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Friends and Neighbours Worldwide V2.

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Brenda Report 30 Jul 2007 16:21

Hi Folks very brief as I am only here for a minute am at work and being naughty,lovely weather here again hope it lasts.\brenda


syljo Report 30 Jul 2007 17:38

Hi all, Just when I thought I had a week free from hospital visits, doctors etc. I get this pain in my left leg. It seems it is sciatica and I had my first physiotherapy for it today. I have to do some exercises at home then next Monday go for another session. it could take 2-3 months before it is gone he tells me. .... and what about my holiday I cry back. Well maybe end September. I have some very strong tablets for the pain. I was up again at 4.00 am as the tablets I took at 1.00 am were wearing off and I needed some more. So intense is the pain! The weather is improving and we only had a light shower today. I made some jars of marmalade today as we used our last on Sunday (yesterday). Sorry to be such a misery, but that's life at the moment. Have a nice evening. Sylvia xxx


Dorothy Report 31 Jul 2007 13:36

goodmorning from over here sylvia I do hope that you will be feeling better sonn you have had a rough time time lately. well yesterday was take the children to camp day weather wise it was great we arrived about 10-30 and my three were assigned their cabins, Ian picked the top bunk in his and then his cousin marcus arrived and was glad to see Ian, Bryan and his cousin Jack are in another cabin to-gether, and Laura and her cousin rebeccas in another also Laura has two girlfriends in with her as well, the oldest cousin Suzanne is in with the older girls 14 and up. soonce that was sorted the hildren were of running around and checking everything out. then it was time for us to go and I was really good not a tear was shed . then we the adults went to lindys aunts cottage in huntsville they are on a private lake it was very peaceful and beautiful scenery I thought it was great till they mention that there had been several cougar sightings. I was not to keen after that, lindys uncle john and his wife joined us he was once mayor of the city of toronto, and does a lot of work in africa setting up city councils for towns that have no experience in doing this quite an interesting man. after swimming and boating was enjoyed by everyone we headed back home. so it was a good day though I will miss the children very much. to-day it is supposed to be 32 degree's my son is taking me out for lunch and to look for a new tv, the one in the living room has givne up I really liked it, it was a console model a nice peice of furniture but they don't make them like that any more so bye for now dorothy


syljo Report 31 Jul 2007 14:51

Hi all, Yes Dorothy, I do seem to be getting just everything at the moment. The doctor told me to let the nurse dress my wound. Why on earth didn't they do this at the beginning? The nurse said I had wound the bandage too tight and that was giving me pain she thinks. Well I'm not a nurse nor a doctor so probably she is right. It's a good thing the weather is brighter. Yes, a lot of sunshine today, It looks as if we are on our own Dorothy, so over to you......... Sylvia xxx


Brenda Report 31 Jul 2007 15:31

Afternoon, folks Fred must be busy with his family staying and I have been working.On my tea break at the minute,weather is really great at the minute but for how long.!! TV 's are changing over here Dorothy you will need digital, HD ready and allsorts soon.They are really slim these days and so lifelike.But not a peice of furniture like you said. Hope your leg is better soon,Sylvia,and you are not in too much pain. Well back to work,roll on 5 oclock. Brenda


badger Report 31 Jul 2007 16:03

Afternoon folks,fred is back from the shopping ,cor what a car load,but with seven extra mouths [no,eight] with hissy,we seem to have a car full every time we go out . The bairns have a box of skittles out on the patio at the moment ,so that should keep them quiet for a while . I took them all up the park this morning with their footballs and they had a great time in the playpark first on the swings roundabouts and shuggie boats ,and then i took them over to the football pitch while i had a seat on the bench and watched the fun. Sylvia, you are in the wars again arn't you ,but i don't think its anything to do with your age ,it seems you have rotten luck is all,maybe the sun getting stronger will do you good,and your holiday isn't so far off now. If you can't tell us of your woes ,who the heck are you going to talk to lol.,it's what we are all here for ,to support and help each other ,pity some of the gripers on these boards don't remember that ,instead of upsetting people just to get their kicks ,sad lot . Must admit ,things are very busy ,but i fit the odd jobs in early in the morning while every one else is in bed ,such as a little of the weeding and watering. I am doing a cottage pie for us all tonight along with carrots ,cabbage and calabrese ,and gravy,saved from cooking the beef. For afters i am doing a lovely apple and rhubarb crumble with custard,lol,the son has threatened poor old Fred to tip me out of bed if he comes in from work and he hasn't saved any for him,[sniff],fancy treating his old dad that way lol. Sorry this is so shoert ,but duty calls ,you havn't heard the racket these kids make if the grub isn't ready on time . catch you all later.Fred.


Dorothy Report 1 Aug 2007 12:37

good morning again I am up bright and early as it is going to be another hot one 34 plus the humidity will make it in the low 40's this afternoon so I am going to the shops and the library about 9am I just have to drop some books off at the library and they have an outside drop thing in the wall.. then I have to go and get some more pounds a birthday present for andrew cannot believe I have a son who is going to be 41 where does the time go. so I should be back about 11 and that will be me in for the rest of the day. fred you do have a house full but I am sure that they will enjoy all your great meals, sylvia I am so sorry that no one told you about applying the bandage to your leg, hopefully it will soon be on the mend, brenda I see the weather forecast for bury is great rain on friday but a hot week-end oh my only 9 days tikll I land at manchester I am trying hard to keep calm bye for now dorothy


syljo Report 1 Aug 2007 20:51

Hi all, Well I'm still alive and kicking. Had another scan today to confirm that there is no thrombosis on my leg. I think the pain is a little less. Anyway as long as I can get the tablets I can bear it We went to our secondhand shop today and took a lot of stuff for them to sort out and sell. This is a shop where the out of work young people are able to repair things etc. and re-sell things for their upkeep. They get some very good things there. Shops give them stuff they cannot sell or don't want to repair. There are bargains to be had. Old people dying and the children not knowing what to do with grannie and grandads things, yes, the secondhand shop. The sun was really hot today, let's hope it stays that way. When I returned home my help had been and she had changed the beds, put the duvets etc in the washing machine and then in the drier. She had left a note 'I have folded up the washing from the drier'. I thought 'washing in the drier, I didn't know there was washing in the drier'. What a little dear she is. She had swept the balcony and washed it down with bleach. She does a lot of things herself without me having to tell her. She has her standard things every week, such as changing the beds, cleaning bathroom and toilet and washing the kitchen floor, then whatever time is over she cleans windows etc. I had phoned her to tell her that I hoped to be home from the hospital but she had gone when I got home. I think I will stay home tomorrow as I have been out everyday so far this week. Sylvia xxx


Brenda Report 1 Aug 2007 23:47

We have had another lovelly day here,looks like you might see some sunshine after all dorothy, Let me know if you have any free days and I will check the rota and hopefully we can meet up even if its not market day, Fred you do have a house full where have you put them all? sylvia watch that leg ,you need a take things a bit easier, See you all tomorrow, brenda


Dorothy Report 2 Aug 2007 18:04

hi brenda gald to hear the weather is improving it is 104 to-day hot and humid I am moving very slowly, as for free days I am sure I will have quite a few just give me a ring and I will try and fit in around your plans as you say it does not have to be market day, I did give you ann'es number did I not. I am looking foreard to meeting up with you bye for now dorothy


syljo Report 2 Aug 2007 18:19

Hi all, Well not as warm as yesterday but nevertheless dry. Went to the surgery to have leg dressed and then came home as I had a mountain of ironing to do. Most of ironing finished and put away, but rest can wait until tomorrow afternoon after I've been to the market. Somebody here in this building is being silly and lets the tyres down on my scootmobile now and again. Well today he let one down. I will go to the police if he doesn't stop. He is a silly little man with lots of time on his hands and henpecked! He does silly things like if he sees you coming he sends the lift up to the third floor which means you have to wait for it, or letting the door go in your face. He also puts rubbish in our letter boxes. Not just to me but other neighbours complain about him. Have a nice evening everybody. Sylvia xxx


badger Report 3 Aug 2007 08:38

Morning everyone,it looks like we may have a nice weekend ,but i don't think this weather will last long ,it seems that the autumn and winter are coming early ,the blackberrys are already ripe[two months early] trees have already produced fruit ,cherries ,apples ,pears ,and the rest ,i tell you peeps ,something is in the wind as regards our weather ,the last time this happened we ended up having a bitch of a winter. Sounds as though your neibours and you should beard this silly beggar in his den,and tell him to grow up ,or accept the consiquences i,e ,a good smacking by all,in public to show him up in front of everybody. Hi ho ,sylvia ,it's Freds turn to go to the doctors ,and i could do with you to hold my hand cause i ain't a happy chappy lol. For some two little fingers on my left hand have become painfull.and then start going numb as does that sided of my hand,and every so often it cramps up and i can't move it. I only hope it's just a trapped nerve,because it starts each time in the lower arm and starts to move towards the hand and fingers,anyway ,i'm off to the docs in a short while ,and will tet you know the outcome when i come back. Fred.


Dorothy Report 3 Aug 2007 13:27

goodmorning all frd I do hope that the doctor is able to find out wht is wrong with your hand but as you say it could be a pinched nerve, your garden and contents do sound to be in full bloom. it is another hot day over here so I am doing things early in the day plus we have a smog warning out so breathing outside later in the day can be tricky we do not get much smog but toronto does. I think that to-day I will get the suitcases out as it is one week to-day till I land. and see if I can find all the stuff I am bring for anne. my daughter in law is busy painting the granddaughters bedroom should look good when she is finished. can't remember if I mentioned that someone backed out into my car on tuesday I was not pleased they said they did not see me I find that hard to believe, so my son will get it fixed while I am away a big ent in the front fender and the hub cap came off it could have been worse I guess , at least that day I bought a 32 inch tv and stand for a very good price the stand was on sale for 79% off as it had a small mark on it which I was able to clean off when we got it home , plus the tv was on sale I love a sale I hate paying full price well off to start the day by for now dorothy


Brenda Report 4 Aug 2007 12:32

hello everyone,sorry I wasn't here yesterday,had a few errands to do and did not find time.At work at minute on lunch.Just going out for a pastyie.See you all later.brenda


Dorothy Report 4 Aug 2007 14:05

goodmorning it is a holiday week-end over here and the traffic on the highway is bumper to bumper but those at their cottages should have great weather, yesterday I spent time putting in the stuff into the suitcases forgot I bought so much, hope there is room for my clothes . to-morrow a friend from brampton is coming up to take me out for lunch at the little pub near me they do wonderful meals, the lady who is looking after my cats came for coffee yesterday and once again they were all over her so it shuld go well, they were not pleased to see the suitcases. I am now off to the store for a newspaper and a few last minute things bye for now dorothy


Brenda Report 4 Aug 2007 16:34

Nearly home time,see you tomorrow.


Dorothy Report 6 Aug 2007 13:09

goodmorning Bill your right we have not been introduced but I have seen both brenda and fred mention you and your travels from time to time you do seem to get around the globe quite well. I hope that you continue to keep ahead of the bad weather. Last night many of the crowds that were up here for the week-end appeared to head back to the city(toronto) the highway quite late was nothing but a blaze of red brake lights bumper to bumper even though we have one day left of the holiday week-end. as the children say only three more sleeps and then I shall be off to the airport on thursday to say I am in a stateof excitement is an understatement. again bill since I have found brenda's sight some of the people seem to have gone by the wayside for one reason or another but I enjoy the contact especially reading freds wonderful meals and garden stories and sylvia's life in holland bye for now dorothy


Brenda Report 6 Aug 2007 17:40

Hello everyone and a big hello to Bill.nice to see you again. Just having my tea break so haven't long.Its been a long day with it being the school holidays. On my day offf tomorrow ,will be at the dentist first thougth ,for a check up,think I need an extraction.(long story) See you all tomorrow,Take care Brenda


Brenda Report 7 Aug 2007 11:36

morning all.just back from dentist ,he said I can either have pins put into the tooth and then refill it or have it I am going for the exraction,will be going back end of the month. weather really good again,hope it lasts. Nice to see Bill pop in .how is Fred and everyone else Dorothy I expect you are in a whirl getting ready for your visit? Johns just made a brew ,he and david are taking down the polystyrene ceiling tiles.!!! Brenda


badger Report 7 Aug 2007 19:43

evening all[dixon of dock green imitation ]says Fred ,showing his age lol. I am kept busy at the moment ,taking grandkids to the park to keep them out of their mum's hair ,while she ,and dad fill in forms and go traipsing about. All my fruit treesare losing their leaves,and even the hedges look a bit sick,so i'm keeping the veggie patch topped up with a liquid feed in the hope i will still get a good crop. Looks like the few tomatoes that have started to turn red will be needed to get the seed for next year,i can't afford to lose the Sugar Plum strain aqfter all these years. The hand and fingers look to be the result of a trapped nerve Bill,thank goodness ,but the hospital will know for sur ,i had thouight that the pvd was spreading because the numbness and pain were about tthe same,but the doc says ,that it is unlikely. Glad to hear that you have renewed as well ,us older hands are getting a bit thin on the ground hee hee. Hope your trip goes well Dorothy,i hope you will find a few minutes to let us know how it is going. Have to go ,grandad Fred has to make the bairns chocolate bedtime drinks ,and read tonights story, sigh,i wouldn't mind but this is the second time this week i have read little red riding hood lol. Catch you all later.Fred.