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Friends and Neighbours Worldwide V2.

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syljo Report 16 Sep 2007 17:18

Hi all,
Nice to see a full house again, or at least more than just Brenda!
Today the weather has been really warm. Must have been me getting Johan's winter trousers out of the mothballs!
We went to visit Johan's sister whose birthday it was. I fell asleep in the car coming home. It takes 90 minutes to get there and 90 minutes back so I was tired and the weather was warm.
I met up again with some nieces and nephews and another new baby of 3 weeks. Time doesn't stand still.
Have a nice evening.
Sylvia xxx


Brenda Report 17 Sep 2007 01:58

Hi everyone,notwell agin folks have togo back toothe gp again tomorrow.Was vomiting likeno bodies business friday night and saturday,hadtp go to thr emgerancie doctors .
Have still a lot of pain but mananged to sit here for ten mins ,coinf back to bed now.
Take care brenda


Dorothy Report 17 Sep 2007 13:19

goodmorning sorry to hear that you are not feeling well brenda I hope that your visit to the doctors brings some answers as to what the problem is. I so enjoyed our visit and now that I can put a face to a name I hate to think that you are not well. sylvia glad you had a nice visit to your family you seem to be feeling better, nice to hear all the news from bill, fred must be away or still having problems with his computor, this week I am taking the car in for a new muffler the repairs were done while I was away but the accident did not involve the muffler and exhaust just general wear and tear with that, plus have to see the doc. for a blood req and ecg rec next week is the by yearly check up with the cardiologist I am fine but it does not hurt to be checked over, when I saw the grandchildren on friday the oldes (12) informed me he has joined the army cadets not sure how I feel about that, my son also has mixed feelings about it, along with school and hockey he is going to be a very busy young man. if my mom was alive she would be very proud as she was a army brat and it ran in her fathers family for several generations. well the weather looks like it is going to be fine warm in the day cool at night the leaves are starting to turn and the colours are wonderful bye for now dorothy


syljo Report 18 Sep 2007 18:28

Hi all,
How are you Brenda and what does the doctor say?
Nice to see Bill helping us to keep the thread going. I miss Jude on here with her tales of fat cat and the dog, forgotten his name already.
What about Fred, I wonder what he is doing now??????????
I overslept this morning, not surprising when I have been up at crack of dawn for two mornings after each other. Can't take that any more.
I didn't get round to a shower and dressing before 10.30, and kept hoping that nobody would come and visit me.
The weather has been dreadful all day. Never knew so much rain could fall in such a short time.
The leaves on the trees are all turning reddish colour which is a sure sign that summer is over and Autumn is here. Some predict a very cold winter, but don't know where they get this information from.
We have been having our central heating on every day. The gas and electric people have put up their prices because last year we were told to economise on gas and electric to help the environment. Forget it, now they've sold less and we pay more. I'm not going cold for no-one.
Now enjoy your evening and God forbidding will see you all tomorrow.
Sylvia xxx


Dorothy Report 18 Sep 2007 22:48

hi sylvia I also am hoping that brenda is feeling better, yes bill it is good to be home but my visit was really wonderful I suppose joining the cadets is a good thing I just was rather surprised that with all his other activities he would have the time, hockey and the games and practices take a lot of time in the week also they do get a lot of homework so we will see how he goes on with it. I have been busy to-day getting the car a new muffler and exhaust, and winterized they tell me it is now in good shape for the winter but here's hoping that is still a way away, it is hot during the day but drops at night. hope fred is having fun where ever he is bye for now dorothy

Leslie in Yarrawonga

Leslie in Yarrawonga Report 19 Sep 2007 05:10

Hi there Everyone, Leslie from Yarrawonga here.
thats in Oz. been on GR for a while, used to drop into the Australia NZ thread, so you are in NZ now Bill, Hi Brenda, hope your well soon.and your hand gets better Sylvia. Think I remember you Fred.
I Hope to see you all again soon.
Leslie in Yarrawonga

Bren from Oldham

Bren from Oldham Report 19 Sep 2007 08:48

Hi everyone
You don't all know me but i'm Bren from Oldham that Brenda sometimes mentions in her messages

I tried to contact Brenda yesterday and I left a message for her on the answer phone but I got no reply I will try again later today


Bren from Oldham

Bren from Oldham Report 19 Sep 2007 09:59

HI everyone

I have just spoken to John and Brenda is in hospital . she was admitted over the weekend
She is having various tests because they are not quite sure what is the matter with her
They think it might be her gallbladder that is causing all her problems
Will let you know if I find anything else out


Dorothy Report 19 Sep 2007 13:27

goodmorning so glad to hear an update re brenda thanks so much for the news bren, the gall bladder can send a lot of confusing symptoms when it is acting up hopefully they will find out soon what is wrong please pass on my best wishes when you next speak to john, bill I am not having any new adventures at the moment just getting back to normal routine. I shall be going to brampton on the week-end to hand over some of the shopping I did in england to one of my friends she wanted stuff for her granddaughter, not staing over nights as I usually do just a quick down and back about a 3hr drive in all. we do seem to have lost a lot of names from the sight like sylvia I really miss jude's comments but maybe some more expat's will find the site. of this morning to get the mirror replaced on the drivers side this is a last thing that needs to be done from the accident before I went away that slight accident the person backing into me has cause 1400 dollars damage to my car but they have had to pay to fix it, anyway the car is running well. so I better go and get ready have a great day all of you bye dorothy


syljo Report 19 Sep 2007 20:05

Hi all,
Well that is not such good news about Brenda, although reading "between the lines" Brenda hasn't been well for quite a while now and I do hope they find out what is wrong with her. She is in the best place anyway.
We must all now see that this thread - which she started - is kept running whilst she is away. Ok?
Nice to hear of your travels Dorothy, but "there's no place like home" is there?
I'm sure you're pleased to be back home again.
I don't think about England being my home any more, although I was born there and had the choice of settling in England or here in the Netherlands I have no regrets whatsoever. I do love to be able to go back now and again, but getting more difficult every year healthwise.
The weather has been quite kind to us again today with lovely warm sunshine.
I visited my trusty help in the house, Anita, today who is off work sick. Johan and I drank a cup of tea with her. We couldn't stay long as I had to be at the hospital to see the surgeon who operated on my bowels. I have to have an echo of my liver and give some more blood samples - pure routine work on post-operative investigations.
Tomorrow we have a pedicure at home and then I must do some paperwork. Yes, there is nobody else to do it.
Now, have a nice evening everybody. Sorry not to mention names but I am sure to forget one or two if I do so better not quote any at all I suppose.
Sylvia xxx


Tudor Report 20 Sep 2007 02:09

It does seem as though some of you do remember me - and, as I said to Sheila only this evening, and to Jude too a few days ago I've never forgotten anyone. Bill is right, I do still stay on the aviation scene; doubt if I'll ever leave it.

I do hear from Kathleen, Elisabeth, Max and others from the 'good old days'. It would be nice to think that those days might return, but I doubt it. GR, like most other sites that have a chat side, is not what it was. A great pity, but that's the way of life.

Anyone who does rermember me, and would like to get in touch, can always do it vis GR. Be nice to hear from you !

Leslie in Yarrawonga

Leslie in Yarrawonga Report 20 Sep 2007 08:23

Hi all. Bill thats ok, I noticed a few Aviation people around, and I started using Google Earth last year.
have you got the Location for that Spitfire on Google?. I flew Lincoln's from Tengah Airbase in Singapore, with 1B Sqn RAAF.
Im not in Yarrawonga anymore, too many mozzies from the Swamp, Im down in Wangaratta now. much nicer.
Leslie in Wangaratta.
I hope you are well.


Tudor Report 20 Sep 2007 11:48

Bill, the reason I changed my name is that the one I'm using now is my middle name. The family know me by it, not by William.

All the Spitfires used in Reach for the sky were late mark 16s, with the low back and bubble canopy. How many are left, now, I have no idea; the preservation movement didn't get going till the film Battle of Britain in 1969.

Leslie, we have only one Lincoln left in the UK - at the RAF Museum at Cosford, RF 398. Must have taken a fair amount of physical strength to fly one; at least we had powered controls on the aircraft I flew in the RAF.


badger Report 20 Sep 2007 12:02

Hi everybody ,and a good afternoon to all,exepting those in oz and new zealand who will be in the land of nod by now.
As peeps can see ,puter is up and running again,and ,we are back from sandy bay a day early owing to the missus pulling her side while coughing .
Have taken her to the docs already who has put her on a course of steroids ,and a stronger antibiotic'pain killers,so she will be fine in a couple of days.
We miss you on here Brenda,so hurry up and get better ,we need our anchor back lol,but i see that Bill has stepped into the void ,so get your bums back everybody,Brenda would not like her thread becoming waterlogged ,or forgotten alto gether.
We had a great time at sandy bay ,and will be going back monday next week for a few more days.
I have sorted out a few good fishing marks off the rocks and beach ,so the sons and i will be going up through the winter ,to try for the cod and pollack,whiting ,all nice grub.
off now to catch up on a few things ,but will be back later.Fred.

Bren from Oldham

Bren from Oldham Report 20 Sep 2007 12:52

Hi Everyone
I have just spoken to John again and the diagnosis of gallstones has been confirmed
Brenda is receiving treatment for her pain but she will most likely be discharged in the next couple of days and will be given an Out patiens appointment
We can't understand this unless there is a waiting list for this type of Op
So it could only be a few days before Brenda is back on the boards telling you all about it or there again it might be a little longer
At least this episode will have slowed her down a bit I'm always telling her that one day she will meet herself coming back



Dorothy Report 20 Sep 2007 13:29

goodmorning from barrie canada I have just read the news from bren re brenda I am glad that they have found out what is wrong even thought that is not very pleasent for brenda I am not sure I understand why she is being discharged without an op being done, even with pain control she is still liable to other gall bladder attacks, having had them and having had the op when I was 20 I know how confusing the symptoms can be. hopefull is there is a waiting list she will get tot he top off it qucikly, it was good to see so many messages on the site this morning , some people I am not familiar with but great to read the messages. bill the car is running well I gave it a good run yesterday after everything was finished I have an apt on monday for an undercoating (on the car) rust proofing etc. it helps with all the salt that is on our roads in the winter. I am off for some blood work after fasting for 14hrs but next to to the lab is a lovely cafe so I will treat myself to a good breakfast afterwards. I see the cardiologist next tues I only have to see him every 2yrs, it is 6 yrs since my heart attack and I have been great. the weather is beautiful sunny in the day and cool at nights it is sometimes call indian summer, it beats the snow that will be coming in the future, my sister called from calgary the other day they had been up to their getaway place in the rockies and she said there was snow on the mountain tops. well thats enough from me for to-day bye for now dorothy ps glad to see fred back again


syljo Report 20 Sep 2007 20:03

Hi all,
How nice to see such a lot of friends contributing to this thread again.
Brenda, we are keeping this going for you my dear so that when you feel fit you can come and tell us what is going on. In the meantime we all wish you a speedy recovery. God bless.
Sylvia xxx

Leslie in Yarrawonga

Leslie in Yarrawonga Report 21 Sep 2007 03:27

Im back again. Nice to see your getting better Brenda, I have a few relatives in Germany also Sylvia, near munsterlager and Celle.
lovely country up there but very cold in the winter. Tudor, I found the Licoln with w full bomb load was still easy to handle. we did have Hydraulic Autopilot, which made it handle like power steering. I was about the only female pilot to fly them in Australia.we were based at Darwin. but spent a lot of time at Tengah during the Indonesian Confrontation.
Were you ever out this way ?.

Hi Dorothy, in Wangaratta here we get -11c on winter mornings, but snow on the mountain range, and really good Skiing resorts, and of course dog sled races.
I did think of moving to Canada in 1971, to join the RCAF. but Australia hasnt been to bad for me.
see you all soon.
Leslie in Wangaratta

Margaret Ashburton NZ

Margaret Ashburton NZ Report 21 Sep 2007 04:36

Margaret From Ashburton NZ posting here first time Hope Bills Campervan trip over here is going well A lovely time of the year Spring with lots of blossom and flowers even if some days are still very cool

Bren from Oldham

Bren from Oldham Report 21 Sep 2007 07:06

Morning Everyone

I won't be able to bring you upto date with Brendas' progress today. I'm off out on a day trip to Chatsworth house in Derbyshire and I have to catch the coach at 8- 30 am
It's raining very heavily up here on the moors above Oldham I hope it will be finer in Derbyshire
Talk to you again soon
