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Friends and Neighbours Worldwide V2.

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syljo Report 28 Aug 2007 17:02



badger Report 28 Aug 2007 21:11

Hi Brenda ,Sylvia ,and anyone else who looksin.
We had a great day fishing ,and caught quite a few fish between us .
I caught a beutiful big plaice ,and a fair sized pollack which i bought home for tea,but as i bought the fish into the kitchen the kittens started,meeeeeow and then the head butts ,resulting in Fred loosing his tea ,and the perishing kittens getting the lot,half for tea ,and the rest today .
The son Martin caught two good sized mackerel ,and a huge lobster which went home for his tea,the mackeral is in the freezer for bait for winter fishing for the cod.
Stephen had seven fish ,all too small to keep,and just missed out on a huge edible crab which let go of the hook as it reached the pier rails ,cor ,the air turned blue ,and it wsn't because of the cold.
We then took the caravan up to sandy bay and managed to get a pitch overlooking the sea,and the daughter is thrilled to bits ,having a few days to unwind with the two kids before going back to work is just what she needs.
It will be nice when Liz and i go up ourselves too ,think of it ,open the curtains in the morning and the first thing you see is the sea ,beutiful.
The only downside of the fishing trip ,is that the hand now makes a fixed sapool reel ,unusable ,but fortunatly i havea multiplier with a level wind that is big nough for spinning ,and i can soon find one for the beachcasting,something like a slosh' or mag force reel with levelwind on it .
have to go peeps ,but i will be back tomorrow when we are not going anywhere.
We are laking Sean back Friday night and getting a room in an hotel overnight outside wycombe ,then i can take my time finding my grandads grave ,and then taking a turn round the old town before heading home.
See you tomorrow peeps ,take care.Fred.


Brenda Report 28 Aug 2007 23:34

Hi fred and Sylvia,I was on the pc earlier but as it has been really nice day we went out for a few hours,had a walk round the localmarket,which is not as good as it was,went to see a friend and a a brew ,admired her decking which has transformed her garden.I went in our garden but could not do much ,so had a little tidy up in the kitchen,had some visitors in the afternoon.which was good,
Hope its third time lucky sylvia i knew people in my last job who had the same problem some were better afterwards ,but one wasn;t and up to my leaving four years ago would not have it done again eventhough her other hand was going the same way !!
fred you sound like you had a great time .glad everyone was lucky in some way Enjoy your stay in High Wycombe and good luck finding the grave.
Have to go now my eyes are drooping.


Brenda Report 29 Aug 2007 13:31

another fine day here,have put a few bits of washing on the line,but have bedding in the washer now ,might have to put that in the dryer as it is a bit heavy for me to hang up at the minute.
Have photocopied some items for my neighbour as she wasn;t sure when our recycle days are.Each bin has adifferent day,she also wasn't sure what went in the bins or more like what doesn't.
Thought i would have a go at doing some proper house work today but within an hour I was sweating cobs and so red in the face ! I just sat down and had a drink
Going to make out some more index cards this afternoon,I did start doing that when i started my"tree",but did not continue.So I am now looking up things I looked up ages I don't have a proper record.
have a good day everyone,brenda


syljo Report 29 Aug 2007 15:04

Hi all,
Well ready for a sit down now as my household help and myself have cleaned the balcony, chasing away hundreds of spiders. They have over produced this year. It is nice to be able to look out of my window and see the sky without looking through a spider's web first.
We had lovely weather for this cleaning job, and I would have left some of it for next week, but then again it may be raining next Wednesday. My help only comes on Wednesdays.
Tomorrow we have to go into Amsterdam to the University hospital there. This time for Johan to see the specialist about an operation on his eyelid - drooping eye lid. It is a long time since I have been at this hospital. I used to go daily for therapy after my operation for womb cancer.
It is like a factory inside with post office, shops and restaurants.
Have a nice evening everybody.
Sylvia xxx


Brenda Report 29 Aug 2007 17:32

Hope your trip to the hospital goes ok Sylvia and they can help johanne.
tRied to do some housework today but had to keep some done but not all.Still i am getting there.
See you all soon.Brenda


Brenda Report 30 Aug 2007 16:26

well its been a wet and windy day here today,Rain has stopped now so have chanced getting some more bedding dried on the line.
went to a new tesco supermarket today ,its not near us really but we had a ride out to have a look. Was impressed,but it is to far for us to go weekly.
They are building a new Tesco down the road from us so might try there when it is opened.
John is cooking bangers and mash for tea with onion gravy,(all low fat or low cal)
Not surewhat I am doing tomorrow ,as my friend night be taking me out .See you soon ,Brenda


syljo Report 30 Aug 2007 17:07

Hi all,
Well we were up at crack of dawn today knowing that the taxi would be picking us up around 8.30 am. We had a mini bus pick us up and there were two other couples going into Amsterdam with us. We get this taxi paid for by our National Health Service, so they are entitled to put others in the taxi with us, and sometimes it is a mini bus and sometimes just a car. Of course if I take my scootmobile then we have to have a mini bus.
Well the doctor thoroughly examined Johan's eyelids and said he would do the left one first on a Monday, probably in October, and the other one, the more difficult one, on the Wednesday afterwards. The first one can be done with local anaesthetic, but the second one he will have full anaesthetic. They may keep him in for a night because of his age, diabetic, heart etc.
The doctor was Italian and spoke only a few words of Dutch, so it was fortunate that we could speak English! His boss was also Italian and he spoke more Dutch. I asked him the nationality of the third doctor there and he said Greek. Well, how international can we get?
We now have to wait to get this appointment by post.
There is usually an 18 month waiting list they said. Aren't we lucky?
Now, tomorrow, all being well I will go to the market. I hope the weather is as nice as it has been today, but at the end of the day it was looking a bit dark.
Have a nice evening everybody.
Sylvia xxx


syljo Report 31 Aug 2007 19:51

Thought I would nudge this thread up as my last notes were still in the "newest" column.
Sylvia xxx


Brenda Report 31 Aug 2007 22:45

Hello ,glad evrything went well for you and Johanne at the hospital Sylvia,and not long to wait to have it fixed.
Had rain here todayso did not get any washing done.
Went to the shopsand an errand myself today,but was very tired/weak when I got back and was due in work next week but unless I feel better doing things over the weekend ,I think I will be back at the doctors to see why I am so tired etc.
See you over the weekend ,Have a nice rip to the market.


John Report 2 Sep 2007 04:47

Hi one and all

I am still getting to grips with the change on GR have trouble finding messages.

My Mum has finally returned home and is doing well after getting a new knee. Our son, Craig came down for Father's Day, which in NZ is the first Sunday in September, he actually surprised me by his arrival on Friday evening. Gayle knew he was coming but keep it a secret - strangely she hates secrets and wasn't keen on me keeping one when he came down for Mother's Day. And so with Craig here we went went to Mum's on the Saturday afternoon and later saw by brother and his wife.
Today being Sunday the three of us went to the Sallies and the fathers were given pancakes and maple syrup as a breakfast treat during the service.
Later we treated ourselves out for lunch which was neat. Before Mum went home she also treated us to dinner at a restaurant and for the first time ever Gayle and I were allowed to choose something from the senior's menu which was originally for those 60+ but has been changed to 54+.
Craig drove back his Auckland home this afternoon and we may not see again until after Christmas as he may be spending it with his fiance's family.



Brenda Report 3 Sep 2007 01:02

Hi everyone,had a really quiete day even if it was Sunday ,will be busy tomorrow ,have the plasterers in to do the ceiling in the living room,and all the hall,stairs and landing .i will be out most of the day as my dad is due his check up at the hospital.
What a nice surprise for you John,glad you enjoyed it,Good to hear your mum is doing well also
Fancy having breakfast and lunch out as well,not even 60+ get reduced rates in many places over here never mind 54+.We are supposed to be going up on the moors between lancashire and Yorkshire one day soon to a pub restaraunt my friend went to ,she said both the food,and views are brilliant.
Need to get to bed now ,early day tomorrow,


syljo Report 3 Sep 2007 14:50

Well Brenda did you get to the doctors? Perhaps you are frightened of what he might say??????????
You are trying to do too much?
I think my tiredness is going over now and my physiotherapist told me I am more agile than I was a few weeks ago. Mind you I have to take paracetamol with codeine first thing in the morning after I wake up otherwise I cannot move for the pain. But when I get moving there is no stopping me!
The weather is not bad, just some high blustery winds and showers now and again, but it is bright.
Sylvia xxx


Brenda Report 3 Sep 2007 16:43

Hi everyone,I have been back to the doctors and he doesn't think I am tired because of the tablets,I need to build up my energy,get some fresh air taking walks. and moderate excerise.and what else....Oh yes loose weight .!!!
He did give me another two weeks of work to help me but after that ,I should be fine..
BPand heart beat are ok nothing said about this hernia and ulcer they went on about at the hospital or the viral thing either,just keep yaking the tablets.
Hope your phsyio continues to help Sylvia.Brenda


Brenda Report 4 Sep 2007 16:44

Alone again,will see who is here tomorrow,


badger Report 5 Sep 2007 17:30

Heeeeeelllo Brenda ,lol,relax my old buddy ,the cavelry is here hee hee.
Fred is back,refreshed ,a little from his journey to brize ,wycombe ,and Sandy bay ,and now has two days at home before going up the road to Berwick for the week,cor,it's a great life if you don't weaken .
We got into Wycombe in time to give me three hours to look for Grandads grave [baird] but despite calling my aunt [his daughter] who told me roughly where it was i couldn't find it,possibly because ,so many stones had fallen over ,or were so worn that they couldn't be read.
However ,it wasn't a total loss ,because as we came to the lodge at the entrance to priory avenue i glanced to my left .and there ,under a tree ,i saw the name barnes.
Closer inspection showed it to be the name and grave of my gt gt gt granddad [Ediwn barnes.son Joseph,and wife Ellen Bristow.
There is a story to be told here ,because my grandad edwin died twenty years before his wife,and then both Ellen and son died at the same time ,wether by flu ,disease or fire i know not ,but it will be interesting to find out over the winter
Sandy bay is a lovely site ,well run .clean and where we have parked the van ,it's right on the cliff top ,with a sea view from the end first thing i see in the morning [pun] is the water,and the sound of the surf at night is better than Milo or horlicks Mary[if you look in ]
The walks along the cliff tops are wonderful.and you can reach Newbiggen by the sea in half an hour slow stroll.
Newbiggen for those who don't know it is an old .mining/fishing townwith oooodles of character,and lots of old little shops that sell everything imaginable from fishing tackle to electrical goods ,food to sweets and horse bridles and tack,to post cards.
Liz and i spent two hours mooching round the shops ,buying little ,browsing a lot hee hee.
The beach is being reenovated ,and a new breakwater is in place ,a little behind time ,but nearl finished ,the two statues now in place looking out to sea
I also noticed at tthe south end of the beach ,on the rocks half a mile out to sea ,two survey vessels inspecting the rocky bedrock,so i wonder if this is the place the spoken of wind turbines are to be fittted.
We have two days now to get ready for our week in Berwick, and tomorrow morning i will be inspecting my fishing gear ready for the trip.
I did see two very nice fishing spots in nebiggen,one i reckon will be tops for the cod and whiting in winter ,and another for the mackeral and bass .
I did see a largish fish jump in the estuary as i turned away,either a bass ,or sea trout ,and maded suckh a large splash as it came up that it scared two gulls into flight ,sqawking as they took off.
Sandy bay is a place to go back to next year ,the van has been on site now for a week,and stays till the 30th of october,cost ,including hook up .and club passes, £100 not bad ehhhhhhh.?
Time to go peeps ,but i will be back in the morning ,take care all.Fred.


syljo Report 5 Sep 2007 17:58

Back again like the proverbial penny. My help, Anita, turned up today and said she didn't feel well. To cut a long story short she is in hospital now. Oh how I miss her. I got down to cleaning bathroom and toilet myself this afternoon and washing the kitchen floor. Enough is enough, tomorrow I am going out on my scootmobile.
Hope you are feeling better Brenda. We both need a nice relaxing holiday in the sun I think.
See you tomorrow as I am about to write some letters.
Syvia xxx


Brenda Report 5 Sep 2007 23:20

Hello Fred and Sylvia,had a funny day today with the men finishing the plastering ,then my friend called and said she was picking me up in a half hour to go to lunch ,I did as I was told ,but when we got back I felt really shatterd was going to have an early night but had a couple of bills to send cheques on ,but as we had everything all over the place I have only just found them.would haev had interest to pay if i hadn't got them in the post tomorrow.
Sorry that you did not find what you went looking for Fred,but like you said it wasn't a total loss.
What a shame about the help Sylvia hope she will be ok..I am hoping to meet Dorothy next week ,
See you tomorrow ,Brenda


Brenda Report 6 Sep 2007 15:33

well here we are again,alone again,naturaly,as the song goes,had my walk,manage d to hang some washing out ,now need the energy to iron it.!!
Have a nice day ,Brenda


badger Report 6 Sep 2007 16:48

Hi Brenda,not quite lol,i am having trouble with windows ,having lost half my programmes due to a virus which my son let through last night whilst loading music grrrrr.
I am now going in and out of windows like a fiddlers elbow,hee hee ,looks like i will spend the morning reloading the lot .
I have windows pro as an add in disc ,trouble is ,i need an earlier version of windows as the platform for loading.
My eldest son has windows 98 which i can borrow ,but he won't be over till the morning.
Until then ,i will be like the scarlet pimpernel,hee hee ,on line one minute ,off the next .
Have a great evening all .Fred,[the invisible ],almost lol.