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Cynthia Report 4 Oct 2023 08:56

Good morning :-)

Thanks Kandj. Speak soon. <3

Celtic Week

I arise today
Through a mighty strength:
God's power to guide me,
God's might to uphold me,
God's eyes to watch over me;
God's ear to hear me,
God's word to give me speech,
God's hand to guard me,
God's way to lie before me,
God's shield to shelter me,
God's host to secure me.

Cx :-)


kandj Report 3 Oct 2023 21:35

Hello all

It is really good to read your update Tabitha, I hope you continue to feel better in yourself.

Cynthia, it's not good to read of a possible closure within your church.... this has happened more than once in our village church and we are still open.
Ongoing support in prayer during a difficult period.

"The Lord will guide you always." Isaiah 58 v 11.

Gentle hugs to those who are feeling ill today x


Cynthia Report 3 Oct 2023 17:51

Good afternoon :-)

Please excuse me if I am a little hit-and-miss this week. We have a situation in Wigan where there is the possibility of between 11-15 churches being closed. This involves a lot of phone calls, typing and meetings, and talking to people who are understandably upset. My brain is somewhat mashed but the troops must be rallied!!

Celtic Week

Enfolding love
God the Father,
enfold us with your love;
God the Son,
surround us with your presence;
God the Spirit,
revitalise us with your power.
Surround, enfold, revitalise us
each day, each night.

Cx :-)


Tabitha Report 3 Oct 2023 07:20

Good Morning Everyone

Thank you for your kind wishes.

Feeling very good, can get back to normal sot of now. pills working well, and i can start to reduce them to 3 a day next Tuesday. Gosh when my Dr comes back off his sabbatical in November he will notice a difference in me.

We had our Flu Jabs on Saturday, now waiting Covid ones. My next appointment is 24 Oct with my other favorite Dr (this one is younger, very good looking, and so easy to talk to, he is actually my husbands Dr)

Glad the Harvest festival/Supper went well. Its one of the best times of the year, i use to love it. Missed it at our local church, but will try & look out for it next year.

Glad the storm missed you, we have been lucky so far.

Keep well & posting, I will look in during the week.

Love to all


kandj Report 2 Oct 2023 19:41

Hello all

Vera, I've never heard the Isley Brothers song but I've listened on Youtube.... this is very poignant with Harvest Services and tells a powerful story. Thanks.

"Thank you" is the best prayer that anyone can say. (Alice Walker).


SuffolkVera Report 1 Oct 2023 19:45

I think most churches are now passing their Harvest gifts on to various Food Banks and organisations that can distribute them to those in need. But isn't it sad that so many do have that need? We are a affluent country and it shouldn't be happening here but we must also think of those countries where drought or floods or bad governance mean there is no harvest.

There is an old Isley Brothers song from the 1970s called Harvest for the World. It's not the easiest of songs to understand but I think it is mostly a plea for peace and equality. There are a couple of lines in it that resonate at this time of year.

All babies together, everyone a seed
Half of us are satisfied, half of us in need
Love's bountiful in us, tarnished by our greed
When will there be a harvest for the world?


kandj Report 1 Oct 2023 16:03

Hello all

1st of October already, where did September go?

A special Harvest Service this morning, lots of food donated and envelopes filled with money to help our village Food Bank support group.
"It is more blessed to give than to receive."
Acts 20 v 35 NIV bible.

We plough the fields and scatter
the good seed on the land.
but it is fed and watered
by God's almighty hand.
He sends the snow in Winter
the warmth to swell the grain,
the breezes and the sunshine
and soft refreshing rain.

All good gifts around us
are sent from heaven above.
So thank the Lord
O thank the Lord
for all his love.

It just had to be this traditional hymn sung today!


Cynthia Report 1 Oct 2023 07:53

Good morning :-)

Collect (special prayer) for today:
Almighty God,
you have made us for yourself,
and our hearts are restless till they find their rest in you:
pour your love into our hearts and draw us to yourself,
and so bring us at last to your heavenly city
where we shall see you face to face;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen

In the Gospel today we hear about the authority of Jesus

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 30 Sep 2023 17:42

Good afternoon :-)

Yes, I enjoyed the Harvest Supper but glad it is all over. Now moving on to thinking about the November Fair!!!!!!

Harvest – generosity – our willingness

God Forgave My Sin In Jesus’ Name
I’ve Been Born Again In Jesus’ Name
And In Jesus’ Name I Come To You
To Share His Love As He Told Me To

He Said: ‘Freely, Freely, You Have Received
Freely, Freely Give
Go In My Name, And Because You Believe
Others Will Know That I Live.’

All Power Is Given In Jesus’ Name
In Earth And Heaven In Jesus’ Name
And In Jesus’ Name I Come To You
To Share His Power As He Told Me To

He Said: ‘Freely, Freely, You Have Received
Freely, Freely Give
Go In My Name, And Because You Believe
Others Will Know That I Live.’

Cx :-)


kandj Report 29 Sep 2023 17:14

Hello all

I'm sure Cynthia will enjoy Harvest Supper tonight.

Harvest Festival comes around.
Bushes of blackberries can be found.

For some the school days have begun
The Summer holiday been and gone.

September, October bring darker nights
A warm coat needed to wrap up tight.

The insects now seem far and few.
The trees grow bare, a sky less blue.

First came Spring,
then came Summer sun.
Now the Autumn has begun.

Sounds familiar I think. Stay warm everyone.


kandj Report 28 Sep 2023 18:59

Hello all

Helping run the weekly coffee morning in church is a privilege listening to village people come inside and share their special memories with me.

Storm Agnes missed us yesterday. Big relief!


Cynthia Report 28 Sep 2023 09:42

Good morning :-)

Harvest Quotes:

“The harvest of old age is the recollection and abundance of blessings previously secured.” — Marcus Tullius Cicero

Who doesn’t have memories? All kinds of memories……family, friends, school and, of course, church. We thank God for our memories, those precious moments from past days. We treasure them and keep them in our hearts always.

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 27 Sep 2023 09:02

Good morning :-)

Every day seems to be manic........................

A prayer for those
Whose lives are thin
And shelves devoid of
Bread and tin.

A stronger prayer
For those who stand
With more than enough
In every hand.

For in God's Kingdom
Love is King
And generosity
The trendy thing.

There is no lack
Or chance despair.
No deprivation.
No hunger there.

In God's town..
No cupboards bare.
No hungry child.
No shadow there.

In the City of Angels
No fears you'll find
For hope and joy
Are all refined.. hands and feet
Of those who love
And serve the one
true God above.

So come on people!
Come and see
What God can do through you.
Through me.

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 26 Sep 2023 10:27

Good morning :-)

Sorry I missed yesterday but it was rather manic to say the least.

Yes, Sunday was Harvest Festival for us. The church looked magnificent - it was a traditional sight - fruit, vegetables and flowers as well as tinned and dried goods.

We spent a lot of time yesterday organising where everything was going. There was such a huge amount of stuff but it got sorted - the tinned and dried goods went to the foodbank and the fresh fruit etc I took to our local hospice. They were so very grateful because, as with most people, every penny counts.

Next, is our Harvest Supper on Friday - hotpot to the rescue.

Anyway, moving on.

The word Harvest has other meanings too ........

A quote:

Harvest. A quote:

“Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven’t sown!”
- David Bly

This speaks for itself. How can a church be successful if people don’t work hard to help?

Cx :-)


SuffolkVera Report 25 Sep 2023 21:36

Hallo everyone,

I didn't realise that I hadn't posted for a couple of weeks. Where does the time go? I do generally manage to read the daily posts and thank Cynthia for another interesting week.

Gosh, you have been going through a tough time Tabitha. I hope things are starting to improve for you now. Very belated birthday wishes for you and your OH. What a coincidence that your birthdays are the same day.

OH and I are OK, thank you Kandj. Like most people of our age we have our ups and downs and life has been quite hectic and a touch difficult for a few weeks but we manage and we have a lot to be grateful for.

Harvest Festival - ah, that brings back memories of the church full of veg and fruit and carrying my little box up to the priest to be put with the others at the front of the church. It makes sense to take tins and packets - after all, they are still a part of God's good harvest, and I suspect that the fresh stuff from our childhood harvest festivals was often past its best when it reached the recipients. It's a good idea for your church to pass harvest offerings on to the Food Bank Kandj. So many people seem to be struggling with the cost of living right now and, sadly, many feel ashamed that they have to use the food banks.

Thoughts tonight for all those who are hungry and in need.


kandj Report 25 Sep 2023 19:00

Hello all

I hope all went well yesterday at the Harvest service in Cynthia's church. Such a special time.

The Harvest Festival service in my village church is planned for next Sunday. Lots to sort out as we are still without a Priest of our own to organise events.

I'm hoping that we will be singing, Come Ye Thankful People Come and also We Plough the Fields and Scatter....I need to have a quiet word with our organist methinks.

It's been suggested that donations of tinned and packet food are brought into church and then passed over to help the Food Bank Support Group.
Very sad how families are struggling here just now.

Prayerful support for those who are upset.


kandj Report 24 Sep 2023 15:45

Hello all

Tabitha, it's lovely to hear from you. Happy birthday wishes to you and to your hubby. I hope you have a great day and have enjoyed your special lunch.

You've certainly been having a rough time with ongoing pain for such a long time. It was worth giving the Physio a try, but she didn't seem to do very much apart from taking payments from you.

Thank goodness that you have a supportive GP!!

Reading your long message until the end had me smiling, I'm really pleased that the steroid tablets are working so that you're feeling better slowly.
Would you come back with an update after seeing your GP next Tuesday please..... in the meantime, keep taking the tablets and have a VERY Happy Birthday you two. What a coincidence that you and your husband have birthdays on the same day!

I hope that Vera's feeling a little better too, it's been a while since we heard from her.

Cynthia, Good Luck with your Harvest Service. It's hard to think that it's this time of year already!
It was the 1st day of Autumn yesterday, so where did our Summer months go ??


Cynthia Report 24 Sep 2023 08:17

Good morning :-)

Manic day today - Harvest. Will chat later.

The Collect (special prayer) for today :

God of grace, ever creating and restoring,
you breathe life into all things
and embrace us with an everlasting love;
help us to grow in wonder and awe,
to embody a spirit of gratitude,
and to dream generous dreams;
that, in gathering what we have,
we may graciously offer ourselves
to accomplish what you will,
in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Cx :-)


Tabitha Report 24 Sep 2023 07:37

Good morning

I love reading your stories, what a wonderful day. Today I reach the age of 64 & my husband is 71 today. My birthday time is 6am & his is 6pm. So we are going out for a Sunday roast at 12.30.

So blessed in may ways, I have had a mystery illness since last November, my muscles and joints seem to disown me. I got to June with every thing locking up on me. Dr was not sure & suggested a physio. Gave up waiting for the surgery one and decided to pay for it. Got a reccomm from my optician, £60 for 40 mins.

So spent the whole time telling her my problems, not a bad way to earn a living. Sent me home to rest & book in next week. So I feeling deflated but better in a way as it was good to talk about it, she said she would look into it and see if she could suggest a solution. How i wondered when she hadn't laid a hand on me.

So I had a badly frozen shoulder on the left and loss of strength, the right side was hurting and beginning to losing strength as well. So bad couldn't even pick up the ironing board. This then moved to the neck which hurt to turn my head. Was in pain nearly all day and so hard to sleep. My legs joined in, I could get to the bus stop but walking around was awful. The worst bit was it moved to my chest, I couldn't sneeze properly & it hurt to breath. Hence the time to go private with the physio.

Went back the 2nd week, we talked she gave me some exercises, still hadn't touched me at all, book in 2 weeks time, said if it hurt too much leave it a day and start again. Did the ones i could & a lot of the chest pain stopped, arms & legs the same. Went back to physio, more chat, said she would write to Dr asking for a blood test. Different exercises, this time tested the strength in arms & legs. Go home back in 2 weeks, by now £180 paid. Called dr no she hadn't written.

Went back in, she had forgotten, said she would do it, This time after a lot of pestering, she actually looked at my shoulders an neck. Said I had a lot of stiffness, tell me something I didn't know. Told me to book 3 weeks, unless it got worse as she didn't want me to spend money when she couldn't do a lot.

I wrote a very long letter to the Dr. Got a reply in 2 days, booked blood test 2 days later. Told it could be 10 days for the results. Had a call from the Dr the next evening, bit of a shock. He said he had put a rush on one of the tests. Thinks it could be Fibromyalgia. Suggested I start a course of Steroids, said he would fax prescription to chemist, but as it was 6pm Friday the prob wouldn't send it till Tuesday. Once I got them to take for 2 weeks & book appointment to see him. He said they can work quite quickly once the get going.

They arrived on Tuesday morning, I took the 4 tiny pills, rang surgery & booked in for 2 weeks. Thought oh well, see what happens. Decided to canx physio for a few weeks. Went to bed.

Woke next day, strange no pain, could move freely again, no side effects. Was I dreaming. Even frozen shoulder felt better & I could sneeze without pain. Two days later improvement all round. Went shopping, oh thought he had a new woman with him & was trying hard to keep up with a speedy wife. It was like a miracle, 4 very tiny pills a day & I felt as good as I had a year ago.

Off to Dr on Tuesday for 1st check up exactly 2 weeks and such a difference.

Feeling so much better & going out for birthday meal, didn't thing I would be going on. Such a lovely day. God bless the Dr for having a guess and little white pills.

Feeling blessed and glad of friends I can share this with.

Have a lovely day everyone and hope everyone is well.
Lots of love. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


kandj Report 23 Sep 2023 20:10

Hello all

Another interesting week of postings. Thank you

I have a very old Sunday School song buzzing around in my head now....... I'll share it with you

Magic Penny

Love is something if you give it away
Give it away, give it away.
Love is something if you give it away
You'll end up having more.

It's just like a magic penny
Hold it tight and you won't have any
Lend it, spend it, you'll have many more
They'll keep rolling all over the floor.

Does anyone else remember this old one?