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Strictly - Da da da da da da da, da da da da da!

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AnnCardiff Report 22 Nov 2015 11:46

poor you MT - a broken foot %26lt%3B3 trying out some dance steps?

Georgia was brill, as was Gleb - Peter for the chop methinks - but then again, he has quite a following so maybe not


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 21 Nov 2015 23:18

It would make my day if Jamelia is not in the dance off this week.
I agree Peter was not good at the jive. Where were the kicks and flicks?

Helen seemed to loose her timing more than once, but was excellent at catching back up, on the correct foot.

Georgia was an absolute dream, wonderful to watch, so romantic %26lt%3B3

Anita and Glen were compulsive viewing, so dramatic, so credible, so wow!

While Jay, bless his cotton socks was a joy to behold.

I watched it live but have recorded it. I will probably watch it again. (well, my favourite three anyway).

Think that Peter will be in the dance off. I wonder if Kellie will be joining him?


MotownGal Report 21 Nov 2015 20:43

Anita was just wonderful, as was Jay!

Peter I found to be a bit plodding. If they picked a Tina Turner song, they should have had a bit of Tina dancing in it. Plenty of bounce and vigour.

I also thought that Helen tripped on the stairs, as one point.

Georgia was a dream, just floating along the ballroom.

Jamelia also upped her game.

I think it may be Katie, Peter, or sadly Jamelia again this week for the dance off.


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 21 Nov 2015 14:19

Viva Anita!
%26lt%3B3 :- ) %26lt%3B3


MotownGal Report 21 Nov 2015 09:05

Blackpool tonight!

After the hype for the last few weeks, I hope it is not a damp squib.

It is usually a good spectacle, what with the history of the place, and the wonderful architecture of the ballroom.

Watching ITT this weeks, someone was saying again what a good dancer Kellie is. And once again I was screaming at the tv. She teaches dance at a stage school! She is a product of the stage school system, she was a child actor. So yes, of course, she learned dance at an early age. She is no beginner.

I am looking forward to Anita tonight, she is always good.

I do wish they would bring back Vincent and Flavia for a show dance, that would be wonderful.

%26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


MotownGal Report 16 Nov 2015 15:07

I think Jay got his foot caught in his partner's dress to be honest. It certainly looked like that in the playback. Such a shame.

It was odds on that Jeremy would go, they were talking about it before the poor soul had time to dance again.

Kellie and Kevin are really getting on my wick. She screams and he gurns all the time. All that whooping!

Anita, Jay and Georgia in the finals I think.


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 14 Nov 2015 23:28

I think that Jamelia will go this week, unless she is in the dance off with Jeremy.

Felt sorry for Jay when he tripped up. Was it over his own foot, of did he get tangled up. with Aliona's dress or feet?

Katie was better the I expected her to be, so I reckon that she is safe for this week.

Watching Takes Two I expected Peter to be rubbish, but he was't all that bad.

My favourite is still Anita, a non dancer, performer or sportsperson, she is great each week and gives it her all.
The youngsters Georgia and Jay are also stupendous.
I would be happy for any of those three to win, As long as the others came second and third! %3A-%29 %3A-%29 %3A-D %3A-D


JoyBoroAngel Report 14 Nov 2015 21:01

Hayley Said

Hello thanks for the waves. I thought Anton and Katie did a lovely rumba. Georgia and Giovani were wonderful. I still love I still love Anita and Gleb and suspect they are really going to pull it out of the bag next week. Jameila I do more samba walking to the bus stop in the morning. Peter all his dances blend in to one he is just a creep and I am always disappointed when the "kids" get rolled out. Kellie got on my wires when she was on ITT this week like she really shouldn't be in the dance off how dare people not vote for her. Jeremy he can not dance but he tries so hard and Karen has taught him to dance it doesn't help he is 10 ft tall and she is 2ft and a bit. I like him I like his commitment and he earns my vote. I am predicting either Peter Helen or Jamiela in the dance off and I think Jamiela will go this week


'Emma' Report 14 Nov 2015 21:01

I think it's time for Jeremy to go.


AnnCardiff Report 14 Nov 2015 20:53

Georgia was fantastic - could have watched her and Giovanni all night long - Jeremy has to go soon - he can't last much longer


MotownGal Report 14 Nov 2015 20:40

Well I was wrong on so many counts!

Katie was doing the rumba, Anton was teaching Gleb to do the foxtrot in the week, so I got befuddled! Not hard these days. And Katie danced well, so she wont be going home this week.

Still cant warm to Kellie, all that shrieking is starting again, and there is confidence, and over confidence.

Little Georgia was wonderful. I really love the show Chicago, and she put on a belter of a performance.

Possibly Jamelia or Jeremy this week.


MotownGal Report 14 Nov 2015 15:33

Ola is a saucy minx, but she is a brilliant dancer.

I think it may be Jeremy or Katie (hopefully) tonight. I cannot stand her grinning like a Cheshire Cat all the time. She may have lovely legs, but she does not always use them properly. Foxtrot for them tonight, very quick, so she might not be so clever with it.


'Emma' Report 14 Nov 2015 14:28

So Ola is to be left out of the opening
dance tonight as she is leaving Strictly.

She did a calendar shoot and according to Craig Revel Horwood
it was too racy.

She is the longest serving female dancer.


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 9 Nov 2015 20:40

Sure is AnnC.. %3A-%29 %3A-%29 %3A-%29 %3A-%29


AnnCardiff Report 9 Nov 2015 20:14

Gleb is very tasty %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 9 Nov 2015 19:54

An old lady I know said out of the blue. "Did you know that Carole has been knocked out?".
She was looking very serious and for one mad moment I thought that she was talking about her annoying, drug-addict neighbour! Had someone thumped her when she was being abusive and knocked her out???

Then I realised, CAROL, Strictly Come Dancing! Voted out this week!

Although Carol is a lovely lady, it is about time she went.

I agree with others on here. Katie next!

I've decided that I would like Anita and Glen to win. They have always been one of my favourites, but are now my top choice. I want to see them dance right up to the end.
Strictly wouldn't be the same without them.


MotownGal Report 9 Nov 2015 19:37

I wish that Jeremy's brother Tim was in the show. He seems a real laugh.

There is to be a special Strictly as part of the Children in Need..................Brucie is back!


'Emma' Report 9 Nov 2015 11:34

One down three to go %3A-D


AnnCardiff Report 9 Nov 2015 11:30

%3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D


MotownGal Report 9 Nov 2015 07:23

Ann I think they are using an old ploy of the show. Pit one good dancer against a lousy dancer for the Dance Off, and it is obvious who would go.

Carole was very gracious in defeat, a pity others could not be the same!

Kellie in the Dance Off'? Maybe others are fed up of her screaming too.

You thought bin bag, I though oven ready turkey.

%3A-D %3A-D %3A-D