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Friends and Neighbours Worldwide V2.

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Dorothy Report 16 Jul 2007 14:28

good morning I see from the one site that fred to-day is a special day for you and the wife congratulatons and many more hope that you have a wonderful day. I spent last evening with the grandchildren it was fun and on wednesday bryan and I are going our for dinner he is the oldest and it is a quite belated birthday dinner, they have been so busy with sports etc that it has been hard to fit it in, we are going to a place call montana's his choice as wednesday is all you can eat ribs for the same price as one order and he can put away the ribs. to-day it is bright gain it was a dull week-end the family are going away next week for a camping trip with the big camper further up north and will also take a 4hr one way train ride to the agawa canyon with a 2hr tour when they get their it is quite the place. a long day but worth it so the dog is going to the kennels he quite likes it there lots of room to run on the property and other dogs to mix with, so that leaves the family diva calico who is 16 she seems to be missing scrappy who is no longer with us so I will pop over and keep her company I think I will sleep over one night. I am sure she willbe fine but they are away 6 days so I don't like her on her own for that long without me visiting for a longer period of time. well that is enough for me again fred and liz have a great day bye dorothy


syljo Report 16 Jul 2007 17:07

Hi all, Well went with Johan to the hospital today and he has to undergo the same bowel investigation that I went through. He has had this before and the surgeon doesn't want to operate on him because of his age - 82 - plus that he is diabetic and living with a repaired heart valve. I wonder what they are going to find out this time. You see his blood count is too low and they think he has been losing blood in his stools - like I did, but then I had cancer! When we arrived home my dermatologist phoned me and told me that the lump they cut from my leg was not cancerous - relief all round again! Have made an appointment with my doctor because my eyes are so itchy and the cream I have been using isn't helping any more. Oh me, oh my, what else can I get? Fred, I loved the photos of Missy, she is so sweet and loving. The weather here is so humid and warm with some thunder and lightning. Tomorrow is supposed to be very wet. We shall see! Sylvia xxx


badger Report 17 Jul 2007 08:55

Morning all [waves to Sylvia ,and Dorothy]. Thanks a lot all you guys for the good wishes yesteerday,Liz was so touched that she did a most unusual thing after reading them ,and added her own personal thanks on the thread,perhaps ,with a bit more encouragement ,she might actually join us on here though i don't know ,an added woman to berate poor old Fred ,may be a bad thing hee hee. Thanks Dorothy,and i know what you mean about the grandkids,they do tend to make your life worthwhile don't they? Hope hubby is bearing up Sylvia,these things are a worry i know,but iot may not be as bad as you are imagining.I have had a little blood showing in my urine samples for twenty years ,due to diabeties,but once the doctors found the cause ,panic over,and they now just keep an eye on it to make sure it dosn't get worse,so hopefully your hubby will be the same. We are going to check out sandy bay today ,to see if they have any openings left,it seems that you can put your trailer onto the site for ten weeks at this time of year for £200,which means you can come and go as many times as you like without taking the van home each time. I thought ,this way ,the daughter could use the van too any time she likes without having to buy anything other than food ,Everything else is paid for already.,at least she can then get her kids out for at least a week over the holidays for a break without breaking the bank,and there are oooodles of facilities on site for the kids ,including a lovely sandy beach which is close to the caravan and can be seen from the windows. My bveggies out back are growing at a heck of a rate with all this water,and will soon be ready for cropping ,the calabrese ,and broad bean will be very welcome for a change in diet. The kitten has now taken to following me everywhere i go ,and i mean everywhere ,one now has to watch ones behind ,just in case [ouch] ,but she is very lovable ,sitting on my shoulder right now and watching the screen on the desktop.,she likes the t.v too and sometimes watches it while sitting on her haunches[wonders if Meerrcat has shown her how to do this bur hasn't seen her lately to ask lol]. Must shoot through now ,the son has arrived to take us up to the bay,but hope to be bake later.Fred.


Brenda Report 17 Jul 2007 13:34

Sorry about this folks ,mouse and keyboard not wrking at home need new ones but not off till weekend .could get David to get them but when ever he is getting me anything he always 'forgets'..Glad all is well.Take care ,Brenda


syljo Report 17 Jul 2007 21:30

Well I had a nice day today as my daughter and her partner came with my other dishwasher which Henk spent all afternoon installing for me. It now works ok. He is coming another time to fit a new electric point above my cooking plate which I have asked him to do. Nice to have son in laws, isn't it. I now have 3 as Janet left her husband but he hasn't left us. In fact we are going to dinner with him next Sunday. What a good life we have. I phoned for meals today. Janet couldn't make up her mind whether or not she wanted to stay for dinner so I made her mind up for her. She had a pizza, Henk had Shoarma, Johan a mixed grill and me Griek food. It was delicious, and I have enough over for tomorrow. The weather has been kind to us again with the sun shining on us. I went out early this morning on my scootmobile to do a bit of shopping. Enjoy yourself Fred. Hope you get sorted out soon Brenda. Sylvia xxx


syljo Report 18 Jul 2007 13:04

just a nudge


Brenda Report 18 Jul 2007 14:11

Just finishing lunch ,but is short and brief,might get old keyboard and mouse back on my own pc.will see tonight. Glad you had a nice visit Sylvia. Back to work now, brenda


Brenda Report 19 Jul 2007 12:54

Afternoon all.hope you are all staying cheerfull with the weather ,its dry and dare I say sunny here at the minute,not sure how long for Have to go and do a bit of shopping soon then on to work at 4pm-8pm.. Mouse andkeyboard seem ok today but I'm still thinking of changing them,this trouble keepshappening and i am nothappy with it. Take care Brenda


Dorothy Report 19 Jul 2007 13:28

goodmorning we are having a nice rainy morning though it is supposed to stop mid day, last night I tokk bryan (12) out to dinner we went to a rib place it was all you can eat rib wednesday he managed a rack and a half of ribs not sure were he put it all but it was a nice evening. the children go to camp on july 30th so lindy is going to redecorate laura's bedroom mother and daughter went shopping for a new duvet yesterday it is a mix of balck and gray and orange and red, she wants one black wall in her bedroom then orange and red I managed not to make any comments on this wild colour scheme, so we will see what happens I offered to help paint a s I like doing that, but a black wall!!!!! she thinks it will be cool. I am watching the golf from carnoustie at the moment I was up at 7am to watch it, my neice is working in the v.i.p tent for the tournement I hope she has a good time she is a great young lady, hope that sylvia and john are well fred is a little quiet maybe recovering from the anniversery two more ripe tomatoes this am that is five in total. bye for now dorothy


badger Report 20 Jul 2007 09:36

Sorry to be missing for a couple of days peeps ,all due to a family crisis,.but it now seems to be okay so i will be back later today. Off now to remove the hedge trimmings before the heavens open again,some of the fir trimmings to go into the top of the rhodedendron pot ,it will love the acidity provided.Fred.


syljo Report 20 Jul 2007 17:21

Hi all, Well after saying my 'new' dishwasher was working ok found that it wasn't emptying so called a mechanic in. He is great and runs a business on his own, he is quick and you don't have to pay his costs for coming to visit. I had him for my drier a while ago. Came back from the market today and found my washing machine had stopped, so I phoned the mechanic again and he said he couldn't come until M0nday. Well managed to get the washing out of the machine and put in my neighbours - who doesn't have a drier - and then thought I put it in my drier. Well, no drier working. Apparently it is in the switch on the wall which operates washing machine and drier. Johan is going to look at it tomorrow for me and then I'll cancel the mechanic for Monday. Managed to get to the market and back without having any rain, but now the sky is black, blue and all the horrible colours. Glad to see you back Fred and nice to read the other threads from Dorothy and Brenda. Sylvia xxx


Brenda Report 20 Jul 2007 20:01

Hi everyone, I am not going to say what the weather is like here,except its not nice!! Sylvia ,sorry you are having domestic troubles with your washer ,drier etc,hope everything is ok now. Fred ,hope your problems are sorted as well,haven't had chance to get out in my garden at all,except to the bin.,Even John has not been out ,mind you he has had a rotten sore throat and chesty cougth.Stopped him playing golf so he must be ill. Dorothy,not long now till you are with us, Glad your grandson enjoyed the Ribs,thats the sort of thing david likes as well. Have to go now nearly time for Eastenders,don't watch it a lot ,but it is good at the moment. Take care ,brenda


Dorothy Report 20 Jul 2007 21:23

hi brenda I have ben watching the b.b.c. news on the computor and I do have the bury weather programmed in you poor things have been having a lot of rain hope you get it over with before I get there. just watching the golf from carnoustie and doing some chores the family leave on tuesday for a few days so I will pop over and keep the cat company the dog is going to the kennels. plus they have a very large washing machine with three children you need it so I will take some of bulky quilts etc over and run them through . going to have a lazy week-end just watching the golf I don't think any one is coming up for a visit take care bye dorothy


syljo Report 21 Jul 2007 17:01

Hi all, Yes, I hope Dorothy will have nice weather when she visits. I will also be in England in September in Kent. My daughter and her partner are coming with us. So I hope we have nice weather too. Yesterday I was given some courgettes and Swiss Chard and today a lot of rhubarb, so I googled for recipes for the courgettes and Swiss Chard and tried them out yesterday. Today I made the rhubarb mousse and have frozen it in. I have also made bread. I made bread with the courgette, adding pieces of bacon, cheese, onion, thyme etc. and it is quite tasty. The only trouble is they didn't say in the recipe how much courgette and I had a very big one so the mixture was a bit wet, although I did use less milk. Johan has also been busy fixing the switch in our bathroom, which was the reason for my washing and drying machines to not work. Alls well that ends well. Cannot do too much typing because of my hand, in fact cannot do much at all as embroidery I keep losing the needle. Have a nice evening everybody. Sylvia xxx


badger Report 22 Jul 2007 08:13

Morning peoples[waves to Sylvia] hoping her bread turns out a lot better than my last attempt. Going to give the bread maker a mis Sylvia ,and bring out our big kitchen centre that you can do everything with ,from mixing sausage meat ,to kneading dough. A very old oster,with a half horse power motor ,costing £90 pound twenty five years ago ,and worth its weight in gold. I tend to use the bread machine in the winter ,because it's a shure fire method of getting the bread to rise with a built in heater. It now takes two minute to bring Missy's food and kitten milk in from the kitchen because the little baggage will insist on walking between my legs ,and twining herself round my ankles lol. But ,by 'eck she knows her name now when you call ,mainly at bed ,and meal times hee hee.. Have top call a cousin in Tewksbury today ,and my bro in law in lincs ,to make sure they are okay,after the storms and rain ,to make sure they are okay,the cousin lives right next to the river ,.so i will be calling her first . Not much to report really,it's still piddling down here the water is good for my veggies which are growing at an incredible rate [ooooops ,too much manure maybe] on top of all the water.,never mind ,we should have some fantastic beans and calabrese.and the leeks are looking good. Off to the sons to do a little more packing ,just in case Mary,they may still be moving here for a couple of weeks before the flat is ready to move into,the landlord is having problems with the plumbing ,and heating still. Hope our canadian cousins are enjoying the heat waves [lucky so and so's] we are still having to put up with 50 and low 60's here ,even eastern europe has lot's of luvvvverly sun [sniff [taint fair lol] Have a good day all ,going to sit in the trailer and sulk till Liz and i go out hee hee.Fred.


syljo Report 22 Jul 2007 11:11

Have been following the BBC news on television and feel so sorry for those who have been flooded and lost everything. I do hope they get plenty of help. Being keen on genealogy makes me think of perhaps photos etc. they may have lost. Oh what a problem. It's about time Britain invested in a good drainage system. We live below sea level here in the polder, but so far dry feet! Sylvia xxx


Dorothy Report 22 Jul 2007 13:57

hi everyone I hope that the rain stops soon for you just been reading about all the flooding the daughter in laws sister is living in lewes at the moment not sure what it is like there, yes fred we are having good weather though last week we did have quite a lot of thunderstorms, the sister in calgary has had it hot 32 degree's I guess the hot weather moved from here to there to-day it is about 25 and a nice breeze, I was up at 6 to watch the golf just taking a break to catch up on things on line hope you all have a good week bye for now dorothy


Brenda Report 23 Jul 2007 00:06

Hi ,well we have had a dry wekend here ,but thats not the caes in other parts ,my heart goes out to them all.I cannot understand why they have been allowed tobuild housing estates in places where its been known to flood.I know thats not the main cause but it will stop people buying them in future as they will not get insurance. Dorothy went to Bury yesterday ,just had a quick walk round the market got some cards and black puddings and some great pork pies. Had a spot of lunch on a place on the Rock called Emersons it is really nice. John has been a bit worried for his old golfing partner who moved to a caravan somewhere in Worcestershire,it flooded once before ,we have no phone number for him now since he changed phones.His son moved as well so we have no idea how to find outhow he has gone on/ Off to bed now ,glad Missy is getting you trained Fred !!! hope you and Johann are ok sylvia. Brenda


Dorothy Report 23 Jul 2007 01:41

hi brenda glad to hear the weather was better and tht you had a nice day in bury I will have to mention emerson's to anne and we will have to try it out, Iwatched the golf all daythen went to the library they had a couple of books onhold for me, I have about 38 listed on the request file I put new books on as soon as I see they are going to be published the new patrica cornwall one I am nuber 40 on the list for that though they do buy about 4 of hers. this week I am looking after the son's house while they are away and then on friday I am driving down to brampton to see one of my friends and take her out for dinner her birthday will be while I am away. and now I am off to bed for an early night bye for now dorothy


Brenda Report 23 Jul 2007 13:00

afternoon folks,well it is dry again,have put a few bits of washing on the line,being a bit optimstic really !!! Sky bit more greyish now so will bring it in shortly before I go to work for 4pm. Hope you enjoyed the gollf Dorothy,John did.But he thought Garcia could have played better .He did think Harrington ? the winner derserved it. haven't seeen the tv times for August yet to let you know about the Tennis. Off for some lunch and some ironing before work sylvia,Fred and anyone else .Take care brenda