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Friends and Neighbours Worldwide V2.

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syljo Report 7 Aug 2007 20:30

Hi all, Well Fred sounds as though you too have Carpale tunnel syndrome like I have. My right hand is very painful now and I have an appointment with the surgeon who is going to do the op in September. I have told the doctors that I don't want the surgeon who did the last two ops to do the third one. Don't believe 'third time lucky' is always right. Fred you must know red riding hood without reading it now, just memory. Good for the brains I suppose. Weather is changeable, when the sun comes out it is very hot and then when it goes down it is quite cold. Funny weather. I was at the hospital all morning and then this afternoon had to go to doctor's surgery to have my wound dressed. Well actually they think I can now safely go without any dressing as it has healed. I don't agree with them, but we will have to see how things go. Have started making my Xmas cards. Have you made your Xmas puddings yet Fred? Sylvia xxx


badger Report 8 Aug 2007 09:12

Morning sylvia,Christmas puddings already,you are old fashioned,you took no notice of the pudding recipie i put up last Christmas [slap your hand girl ]lol.I make mine the night before christmas[takes a couple of minutes] you then put the pud in the fridge overnight ,place in the mike for a couple of minutes as you finish your dinner ,and thats it ,just as tasty as the traditional ones ,cheaper ,quicker [lots] and no need to store after making taking up precious room in the kitchen for weeks,or months. Get with it lady ,and go with the flow hee hee. Liz even has a quick christmas cake recipie somewhere which she guards with her life ,but i will find it somehow [very evil chuckle] I have been out in the garden already feeding and watering all the veggies,trying to hurry them up a bit lol,they look very nice though ,and it's suprising what you can grow in such a small place with a little planning. Have to do a shoot now ,the wife wants the bank in the town ,but i'm told i can come back if i'm a good lad. Catch you later.Fred.


Brenda Report 8 Aug 2007 13:51

Afternoon everyone,just finishing my lunch break,so taking the last five mins to write this,weather far to nice to be working !!! Dorothy is coming over here Fred visiting her friend in Bury and hopefully we will be meeting,and taking some piccies !!. Hope you and Sylvias health problems get sorted, Speak to you tomorrow Take care Brenda


badger Report 9 Aug 2007 09:06

Morning all ,lovely here in Newcastle this morning . I have straightened up the kitchen which looked like a war zone after Lewis's birth day party yesterday,but i have a lovely photo of Lewis in his new Newcastle strip. This new oz and anzac Herald newspaper is the bees knees Bill ,i can catch up with the rugby and cricket fine now,i didn't realise these papers had all the different pages ,the same as the real ones,all topics from funnies ,to crime ,sport,and general stories. The family is off out to their other grans over in Howden this afternoon ,so i will be able to send a few well overdue emails to certain peeps who have been so patient because of my circumstances lol,but hopefully ,things will return to normal before too long. We are off to Dublin in three days ,the first time the missus has ever flown,and a long time since i have been up,the last being in a Shackelton MR 4 outbound from Gib' to Malta ,on search and rescue duties,i can remember thinking ,as the aircraft rolled down the runway,the saiid runway visible through the floor of the shac',it don't look very safe to me lol. Oh well ,aircraft have come a long way since then ,i hope . I will have to take the cam corder as well as the trusty sony digicam,some of the sights in Dublin have to be seen to be beleived. Have to go now ,the missus is due for her cuppa,but i will be back when it's nice and quiet.Fred.


Dorothy Report 9 Aug 2007 12:24

goodmorning everyone well the day has arrived off to the airport later, last night I had dinner with the son and his wife they had a letter from the oldest boy at camp they are all having a good time plus the camp had e-mailed some pictures of the three of them that is something new the camp is doing this year to families that are on line. the cases are packed the limo booked I don't think that I have forgotten anything the cats are not happy this am they don't like it when they see the cases. but the lady who is looking after them they seem to like. so I guess this is it for me till sept 12th unless ann'e computor is working and I can access mine I am looking foreward to meeting brenda, fred enjoy your flight and the rest of the summer sylvia I hope that you are on the mend soon bye for now dorothy


Brenda Report 9 Aug 2007 22:56

Hello everyone,would have been here agas ago but was putting some pictures on the pc from the camera ,as we went to a couple of 'dos' at weekend.Had a few problems and I am not sure why,will have to have a good look over the weekend.Then went tpo change the memory disc and dropped the one that was in the camera and can not find it,it went ubder the desk ,but its not there now!!! its a faily big size 256 mg disc so I must find it as it would cost alot to replace and its got photos on that I have not processed yet.. Bill great to see you again you still on the same email addy? Any idea where you might settle yet, Fred i think planes have changed a bit as well since the last time you went up!! Enjoy your trip. Hope Sylvia is ok. Brenda


badger Report 10 Aug 2007 08:36

Morning Brenda ,Dorothy and anyone else looking in,we had a relaxed afternoon yesterday,the bairns being through at their other nannas for another party tea,so Liz and i had a chance to chill out. The bairns bought a couple of these helium filled party ballons home with them ,so ,of course ,the kittens decided to investigate,pullling on teh ribbons to pull them down ,only to let go and start over again. Missy decided to show herself up again,grabbing the ribbon about two feet below the ballon and racing across the floor with it ,lol. The ballon was making bouncy noises as it hit the floor and furniture and Missy didn't like the noise, running even faster ,ears laid back trying to get away from the racket ,not having the sense to let go,she finished up running so fast that SHE started to bouce off the furniture before finally hiding under a chair and refusing to come out for half an hour. This morning i notice ,she is giving the ballons a wide berth lol,i was laughing so much she seemed to take the huff ,ignoring me for a full two hours. I have to find a couple of hard ,new toys and harder biscuits for their meals because both cats are shedding their baby teeth,sigh ,means i suppose that i will have to show a bit more respect for the sharp end now hee hee. Well,we are taking them to Leases Park today for a picnic ,taking some old bread for the ducks and geese and having a look at all the fish in the lake ,there are a few huge carp to be seen. Have to go and do the grub and fix up a couple of flasks of tea to take with us . See you all later.Fred..


Brenda Report 11 Aug 2007 16:07



badger Report 13 Aug 2007 19:18

Hi Brenda ,and anyone else that may look in . Liz and i are worn out ,but happy enough ,things arn't going to badly considering . We went to Sunderland yesterday,out for the day ,kids in tow ,for a picnic on the beach and a good three hours fishing thrown in lolo. I broke my duck by catching a mackeral ,which is now in the freezer,and caught a Japanese Mitten Crab,very unusual over here ,with the back legs shaped like flippers and red eyes ,and a lovely pattern on the carapace. Roll on the winter when the son and i can go after the codand halibut off the pier end. I have seen the odd sea bass caught her too ,one by the missus a few years ago ,but they are uncommon up in the north east,more usual in yorkshire and norfolk ,but good fun to hook as they are game little beggars and fight like the clappers when hooked.. Not lomng to the ireland trip now ,and then we will have the van on site at sandy bay for 7 weeks so ,lots of walks and rock pools to explore .for shrimps ,small fish ,and crabs to keep the bairns amused. Have to go now ,and get all the gardedn furniture tied down before the expected storm tonight and tomorrow morning. Take care all ,and watch the weather where you are.Fred.


syljo Report 13 Aug 2007 19:54

Hi all, Well there is not much more I can catch I think. I have had nasty lumbago and having physiotherapy for this plus 6 paracetamol with codeine tablets a day. Now I have a swollen face on one side and the swelling dropped into my neck the weekend. The doctor thinks that I have a stone in the gland somewhere. Sorry but cannot look up all the words to translate at the moment. On top of all this the wound on my leg sprang open again, so have to go back to the surgery again on Friday for doctor and nurse to have another look at it. Still trying to live with cystitis and Carpale tunnel syndrome. On Sunday an ex colleague of mine came for tea. She is a very nice hard working young girl, could be my daughter. We laughed and talked about old times in the office. She came on the bike so wouldn't stay for dinner because she would have to cycle through a lonely piece of land to get home and it would be dark. Next time she will come by car. Johan is suffering badly at the moment with arthritis in his arms and hands so cannot help me too much. We plan to have a week in England 29th September to 6th October in Kent. This is not so much driving from Kent. My eldest daughter and her partner are coming with us and we will be using their car. Fred, when you find the recipe of the Xmas cake, just send it this way please. Yes, of course I remember your recipe for microwave puddings. I have these recipes on the computer still. Well have one or two mails to send, have a nice evening. Sylvia xxx


Brenda Report 14 Aug 2007 16:55

Hi Folks,sorry i was missing yesterday,but wasn't well at all.infact i was in the A&E in the local hospital,with chest pains,It turned out not to be serious but they kept me overnight for tests ,which were fine.Very frightening at the time. Seems my tablet for blood presue is making my heartbeat too low.So I need to get it changed, I am at home now and have to rest till I get the new tablets. I need to reconsider a few things as well Glad you are enjoying it all Fred hope your health soon picks up Sylvie Dorothy will ring you shortly Brenda


syljo Report 14 Aug 2007 21:07

Hi all, Well Johan and I went to the wholesalers today and came back really knackered. Johan has a problem driving, lifting boxes etc. with his arthritic hands so we still have boxes of things lying around here. I have put away a lot of things but was too tired to do everything. My help, who always comes on Wednesdays around lunchtime, asked if she could come at 8.30 tomorrow morning so must try and make room for her to do some work. The sun was quite hot today but this evening we have had rain and thunder and the temperature has dropped enormously. Well must take some washing out of the drier and put some things away for tomorrow. It is now 10.00 pm so its now or never. Sylvia xxx


Brenda Report 15 Aug 2007 13:54

afternoon all,am still feeling tired and taking it easy,John and david are helping a lot.Mind you they do alot anyway with the hours i work, Sylvia,hope you are not overdoing things which is what i am told that i do ,but it is easy to say really.Anyway hope you are looking after youreselves,that goes for Johanne as well,. Going to try and print some pictures off now,then might have a lie down.Brenda


Brenda Report 15 Aug 2007 20:05

not much to add ,just keepimg us up a page or so.


Brenda Report 16 Aug 2007 10:28

Morning all,just had a shock reading Bren Mills thread,I knew Don was ill but didn't expect this message. Not feeling very good myself today but think thats due to not having my blood pressure tablets for a day or two, At the docs early tomorrow so will not be on til evening Brenda


Brenda Report 17 Aug 2007 00:39

had anaphis afternoon and now having trouble getting to sleep,so came to have a look at whay was going on.Just thought i would nudge us up a bitincase anyone is looking for us, brenda


badger Report 17 Aug 2007 08:07

Hi Brenda,sorry to hear that you arn't too good i hope you get your tablets sorted soon,as i know first hand how he wrong dose can knock you to hell. Sylvia ,the cAKE I AM ON ABOUT has a reduced level of ingredients in ,making it much quickee and easier to prepare,it is also designed to be mixed by machine ,most important for us oldieswho have no longer strong wrists lol. Can assure you that it tastes just fine ,and i prefer it ,being diabetic ,cause it's kinder to my system. As you can see ,still having a few problems with my left hand ,hopefully it will be sorted by the hospital when i get to see the docs. Must shoot off now ,taking the kids to the park for a while ,Fred.


Brenda Report 17 Aug 2007 19:17

Evening all,well been to the docs and he has put me on a new BP tablet ,and one for the stomach/hernia problem which is giving me so much pain.Have to go back in a month unless there are any bad side effects. Am now on a low fat diet as well due to the fact that my cholestrol is up as well.Not feeling any better at the minute but hope the tablets will kick in over the weekend. See you all somewhere along the weekend,hoping to phone dorothy at the friends over the weekend to arrange a meeting. brenda


syljo Report 17 Aug 2007 20:10

Hi all, Well hope you are feeling better Brenda. You must take it easy - easier said than done I know. Today I went to the hospital with Johan and watched them examine his intestines.Anyway the good news is that he has no polieps and no tumours, just a few internal haemorroids (spelling??). Don't know what they will do about these, but they are not so important. My daughter phoned me yesterday and said she had been in a car accident when on her way to work in the evening. A car with a young lad was in front of her and they were through one set of traffic lights and then at the second traffic lights, which were red, a car came speeding up and went into the back of Janet's car, knocking her foot off the brake so she hit the poor lad in front of her. Anyway she had to console this young boy - 22 years of age and almost the age of her own son. She thinks her car is total loss and herself not too bad, just headache and shock. I wish she didn't live so far away as i just cannot pop in to comfort her. So the weekend is upon us once again, hope the weather is ok. See you tomorrow. Sylvia xxx


syljo Report 18 Aug 2007 17:40

Not much to report today. Went to my hairdresser and had a perm instead of her coming to me. Well I don't want the smell of the permanent in my flat, do I? Lovely weather, dry and sunny. Have a nice evening. Sylvia xxx