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Cynthia Report 14 Jul 2023 08:58

Good morning :-)

Vera .......................and there's more! :-D


Some people remember their schooldays with great affection, whilst others hated them. Older folk can think back to blackboards and chalk, morning prayers, bottles of milk and teachers with rulers!

Days regimented by timetables, playtimes, constantly moving from classroom to classroom and bells – lots of bells.

School holidays seemed to last forever and the sun was always shining!

We can’t forget school dinners…….that smell of cabbage which permeated the corridors. Mince and carrots served with mashed potato, or liver and onions, or steak and kidney pie or white fish in parsley sauce. These delights were followed by… custard or suet pudding or tapioca pudding with jam. The dinner ladies kept the pupils in order and teachers would patrol the tables teaching table manners.

And then, of course, came computers and the whole scenario changed.

We thank God for our school days and for the dedication of the staff who taught and guided us.

Cx :-)


SuffolkVera Report 14 Jul 2023 07:53

My goodness, the memories are flooding back now Cynthia, particularly of family holidays with my parents and brother, now all deceased. Memories can be such a comfort and have made me realise what a secure and happy childhood I had, so I am thinking now of those adults whose memories aren’t so happy and children today who don’t feel safe and loved.

Kandj, that hymn One More Step Along the Road I Go also brought back memories. The first time I heard it was at my daughter’s final assembly in primary school and it hit me that my little girl wasn’t a little girl any more. That little girl became a teacher with special responsibilities in child safeguarding, so it’s almost as if the wheel has turned full circle.

Happy days, happy memories :-)


Cynthia Report 13 Jul 2023 09:28

Good morning :-)

That's a very apt hymn at the moment kandj - it is being sung as pupils leave school during this time. :-)


It wasn’t obligatory to have a pet when we were young but most families had some sort of animal to care for – even if it was simply a goldfish from the local fair!

Dogs were probably the most popular pets but cats had a huge fan base too. There are those who preferred a bird of some sort – budgerigar or maybe a parrot, whilst others chose a colourful fish tank with lots of exotic fish in it. Probably less popular, were rats, snakes and lizards.

We thank God for the pets we have loved and for the joy, happiness and delight they brought into our lives.

Cx :-)


kandj Report 12 Jul 2023 18:35

Hello all

Family holidays are a good time to be with loved ones and make happy memories that last forever.

I've had an upbeat hymn tune going around my head all day... (Vera will know what that feels like.)

One more step along the world I go,
One more step along the word I go;
From the old things to the new,
Keep me travelling along with you.
And it's from the old I'll travel to the new,
Keep me travelling along with you.

Sending a hug to whoever feels low today x


Cynthia Report 11 Jul 2023 09:34

Good morning :-)

MEMORIES of holidays – who doesn’t remember times spent away from home/school/work? The funny holidays, the memorable holidays, the holiday that went wrong or the holiday which was utterly amazing.

Then there was the excitement of packing and getting ready to travel to different places both home and abroad.

Caravan holidays, holiday camps, seaside holidays, camping, walking holidays. Journeys made by car, plane, boat or train.

Nowadays, people are making memories by travelling to the furthest corners of the world and taking part in some extraordinary pursuits.

We pray for those who are able to get away for a break this summer. May they travel safely, and return refreshed and relaxed, bringing happy and joyful memories back with them. Amen.

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 10 Jul 2023 09:21

Good morning :-)

Who doesn’t love a trip down memory lane now and then?

Memories are everywhere. Memories of good times and not-so-good times. Memories of people, places and things. Memories of all different kinds are around us each day.

How many of these toys can you remember? What else was there?

1940’s Jacks/Lego/slinky
1950’s Mr Potato Head/Playdough/Hula hoops
1960’s Etch-a-Sketch/Troll dolls/Barbie
1970’s Rubik’s Cube/space hopper/Hungry Hippo
1980’s Care bears/Pac-Man/Star Wars
1990’s Tamagotchi/Stretch Armstrong/Nintendo 64

How toys have changed over the years and what pleasure each generation had with the toys available to them. Do you have any memories you would like to share?

Lord, we thank you for the gift of happy childhood memories which take us back to the simple things in life. We pray for those whose early years were unhappy and whose memories are sad. We ask that you bless and heal those hurts. Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 9 Jul 2023 08:41

Good morning :-)

The Collect (special prayer) for today
Almighty and everlasting God,
by whose Spirit the whole body of the Church
is governed and sanctified:
hear our prayer which we offer for all your faithful people,
that in their vocation and ministry
they may serve you in holiness and truth
to the glory of your name;
through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.

In today's Gospel, Jesus tells us....."Come unto me all you who are weary and carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest".

Cx :-)


kandj Report 8 Jul 2023 19:56

Hello all

Another interesting week's postings, thank you.

Thankfully we have all those facilities available in our village church, where the young, and the young at heart are welcomed warmly inside our building.

Gentle hugs for all in need today x


Cynthia Report 8 Jul 2023 10:35

Good morning :-)

People with disabilities of whatever kind should always be welcome at church. Many offer a loop system, ramps for the steps, adapted toilet facilities and a quiet space when things become too noisy or overwhelming. Large print hymn books are available and, quite often a church will have a screen with the words on.

Little ones are welcome and a lot of churches provide facilities or play items for them.

It would be good to think that all churches, everywhere, were fully inclusive in their welcome. We thank God for those who maintain and manage and care for our spiritual homes.

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 7 Jul 2023 09:08

Good morning :-)

Of course, when we are expecting to welcome people into our home or church, we tend to find jobs which need doing -.maybe a bit of painting or a door which keeps sticking.

Churches are always grateful for those folk who are ‘handy’ and who are willing to use a paintbrush, mend a fuse or help to deal with all those plumbing, electrical and building jobs which crop up from time to time. When it is something major, we have to bring in the professionals but, for everyday maintenance, we thank God for those who are willing to share their expertise to help out.

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 6 Jul 2023 10:11

Good morning :-)

One of the ways in which we welcome people both into our homes and into church, is by offering a cup of tea or coffee. There is a trend at the moment, for some churches to be run as a ‘café church’ where the service takes place in an informal setting resembling a cafeteria.

Most cathedrals now offer some sort of refreshment, and our cathedral is way ahead with an excellent bistro offering all types of good food.

Enjoying refreshments together is a great way of getting to know each other better and to build each other up. We thank God for those folk whose ministry is to put the kettle on!

“For truly I tell you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you bear the name of Christ will by no means lose the reward.”

Cx :-)


kandj Report 5 Jul 2023 21:22

Hello all,

I also think greeting newcomers into church is really important. I'm a part of our church Meet and Greet Team and I love to welcome people each week.

I hope Tabitha and Gwen are well, it seems like a while since we have heard from them.

Vera, I hope that you and your hubby are on the mend. Look after one another and take care.

Heavenly Father
Thank you for our home, for good food to eat and for a place to sleep. Help us to rest well and feel refreshed to face a new day. In Jesus' name.


Cynthia Report 5 Jul 2023 08:51

Good morning :-)

When we welcome people into church, one of the things which attracts attention is the music. This can swing either way from the traditional to the modern. Organ or worship band? To each, their own and opinions must be respected.

Choirs have taken part in church services since earliest times and still feature large in Church of England worship. We saw and heard some wonderful choir singing during the late Queen’s funeral and then during the Coronation of King Charles.

Why do choirs wear robes? This is to show unity and to identify as a group. It also helps keep members focused on the music rather than their appearance. Wearing robes eliminates any difference between people of all ages in worship.

Before our choir enter the body of the church, they pray together, along the lines of…..

Bless, O lord we thy servants who minister in this place. Grant that what we sing with our lips, we may believe in our hearts, and what we believe in our hearts, we may show forth in our lives. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 4 Jul 2023 09:35

Good morning :-)

A church building is where believers come together to worship God. These buildings can be used for many different purposes, but they should always be respected as an oasis of calm and peace in today’s busy world. It’s so lovely to welcome people into God’s house and to welcome them into a church which is loved and cared for. We thank God for those who volunteer to help to keep our churches clean and tidy.

We love the place, O God,
wherein Thine honour dwells;
the joy of Thine abode
all earthly joy excels.

2 It is the house of prayer,
wherein Thy servants meet;
and Thou, O Lord, art there,
Thy chosen flock to greet.

3 We love the Word of life,
the Word that tells of peace,
of comfort in the strife
and joys that never cease.

4 We love to sing below
of mercies freely given;
but O we long to know
the triumph song of heaven!

5 Lord Jesus, give us grace,
on earth to love Thee more,
in heaven to see Thy face,
and with Thy saints adore.

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 3 Jul 2023 10:54

Good morning :-)

At our church, we are reviewing lots of things and one of these is how we welcome people. Hopefully, we newcomers feel at home.

Lord, our God, source of all life,
you reveal yourself in the depths of our being
drawing us to share in your life and love.
Bless each of us as we respond to your Spirit’s
invitation to open wide the doors to Christ.

Make the doors of our hearts,
our homes and communities
wide enough to receive
all who need human love and fellowship,
narrow enough to shut out all envy,
prejudice and pride.

Let us hasten to welcome the stranger,
and so welcome your Son.
We make this prayer in his name,
Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 2 Jul 2023 07:56

Good morning :-)

Collect (special prayer) for today:
O God, the protector of all who trust in you,
without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy:
increase and multiply upon us your mercy;
that with you as our ruler and guide
we may so pass through things temporal
that we lose not our hold on things eternal;
grant this, heavenly Father,
for our Lord Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen.

In the Gospel, Jesus reminds us to welcome everyone.

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 1 Jul 2023 19:39

Good evening :-)

Made it!

Our emotions
To end, we think of one of the most complex and complicated of emotions – Love

Love can always conquer
Whatever discord brings
and love can also cover
a multitude of things.

Don’t you underestimate
what love can ever do,
for love is God eternal
and His love can renew.

What is cold and lifeless,
now lost all hope and died,
for love can breathe new meaning
and give it back new life.

Please don’t give up on love
when it seems that all is lost,
for there is always hope
if we’re prepared to pay the cost.

For love is always worth it
no matter how much the price,
for love will be much stronger
when we trust in Jesus Christ.

So let God have full reign,
let Him live within your heart
then you will know true love,
for this He will impart.

Cx :-)


kandj Report 1 Jul 2023 16:44

Hello all

Ist July today..... where did June go to??

Today is Canada Day... so I hope all our Canadian friends on GR are enjoying their special day.

Cynthia, yesterday's poem reminded me of scripture reading in Matthew chapter 6 v 26.

Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap
they gather nothing into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Vera, I hope you're feeling better? I often have a hymn tune that goes round and around in my head.
It's usually the last hymn from Sunday's service or I might wake up with a random tune that stays with me for hours and hours.. . . . . very odd.

Have a good weekend everyone.


Cynthia Report 30 Jun 2023 09:32

Good morning :-)

Thank you Vera, I appreciate your kind words. The other day, my daughter couldn't get the theme tune for Last of the Summer Wine out of her head. She has no idea why. Quite funny really :-D

Our emotions - anxiety

Small Bird
I saw a small bird in the smoke bush
Eating some insects for lunch.
Not a trace of anxiety, worry, or care,
Just taking its time for a munch.

Knowing nothing of God or Creation
Knowing nothing of promise divine
This contented bird feeds
And gets all it needs in good time.

So why am I anxious and worried?
Why do I so easily fret?
When I know all about God’s resources,
His promises claim to expect?

Praise God for his patience with people
Praise God for his patience with me
My faith and my trust seem so shaky,
Governed too much by uncertainty.

Thank you, small bird in the smoke bush,
Your example you set just by living
Not an hour, not a minute of worry,
Enjoying each moment receiving.

Cx :-)


SuffolkVera Report 29 Jun 2023 21:14

Hallo Cynthia, Kandj and all

I too hope everyone is as well and as happy as they can be. Amen to your prayer Kandj.

It's another interesting theme this week Cynthia. I can't imagine how you think of so many different topics but I am so pleased you keep this thread going for us all.

I've had the hymn "The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, is Ended" going round and round my brain all day. I seemed to wake up with it in my head this morning and it's been there ever since. I do quite like that hymn but 14 hours of it whirring round my brain is quite enough ;-)