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New great granddaughter.big decision.

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JoyBoroAngel Report 13 Sep 2013 19:17

fingers crossed both babies are well on the mend very soon

my thoughts are will you all %3A-D %3A-D


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 13 Sep 2013 18:27

Thinking of you and your family Brenda and wishing the babe a speedy recovery %26lt%3B3

Lesley x


Fly Report 13 Sep 2013 18:17

Hi Brenda Hope your great grandaughter starts
to improve soon thinking of you and your family
at this very hard time

Eileen xx


~Lynda~ Report 13 Sep 2013 18:06

Hi Brenda, I do hope you Great Grandaughter will get the best care at her new hospital, let's hope she improves in leaps and bounds now x x x


supercrutch Report 13 Sep 2013 18:06

Oh dear Brenda, was hoping for better news by now. Keep positive as she is being moved to a specialist unit. I know how hard it is to think that way but you mustn't make yourself ill, the family need you.

Sue xx


BrendafromWales Report 13 Sep 2013 17:48

Could I have some positive thoughts please for my new great granddaughter as she is struggling still to breathe on her own.
Daughter just rang to say that they are moving her to another hospital for more specialist care as she has an infection.
Mother can't go with her,has to make her own way!
She is already on antibiotics,has been on morphine and being fed by tube.
The ward she is in is neo natal and she is no classed as a newborn now as she is almost a week old!
This is a hospital where I had her gran 55 years ago,where she had her first...a 2lb boy 33 years ago and he was in 3 months and my other great granddaughter was in with meningitis earlier this year.
I thought it was a scbu as it used to be,but they obviously have cuts...hence the move..
I just hope and pray they can help her ,so could do with a few prayers for her recovery.
Brenda x


Elizabethofseasons Report 8 Sep 2013 23:22

Dear Brenda


Hope the littles ones will soon be better. %26lt%3B3

In the meantime, hope the new mums are trying to rest.

Take very gentle care
Lots of sincere wishes to you and your family
Elizabeth, EOS



Elizabethofseasons Report 8 Sep 2013 23:21

Dear Brenda


Hope the littles ones will soon be better.

In the meantime, hope the new mums are trying to rest.

Take very gentle care
Lots of sincere wishes to you and your family
Elizabeth, EOS


kandj Report 8 Sep 2013 22:12

I hope both babies make good progress each day, so your family can relax a little before too long.


BrendafromWales Report 8 Sep 2013 21:56

My 14 yr old grandson living now in Oz,born in ysbyty Gwynedd Bangor was also covered in meconium and aspirated and in scbu for over a week.and though he supposedly has mild Aspergers is very healthy.

had another pic of Katie in incubator...daughter,just back from hospital has sent.
When she stroked Katie's leg her sats went up to 100.

They haven't even held her yet and her little brother,not even 2 yet is full of a cold and missing his mummy...and his daddy,so daughter..gran... is 3rd best.
His daddy,my grandson was an identical twin and his brother died of a cot death at 4 months,so they haven't had it easy.


StrayKitten Report 8 Sep 2013 21:21

hope littones, or not so little 10lb! %3A-0 are doing ok %26lt%3B3


Suzanne Report 8 Sep 2013 21:09

dont worry Brenda the little ones will be fine in time.

my son was born covered in maconium and he also aspirated , he was in scbu for two wks and the only problem he had was runny and infected eyes for a few yrs,

hes now 24 and a strapping 6ft 2 with a son of his own %3A-D


supercrutch Report 8 Sep 2013 21:07

Everything crossed here, no we never stop worrying, it's our mission in life.

Hope next time you update it's with news of an improvement for the little one.

Sue x


BrendafromWales Report 8 Sep 2013 19:29

Just seen a picture of the big boy..almost 10lb born...and he seems to be OK now thank goodness .
Girl born yesterday didnt have too good a night ,but has improved today....picture of her on FB all wired up with oxygen mask etc...poor little thing,but she is in good hands.
It's not long since other great granddaughter was in same hospital with meningitis....but she is thriving now.
We never stop worrying about our families do we?

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 8 Sep 2013 07:46

Oh Brenda, I am sorry the new babies are not doing so well but hope things will work out fine soon for little fella not feeding and that Katie (the name my mum wanted me to call my baby if a girl) will fight back to good health and soon make up the extra weight.

I watch those programmes with Special Babies and other progs, and my heart's in my mouth when there are problems with the births or afterwards. Heaven knows how I will be when/if I am lucky enough to be a grandma in waiting sometime.

Try not to worry too much, the hospitals do marvellous things for little ones now



maggiewinchester Report 8 Sep 2013 00:29

Hope all is going well with the little ones. %26lt%3B3

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 7 Sep 2013 18:50

Wishing both little ones well. Such a worry when they are so tiny

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 7 Sep 2013 18:12

Although quite tiny, she's not a bad weight for being born early.

I know a set of twins who were, I think, 3lbs 2ozs and 3lbs 5ozs when they were born very early, - now fine young men in their 20s.

I hope little Katie responds well to her treatment and your little grandson establishs a good feeding routine.


BrendafromWales Report 7 Sep 2013 17:41

Well,the news is that the girl...Katie...I think, is not going to be transferred at the moment.she is on antibiotics in scu.Xray showed that she has something on her left lung but seems to be responding to the treatment.
She is about 41/2 pounds...less than half the weight of the other one,but we are relieved she is fighting .

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 7 Sep 2013 14:08

Thinking of you and your family as you worry about these little ones. Hopes and prayers that all will be well and they come home soon.
