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Corrie fans?

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JoyLouise Report 7 Nov 2015 12:46

I wondered whether Mary's new beau might be married. She could just kill him if he is and I know exactly who could get rid of the body for her :-D

Talking about bodies, it crossed my mind (more especially since we have a ghostly thing going on) that the body under Gail's floor isn't really a body ie whether the devil reincarnate was not really dead and had managed to get away before Kylie etc had returned to the house. If so, will he come back to 'haunt' David and Kylie?

We could be in for some fun by Christmas. Oh please let it be so because I think it's about time we had someone writing real high jinks for Xmas.

Don't like Ness either, and I think Ken, the ageing Lothario, is in line for being the oldest gigolo in the business :-S


Annx Report 7 Nov 2015 12:41

Dev's lucky he didn't get the full force of Mary's handbag in his chops! lol Couldn't Mary have just taken the battery out of her mobile for a while when they were in the house? Maybe even the battery current would have interrupted the spirit vibes though.

Nessa's a pushy piece of work isn't she...........can't see Ken liking her for long. Maybe long enough for her and Audrey to get into scissors at dawn though. She is acting like she's taking over the salon, not working in it.


'Emma' Report 7 Nov 2015 11:23

I think Mary is in for another disappointment,
think her new chap is married.

Don't think any respectable ghost would show up
with Mary constantly talking :-D


MotownGal Report 7 Nov 2015 11:14

Maybe the immaculate conception was all a figment of Alyia's imagination. Dunno, are we just supposed to forget all about that storyline?

Oh dear, Audrey acting like a love-struck teenager is just too galling for words. Mine you Rita got waylaid by Dennis Tanner's trousers too!

Are we gonna see Audrey and Nessa brawling in the street? Throwing zimmer frames to the wind? Their wind?????

Will Kylie have another breakdown just in time for Christmas. Have Tim and Sally surfaced yet? They have not been seen for weeks.

And Dev defending Mary's honour, how sweet!


AnninGlos Report 5 Nov 2015 16:27

Yes, I wondered if I missed something there as I thought she was pregnant.


AnnCardiff Report 5 Nov 2015 16:18

Mary always has been brilliant and her interaction with Norris is priceless

Nessa is not nice at all, unlike her sister

Gary and Alya - boring as you say - and what happened to her getting a positive pregnancy test after her dalliance with Jason?


AnninGlos Report 5 Nov 2015 15:29

Yes Mary is being given some great lines at the moment, love her cheeky grin.

Don't like Nessa and don't think Audrey and Ken work.

I am wondering how they are going to get away from the fact there is a dead body under Gail's room, are they just going to let it stay there and gradually forget it?

Alya and Gary's story is boring. I just want to tell Gary to get over it and for them to realise that they are right for each other.(I do like happy endings).


MotownGal Report 5 Nov 2015 15:09

Poor sad little thread being ignored! Possibly because Corrie, in some parts, has become very tedious.

Don't much care about Ken, the old goat, with Audrey. That Nessa is a bit pushy aint she.

The storyline with Alya is driving me nuts. Gary has done a runner, perhaps Mikey is on holiday.

Love Mary................I hope she makes a go of it with the SciFi bloke.


JoyBoroAngel Report 5 Oct 2015 20:37

Tim has turned up for the wedding

what a mug :-( :-(


AnnCardiff Report 2 Oct 2015 21:47

imagine what would happen if they took sport off for a soap :-D


AnninGlos Report 2 Oct 2015 21:21



JoyBoroAngel Report 2 Oct 2015 21:02

so they take tonight's off for Dam sport :-( :-(


MotownGal Report 1 Oct 2015 19:22

David is definitely getting funnier lines.

When offering Marion, Callum's Mum, a sandwich.......she asked what would be in it.

Dead pan, he said, Ham, when pressed, smoked, then wafer thin. His delivery was perfect.

By the way, if you were faint with hunger, and someone offered you some grub, would you be so picky as to what it was?



AnnCardiff Report 1 Oct 2015 11:20

It made me laugh - that scene with Gemma and David where he offered her money for a taxi so nothing happened on her way home - she replied that she could take care of herself - to which he replied "I wasn't thinking of you" :-D


JoyBoroAngel Report 30 Sep 2015 19:42

Looks like Sally is well dumped hehe :-D :-D


MotownGal Report 25 Sep 2015 23:41

Roy courting? Ah bless.

Expect him to turn up with flowers and choccies.

I do love Roy for his sweet demeanour. How he acts with Carla is lovely. The same relationship he had with Becky.

Apparently the actor is nothing like that in real life, and is a bit of a live wire.

Good for him!!!


AnnCardiff Report 25 Sep 2015 21:10

I'm telling you - he's not in the hole!!! :-D :-D :-D

Sarah's acting is pretty good of late

I bet Tim ends up with Anna - I hope so anyway


AnninGlos Report 25 Sep 2015 21:02

Problem solved?? Or not? And we still don't know if it was actually him wrapped in that cloth. Don't know how he'd have lifted the cover though.


JoyBoroAngel Report 25 Sep 2015 21:00

Callum is in the drain for good now :-D :-D


'Emma' Report 25 Sep 2015 20:19

Maddie they are certainly playing it for laughs :-D :-D

The story line is so ridiculous I'll be glad when they move
on to the next tragedy :-)