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Cynthia Report 8 Feb 2023 08:52

Good morning :-)

A retreat......

Lord, I want to be an island
cut off by the tide,
or a castle with a moat
and drawbridge lifted high.

Lord, I want to shut myself away
from the stress of daily life,
and spend some time in pastures green,
far from the toil and strife.

But, you call me to be open
to all this day’s demands
and leave whate’er the future holds
entirely in your hands.

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 7 Feb 2023 09:01

Good morning :-)

You’re Always There for Me

When the world comes crashing in
And chaos rules my mind,
I turn my heart to you, Lord,
And pure, sweet peace I find.

You lift me out of trouble
You comfort me in pain;
You nourish, heal and cleanse me,
Like cool, refreshing rain.

In times of joy and bliss,
When things are going right,
You lift me even higher,
And fill me with delight.

You listen to my prayers;
You hear my every plea;
I’m safe because I know
You’re always there for me.

By Joanna Fuchs

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 6 Feb 2023 09:24

Good morning :-)

Thank you kandji - I really appreciate your popping in on my behalf. Have had a lovely weekend away with the family as we celebrated our son's 50th birthday. <3

A boy was standing, barefoot, in front of a shoe shop shivering with cold. A lady came up and said: "My little friend, why are you looking with such interest in that window?" He replied, "I'm asking God to give me a pair of shoes."

The lady took him by the hand and led him into the store and asked an assistant for half a dozen pairs of socks for the child and a pair of shoes. She asked if she could have a bowl of water and a towel and led the boy to the back of the store.

She lovingly began to wash the child's feet and dried them, then put on his new socks and shoes. She patted the boy on the head and said: "There is no doubt little friend that you feel more comfortable now!".

As she turned to leave, the boy, very happy, caught up with her and took her by the hand, looking at her with tears in her eyes, he asked: "Are you God’s wife?”

The lady replied: "No, I’m not his wife, I'm just grateful to Him for all he has done for me".

Cx :-)


SuffolkVera Report 5 Feb 2023 19:29

Thank you for letting us know about Cynthia kandj. She certainly deserves a break as she works so hard for everyone else

Spring flowers do raise the spirits and I am sure your churchyard must look very pretty. Daffodils are my all time favourite flowers. It is unfortunate that we are promised some heavy frosts this week just as so many flowers are starting to open but frost has a beauty of its own.


kandj Report 5 Feb 2023 19:11

Hello all

Cynthia is having a well deserved weekend off.

It was really uplifting to see lots and lots of pretty snowdrops around the church yard and also a few beautiful daffodils out in full bloom which were only in bud last Sunday morning

Happy Sunday blessings to one and all.


Cynthia Report 3 Feb 2023 09:00

Good morning :-)

Patience visited me
And it reminded me that good things take time to come to fruition and grow slowly with stability.

Peace visited me
And it reminded me that I may remain calm through the storms of life regardless of the chaos surrounding me.

Hope visited me
And it reminded me that better times lay ahead and that God would always be there to guide and uplift me.

Kindness visited me
And it reminded me to be more gentle, forgiving and compassionate toward myself and those surrounding me.

Cx :-)


kandj Report 2 Feb 2023 19:44

Hello all

Church candles were blessed today after the weekly coffee morning.

The Candlemas poem:

"If Candlemas Day be fair and bright,
Winter will have another fight.
If Candlemas Day brings wind and rain.
Winter won't come again".

We wait and see what happens next??


Cynthia Report 2 Feb 2023 09:54

Good morning :-)

Today is known as Candlemas and is celebrated 40 days after Christmas.
Candlemas celebrates the presentation of Jesus at the Temple when Joseph and Mary brought Him to Jerusalem for the purification rites and when he was greeted by the elderly Simeon and Anna.

Besides its significance to Christianity, Candlemas marks the midpoint of winter.

Lord God, you kept faith with Simeon and Anna and showed them the infant King. Give us grace to put all our trust in your promises and the patience to wait for their fulfilment. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Cx :-)


kandj Report 1 Feb 2023 16:08

Hello all

January went so quickly. Welcome to February.

Learn from yesterday.
Live for today.
Hope for tomorrow.
(Albert Einstein).

Sending gentle hugs for people that need one.


Cynthia Report 1 Feb 2023 07:43

Good morning :-)

Hope you got your signing in and out sorted Vera :-D

A teacher gave a balloon to every student, who had to inflate it, write their name on it and throw it in the hallway. The teacher then mixed all the balloons. The students were then given 5 minutes to find their own balloon. Despite a hectic search, no one found their balloon.

At that point, the teacher told the students to take the first balloon that they found and hand it to the person whose name was written on it. Within 5 minutes, everyone had their own balloon.

The teacher said to the students: "These balloons are like happiness. We will never find it if everyone is looking for their own. But if we care about other people's happiness, we'll find ours too."

May your day be filled with happiness. <3

Cx :-)


SuffolkVera Report 31 Jan 2023 18:09

Loved that poem :-) (even though it took several attempts at signing out, signing back in and posting to say so!)


Cynthia Report 31 Jan 2023 08:42

Good morning :-)

Drinking from My Saucer
by John Paul Moore

I’ve never made a fortune and
it’s probably too late now.
But I don’t worry about that much,
I’m happy anyhow.
And as I go along life’s way,
I’m reaping better than I sowed.
I’m drinking from my saucer,
‘Cause my cup has overflowed.

I don’t have a lot of riches,
and sometimes the going’s tough.
But I’ve got loved ones around me,
and that makes me rich enough.
I thank God for his blessings,
and the mercies He’s bestowed.
I’m drinking from my saucer,
’Cause my cup has overflowed.

I remember times when things went wrong,
my faith wore somewhat thin.
But all at once the dark clouds broke,
and the sun peeped through again.
So God, help me not to gripe about
the tough rows that I’ve hoed.
I’m drinking from my saucer,
‘Cause my cup has overflowed.

If God gives me strength and courage,
when the way grows steep and rough.
I’ll not ask for other blessings,
I’m already blessed enough.
And may I never be too busy,
to help others bear their loads.
Then I’ll keep drinking from my saucer,
‘Cause my cup has overflowed.

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 30 Jan 2023 10:13

Good morning :-)

There was a man was working with his horse when there was a huge storm - everyone ran everywhere to hide from the storm. Yet he didn't move from the horse, he stood beside him and hugged him tightly. They stood together in the pouring rain.

When the rain stopped, the man noticed that people were watching him, and with a kind smile, he told them he was simply taking care of his friend.

Don’t forget those who are by your side in the storm, because in the sun everyone can love.

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 29 Jan 2023 08:50

Good morning :-)

The Collect (special prayer) for today:

God our creator,
who in the beginning
commanded the light to shine out of darkness:
we pray that the light of the glorious gospel of Christ
may dispel the darkness of ignorance and unbelief,
shine into the hearts of all your people,
and reveal the knowledge of your glory in the
face of Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 28 Jan 2023 10:19

Good morning :-)

Grandma had it right: Listen to your elders! Research released recently indicates that the elderly are actually smarter when it comes to knowing how to deal with conflicts, uncertainty and change. Imagine that. Age it seems may erode memory, the ability to master trivia, and even reasoning skills. But along with those losses comes one invaluable blessing that more traditional societies have long valued – “social wisdom.” God bless them!

God, you grant us only a few short years of life on this earth. Give us all enough “wisdom” ourselves to pause and ask and then rely upon the true wisdom of our elders. Give them encouragement to apply their age advantage and give them the strength to stay engaged enough to pass along their wealth of wisdom and their legacy of understanding to others. Amen.

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 27 Jan 2023 16:56

Good's been a long and busy day! :-)

Today marks Holocaust Memorial Day, an annual event to remember the six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust, alongside the millions of other people killed under Nazi persecution of other groups and during more recent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. The theme for Holocaust Memorial Day 2023 is 'Ordinary People'.

This is the story of one such ordinary person.

Jane Haining, a committed member of the evangelical United Free Church of Scotland, took up her position in the girls’ hostel of the Jewish mission school in Budapest in 1932. Following the outbreak of World War II in 1939, she decided to remain with her young wards, despite her church’s advice that she should return to Edinburgh.

Jane’s assistance of persecuted Jews began before the German invasion of Hungary. From 1940, Jewish refugees from Nazi-occupied states had started to arrive in Budapest, and some were taken in by Jane and her school.

The assistance Jane had offered Jews had not gone unnoticed by the new German occupiers of Budapest. In late April 1944, Gestapo officers arrived at the hostel to arrest the Scot for possession of illicit radio receivers. During questioning, the charges were broadened to include working among Jews and political activity, amongst other allegations.

Following confession under duress, she was transferred to the Kistarcsa transit camp on the outskirts of Budapest. In May 1944, Jane was deported to Auschwitz, where she died of starvation three months later.

Loving God, you care for each
and every human life. All people
are cherished as your beloved
children, no matter how ordinary or
extraordinary their stories are.
Today we come before you to
remember the victims of the
May our minds be clear and attentive
to their memory, and our hearts be
moved to bear witness to their lives.
Help us all to turn away from hatred
and division, and to build a world
where genocide is no more.
Strengthen us so that we, in our
own ordinary ways, may show
extraordinary love in the world

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 26 Jan 2023 09:11

Good morning :-)

Worried about being an older person in your church?

Our vicar keeps urging us to serve God, but how can I? I'm not talented at anything, and as an older person and widowed. I don't have a lot of money to give, and my health isn't the best. I feel kind of useless, to be honest.

You aren’t useless in God’s eyes! God uses all kinds of people to accomplish His work—most of whom will never make the headlines or even be noticed by others. In other words, it’s a mistake to think that God only uses clergy or experts. God knows you and your circumstances, and He can use you right where you are.

First, ask God to make you an example of Christ’s love to others. All around you—even in your church—are people who are lonely or hurting, and God can use you to encourage them and let them know they are not alone. A gentle smile, a kind word, an opportunity to visit—God can use these to assure them of His love.

God can also use you in the lives of others through your prayers. Even when we’re sick or set aside because of our age, we still can pray.

Cx :-)


kandj Report 25 Jan 2023 22:34

Hello all

Let us together pray for the elderly , especially those who feel isolated at home or in care homes.They are our roots and give us faith,
tradition and a sense of belonging.
Let us pray that our Lord will be near them always.

"Wisdom belongs to the aged, and understanding to the old." (Job 12 v 12).


Cynthia Report 25 Jan 2023 08:24

Good morning :-)


Frank McCourt only took up writing at the age of 65. His book Angela’s Ashes won both the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Critics Circle Award. It was also made into a movie and there are even museums named after him now. In fact, he wrote at least 5 books before his death at the age of 78 in 2009.

One is never too old………

Lord, help us to remember that older people were young too and that each of them was created and is loved by you. Amen.

Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 24 Jan 2023 09:15

Good morning :-)

Grey is the 'in' colour for house decoration at the moment, but it's also very grey outside today!!

Speaking of grey - don't worry if you find a grey hair or two, you're in good company.

In 1998, the space shuttle Discovery launched with a seven-member crew. One of them, John Glenn, was 77 years old. A lot of fuss was made about his age and that, obviously, he should retire, collect his pension and let younger people take over. They completely missed the point of his contribution to the scientific merits of the mission.

Gracious Father, we thank You for our senior adults. Thank You for blessing each day of their lives. Thank You for blessing them with wisdom and knowledge and help us to learn from them. Amen,

Cx :-)