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Baroness Thatcher

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Lyndi Report 9 Apr 2013 21:51

Very well said Sylvia :-)


Guinevere Report 9 Apr 2013 21:50

Did anyone say it was to be a State funeral? The Daily Mail is campaigning for it, though.


eRRolSheep Report 9 Apr 2013 21:50

Sylvia you have pretty much put it in a nutshell.
I agree with all you said and yes, the G8 countries do see that in the greater picture she did a lot of good.
(I wasn't criticising about saying it earlier incidentally)


SylviaInCanada Report 9 Apr 2013 21:46

I know you did, Errol!!! :-D


SylviaInCanada Report 9 Apr 2013 21:45

You may hate her .................

You may dislike her policies, and what she did, or did not do, to Britain during her 3 terms in office.

However, the great British public did elect her, it was their choice to have her in office for so many years!

It is fact that

.......... she was elected 3 times

.......... she broke the tradition of White, Anglo-Saxon, preferably Anglican, MALE politicians in power.

.......... she dragged Britain out of what was a dreadful state of affairs, social and economic

........ she is revered by many people in other countries in the G8 ........ and by many powerful people the world over

.......... she saved the Falklands from the Argentina takeover

She has been credited with playing a major role in the fall of the Soviet Union, along with Richard Reagan and Pope John Paul 11. She convinced Reagan support Gorbachev's move to perestroika, which eventually led to the break-up of the Union thus turned him towards helping Gorbachev instead of opposing.

That led to the time of peace and prosperity that followed the end of the Cold War ............................ and if you cannot imagine living under the threat of nuclear warfare between the two great powers of the US and the Soviet Union, then better read some books!

She was divisive in the UK .............. but her policies were much admired, and followed, in other countries.

There is no reason for rioting and celebrating the death of any human being, and certainly no excuse for comparing her with people like Sadaam Hussein!


eRRolSheep Report 9 Apr 2013 21:32

spot on Sylvia - I did try to point that out earlier


SylviaInCanada Report 9 Apr 2013 21:30

She is NOT being give a State Funeral ........

.................... she is being given a Ceremonial Funeral with Military Honours

That is one level below a State Funeral.


GinN Report 9 Apr 2013 21:24

Yes, school milk was pretty awful in the summer months. My favourite trick was to suck a fruit gum while drinking it, to make it taste like a milk shake!


Gee Report 9 Apr 2013 21:15

RR & G

Too right!

Also, I was a school child when Thatcher came to power, doesnt mean I know nothing about her and what she 'did'


Suzanne Report 9 Apr 2013 20:59

oh god school milk in the 70s was horrible,warm in summer and freezing cold in mum used to make me lovely hot milk with honey in winter after school,and cold milk just out of the fridge in summer. no pop allowed in our house.

Agree with Muffy that free milk was not needed in the 70s. :-D


Kay???? Report 9 Apr 2013 20:52

I too hope her funeral passes without hecklers,if nobody can show any respect for her,then they must think of her children and grandchildren,it will in very bad taste.

Rose...... :-D :-D :-D,

Well she did the Poll Tax which saw many out of work people unable to pay and were sent to prison and often lost posessions though ballifs ,,,,,,now whats Cameron doing,reducing money and wanting more than people have often got,,,,,also setting high criteria for the about kicking the cruch from under them......
just hope they dont have another 10 years at it or we will be riddled with all sorts cause we cant afford the health care or pay to see a doctor,,,,,,,,, ;-) :-D


JoyBoroAngel Report 9 Apr 2013 20:33

RIP Maggie :-( :-(


terryj Report 9 Apr 2013 20:33

:-D :-D :-D


Rambling Report 9 Apr 2013 20:30

"how will people feel about Camerons government if hes in office for the next 10+ years"

suicidal ! ( assuming I last that long )


Guinevere Report 9 Apr 2013 20:28

If Nelson Mandela had been allowed to vote then he would not have become what Thatcher called a terrorist, the "process" didn't allow black South Africans to vote, despite them being in the majority. "Necklacing" was condemned and forbidden by the ANC.

Despite his inhuman treatment Mandela spoke of peace and unity when he came out of prison and was rightfully made president.

He united a nation. Thatcher divided a nation as this thread shows.

I hope her funeral passes peacefully, although I fear it won't. I hope it doesn't cost anywhere near the 8 million pounds the press are quoting - unjustifiable, given our present economic climate.

Edit - It's wrong to say that young people don't know anything about her. Thatcherism is studied in A level history.

History will judge her.


Kay???? Report 9 Apr 2013 19:52

Well I think everyone whos been a Prime Minister should get 8 million spent on a state funeral,,,,,,

just a thought,,,,,,,

how will people feel about Camerons government if hes in office for the next 10+ years,,,,,not fogetting hes only just started his weilding of the frail.


Robert Report 9 Apr 2013 19:47

People seem to think that Mrs Thatcher closed the mines - she did not - Arthur Scargill closed the mines.


PollyinBrum Report 9 Apr 2013 19:24

I have just watched the news on TV where a crowd of people were celebrating dancing in the streets opening bottles of Champagne, and chanting anti Thatcher slogans. I really don't care what their political views or opinions of Margaret Thatcher are; this is just pure bad manners, a lack of respect for the feelings of her family and total ignorance.


Gee Report 9 Apr 2013 19:22

I agree Roy, I said in an earlier post that I did not celebrate her in life and I will not celebrate her death............

I felt 'nothing' on hearing of her passing, no wish to mourn nor to celebrate but......

You have to question, when you pass and people celebrate on the streets, what was it you did so wrong?


Muffyxx Report 9 Apr 2013 19:04

Quote from Inspector Green pen...If children are fed pop and junk food instead of milk and fruit then that is the parents fault, nothing to do with the government.

I agree........