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AnninGlos Report 12 Nov 2016 20:45

I don't think anyone matches Flavia and Vincent. Danny was good and so was Louise last week, but not like the original we used to see. I wouldn't be surprisec to see Daisy back in the dance off. Yes Ed was very entertaining. %3A-D


'Emma' Report 12 Nov 2016 21:24

Greg and Daisy for me this week %3A-%29


Tabitha Report 13 Nov 2016 11:04

I see the bookies have Daisy as leaving this week.

Emma have you been at the "Tea Leaves again or the Crystal Ball"

Still don't know who the worst one was last night - I didn't like the Rumba with Ore it had no passion no love spark.

I still think my favorite dances last night were:-
Ed & Katya - Claudia & Aj and Greg & Natalie - I love a good Paso & that was a good one plenty of foot stomping.


MotownGal Report 13 Nov 2016 12:43

No one can compete with Vincent and Flavia, they are the models for everyone else.

I think it will be Greg and someone decent tonight, so there will be no competition in the voting off.

Good old Ed. Lousy dancer, but plenty of entertainment. He will be put through to Blackpool.


AnninGlos Report 13 Nov 2016 12:45

Two dances I am not keen on watching are the Rumba and the Paso Doble.


'Emma' Report 13 Nov 2016 13:10

Tabitha wasn't over the moon about anyone last night,
well maybe a couple, my choices are rubbish but I live
in hope %3A-%29


AnnCardiff Report 13 Nov 2016 20:30

Ed should have gone tonight!!!


AnninGlos Report 13 Nov 2016 22:22

Daisy wasn't brilliant and wasn't entertaining in my view.


Tabitha Report 14 Nov 2016 05:10

The right choice was made for a change

Greg & Natalie were brilliant and really did a prefect dance the 2nd time around.

Roll on Blackpool - I think Ed will go then - even if he is entertaining.

I know the producers have said with Ed the viewing figures were amazing and apparently he receives the largest amount of votes It was in one of the papers last week.


MotownGal Report 14 Nov 2016 07:32

Shame Daisy had to go, I think she was a sweet girl.

Ed is on borrowed time, he wont last too much longer.

Then it will be a very close call every week, as all the good dancers are left.


'Emma' Report 14 Nov 2016 11:17

I agree Tabitha for Ed to go this week.
if I remember Russell Grant was fired out of a
canon (they always have the fun factor to get to Blackpool)
So Ed will come down from the roof....surprise %3A-D

Gets Mr Sheen and duster out again ready to polish my
crystal ball.


MotownGal Report 14 Nov 2016 15:23

Mr Handsome doing the Charleston next week. %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D

I do love little Claudia and AJ. I think they are very sweet dancing together.

My irritation still in!!


MotownGal Report 18 Nov 2016 19:20

Blackpool this week, and everything is riding on it.

I wonder how they will cope with the sprung dancefloor?

Really looking forward to it!

%3A-%29 %26lt%3B3


Tabitha Report 18 Nov 2016 19:58

All ready for Tomorrow & Blackpool

Claudia and AJ will be dancing the Jive to ‘Hey Mickey’ by Toni Basil
Danny and Oti will be dancing the Charleston to ‘Puttin’ On The Ritz’ by Gregory Porter
Ed and Katya will be dancing the Jive to 'Great Balls of Fire’ by Jerry Lee Lewis
Greg and Natalie will be dancing the Quickstep to ‘Hand Jive’ by Sha Na Na
Judge Rinder and Oksana will be dancing the Salsa to ‘Spice Up Your Life’ by Spice Girls
Louise and Kevin will be dancing the Paso Doble to ‘Explosive’ by Bond
Ore and Joanne will be dancing the Viennese Waltz to ‘That’s Life’ by Frank Sinatra


MotownGal Report 19 Nov 2016 17:08

Deep breathing to calm my excitement. %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D

Getting very tight at the top now. Been watching Take 2 all week, and the rehearsals.

It must be Greg and Ed in the dance off this week. The others are just too good.

%3A-0 %3A-0 %3A-0


'Emma' Report 19 Nov 2016 20:09

Greg and Ed for me also Maddie.

Was not impressed with Claudia or the Judge this week
not their best imo.


AnninGlos Report 19 Nov 2016 20:21

It could even be Greg and Judge. I didn't like Claudia but the judges seemed to.

Danny Mac was GREAT!


AnnCardiff Report 19 Nov 2016 20:59

Danny Mac - I love you!!! he was fantastic!!!!


MotownGal Report 19 Nov 2016 22:35

Oi, push off Ann I saw him first!!! %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D

He is very dishy, and a lovely mover! %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3

I found the supporting dancers very distracting. Like when a singer is on, they have two people dancing, it drives me bonkers.

Well, we will see, what we will see.


Tabitha Report 20 Nov 2016 15:22

I am pleased to see I am not the only one who finds the additional dancers in Blackpool very distracting and annoying. Good dancers but not when the others are on the stage.

Claudia had a bit of an oops night - dont think she has the body/leg length for the Jive.

Must say Ed did quite well - i dont think he was stomping about at all like Craig said.

Greg was a bit over whelmed in Blackpool - Judge did quite well but i dont like those kind of dances -

Did anyone else think doing 12 fleckles in a row was good enough to call it part of a Viennese Waltz, One or 2 but 12 spinning on the spot was silly.