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Cynthia Report 22 Aug 2023 08:58

Good morning :-)

Interesting women in the bible

Mary Mother of Mark - The Hostess (Acts 12:1-17)

Mary was a really common name in the times of Jesus, and this Mary is sometimes skipped over when we talk about the ‘Marys’ in the life of the early church. This particular Mary was the mother of John who was also called ‘Mark’.

Peter had been arrested and the church needed a place to gather for prayer. Mary offered her home and let people bring their fears and hopes with them. They prayed and God sent an angel who led Peter out of prison, and he went to Mary’s house. The church continued to grow.

Not everyone is called to lead through teaching, but anyone can lead by opening their homes to others.

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 21 Aug 2023 10:15

Good morning :-)

Yesterday's Gospel reading was about a mother who had great faith.
There are many amazing stories about mothers in the bible.

Sarah: The Mother Who Waited

Sarah was married to Abraham but she was not able to conceive a child and this upset them both. Abraham asked God “What will you give me Lord since you have not given me an heir?” God tells him to look at the stars in the sky, for that would be the number of his descendants.

Abraham and Sarah waited 25 years before the promise was fulfilled and Sarah bore a son, Isaac. She said “’God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.’ And she added, ‘Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children? Yet I have borne him a son in his old age.’”

Can you imagine waiting that long for a blessing? Sarah tried to believe the promise, but she had doubts until it finally happened. Then she laughed with joy at what the LORD had done. Isaac would go on to continue the legacy of his father Abraham.

Cx :-)


SuffolkVera Report 20 Aug 2023 07:48

That little prayer took me right back to my primary school days as well. Cynthia, like kandj, I have often wondered how you manage to think up all the different weekly themes and make them so interesting.

Wishing you all a blessed Sunday and a happy and peaceful week ahead <3


Cynthia Report 20 Aug 2023 07:43

Good morning :-)

Yes kandj, a prayer many of us will never forget. <3

Collect (special prayer) for today:

God, you declare your almighty power
most chiefly in showing mercy and pity:
mercifully grant to us such a measure of your grace,
that we, running the way of your commandments,
may receive your gracious promises,
and be made partakers of your heavenly treasure;
through Jesus Christ your Son
our Lord
who is alive and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit
one God, now and for ever. Amen.

The Gospel reading tells the story of the mother who had great faith in Jesus.

Cx :-)


kandj Report 19 Aug 2023 15:44

Hello all

Cynthia, that was the simple thanksgiving prayer said before a meal in my primary school.
My brain is really amazing at remembering this!


Cynthia Report 19 Aug 2023 09:48

Good morning :-)

No list, just a simple thanksgiving for food.

Thank you for the world so sweet,
Thank you for the food we eat.
Thank you for the birds that sing,
Thank you God for everything.

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 18 Aug 2023 09:36

Good morning :-)

Today’s bible shopping list: Fish

Fish was a common meal, and was often eaten with bread
Even though there are many stories about fish in the bible, It is interesting to note that no fish is mentioned by name in either the Old or New Testaments.

Seafood was a staple in the Bible. However, only certain fish and other seafood were suitable for eating. According to Leviticus 11:9, edible seafood had to have fins and scales. Shellfish was prohibited.

Fish was cooked either by roasting on a charcoal fire, generally using a wooden or iron spit, cooking directly on the charcoal, boiling in a pot of broth or frying in olive oil in a saucepan.

We all have passwords on our computers and, in the early days, because of being persecuted, those who followed Jesus needed a password too to recognise another Christian. The fish became a symbol of Jesus because, in Greek, the translated word for fish was ‘ichthus’. The early Christians found a way to create an acrostic using the first letters of the Greek word which is exactly spelled as ??T?S. The fish was like a password. Whoever drew the fish indicated, without speaking that they were a Christ follower.

You can still see that symbol on the back of cars and other places today.

And He *said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 17 Aug 2023 09:55

Good morning :-)

Today's bible shopping list: Meat

The Bible distinguishes between clean and unclean animals. In the Old Testament, clean meats are those from animals with a cloven hoof and chew the cud. Jewish dietary laws taught God's people not to eat the blood of animals or any meat that had been sacrificed to idols. These foods were considered unclean. Clean animal meats of the Bible were:
• Calf (Proverbs 15:17; Luke 15:23)
• Goat (Genesis 27:9)
• Lamb (2 Samuel 12:4)
• Oxen (1 Kings 19:21)
• Sheep (Deuteronomy 14:4)
• Venison (Genesis 27:7 KJV)

These birds were considered clean and suitable for eating in the Old Testament.
• Partridge (1 Samuel 26:20; Jeremiah 17:11)
• Pigeon (Genesis 15:9; Leviticus 12:8)
• Quail (Psalm 105:40)
• Dove (Leviticus 12:8)

ln general, meat was either boiled in a stew in an earthenware pot or roasted over an open fire. Meat was also frequently salted to preserve it. Various condiments and spices, familiar throughout the ancient Near East, were eaten with the meat.

In Christ, we have freedom of choice in this matter. However, as with all Christian freedom, we are to use self-restraint to avoid hurting another believer. Ultimately, eating anything should be done to the glory of God.

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 16 Aug 2023 10:37

Good morning :-)

Glad you like them kandj, :-D

Shopping List: Vegetables
The benefit of having ‘5-a-day’ is not new.

Vegetables formed a very important part of the diet in biblical times. Two main types were used: those whose nutritious seeds could be easily stored and those which were eaten freshly gathered from gardens.

Pulse seeds provided a useful source of vegetable protein, while fresh green vegetables were vitamin rich. Pulses could be eaten boiled, or their dried seeds could be ground up into flour and then made into nutritious soups. Fresh vegetables were eaten either raw or lightly cooked, usually by boiling in water.

At one time, in Babylon, Daniel and his friends observed a diet of only vegetables (Daniel 1:12).

• Beans (2 Samuel 17:28; Ezekiel 4:9)
• Cucumbers (Numbers 11:5)
• Gourds (2 Kings 4:39)
• Leeks (Numbers 11:5)
• Lentils (Genesis 25:34; 2 Samuel 17:28; Ezekiel 4:9)
• Onions (Numbers 11:5)

“Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you; I give you everything, as I gave you the green plants and vegetables.” - Genesis 9:3

Cx :-)


kandj Report 15 Aug 2023 20:57

Hello all

More interesting postings... where do you find them Cynthia?

Bring forth the fruits of the Spirit in your life,
Let the life of Christ be seen in you;
Bring forth the fruits of the Spirit in your life;
And let the Lord be glorified in you.

Sending gentle hugs to all who are upset today.


Cynthia Report 15 Aug 2023 09:18

Good morning :-)

Shopping List: Fruit

The Bible mentions six types of tree fruit, which have different symbolism:

o Grape : the most mentioned fruit, symbolizing blessing, abundance, and joy.
o Fig: a fruit with hidden flowers, symbolizing peace, prosperity, and fertility.
o Olive: a fruit with oil, symbolizing healing, anointing, and the Holy Spirit.
o Pomegranate: a fruit with many seeds, symbolizing beauty, wisdom, and the church.
o Date : a fruit with a sweet taste, symbolizing righteousness, endurance, and the Messiah.

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 14 Aug 2023 09:31

Good morning :-)

Shopping List. Bread, Milk, Honey.

Something we may not often think about is….what did they eat in bible times?
When we go to the supermarket or the bakers, we are often bewildered by the different types of bread available, but this isn’t a new thing:
Healthy grains were a primary staple in Bible times. Grains are some of the easiest, natural foods to preserve for years. Throughout the Bible, bread is a symbol of God's life-sustaining provision.

• Barley (Deuteronomy 8:8; Ezekiel 4:9)
• Corn (Matthew 12:1; KJV - refers to "grain" such as wheat or barley.
• Flour (2 Samuel 17:28; 1 Kings 17:12)
• Millet (Ezekiel 4:9)
• Spelt (Ezekiel 4:9)
• Unleavened Bread (Genesis 19:3; Exodus 12:20)*
• Wheat (Ezra 6:9; Deuteronomy 8:8)

• Unleavened bread, which does not contain yeast, is eaten during Passover. God gave Moses instructions to avoid yeast during the first Passover in Egypt and remove all yeast while celebrating Passover in the future.

Jesus says, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.” He is
our true source of spiritual life. Unlike the bread we get today, the bread that Jesus represents never perishes or spoils.

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 13 Aug 2023 07:44

Good morning :-)

The Collect (special prayer for today)
Let your merciful ears, O Lord,
be open to the prayers of your humble servants;
and that they may obtain their petitions
make them to ask such things as shall please you;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.

The Gospel tells the story of when Jesus walked on water.

Cx :-)


kandj Report 12 Aug 2023 21:40

Hello all

Congratulations Vera and OH.... welcome to your new great grandchild.... a new leaf for your tree.

Shine Jesus Shine is a favourite hymn of mine.

Sleep well everyone.


Cynthia Report 12 Aug 2023 10:04

Good morning :-)

Congratulations Vera - what lovely news for you and your family. May God bless this little one on her journey through life. <3

I also remember that hymn and I hadn't realised that there were so many hymns based on the word 'light'. The list seems endless!

Consider the life you live-how do other people perceive your faith? While God doesn't expect you to live in perfection, He desires that you would do all you can to shine forth His light so others will see Him clearly.
- Paul Chappell

Cx :-)


SuffolkVera Report 11 Aug 2023 21:10

Interesting posts again this week Cynthia. I've been reminded of when I was a very little girl and I insisted my mother (who had a terrible singing voice, bless her) sang three songs to me before I would go to sleep. One of the three was Jesus Bids Us Shine which seems relevant to this week's postings.

After a few difficult weeks things are improving for us and I am feeling very grateful for that. We have also been given great joy - the birth of our first great-grandchild, a beautiful baby girl born yesterday. OH and I haven't stopped smiling yet. We are indeed blessed.


Cynthia Report 11 Aug 2023 09:20

Good morning :-)

The much light.

There’s nothing quite like coming home on a dark night and seeing a warm light glowing as a welcome sign. Teenage children, and spouses working late may have no need for the light as navigation, but as a sign that they are welcomed and loved, it is very special.

It was often the case that, when a young soldier left for war, his mother would light a candle and place it in the window ready for his return.
There is, apparently, a house in the USA where a candle (now electric) has been glowing for over 100 years. The young man never returned home and subsequent owners have honoured the mother’s wish.

For it is you who light my lamp; the LORD my God lightens my darkness.
- Psalm 18:28

Cx :-)


kandj Report 10 Aug 2023 13:18

Hello all

We have bright sunshine for a change. Hurray!

Thank you Cynthia for your ongoing postings.

Thinking of all who are struggling today.


Cynthia Report 10 Aug 2023 09:17

Good morning :-)

Light is something that we take for granted. Turn on a switch and voila, light! In most cities, streetlights shine throughout the night. Our homes can look like Crystal Palace at times. A few hundred years ago, though, people really appreciated light. Once the sun went down, the only light they had came from candles, simple lanterns, or the stars and moon. Night time must have been a literal nightmare for them!

If we are grateful for light in our everyday use, how much more should we be grateful for Jesus – the Light of the World.

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 9 Aug 2023 15:57

Good afternoon :-)

We are called to be lights in the world…………maybe we could…….

Respond to a stranger with a smile
Help someone out
Make a meal for someone who is sick or grieving.
Letting someone go before you in the checkout line.
Praying for your enemies or people who annoy you

“Don't shine so others can see you. Shine so that through you, others can see Him.” —C.S. Lewis

Cx :-)