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The Bland Thread

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maggiewinchester Report 29 Jul 2017 00:27

....but the beetroot affected pee will continue - blasting all those descended from Monarchs, Popes, Captains of Industry etc., who themselves are multi skilled and knowledgeable in all subjects.
because Allan's red pee is a FACT! :-D


Caroline Report 29 Jul 2017 00:20

I've been getting the error message on and off too lately Allan not just you..not that special after all eh :-D

The weather will improve don't worry....


maggiewinchester Report 28 Jul 2017 23:38

Rained a bit here - mainly after I left the house. :-|


Allan Report 28 Jul 2017 22:31

:-D :-D :-D

Today's Bland Subjects:

1) there have ben a couple of cold fronts passing over the South West of Oz bringing gale force winds and heavy rains over the last couple of days, together with low temperatures. I know that it is Winter, but I've had to curtail my early morning walks :-|

2) I sometimes still receive the error message when I try to post something on this site :-|

3) I went to join the local yoga class, the lady asked me how flexible I was. I replied well I can do Monday and Friday. :-D :-D :-D


Caroline Report 27 Jul 2017 02:30

Oh in that case I must find it bland :-D


Allan Report 27 Jul 2017 01:40

Well it'll be very bland to all those descended from Monarchs, Popes, Captains of Industry etc., who themselves are multi skilled and knowledgeable in all subjects.

I just know that beetroot turns my pee red ;-) :-D :-D


Caroline Report 27 Jul 2017 01:25

Just how is this Bland ???? :-S :-S :-D :-D


Allan Report 27 Jul 2017 01:07

:-D :-D :-D@Maggie.

With the beetroot it's no so much a 'gut' effect as such, but it does cause discolouration of urine and I think that I am passing blood. :-0

Strangely, tinned beetroot does not have the same effect :-S


maggiewinchester Report 27 Jul 2017 00:54

Allan - just noticed your reference to beetroot. I love it - but my guts don't :-|
Even purple carrots have an adverse effect. :-| :-| :-|
Does my gut not like purple?

As for your pizza consumption - that's similar to my pot noodle consumption.
I'll try any food once, then I have an argument against it.

Lard - I fry with it - it makes fried potato go brown, instead of soggy :-D

'They' now say that using 'real' fat (saturated) fills you up more, so you're less likely to over eat!! :-D


Allan Report 27 Jul 2017 00:45

I have only ever had two pizzas in my life. The second time was a few months ago when I received a free one as a promotional gimmick. It was a frozen one from a supermarket, not a specialist pizza shop.

The first one I had was made by my brother and we had it as part of celebrating(?) our arrival in Australia 35 years ago. It was that experience that lad to the gap between pizzas :-D :-D

The children have always enjoyed them and we usually kept some in the freezer for them.

I enjoy making bread, and use to like baking cakes. I've never made pastry as OH does it so much better. She uses butter and lard. Not very healthy but then we don't have it all that often :-D :-D


Caroline Report 27 Jul 2017 00:26

Hi all

I can cook in so much as I've never killed anyone...yet...

Don't like Pizza either but the kids love it they're delivered pretty quickly here.

I love making cookies and cakes etc anything that's not good for me.

No one goes hungry...would I say I'm a good cook....well I don't use tonnes of salt like on TV cooking shows but I try and use herbs and spices.


maggiewinchester Report 27 Jul 2017 00:19

I can cook - (apart from mince), but can't bake.
I wasn't aware of my ability to cook for many years, until I realised I could cook a meal from scratch quicker than it took the pizza delivery to come :-

....and I don't like pizza......

We just ordered one once (because you can), and I timed it!


Allan Report 27 Jul 2017 00:18

Hello all :-D

Maggie, I've not had a parsnip for years. We grow our own turnips which I must say are nicer than shop-bought ones.

The same goes for our beetroots although there is an unfortunate side effect to them that could have you running to the Dr's if you are unaware of it ;-) :-D :-D :-D


Elizabethofseasons Report 27 Jul 2017 00:14

Dear Maggie


I just can't cook at all!

Most meals are well, disaster!

I can do vegetables but everyone wants them to have ID!

Pretty hopeless but proud of it!!

Take gentle care
Best wishes
Elizabeth, EOS


maggiewinchester Report 27 Jul 2017 00:11

Hello Elizabeth! :-D
I just can't cook mince or pasta, so when I babysit my grandsons (aged 7 and 9 - the 15 year old grand daughter now looks after herself), elder daughter usually includes a scrumptious lasagne in the 'deal'.

Younger daughter eats very little apart from pasta, so when she, husband and 2 year old visit, salads and roasts are on the menu!
I introduced my grand daughter to parsnip - both boiled and roasted - she loves them :-D :-D :-D


Elizabethofseasons Report 26 Jul 2017 23:56

Dear Allan and Caroline and All


When I first saw this tread, I thought it said "banned"!

Must get eye test soon.

Thank you for the welcome, Mr Allan.

Take gentle care
With all good wishes to fellow posters and postees
Elizabeth, EOS


Allan Report 22 Jul 2017 22:46

Barbra, most of the brisket sold in WA is corned brisket at anything between $7.00 and $9.00 a kilo.

I cook it in the pressure cooker, takes about 45 minutes.

We recently bought a whole rump for about $60.00. With my years of doing meat inspection as part of my job I should have known that the words 'economy rump' and the very yellow fat, equalled 'old cow' :-0

As rump, the meat was as tough as anything, so got the mincer out and had about 8 kgs of mince in the freezer.

It makes good spag bog and cottage pie :-D :-D :-D


Barbra Report 22 Jul 2017 12:36

Well my Brisket turned out lovely even though I say it my self but not buying any more its to expensive for a retired person xx Stick to my Chicken as there are lots of recipes .love spag bog xx :-D :-D


Caroline Report 22 Jul 2017 11:26

Allan it's an okay dish granted but not high on my your "version" of it though..... :-D :-D


Allan Report 22 Jul 2017 10:59

Caroline, a spag bog is a nice dish, and unless someone is totally inept, can't go wrong :-0 :-D :-D

Mind you, cooking the rice takes a bit of practice ;-) :-D :-D :-D