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Friends and Neighbours Worldwide V2.

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Dorothy Report 23 Jul 2007 14:04

goodmorning glad to hear the weather is better yes I have to agree that garcia could have played better but I was glad that harrington won the intense look in his eyes was amazing to watch as he played the last few holes, it is nice to see the trophy stay in europe for a change I like tiger but it is great when some one else gets a chance, it is a nice day here this am the fire bells are going to go off just a practice but the cats don.t like it, hope that sylvia and fred are fine bye for now dorothy


syljo Report 23 Jul 2007 21:40

Well had a lovely meal yesterday with my ex son in law. He made lots of small dishes, just like in Spain - tapas with French bread and tapenades etc. Much better for us old 'uns than a heavy meal. Today had to do my own housework as my help is still on holiday and the young girl who has helped me the last two weeks is also on holiday. I was knackered just doing bathroom, toilet and washing kitchen floor. Anyway, help back next week. Tomorrow have to go to the hospital with Johan to see eye specialist. Weather not too bad here, some showers still around but not as bad as in England. Does Missy like the rain Fred? Sylvia xxx


badger Report 24 Jul 2007 08:40

Morning Sylvia ,and any one else popping in.Missy is a house kitten Sylvia,,and dosn't get the chance to go out ,until she has been spayed,besides ,i don't think it's safe for the world to let her When in one of her moods [which is every few hours] she is a holy terror,arching her back ,spitting at all and sundry,and sidling towards everyone ,head on one side with an evil look on her face . I don't fancy a mouse's chances if she gets hold of it,in the meantime ,even the toes ain't safe. Sorry to have to go so soon ,but i have to get sorted quickly as we are expecting my son and family Friday and i have so much to put away for safety. Cath you all later.Fred.


Brenda Report 24 Jul 2007 11:25

Morning all,just had a 'surf' as the say over the net looking for a few things .a new landline phone for Dad which will accomadate the attachments he has because he is hard of hearing.Looking for a new sofa and dining suite for us,just looking. Then I am going over to dads to phone the phone company and change his method of payment,will ask them about new phone as well.Seems they do not actually tell you on the internet what is compatabile,which is a bit daft really, they must have lots of clients who arehard of hearing ,its a light and a bell that go off whenthe phone rings he also has a volume control button for hearing the phone..H ewillnot go to a phone shop as he thinks they will just sell him any phone Sylvia glad you enjoyed your meal,and hope the hospital visit is ok. I was shatterd myself after doing our bathroo on sunday ,so i can understand how you feel, fred when you said that Missy was spitting I was reminded of one of my cats who i called Daisy but John named Spit because she used to spit at him!!we actully ended up calling her Queenie as she reaally ruled us for a while. Dorothy,weather is dry and sunny today again,hope its like this tomorrow,so John can get out on the course he has not been out for a while with the weaher and not being well,he has had a sore throat and chest. Speak to you all soon. Brenda.


syljo Report 24 Jul 2007 12:46

Fred, don't blame you not letting Missy out to the powers of all those Tom cats - evil things. You don't want a house full of little Missies do you, you wouldn't have any toes left! Funny weather, some sun, some rain, plenty of wind. Just got back from hospital. Johan has to have his eyes operated on in Amsterdam - more specialist there, just further away from us. Have now a pedicure - no peace for the wicked they say. Sylvia xxx


Brenda Report 25 Jul 2007 02:10

Just aline to move us up a bit.Not sleeping tonight ,so trying to do some research with out much luck. Brenda


Brenda Report 25 Jul 2007 13:44

Afternoon everyone,just finished lunch ,so having a quick look round the boards.Hope everyone is ok, Brenda


badger Report 25 Jul 2007 14:37

Afternoon all,i have a few minutes now before going back into the fray,the house is coming on fine getting ready for the arrival of the brood on Friday lol.Mostly ready now ,the valuables under lock and key away from little fingers and that sort of thing. I am getting the old slippers out ready for hissy when she arrives tomorrow along with the two girls Sophie,and jordan,because if she is anything like her sibling ,i need the extra protection ,i really could have done with borrowing a chain mail suit from Alnwick castle ,but i don't think they would be very pleased. It would seem that i am having problems with yahoo as regards email,in that some friends have had their emails blocked,sorry to all if this has happened ,though its' not my fault,i checked ,and my blocked senders is empty,so ,i havn't had a senior moment after Until the situation is resolvedd i am going back to hotmail for all attachments and piccies,and talking about piccies ,did you see the ones of Les's granddaughter, Rhian,boy is that tot growing fast,hee hee ,watch out Les,i bet she will be eying the lads up shortlygiving her dad and mum heart palpitations. I did reply to Les about the photos on Yahoo ,but now begin to wonder if she got it. The veggies out the back are growing so fast it's unbelievable.the calabrese has hearts starting already ,so we will have fresh veggies very shortly. The corn is doing well too,and the broad beans will provide us with the first meal next week.. Even the leeks are growing fast so i can se lots of leek puddings in the autumn and winter. It looks as though there is going to be a potato shortage ,most of the crops in kent and lincs being spoilt with all the water,so we will be relying on egypt and israel for any we can get, and of course the prices will go through the roof,i will have to mount a guard on my tattie barrels come christmas. Talking of which,the countdown will start any time now hee hee,adverts on the telly touting their wares ,toys galore ,and kids starting their christmas lists lol,cummon folks ,time to get organised five months to the day ,dosn't time fly [hears muffled sounds of humbug coming from every which way] Have to be off now to get some work done ,still plenty to do,but have at least got the rest of the late veggies in today,having finished the hedges yesterday ,and got the back lawn cut despite the weather. Catch you all later,Fred..


Dorothy Report 25 Jul 2007 20:43

hi I have just returned from the son's I stayed over last night when I went ot bed sleeping in the 12yrs olds bed there was a note to say his charges for renting out his bed five dollars for the first night going up in increments of five dollars per extra night also a not as to where to put the five dollars needless to say I left him nothing cheeky monkey another very hot day to-day so I have done very little fred I hope you have a good visit with your family, as you say your potatoes will have to be under guard I dohope that the flooding gets under control soon bye for now dorothy


syljo Report 25 Jul 2007 20:47

Had a lovely sunny day today and went into town to the market and the 'other' shops. Nice to have a change of scenery. What a lot of rain is falling in the uk. We've had a lot but we can cope with it it seems! Sylvia xxx


syljo Report 26 Jul 2007 20:56



Brenda Report 26 Jul 2007 23:38

Well we have had,rain .rain and more rain again today along with thunder and lightening this evening. Tomorrow its supposed to be more showers and sunshine,we will just wait and see Hope the visit goes well Fred did you get my email with the census attachments? The veg sounds wonderful and judging by the prices at the supermarket today you will be quids in,over a pound for a cabbage !!! sylvia a change is as good as a rest they say ,so it will have done you good going somewhere else. Dorothy,you should have left your granson a not with your charges for minding his bed and room,not forgetting the animals .LOL working tomorrow and saturday and can only use the pc for ownuse on our lunch breaks now,so not sure if i will be back in the day r evening take care brenda


Brenda Report 27 Jul 2007 19:17

Hope everyone is ok ,jusdt have a few minutes as i am expecting a friend to call shortly.(bit unexpected but nice)Hope we are managing to stay cool,if we need to ,dry if we need to and warm if we need to ,Might not get back tomorrow working all day and should be out with friends in the evening !!! brenda


syljo Report 27 Jul 2007 21:50

Went to the doctor this morning as I have had a nasty pain in my left leg. I have had thrombosis on this leg before and more recently had a piece cut out and am still bandaging it every day. The doctor sent me to the hospital immediately for a scan and it is not thrombosis but have to go back again for another scan next week. In the meantime having paracetamol tablets for the pain. At long last, do I dare say it, I think my cystitis is getting a bit better and also my mouth infection. It has been a lovely sunny day here today which makes a change. I hope you all stay dry the weekend as I hear that you've got more rain to come. Sylvia xxx


John Report 28 Jul 2007 03:27

Kia Ora and Hello Trust you are all well. I have just realised that I've been on GR for quite awhile about seven weeks I reckon. June was a quietish month I had my birthday a few days before our wedding anniversary. Still no news as to when Craig and Amanda will marry. The weather world-wide is horrible flooding all over the place. Here in NZ we have had rain bombs in parts of the country causing flooding, where we live a pet hostel was flooded and the animals had to be rescued and some houses were awashed with water. Then about a fortnight later six tornados came through, the first one ripped the roof off a hardware store and causing damage on its way before ending its run at the racecourse which is a short distance from our home, a bit too close. The next lot of tornadoes did more damaged ripping through a kindergarten, fortunately it was school holidays, and ripping apart houses some are still uninhabitable. Some areas have been flooded several times and the weather forecast is not always promising dry day. Seeing the UK flooding footage makes ones heart break as treasures collected over the years are lost forever. I remember a flooding a few years ago a house and its contents fell into a flooded river but one thing that was washed away and later retrieved was the Bible not too worse for wear. My Mum had knee replacement surgery on 18 July and is staying with us while she recuperates. We were a bit surprised that this type of surgery on elderly person as Mum will 86 this year. Gayle and I are involved in voluntary work at church so some of this has to go by the by while she is with us. One thing we found strange was that Mum is having physio and the stitches are still in her leg. Mum is finding it harder this time round as she had surgery about 10 years ago on her other knee. John in NZ


Brenda Report 29 Jul 2007 08:38



Brenda Report 29 Jul 2007 08:44

Good morning ,Hi John nice to see you,don't worry about not getting on here regularly.Hope your mother continues to improve. This morning started out sunny and dry but it is quickly becoming grey and overcast.Next door have a christening today and have a canvas gezeebo up in the back garden hope its stays nice for them. The weather seems mad all over the place ,those tornados must have been scarie. Have a busy day ahead have to visit a friend and then my dad and put up some pictures we took down last year when decorating se eyou soon brenda


Dorothy Report 29 Jul 2007 19:23

hi brenda and one and all back from my week-end a way had a great visit with my friends. I did bryan a note on his bed saying that I would deduct the five dollars he was charging from the rather large bill he had built up at my house from all the sleep overs in the last 12 yrs I said it was about 150 dollars, it will be interesting to see if he says anything when I go with them to-morrow to camp wabanaki in huntsville they will spend the next two weeks there, the youngest Ian has already asked me not to cry when I say goodbye as I won't see them till I return from england because as he puts it 'grandma if you cry I will and it won't be cool in front of a bunch of guys I have to live with for the next two weeks' so I shall do my best it is another hot one to-day but I will now go and cool down and upack and have a lazy evening bye for now dorothy


Brenda Report 30 Jul 2007 01:28

just to keep us up front a bit.


badger Report 30 Jul 2007 12:50

Hello one and all ,including John who has just taken a few minutes off in a very busy life style to look in on us. Nice to see someone come back off a holiday feeling as though they have had one ,i think i am going to be ready for mine when it comes [September]. The garden is doing really well now ,with everything in and growing well,including a lovely load of broad beans that will be ready to start cropping next week. Things seem to be settling down ,and we are all managing fine although a little cramped. Sorry this is so short ,but maybe i will have a little more time in the morning.Fred.