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Mischevious Thursday :)

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**Ann** Report 8 Jan 2015 15:26

Ooooops..Hi to the lovely Jem %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


Fly Report 8 Jan 2015 15:31

They get them from the playground Ann %3A-0


Fly Report 8 Jan 2015 15:38

Did you make all the corn fairies Ann %3B-%29


JemimaFawr Report 8 Jan 2015 15:45


Grandson 1 has just come home with a GCSE Maths Grade C pass %3A-%29 %3A-%29 %3A-%29

He sat a foundation tier paper, for those who struggle with Maths, and so C is the highest grade he can get. %3A-%29 %3A-%29

He needed a C pass in Maths to get into 6th form College. He needs the same in English which will be harder. He's got that yet to sit!


Fly Report 8 Jan 2015 16:01

Well done to him Jem %3A-D


GinN Report 8 Jan 2015 16:05

Afternoon everybody %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3

Jem - it was the same with my daughter, she struggled with maths so the teacher concentrated on her getting a C grade, and it worked %3A-%29 %3A-%29


Fly Report 8 Jan 2015 16:08

Hiya GiN %3A-D %26lt%3B3 have you had a good day %3A-D


GinN Report 8 Jan 2015 16:13

Hya Fly %3A-D %3A-D %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 - yes thanks, been doing a GP - went out for a very nice lunch %3A-D %3A-D %3B-%29 %3B-%29

I was interested to see that you have to lift your Dad when he falls. I couldn't manage to lift my Dad, he was a dead weight - we had to resort to getting the paramedics if my OH wasn't about, and it took all his strength as it was %3A-0
Please, be very careful %3A-%29 %3A-%29


OneFootInTheGrave Report 8 Jan 2015 16:13

Just popping in to say that I am going to call it a day now, not done much today except try to keep myself warm, weather forecast said it would be mild well if this is mild I don't want to know what the definition of freezing is %3B-%29 will shortly settle into my usual routine %3A-%29 and I hope you all have an enjoyable evening, but remember that old saying %3B-%29 all things in moderation %3A-D

Time is free, but its priceless
You can't own it, but you can use it
You can't keep it, but you can spend it
Once you've lost it, you can never get it back.
Keep dreaming, dreams have no limit.

To all and to each %26lt%3B3 I bid you a fond goodnight and hope you sleep soundly throughout the night %3A-%29


GinN Report 8 Jan 2015 16:16

Hello and Goodnight OFITG %3A-%29 %3A-%29 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 - some lovely words once again.

Have a pleasant evening and a good night's sleep %3A-%29 %3A-%29


Fly Report 8 Jan 2015 16:17

Night OneFoot %3A-D %26lt%3B3 enjoy your evening %26lt%3B3


JemimaFawr Report 8 Jan 2015 16:20

Thanks everyone %3A-%29 %3A-%29 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3

Hiya GinN %3A-%29 %26lt%3B3

Bye Footy, hope you are managing to keep warm %3A-%29
Lovely words to reflect on, yet again! %26lt%3B3


Fly Report 8 Jan 2015 16:21

GiN if i am on my own i have to try and get him on his knees by pushing him over but have to hold him so he does not roll back over while he catches his breath %3A-%29


JemimaFawr Report 8 Jan 2015 16:23

I'm worried about you doing your back in, Fly! %3A-%28 %3A-%28

I know quite a few people who have had to finish working in care homes after putting their backs out lifting people in their care!

It must be so difficult, but you need to be shown the safest way to do it.


'Emma' Report 8 Jan 2015 16:26

Hello all again %26lt%3B3 %3A-%29


JemimaFawr Report 8 Jan 2015 16:27

Hiya again Minxy %3A-%29 %3A-%29 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


GinN Report 8 Jan 2015 16:27

Hya Emma %3A-D %3A-D %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 - how is Amelia today? %3A-%29


Fly Report 8 Jan 2015 16:28

Jem i don't pysically lift him from the floor %3A-0 i have to hold him up when he walk's and that is hard %3A-%29 i have asked if i can have a hoist to help me got someone coming on tuesday to do an assessment %3A-%29


JemimaFawr Report 8 Jan 2015 16:29

Oh that's good Fly! %3A-%29 %3A-%29


'Emma' Report 8 Jan 2015 16:30

She is bit better this afternoon according to grandma,
still very white though GiN thank you %26lt%3B3 %3A-%29