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Jimmy Savile.. Police pursue 120 lines of inquiry

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AnnCardiff Report 23 Oct 2012 20:59

you are so right Sue - I have a fair number of gay men friends and they wouldn't hurt a flea - they are kind, caring and compassionate

 Sue In Yorkshire.

Sue In Yorkshire. Report 23 Oct 2012 21:00


No it's about JS and the victims not you or anyone posting on the thread.

Get a Life John.


~Lynda~ Report 23 Oct 2012 21:04

John, it is obvious to most people, that you are trying turn this thread into a slanging match, if it were a thread about fluffy kittens, or what's for dinner tonight, I wouldn't give a jot, but seeing it's about Jimmy Savile and paedophilia , I find your comments offensive.

If you have ANY decency, I wouldn't comment further. If you do I suggest others who post ignore anything you say.


aivlyS Report 23 Oct 2012 21:11

Why John did you think that YOU saying you knew JS assistant would be relevant ?think that one was blown out weeks ago when we discovered she was female ...also why are you even bothering mentioning the boys in India if you are now backtracking and saying you never saw anything .... ? I actually find it quite sick that you seem to want everyone to think you was close to these people .


JustJohn Report 23 Oct 2012 21:13

Sue How can I call these men pervy or sicko's? I do not have enough proof for that. But if they tell me they are gay, why can I not say they are gay. That is then a fact surely. They are two men who have lived together for 38 years, according to what they told me.

Are you really suggesting that I am linking gay with paedophilia? Now that really is disgusting and you will see none of that in my posts.

Please ignore this post. I am not important (which IS a fact)

aivlyS His assistant spoke on the BBC News about Savile at the funeral last year. That was when I last had contact with HIM. I wrote to him to say I was thinking about him following the loss of his close friend. Definitely a man who was on the Manchester music scene in the 60's.


Wend Report 23 Oct 2012 21:17

Think I shall go and look for the thread about fluffy kittens >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> %3A-0

Sorry for being flippant but . . . . . %3A-%28


AnnCardiff Report 23 Oct 2012 21:36

I love fluffy kittens %3A-D %3A-D

By the way Lynda - thank you for your kind words - much appreciated %26lt%3B3


supercrutch Report 23 Oct 2012 21:39

John you said:

Lynda I never saw anything like that to be able to report them. I knew it was going on. I would have a walk to the fisherman's village about 3 miles away with my "friends" - both in late 60's and openly gay. Young boys would cycle over to talk to them and I walked a distance away and waited. They would sometimes begin to compare the merits of young boys in the evening, but I would leave and go back and read a book on the verandah. That side of their lives made me feel very sick, to be honest.

I rest my case. Now stop posting attention seeking crud and get back on track so we can too.


AnnCardiff Report 23 Oct 2012 21:45

hear hear


aivlyS Report 23 Oct 2012 21:59

Well said Sue ...


JustJohn Report 23 Oct 2012 22:11

Sue I would like to say hear hear also - but I have no idea what you are trying to say. Are you saying I have lied? Are you saying I have connected being gay with paedophilia?

I realise this thread is a court of law and you are all finding me guilty. But what have I done?


supercrutch Report 23 Oct 2012 22:19

FGS you wrote it John! Perhaps you should preview your posts before you press 'submit'.

I am not saying you lied I am saying you are a prat!


Rambling Report 23 Oct 2012 22:21

John you have contradicted yourself... read these two comments you have made...

1) "How can I call these men pervy or sicko's? I do not have enough proof for that".....

2) "Young boys would cycle over to talk to them and I walked a distance away and waited. They would sometimes begin to compare the merits of young boys in the evening, but I would leave and go back and read a book on the verandah. That side of their lives made me feel very sick, to be honest.
I made it very clear to them I thought it was very wrong what they were doing. "

That is a flat contradiction John...even if you had no "evidential proof" you apparently believed it to be so and apparently made it known to them that YOU KNEW...which they must surely have replied to, either to confirm or deny?

Why can you not, therefore, make a judgement call on these men?

Regardless of, and irrelevant to, sexuality...male, female, gay straight, bi...paedophilia is just that, the sexual abuse of a minor who is not of an age to give consent, and it really is a red herring to suggest that different cultures have different taboos, morality and so one can't bring one's own morality to bear in a situation in another country ....

it is the cultural background of the ONLOOKER that is I wouldn't go to Iran and suddenly come over all 'laissez faire' about stoning adulterers just because I was in a different 'culture' with different laws take your morals and integrity with you when you don't leave them in a jar at the airport....imo.

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 23 Oct 2012 22:26

Spot on Missy Rose .......

FROFLMAO @ Sue.....crud lololololol %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D


Kay???? Report 23 Oct 2012 22:27

John if you knew what was going on,,,,,,,,and did nothing then thats what you in my eyes are guilty of,

you very much remind me of this JS case.........all heard or suspected and did naff all,,,,,,thats how this dammed sorry state affair of damaged people is unfolding,

also,,,,,where is JS and India connected or is that a figment.


AnnCardiff Report 23 Oct 2012 22:37

to be honest John I think we'd all like you to shove off and go play on another thread

we're all of a like mind - we would not stand by and do nothing - none of us would and I would put everything I own on that fact without question

this whole issue is not just caused by that piece of filth JS, but by the people who knew and did nothing - they are just as guilty in my book

you were one of those people - albeit in a different country


JustJohn Report 23 Oct 2012 22:44

Rose I see what you are getting at. I don't think there is any contradiction in those two statements though. To call someone a pervert, I feel I would need real proof that he was a pervert.

I thought their behaviour appeared to be very wrong. I thought their conversation was very wrong. I also became aware that other men who were openly gay were involved in similar activities. They were having "men only" parties and inviting a lot of local boys.

I tried my best to keep well away as it had nothing to do with me. Turning a blind eye perhaps - but I really did not want to tackle child prostitution in India during my 3 week holiday.

And the assistant of Jimmy Savile also kept well away from these men who said they were gay. Apart from him saying he was going for a massage in the gym and would I like to come down and have some fun too, I was never aware of him making any advances to any local children.


AnnCardiff Report 23 Oct 2012 22:54

I can see how it would have spoilt your holiday - we wouldn't want that now would we

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 23 Oct 2012 22:56

what proof do you want John your "friends" liked the company of young boys aged between 10- 15 ( your words) please note the word *boys* not consenting adult men ......

Maybe I like to live in the world of Hayley bit to often but your whole posts are making my skin crawl ...


AnnCardiff Report 23 Oct 2012 22:57

I presume you don't have children then John