they do any work at all. It’s the GP that has the proof to hand to support if people tell the truth or not. Silly me that would be too simple.

It’s been proven that some politicians fiddle the system, Bankers get millions in bonuses, but when it comes to the sick, disabled & people who genuinely need help, the government, DWP & ATOS do all they can to see you get no help while others fiddle the system & the sick get booted to the curb. That grinds my gears.

As for you saying you find what I say to be disgusting or hateful, They say the truth hurts, All I have posted has been true & factual, I have not accused you of anything, & I offer no apology for that.

John you say... My evidence for benefits abuse is not based on the Sun newspaper - it is based on actually knowing what happens on (usually) council estates. Wake up and smell the coffee.
Are you judging people that live on council estates John? This happens to people no matter where they live.


Eeyore13 Report 29 Sep 2012 15:22

For ages people on here have suggested you read up on ATOS so you have an informed opinion?

Please do.


supercrutch Report 29 Sep 2012 15:23

John please only speak when you have your facts straight.

ATOS deal with ESA not DLA. DLA is being revamped next year under the PIP payment.


JoyBoroAngel Report 29 Sep 2012 15:24

John i bought my house on a council estate at the time i could of afforded to live anywhere
we bought it because the people are fantastic cant fault them
our road alone had over 200 houses and guess what
i know most of them not only their faces
but their names and those of their children and grandchildren
and most of the other roads that run off it to
we are like one big happy family
yes we have our squabbles but they are soon sorted
most private estates people dont even know their neighbours
i have never had to pretend to be anybody else but myself
like some do on private estates
my children went into further education
our Son is only pennies short of been a millionaire
he has 8 or 9 houses now and works in the oil industry
my daughters a nursery worker who is bring her son very well
she will never be rich but is a nice person i am proud of them both
what more could we want

our cup no matter what life throws at us is well over flowing

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 29 Sep 2012 15:25

You know what John you have contradicted yourself through out this thread I can't even take your comments seriously, you remind me so much what was the wums name....dam %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D


JoyBoroAngel Report 29 Sep 2012 15:30

i though exactly the same hayey %3A-D


Eeyore13 Report 29 Sep 2012 15:32

I really hope you're wrong... %3A-S

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 29 Sep 2012 15:36

Come on girls he has lite the touch paper and laughed his way this thread he doesnt give a toss about anyones suffering and just keeps coming back to poke the fire...shameful really.


TheBlackKnight Report 29 Sep 2012 15:38

Just ignore him & carry on with the thread.
(I know I'm not one of the girls but what the heck. %3A-D

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 29 Sep 2012 15:43

Ron I have A patrick Kelly born in Dublin in my tree do you think he is yours? %3A-D


~Lynda~ Report 29 Sep 2012 15:47

I might be wrong here, but doubt I am, I think John has too much time on his hands, and is just being mischievous, and whatever anyone says, he will say the opposite, it must be that, because nobody is taking you seriously John, you think it funny I know, but nobody is laughing, perhaps you need to start a thread of your own, about all the people you know that are benefits, and doesn't deserve to be, you can then collect names and addresses of those people, and send them to The Sun, they may listen to you.

Hayley, I know the name you mean too %3B-%29


TheBlackKnight Report 29 Sep 2012 15:54

Could be Hayley, going back a long way though, I did have some in that area. PM the details & I will look in my tree for you.


supercrutch Report 29 Sep 2012 16:09

I am off for my senile nap (yes I do qualify John) %3A-%7C my brain is fried to hell with some of the content on here.

~~~~~~~to the normal people and a special ~~~~~~ to the abnormal friends (you know who you are) %3B-%29


Rambling Report 29 Sep 2012 16:13

I also know the name, but just in case anyone wonders, we do know it is NOT the same person. It's quite uncanny though how similar on some issues, edit, may be thinking of another one as well, but not him either lol

I think John is just frustrated, that my thread on unemployment and the recession etc disappeared, he has had to transfer to this one to 'have the last word' on the generalisations he was spewing out on that one.... %3A-D

Don't worry John, I shall re word it and put it up again just for you...and when I say just for you, it may well be that if you keep on alienating the people on this board...opinionated is one thing ( I know, I am!) but you don't seem to recognise that the comments directed at you that you find offensive are in reply to your OWN offensive comments...

to be frank I am still seething at your comments re posters being "bevvied up" and that we all have benefit cheats in our family. The least you could do is apologise for that!


JustJohn Report 29 Sep 2012 16:36

%3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3B-%29

Rose I mentioned I thought one poster was bevvied up. That person has not returned since he/she posted stuff I could not understand, which ended with you are an "antogonist". May be my fault i didn't understand her/his "humour". Have said I will apologise to that poster if I am wrong. See no need to apologise to anybody else.

Makes me laugh how many think I know nothing about the subject of benefit fraud. Do you not think I have lived on council estates? Do you think I don't realise it is not restricted to council estates? Do you think I don't know loads of people on council estates. Do you think I never visit people who are very ill and terminally sick. Do you not think people very close to me are suffering?

Please give me some credit - even if you think I am wildly off the mark.