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Friends and Neighbours Worldwide V2.

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badger Report 21 Sep 2007 12:02

Afternoon all ,Dorothy,sylvia,and all the old hands ,plus some new peeps.welcome all.
just came on to let you know that i am stillhere ,only busy putting in the last of my programmes,that i lost in the crash.
I have managed to downloada programme called angel ,whiuch is on a lot of new puters ,it meand that any trouble can be resolved by taking the puter back to default settings without losing most of the programmes on the drives.
I have had confirmation of the new puter too,that will be here tomorrow morning ,ready to put into the loft for the future.
See you latr peoples have a nice weekend everyone.Fred.


Dorothy Report 21 Sep 2007 14:14

goodmorning everyone I am sure that brenda will be pleased to see the thread is running well with some new friends ie margaret I enjoyed reding all the news this morning. leslie it sounds like australia has been good to you. my dad was in australia in the 1920's he had an uncle there who sold ford cars and daddy was sent out there by his mother she broke up his engagement to my mother quite the story but love won out in the end and he came back and they did get married . I still have his driving licences from that time rather fragile as he would have been 100 this year of course this morning I cannot remember the name of the town, a kind lady in australia has been trying to trace the late uncle's family and the owner of the business still running has been looking through old files some very nice people in this world, I hope that bren has a good day out, those days trips are great . wll I am off to the shops and to the pick up some books I had on hold another nice morning here the view from the balcony is great I can see for miles, still waiting for the two parcels that I mailed back from england I expect it will be another couple of weeks they cost a 100 pounds in postage but it was worth it I have almost forgotten what is in them so it will be like a birthday and christmas rolled into one when they arrive and i unpack them bye for now dorothy


syljo Report 21 Sep 2007 15:32

just an update will write later
Sylvia xxx

Margaret Ashburton NZ

Margaret Ashburton NZ Report 22 Sep 2007 06:15

Hi Bill Ashburton Shoppings okay and you can get most things here! but we do visit Timaru and Christchurch as we have family in both places And theres always an excuse to visit the shops just looking !! Pac and Sav in Timaru is cheaper than here so is always worth a look.Been busy out in garden today ! regards to all Margaret


badger Report 22 Sep 2007 07:57

Morning all,cor ,i nearly didn't make it,the puter making queer noises when turned on ,and refusing to boot up at first ,so i must make hay while the sun shines.
Be with you in a few minutes soon as i finish this missive,eeeeeer save me one of those illicit biccies mate ,i ain't supposed to eat them either lol.
Nice to hear that Brenda will be home shortly ,it will be great to have her back on with her family ,so to speak.
With the trouble i have had this morning ,there is a change of plan,this puter will be going into the loft when i have had a look at it to see what the problem is ,and the new one will be going online instead,i don't want to be offline for days at a time again.
The main trouble these last two weeks turned out to be ,the enginer who installed the lines 2 years ago ,laid them across the carpet gripper rods,and eventually wore through the insulation ,so that engineer will be getting his bum kicked off management ,that gaff costing them two weeks service loss which i refused to pay for.
I think the short may have caused a bit of damage though causing the trouble i have had this morning.
Gonna close now peeps ,and have a look around ,but i will be back as soon as i have the new puter linked up.Fred.


Tudor Report 22 Sep 2007 12:05


Most of my time out that way was in the early 60s, flying Hunter 9s on ground attack sorties in Aden. That was in support of Army patrols that had got themselves into a mess.

I did spend some time in Singapore at various times, on deployments. We often flew up to Butterworth to exercise with the Aussies there.

Re the Lincoln in the RAF museum, did you know that it's supposed to be haunted ?

Bill, the Venom was before my time, but many were built near where I used to live. That was by De Havillands at Broughton (they just make wings for the Airbus now). There are a few Venoms and Vampires on the airshow circuit now, most of them being ex-Swiss Air Force.

If Brenda reads this, or if anyone can pass on a message, get better soon.


Dorothy Report 22 Sep 2007 14:11

goodmorning one and all hope everyone is well and enjoying the week-end I have had a slight change of plans I am going shortly down to brampton to my friends with all the stuff I brought her back and staying over night, she was supposed to be going to a soccer match at the new stadium in toronto but her son and daughter in law have got very nasty colds and coughs as they never take a day off from and did so yesterday they must be feeling rotten so she called last night and I said ok I will be down. bill I have been doing the mills family tree and have got back to the 16 hundreds, but have lost track of my dad's uncle in australia as the years went by my father did not speak to much about him have some old phot'os of my dad during his time in australia. while I was in england I had luch with two ladies I grew up with though I had not seen them in 50 yrs, on previous visits we never seemed to hool up one of them her daughter and family have emigrated to new zealand and are enjoyin it very much. fred I am sorry that you are having so much trouble with your computor hopefully it will sort itself out soon for you. sylvia I hope that you are feeling well I wonder when brenda home I do have her phone number but will wait a few more days before calling her as I saw for those who have not met her in person she is truly a great lady well I must be off bye for now dorothy


Brenda Report 22 Sep 2007 16:13

Hello Everyone,.well i am out of hospital again and feel better just for that.
Having to take loads of antibiotics and painkillers,but am doing as I am told as i need to improve to have the gall bladder removed.(hopefully in 5/6 weeks.)
Need a MRI scan before hand to see where some rogue stones have travelled too.seems its these things that have been causing all the previous problems I have been having.
Not had chance to read ack too far yet ,but will do over the next day or so.
See you soon ,Bredna


BillinOz Report 22 Sep 2007 23:37

Musnt forget Sylvia, just taking you for granted.This thread would have crashed if you hadnt been here. where are you today ?
and you Leslie, thanks for your support. not too many Ozzies on here, they prefer to talk to themselves. dont give up now. I hope we get Peter back here, miss all the Photography he provided. as well as his Aviation input.and our Aviation Anchor lady Kathleen, not forgetting you Elisabeth.
see you later.
Bill in NZ


Kathleen Report 23 Sep 2007 01:34

Hello again,
Good to see you are home Brenda, do hope you get to have your op in time for you to feel well by Christmas.
Bill, I like the way you referred to your Fiji trip as "a brief sidetrip" - as I recall it was quite an eventful episode including an unscheduled swim!!
Sorry this is going to be another brief visit, still taking pain-killers but getting better now.
Take care

Margaret Ashburton NZ

Margaret Ashburton NZ Report 23 Sep 2007 02:31

Good afternoon all! well it is here anyway
Computer problems ! we all have them frustrating arent they I cant live without my internet connection !!
Back on line have just had to buy new ADSLmodem this morning and alls well with the world!! Hubby can breathe a sigh of relief for Now
A wet day Bill looks as if its going to spoil Boullevard Day tomorrow in Ashburton Day when retailers come out on to street and everyone comes to town Timaru folk come as its a holiday for them down there Reverses Show day in November when Ashburton head to Timaru Regards Margaret


BillinOz Report 23 Sep 2007 16:36

Where are you all? its 3am in NZ and I can still be here at this time of day,
Hi Margaret. the weather is expected to turn cold this morning, and even snow. hope your Ashburton holiday doesnt get rained out. I will just have another day in my Van with the heater on.
Kathleen, my side-trip was just that, in comparison to past adventures. However i am planning another adventure shortly, I wont be staying on the Internet this time. just disappear quietly.
Leslie, Thanks for joining me here, will continue to talk to you on e-mail.
made a few new friends in the last couple of weeks,
thanks for helping out.
Back later if there's any new messages.
Bill in NZ


syljo Report 23 Sep 2007 18:27

Hi all,
Nice to see a full house again. There are so many of us taking painkillers now. I know I cannot move in the morning until I have taken two tablets, but when I do move I move.
I asked Johan yesterday where our booking number was for our boat on Saturday, Calais - Dover. He didn't know, nor did he know where he had booked the boat. Help, help. He phoned P & O lines but they knew of no booking. I put my thinking cap on and I told him I think he phoned Direct Ferries. Anyway cannot do anything until tomorrow until the booking office is open. He paid for the tickets online with our Visa card. I had arranged everything else but so not to leave him out asked him to book the boat. I did get some more cards made today, but just think how many more I could have made if he had not made this mistake!
I hope the weather will be ok tomorrow as I have planned, with Johan, to go and get the car washed and then can clean the inside out too.
See you tomorrow.
Sylvia xxx


Dorothy Report 23 Sep 2007 20:50

good afternoon I am so glad that brenda is home and I can say that now I understand what was causing her other health problems so follow all the advice and ger built up and hopefully the surgery will be sooner than later. good to read the other messages bill thankyou for your offer of help with tracing relatives I do appreciate it, and for your e-mail address to-day is the first official day of the fall season and it is 80 degre's but mother nature is putting on a wonderful show of fall colours the res and oranges are wonderful as I was driving backk up the 400 highway the colours went on and on for miles, further up north from here it mus be magnificent, of out early to-morow for the car's undercoating and rust proofing it take 2 and a half hours so I will take a couple of books now to unpack and make something for tea and then see what is on the tele bye for now dorothy


Brenda Report 23 Sep 2007 21:14

evening all,sorrry this is short and sweet,but i am a bit tired tonight,haven't done anything so don't nderstand why i am .nevermind i am doing as I am told so should be getting better each day.

Margaret Ashburton NZ

Margaret Ashburton NZ Report 23 Sep 2007 22:06

Goodmorning All Up early or was it late Bill ? In time for Rugby match All blacks via Scotland No I wasnt up but did hear it on radio.
Not a nice day weatherwise but nevermind we will head up Street for a look
Hope Brenda feels better as each day passes


syljo Report 24 Sep 2007 15:12

Hi all,
Spent some more time today sorting out our boat tickets. We've now booked again, directly with P&O. How funny that they have quoted us another price than that quoted by Direkt Ferries. I have mailed our bank telling them of the mistake made and hope we are not paying double for the tickets now.
Went to the garage and had our car washed and polished today. We were going to do the inside but it was raining, so that Johan said "we're going home". He doesn't need much persuasion for not wanting to clean the inside of the car.
Nice to hear from you Brenda. It will be a good thing for you when the op is over and then you can start your real recovery.
Yes Dorothy I too was suspicious when Brenda kept telling us of her ailments and thought there was more to "just being tired". Keep well all, including Bill, we cannot do without you.
Sylvia xxx


Brenda Report 24 Sep 2007 16:31

Afternoon folks,its wet and windy here ,but as I don't have to go out and I am nice and cosy I am not bothrered what it does outside.
feel about the same today,but haven't done much,will be trying to do some normal things over the next day or two ,then i will know if I am on the mend.Still need a date for the scan,as they will not give me a date for the operation till thats been done.
Had some bad newsthis morning when my cousin phoned to say my auntie had died,it was expected but is still very sad.She was 84 and so very independent.
Hope everyone is well ,i will get round to speaking individually to everyone Brenda


Dorothy Report 24 Sep 2007 23:10

hi brenda now you just take it very easy sorry to hear the news about your aunt it is always sad when you lose a member of the family no matter what age, sylvia I am glad you have sorted out the boat tickets I hope that you have a great trip, I had the car undercoated this morning and then popped in to see my mechanic as there is a funny noise from time to time well it is the front shocks they need replacing more money out the window but they are the original shocks and the car is 14yrs old so I guess it is to be expected tehy can't do it till the undercoating is dry. well off to make my supper (tea0 scallops and a salad they had a good sale on scallops to-day so decided to treat my self bye for now dorothy


syljo Report 25 Sep 2007 16:49

Hi all,
Condolences Brenda on the loss of your aunt. Nice to see you up and about again.
I have so much to do so will keep this short.
Sylvia xxx