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Guinevere Report 26 Jun 2014 12:38

Usually if it's a big ban you can't pm either.


Cynthia Report 26 Jun 2014 12:38

For those who doubt the length of the ban, I sent a plea of clemency to Nicky on behalf of John. She did not dispute that the ban was for 6 years, but I feel that it is only fair that both sides of the issue should be looked at.



AnnCardiff Report 26 Jun 2014 12:40

there have been lifetime bans which have then been reversed


Dermot Report 26 Jun 2014 12:41

'Every person is innocent until 12 randomly selected men & women decide otherwise in a court of law'.

Well, it's back to hugging a hoodie for a while.


Persephone Report 26 Jun 2014 12:45


I also claimed to be from Papua New Guinea when NanaSue wanted to know what a png file was.


Island Report 26 Jun 2014 12:48

LOL Persie %3A-D


OneFootInTheGrave Report 26 Jun 2014 13:02

I think John the other day, lost the plot and went over the top with his repeated posts, despite numerous requests from several people to desist, he ignored all requests to stop it and continued doing that, he probably deserved a smack on the wrists for that, but six years - that is ridiculous and unbelievable, his behaviour did not warrant that.

As I posted on another thread:-

John's faith is his faith and as such does not concern me, in defence of John I will say that, he can and has posted some very interesting threads and comments. OK he has a what I call a slightly warped sense of humour and I don't mind that, however he does appear to relish in winding certain people up, and John's problems is that when he starts doing that he does not know when - enough is enough.


maggiewinchester Report 26 Jun 2014 13:16

It takes at least two to wind someone up - and someone, from what I've seen, has gleefully wound John - and others - up to a miserable extent - and they're still here.


DazedConfused Report 26 Jun 2014 13:17

Shame on GR

I hold completely opposite views to JJ, but that was just life.

6 year ban, utterly over the top.

A knee jerk reaction the the part of GR.

Surely a month would have been sufficient, which from reading this thread and others in the past, was the norm.

To GR %3A-P %3A-P


Persephone Report 26 Jun 2014 13:26

He did ask them to review their decision but they said no.. I guess if enough people on the boards ask them to change the length of time he has to serve..... maybe??

Gosh blokes get a shorter sentence than that for rape (here in NZ) and then often only serve a third of their time and are out on parole.

Not sure how they decide... do they have a point system.. as in demerit points for speeding or some other traffic infringement?

I think I would ask if my case could be put before a jury of my peers.
Am in agreement with Dermot there.. and I did wear my hoodie when I was out today..


Kay???? Report 26 Jun 2014 13:33

They should have kicked his butt and stopped him for 6 days,,,,,,,,,,,,but he kept saying he was on the cards for a ban,,,,,,,,daft old sod,,then he should have known better.

maybe hes reached his totting up mark for the number of reported posts,


jax Report 26 Jun 2014 13:53

Up until recently they did life banns.....removed tree and the ability to use the pm system.

So at least this way they still keep the member using the part of the site that they probably joined for

Edit - And of course he upgraded to platinum a week ago so they would have to refund him had they removed him altogether

*** Mummo ***

*** Mummo *** Report 26 Jun 2014 14:47

Never " talked " to him on here or added to his threads, he wasn't my cup of tea so avoided him.


MotownGal Report 26 Jun 2014 15:17

Island, Petunia claims to be 93!



'Emma' Report 26 Jun 2014 15:17

Did tell him that day to stop his childish behaviour
and grow up but was a waste of time.
He loved the attention he was getting and was OTT
I made a remark to another member on here that if that
had been a female he kept going on at he would have been
pulled up for it long before then.
I did not take part in any of his threads before that day because
of how he was getting to be annoying.
His Christian thread however is lovely and his faith is everything to
Six years to my mind is ridiculous, should have been slapped wrist
and warned to behave in future or suffer the consequences (sp)



Kense Report 26 Jun 2014 15:33

I agree that the length of the ban is unbelievable. I have only a slight inkling of what has caused this but it does seem to be an unreasonable length of time.

Incidentally if it is until 31/12/20 then it is over six and a half years.


AnninGlos Report 26 Jun 2014 16:09

If it really is six years then that is ridiculous. How do GR know they will still have jobs in 6 years. OK maybe he derved a ban for obstinancy but then so does the person who keeps winding him up, jumping on any thread he posted on.

And how strange that life bans can be given yet the person can return, never did work that one out.

If they have a points scale, I think it should be published. %3A-%28


supercrutch Report 26 Jun 2014 16:15

I have told him I'll support an appeal too.

Yes indeed, people who have had life bans return under another account or resurrect their second or third accounts and continue to cause mayhem.

He was pushing it and did deserve a month's holiday to cool down but I've never heard of more than 6 years!!!!

Plus what's good for the goose etc., %3A-%28


maggiewinchester Report 26 Jun 2014 16:26, GR, if JJ's been banned for 6 years for being OTT, annoying and winding people up, what are you going to do about the annoying, puerile, irritating and yes, even offensive RR'r (who, I've noticed, tends to pick on certain people - so can also be deemed a bully) ??


Kay???? Report 26 Jun 2014 17:33

But then the person who John was in conflict with could have walked away and not engaged the situation if it was that irratating,,,,,

I think most would just walk away and leave someone grumbling to themselves. %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D.